MaRin: The Architect of LoL’s Top Lane

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Navigating the treacherous waters of League of Legendstop lane can often feel like an uphill battle, especially when faced with opponents who carry a seemingly impenetrable shield of skill.

But don’t lose heart – we’ve put our noses to the grindstone and delved into the stratagems employed by MaRin, a titan in the realm whose innovative approach to top lane play has seen him soar to rank 1 in KR Challenger.

Our forthcoming article is brimming with insights gleaned from this maestro’s playbook that promise to give your own performances a significant leg-up, endowing you with that much-coveted advantage at last.

Prepare yourself for an enlightening journey through masterclass secrets that could very well turn the tides in your favour!

Key Takeaways

  • MaRin transformed the top lane in League of Legends with groundbreaking strategies, such as his Blitzcrank top lane play and mastery of champions like Maokai.
  • Throughout his illustrious career, MaRin not only secured a World Championship title in 2015 but also influenced the game’s meta and coached younger players to success.
  • His innovative approach continually challenged traditional gameplay, leading him to high rankings in KR Challenger and leaving a profound impact on professional LoL esports.
  • After transitioning from player to coach, MaRin continues to shape the future of League of Legends by sharing his expertise with up-and-coming talents in the scene.

Team History of MaRin

MaRin has had an impressive team history in the professional League of Legends scene, starting from his early days in Season 3 to his more recent stints with various teams, showcasing his skills and expertise in the top lane.

Season 3

In Season 3, we watched as MaRin began to shape the top lane into his own fortress. He honed his skills in solo queue, climbing to the top ranks and showing us that a challenger tier isn’t just about individual skill but also how well you can control your lane and roam to impact other parts of the map.

His expertise became apparent as he dissected enemy strategies with precision, setting up plays that would leave spectators in awe. It was this season where he established himself not just as a player but as an architect who constructs opportunities for victory within every square inch of the Rift.

We continued to track MaRin’s ascension through professional gaming during Season 3, ready for what came next: a new chapter of dominance in 2014.

2014 Season

In 2014, MaRin began to make his mark in the League of Legends competitive scene. He showcased his top lane prowess and strategic acumen, catching the attention of fans and fellow players alike.

During this season, he demonstrated his mastery of Maokai, a champion who became synonymous with MaRin’s dominance in the top lane. His exceptional performance with Maokai solidified him as a force to be reckoned with in professional gaming.

Moreover, 2014 saw MaRin’s innovative gaming strategies come to light as he developed the Blitzcrank top lane strategy – an unconventional approach that left opponents scrambling for countermeasures.

2015 Season

In 2015, MaRin made a significant impact in the League of Legends competitive scene. He showcased his top-notch skills and mastery of Maokai, elevating the champion to new heights.

With an impressive win rate on this unique pick, he solidified his reputation as a top-tier top laner. Additionally, during this season, he developed the Blitzcrank top lane strategy, surprising opponents and demonstrating his innovative gaming approach.

His exceptional performance with the newly released champion Bel’Veth further highlighted his adaptability and expertise in champion selection.

2016 Season

In the 2016 season, MaRin continued to showcase his dominance in the top lane with notable performances and plays. He displayed exceptional mastery of Maokai, a champion he was widely known for, leveraging its unique abilities to outmaneuver opponents.

Additionally, MaRin adapted quickly to changes in the meta, strategically utilising assassin buffs and developing new gaming strategies that kept him at the forefront of competitive play.

His pro league win rate remained impressive as he consistently demonstrated his expertise and influence on the game.

2017 Season

Transitioning from the impressive performances in the 2016 season, MaRin continued to exhibit his mastery in the top lane during the 2017 season. He maintained his Challenger rank and showcased remarkable top lane roams, constantly impacting the game beyond his immediate area.

Known for his strategic prowess, MaRin’s innovative approach to gaming strategy contributed significantly to shaping the competitive gaming meta. Furthermore, he continued to solidify his reputation as a world champion and retired player who left an enduring legacy in the esports community.

During this period, MaRin further demonstrated his exceptional skills as a professional gamer by developing new strategies and maintaining a high level of gameplay expertise that empowered him to influence League of Legends’ top-lane dynamics.

2018 Season

During the 2018 Season, MaRin showcased his exceptional skills and experience as a top laner. He continued to demonstrate remarkable plays and roams, solidifying his reputation as a formidable force in the League of Legends esports community.

