Blaber: Redefining Jungling in North American LoL

Updated On: July 06, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Navigating the intricate jungle role in League of Legends is quite the feat, one that can genuinely transform your gaming prowess. It’s a challenge we’ve all wrestled with at some point, whatever level we’re playing at.

Delve into Blaber’s remarkable journey and uncover the essence of becoming an ace jungler. Our blog delves deep, sharing a trove of tactics straight from Blaber’s own tactical compendium that promise to lift your play several notches.

His bold approach and cutting-edge strategies are dissected for you to take on board. Keen to reign supreme as master of the jungle? Stay tuned for tips from an MVP that will cast a new light on your game!

Key Takeaways

  • Blaber has revolutionised the role of a jungler in North American League of Legends, bringing aggressive strategies and risk-taking to his gameplay.
  • With multiple MVP awards and All-Pro team recognitions, Blaber has confirmed his status as a top-tier jungler globally.
  • His unique approach includes bold moves such as daring ganks and invades which disrupt opponents and provide advantages for his team.
  • Beyond gaming, Blaber has broadened his reach by featuring in a music video, showing esports players can impact popular culture too.
  • He prepares extensively for international competitions, analysing global playstyles, staying updated with game changes, and maintaining fitness to represent North America effectively.

The Rise of Blaber

Blaber has had an impressive rise in the North American League of Legends scene, starting his career with Cloud9 and quickly making a name for himself with his exceptional skills. He has earned numerous individual awards and accomplishments, solidifying his reputation as one of the top junglers in the region.

The Rise of Blaber

Team history with Cloud9

Since joining Cloud9, we’ve witnessed Blaber’s ascension through the ranks, becoming an essential cog in their League of Legends machinery. His unique approach to jungling has shaken up the North American scene and brought a new level of strategy to the role.

Together with Cloud9, he has racked up a string of domestic titles that not only shine a light on his skill but also underscore his importance to the team. They have carved out a reputation as formidable contenders in both national and international tournaments.

Blaber’s impact at Cloud9 stretches beyond individual accolades; it’s about how he reinvented what it means to play as a jungler in competitive LoL. His aggressive playstyle and readiness for risk-taking have infused life into many of their matches, ensuring they are not just participants but serious challengers at high-stakes competitions.

Our journey together continues with each game offering fresh evidence of why this powerhouse partnership is one for the esports history books.

Individual awards and accomplishments

  1. He received MVP awards for his outstanding performance in the jungle role, showcasing his exceptional skills and strategic gameplay.
  2. Blaber has been consistently recognised as part of the All-Pro team, solidifying his reputation as a top-tier jungler in North American League of Legends.
  3. His willingness to take risks and his aggressive jungle approach have earned him acclaim within the esports community, further cementing his status as a formidable force in professional gaming.
  4. Blaber’s redefinition of the jungling role in League of Legends has led to widespread acknowledgement and respect from fellow players, enthusiasts, and experts alike.

The Impact of Competition on Blaber’s Career

Blaber’s career has been greatly influenced by his success in the competitive scene, earning multiple MVP awards and All-Pro team recognitions. This recognition has solidified his status as an elite jungler and propelled him to international stardom.

The Impact of Competition on Blaber’s Career

MVP awards

Blaber has earned multiple MVP awards throughout his career, showcasing his exceptional skills and impact on the game. His ability to make crucial plays and lead his team to victory has not gone unnoticed by the community and his peers. These awards serve as a testament to his dominance in the jungle role and solidify his position as one of the top players in North American League of Legends.

  1. Blaber’s MVP awards are a reflection of his consistent performance and game – changing contributions during matches.
  2. His strategic decision – making, effective ganking, and objective control have been pivotal in securing victories for Cloud9.
  3. The recognition through MVP awards highlights how Blaber’s aggressive playstyle and risk-taking tendencies have paid off, making him a force to be reckoned with in the jungle.
  4. His ability to outmaneuver opponents, secure objectives, and create opportunities for his team has set him apart as a standout player in the League of Legends scene.
  5. Blaber’s dedication to refining his skills and adapting to different challenges has been key in earning these prestigious accolades.

All-Pro team recognitions

After earning multiple MVP awards, Blaber also gained All-Pro team recognitions. His exceptional performance and strategic gameplay led to his inclusion in the North American League of Legends professional teams. These recognitions solidified his reputation as one of the top junglers in the region while showcasing his ability to adapt and excel in different game situations.

  1. Blaber’s consistency and impact were acknowledged with All – Pro team recognitions, demonstrating his unwavering dedication to the game.
  2. His strategic prowess and risk-taking approach stood out as key factors that contributed to his All-Pro team recognitions, setting him apart from other players.
  3. As an esports player, Blaber showcased impressive skills that earned him a spot among the elite players in the competitive gaming community.
  4. The recognition also highlighted his ability to lead his team from the jungle position, making significant contributions to Cloud9’s success throughout competitions.
  5. Blaber’s inclusion in the All – Pro teams further reinforced his standing as a dominant force in North American League of Legends, inspiring aspiring gamers to follow in his footsteps.
  6. His impact on Cloud9’s performance was undeniable, making him an influential figure in redefining the role of jungling in esports and leaving a lasting legacy for future generations of gamers.
  7. The recognition placed him alongside some of the most accomplished players, solidifying his position as one of the top talents within the competitive gaming scene.
  8. Blaber’s presence on multiple All-Pro teams underscored his consistent high-level performance and underscored why he is revered by both fans and peers alike.
  9. His inclusion in these prestigious teams showcased not only individual excellence but also the powerful impact he had on shaping Cloud9 into a formidable force within professional gaming circles.

