Ruler: LoL’s Bot Lane Marksman Extraordinaire

Updated On: July 08, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Navigating the choppy waters of League of Legends’ bot lane can sometimes feel like an uphill battle, and trust us, you’re not alone in feeling slightly adrift. It’s a sentiment we’ve experienced ourselves.

Yet, our eyes were opened after observing Ruler — the standout MVP from the 2017 Season World Championship — and his masterful gameplay. Our upcoming piece delves deep into his tactics for conquering the game as a sharpshooting marksman.

The insights we’ve gathered could well be your secret weapon to turning those clashes in your favour. Prepare to peel back the curtain on bot lane mastery with our detailed exploration!

Key Takeaways

  • Ruler, real name Park Jae – hyuk, earned the title of MVP at the 2017 Season World Championship because of his exceptional skill as a Marksman in bot lane.
  • As an LCK player for Gen.G, he has influenced the League of Legends meta by demonstrating the strength and potential of Marksman characters even when they were considered vulnerable.
  • His gameplay emphasises strategic positioning, efficient farming, and roaming strategies that contribute significantly to his team’s success on Summoner’s Rift.
  • Apart from dominating as a Marksman in bot lane, Ruler is also adept with different playstyles such as duo top with support or two solo lanes with a jungler—showcasing his versatility.
  • Collecting chimes as Bard is highlighted as vital for maximising impact in the game due to increased mana, experience gain, movement speed boost and enhanced Meeps.

Meet Ruler: Gen. G’s Bot Lane Marksman

Ruler is a dominant player in the LCK and was named the 2017 Season World Championship MVP. His impressive skill in the bot lane has had a significant influence on the League of Legends meta, making him a force to be reckoned with.

Meet Ruler: Gen. G’s Bot Lane Marksman

2017 Season World Championship MVP

In the 2017 Season World Championship, we saw a star take centre stage and truly shine. Park Jae-hyuk, better known as Ruler in the esports world, claimed the MVP title with his unmatched prowess in the bot lane.

His skillful command of Marksman characters captivated audiences and left competitors in awe. While Marksmen were considered vulnerable during that meta, Ruler’s gameplay turned this notion on its head.

Demonstrating strategic finesse and mechanical mastery throughout the tournament, he led his team to victory after victory. Securing high-impact kills while manoeuvring through perilous team fights showcased Ruler’s extraordinary abilities as an ADC Attack Damage Carry player; his performances laid down a marker for other aspiring players around the globe to aim for, embodying what it means to excel under pressure at such prestigious esports events.

Ruler’s Recent Achievements (2023-2024)

LCK Performance
Discuss Ruler’s performance in the most recent LCK splits, including statistics on his KDA, CS per minute, and damage share. Highlight any standout matches or series where he played a crucial role.International Tournament Results
Analyze Ruler’s performance in recent international events such as the World Championship or Mid-Season Invitational. Include any notable achievements or memorable plays.

Adaptation to Current League of Legends Meta

Champion Pool Evolution
Examine how Ruler has adapted his champion pool to recent meta shifts. Discuss any new picks he has mastered or innovative strategies he has employed in the bot lane.Synergy with Support
Analyze Ruler’s synergy with his current support player, highlighting how their partnership has evolved and impacted Gen.G’s bottom lane dominance.

Ruler’s Impact on Gen.G’s Success

Shot-calling and Leadership
Discuss Ruler’s role in team communication and decision-making, particularly in late-game scenarios where ADCs often have a significant impact.Carry Potential
Highlight games where Ruler’s performance was instrumental in securing victories for Gen.G, showcasing his ability to carry even in high-pressure situations.

Dominant player in the LCK

Ruler, also known as Park Jae-hyuk, has showcased extraordinary dominance as a bot laner in the LCK. His exceptional skill set and strategic gameplay have solidified his reputation as one of the most formidable players in the League of Legends community.

Despite being known for their vulnerability, Ruler’s adept use of Marksman characters has set him apart from other players in the current League of Legends meta. His ability to consistently perform at such a high level has made him a sought-after figure in esports.