Throughout this season, he displayed unparalleled mastery of unique picks like Maokai, contributing to his lasting impact on the top lane meta. Moreover, MaRin’s win rate with new champion Bel’Veth further underscored his adaptability and innovative strategies that influenced professional gamers worldwide.

As part of T1 during the 2018 Season, MaRin’s performance continued to captivate fans and players alike. His achievements during this time cemented his status as one of the architects of LoL’s top lane and left an indelible mark on the esports competition scene.

2019 Season

During the 2019 season, MaRin’s expertise shone as he continued to make an impact in the League of Legends esports scene. His strategic prowess and top lane plays were evident as he mentored younger players to excel in their roles.

Additionally, his extensive knowledge of the game contributed significantly to TopSports Gaming’s success during this season.

MaRin’s dedication and skill as a coach was demonstrated through his meticulous approach to developing new strategies for the top lane. His influence extended beyond gameplay, leaving a lasting legacy that continues to shape the competitive landscape of League of Legends today.

MaRin’s Impact on the Top Lane

MaRin made a significant impact in the top lane with his exceptional plays, unique picks like Maokai and Blitzcrank, and his impressive win rate with new champions such as Bel’Veth.

Discover how he shaped the top lane meta by reading more about his legacy in the esports community.

Known for his plays and roams

Renowned for his expert manoeuvres and strategic movements in the top lane, MaRin has consistently showcased exceptional skill and agility during gameplay. His ability to execute impactful plays and roam around the map effectively has solidified his reputation as a top-tier player.

With a history of reaching high rankings in KR Challenger on multiple accounts, MaRin’s proficiency in creating game-changing moments through his plays and roams is unparalleled.

Recognised for his mastery of the top lane, MaRin’s unique approach to roaming has set new standards within the League of Legends community. His innovative strategies have left a lasting impression, earning him respect from fans and fellow players alike.

Unique pick: Maokai

MaRin’s mastery of the top lane was showcased through his unique pick: Maokai. This unorthodox choice surprised fans and opponents alike, as he demonstrated its potential as a force to be reckoned with in the professional gaming scene.

His innovative strategies and exceptional skills amplified the champion’s capabilities to disrupt enemy line-ups while providing solid crowd control for his team.

With his precise execution and understanding of Maokai’s mechanics, MaRin consistently proved that unconventional picks could compete at the highest level of play. His ability to adapt and thrive with such a distinctive selection solidified his status as an influential figure in League of Legends esports history.

Developed Blitzcrank top lane strategy

MaRin revolutionised the top lane by developing his innovative Blitzcrank strategy. This unorthodox pick surprised opponents and provided a new dynamic to the game. His creative use of Blitzcrank’s abilities caught many adversaries off guard, allowing him to capitalise on unexpected opportunities.

MaRin’s strategic approach not only showcased his versatility but also demonstrated his deep understanding of the game mechanics.

His Blitzcrank top lane strategy contributed to reshaping the meta and inspired other players to think outside conventional strategies. The impact of this manoeuvre is still felt in today’s League of Legends community, emphasising MaRin’s lasting influence on how top laners approach gameplay.

Win rate with new champion, Bel’Veth

Transitioning from his innovative Blitzcrank top lane strategy, MaRin also showcased his prowess with the new champion, Bel’Veth. With his deep understanding of gameplay mechanics and strategic positioning, MaRin quickly adapted to the unique abilities of Bel’Veth.

His exceptional win rate with this new champion solidified not only his individual skill but also highlighted his ability to elevate unconventional picks to a competitive level. Passionate and novice gamers alike were intrigued by MaRin’s mastery of Bel’Veth, witnessing firsthand how he reshaped the meta through experimentation and success.

MaRin’s Legacy in the Esports Community

MaRin’s legacy in the esports community extends beyond his achievements as a player, with his mentorship to younger players and impact on the top lane meta. His transition to coaching further solidified his influence on the competitive scene.

Achievements as a player

Mentorship to younger players

MaRin has been instrumental in mentoring younger players, passing on his wealth of experience and knowledge to the next generation of League of Legends professionals. He provides valuable insights into top lane strategies and shares his mastery of champions like Maokai, inspiring new talents to innovate and excel.

His guidance has left an indelible mark on emerging players, shaping their understanding of the game and instilling a passion for continuous improvement.