Blaber’s Playstyle

Blaber is known for his aggressive approach to jungling, always looking for opportunities to make game-changing plays. His willingness to take risks sets him apart from other junglers in the North American League of Legends scene.

Blaber’s Playstyle

Aggressive jungle approach

Blaber displays an aggressive jungle approach, constantly seeking opportunities to dominate and secure advantages for his team. His strategic playstyle involves making bold moves, such as daring ganks and invades, to disrupt the enemy’s stability and create openings for his team.

Blaber’s willingness to take risks often pays off, catching opponents off-guard and putting them on the defensive. This relentless aggression in the jungle has set him apart as a formidable force in North American League of Legends.

His risk-taking nature sets him apart from other players, allowing him to maintain constant pressure on the map while keeping his adversaries guessing about his next move. Blaber leverages this dynamic playstyle to gain control over objectives and dictate the pace of matches, consistently proving himself as one of the most dominant junglers in competitive gaming.

Willingness to take risks

Transitioning from an aggressive jungle approach, Blaber’s willingness to take risks sets him apart as a dynamic player in the League of Legends scene. Known for his bold and daring plays, Blaber fearlessly ventures into high-stakes situations, making split-second decisions that can turn the tide of a game.

His calculated risk-taking has not only kept opponents on edge but also led to numerous clutch moments and game-changing victories. Embracing uncertainty with confidence, he showcases unparalleled courage and adaptability in every match.

Championing an audacious playstyle, Blaber’s eagerness to push boundaries and test limits distinguishes him as a trailblazer in the esports world. The way he fearlessly approaches challenges reflects his unwavering resolve to elevate his team’s performance through calculated gambles and strategic manoeuvres.

Blaber’s Journey to Worlds 2021

Blaber made an appearance in a popular music video and has been gearing up for the upcoming international competition at Worlds 2021. His preparation and dedication to representing North America on the global stage are sure to make an impact.

Appearance in music video

Featuring in a music video, Blaber showcased his multifaceted talent as a League of Legends player. His appearance in the video not only affirmed his status as a prominent figure in the gaming community but also demonstrated his ability to transcend traditional esports boundaries.

This exposure allowed him to connect with a wider audience and further solidified his influence beyond the realms of competitive gaming. By participating in such creative ventures, Blaber has shown that esports professionals can engage with popular culture while maintaining their core identity as dedicated gamers.

The decision to be part of a music video reflects Blaber’s dynamic approach to life both inside and outside the gaming arena. It illustrates his willingness to explore new avenues for self-expression and expand his influence beyond competitive gaming circles.

Preparation for international competition

  1. Blaber studies the playstyles and strategies of other top junglers from around the world, learning their tendencies and adapting his own gameplay to counter them.
  2. He spends countless hours analysing different team compositions and meta shifts, ensuring that he is well-versed in the ever-changing landscape of competitive play at an international level.
  3. Blaber works closely with his teammates to refine their synergy, communication, and understanding of each other’s strengths and weaknesses to create a cohesive unit that can take on any international challenge.
  4. He focuses on maintaining peak physical fitness by following a strict exercise routine and healthy diet, knowing the importance of physical well-being in sustaining long gaming sessions during intense tournament schedules.
  5. In addition to sharpening his individual skills, Blaber remains committed to staying updated with patches, balance changes, and new additions to the game to ensure he is always at the forefront of innovation in his role as a jungler.


Blaber’s impact on the North American League of Legends scene has been momentous. His aggressive playstyle and willingness to take risks have redefined the jungling role. Blaber’s dedication and skill have set him apart as one of the top junglers in the competitive gaming community, continuously pushing boundaries and setting new standards.

As we look ahead, it’s clear that Blaber will continue to be a force to be reckoned with, reshaping the future of jungling in North American LoL.


1. Who is Blaber in League of Legends (LoL)?

Blaber is a talented player known for his unique and bold approach to jungling in the North American League of Legends scene.

2. What makes Blaber stand out in North American LoL?

What sets Blaber apart are his risk-taking strategies and dynamic playstyle, which have markedly changed how jungling is played in the LCS.

3. How did Blaber begin his journey in professional LoL?

Blaber made his presence known with an impressive LCS debut, quickly becoming recognised for his skills on the digital battlefield.

4. Has Blaber received any accolades for his gameplay in LoL?

Yes, indeed! The skilled jungler has earned the prestigious All-Pro title, showcasing him as one of North America’s top players.

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