As a mentor, MaRin’s impact extends beyond individual skill development; he also imparts essential values such as sportsmanship and resilience to young gamers. Through his mentorship, he nurtures a culture of respect and camaraderie within the esports community, emphasising the importance of teamwork both in-game and out.

Impact on the top lane meta

MaRin’s influence on the top lane meta in League of Legends has been profound. His innovative strategies and champion picks have shaped the way top laners approach the game. With his mastery of unique picks like Maokai and his development of off-meta strategies such as Blitzcrank top lane, he has left a lasting impact on how the top lane is played.

Additionally, MaRin’s recent success with the new champion Bel’Veth has further solidified his reputation as an architect of LoL’s top lane.

His influence continues to be felt even after retirement, making him a benchmark for aspiring top laners looking to leave their mark on League of Legends esports history.

Retiring and transitioning to coaching

After retiring as a player, MaRin transitioned into coaching and joined Team Liquid as the LCS head coach. Drawing from his extensive experience and mastery of the top lane, he brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to guide aspiring players.

His expertise in understanding game strategies and champion dynamics continues to influence aspiring gamers at all levels. By making this shift, MaRin has demonstrated his commitment to nurturing future talents in the League of Legends esports community.

With his meticulous approach to training and mentorship, MaRin is dedicated to shaping young talent while also seeking opportunities for personal growth within the coaching role. As he takes on this new chapter in his career, fans eagerly anticipate witnessing how his impact will continue through guiding emerging players towards success in professional gaming.

Controversies and Legal Interventions

During MaRin’s career, he faced controversies and legal interventions, including his departure from Team Liquid and the legal team’s intervention in Faker’s MSI loss. These incidents shed light on the complexities of professional gaming and the impact it can have on players’ careers.

Faker’s MSI loss and T1’s legal team’s intervention

During Faker’s loss at MSI, T1’s legal team intervened to address the situation. This intervention sparked a heated debate in the esports community and shed light on the complexities of competitive gaming at the highest level.

The incident also underscored the critical role that legal teams play in safeguarding players’ interests and ensuring fair play within the industry.

As passionate gamers, understanding these interventions is crucial for comprehending the multifaceted nature of professional gaming. It highlights how legal teams are integral to protecting players and maintaining ethical standards within esports.

Shutting down a malicious forum against Faker

T1’s legal team took action to shut down a malicious forum against Faker, MaRin’s former teammate. The forum was spreading false information and targeted harassment towards Faker, tarnishing his reputation.

T1’s intervention successfully put a stop to the harmful activities of the forum, demonstrating their commitment to protecting their players from online abuse.

The legal team’s swift response not only safeguarded Faker but also set a precedent for combating cyberbullying in the esports community. This incident highlighted the importance of proactive measures to address online harassment and uphold ethical standards within professional gaming.

Controversial departure from Team Liquid

MaRin’s time with Team Liquid came to an unexpected end, which sparked controversy within the esports community. The departure from the team was surrounded by speculations and raised eyebrows among fans and industry insiders alike.

The circumstances of his exit from Team Liquid remain a topic of debate, leaving many wondering about the details behind this surprising turn of events.

Amidst this controversial departure, MaRin’s loyal fanbase continues to support him as he embarks on new ventures in his career post-Team Liquid.


In conclusion, MaRin’s impact on the top lane meta of League of Legends is undeniable. His innovative plays and unique strategies have left a lasting legacy in the esports community.

As a retired player turned coach, his mentorship continues to inspire younger talents in the gaming world. The controversies surrounding him further highlight his influence and significance in the industry.

With a career that solidified his reputation as the architect of LoL’s top lane, MaRin remains an enduring figure in professional gaming history.


1. Who is MaRin in the League of Legends world?

MaRin is known as a retired esports player who earned fame for his top lane expertise and impressive Maokai mastery in the game League of Legends.

2. Why do they call MaRin ‘The Architect of LoL’s Top Lane’?

They call Marin ‘The Architect of LoL’s Top Lane’ because he strategically outmaneuvers opponents with his deep understanding and skillful play, setting up victories just like an architect designs buildings.

3. What made MaRin’s gameplay stand out in professional matches?

MaRin’s gameplay stood out because he consistently created advantages with smart decisions and effective use of characters like Maokai, making him one of the most admired players in his role.

4. Did MaRin retire while playing for Team Liquid?

No, when Marin decided to retire from being a professional esports player, it wasn’t during his time at Team Liquid; he had parted ways with them before announcing his retirement.

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