Ruler’s competitive career speaks volumes about his prowess within the LCK. With notable achievements such as winning the 2017 Season World Championship MVP and becoming an integral part of Gen.G, his impact on professional gaming cannot be overstated.

Ruler’s Influence on the League of Legends Meta

Ruler’s impressive skills in the bot lane have had a significant impact on the League of Legends meta, especially in his dominance as a marksman character. The influence of his gameplay has not only shaped the bot lane strategies but also emphasised the importance of marksman champions in competitive play.

Ruler’s Influence on the League of Legends Meta

His impressive skill in the bot lane

Ruler’s remarkable ability in the bot lane sets him apart as a top-tier player, showcasing unparalleled precision and strategic gameplay. Mastering the art of positioning and timing, he maximises his impact with Marksman characters, evading enemy attacks while dealing devastating blows.

His exceptional proficiency allows him to navigate through challenges seamlessly, earning him a reputation as an extraordinary force within the League of Legends community.

With his innate expertise in farming and engaging opponents with precision, Ruler’s finesse on the bot lane has made a considerable impact on the game’s competitive landscape. This makes him an influential figure not only for aspiring players but also for seasoned professionals looking to elevate their skills.

The impact of Marksman characters

From his impressive skill in the bot lane, Ruler has made a significant impact on Marksman characters in League of Legends. These ranged attackers are vital for sieging objectives and dealing consistent damage during team fights.

Through his gameplay, Ruler has showcased the potential of Marksman characters despite their vulnerability. His ability to position himself effectively and output high levels of sustained damage has redefined the role within the current meta.

As a result, other players have looked to emulate his success with these champions, reshaping how they are perceived and utilised in professional matches.

Marksman characters are often seen as high-risk picks due to their fragility in comparison to other roles like tanks or bruisers. However, Ruler’s exceptional performance has challenged this notion, highlighting the value and impact that skilled Marksman players can bring to their teams.

What It’s Like to Be the Defending Champions

As the defending champions, Ruler understands the pressure of consistently performing at a high level and representing his team on the global stage. The expectations are high, but Ruler is determined to maintain his dominance in the bot lane.

What It’s Like to Be the Defending Champions

Ruler’s thoughts on consistently performing at a high level

Ruler consistently performs at a high level by staying disciplined in his practice routine, constantly fine-tuning his skills, and adapting to changes in the game. His unwavering commitment to improvement sets him apart as he acknowledges the pressure of being a defending champion but uses it as motivation to always strive for excellence.

Ruler’s ability to maintain focus and composure during crucial moments demonstrates his mental fortitude, allowing him to deliver outstanding performances consistently.

Driven by the desire for continuous growth and success, Ruler leverages his experience and expertise to overcome challenges and remain at the forefront of competitive play. He remains steadfast in honing his craft, recognising that consistency is key to achieving sustained success in the ever-evolving world of professional esports.

The pressure of being a defending champion

Transitioning from Ruler’s thoughts on consistently performing at a high level, we dive into the pressure of being a defending champion. As an esports player with extensive experience in the League of Legends community, Ruler is well aware of the weight that comes with defending a championship title.

The expectations and scrutiny from fans, analysts, and opponents can be overwhelming. For Ruler, maintaining top form and delivering consistent performances becomes crucial to uphold his team’s reputation as defending champions.

This added pressure motivates him to continuously hone his skills and adapt to evolving meta trends, ensuring that he remains at the forefront of competitive play.

Ruler’s Champion Tier List and Playstyle

Ruler has a unique playstyle and champion tier list, with a preference for duo top with a support or two solo lanes with a jungler. A notable choice is Nasus Top S7, the stacking monstrosity, which showcases Ruler’s versatility as a player.

Duo top with a support

Ruler excels when duoing top with a support, leveraging the synergy between these two roles to dominate the bot lane. When coordinating with a support player, Ruler focuses on efficient communication and precise execution to secure objectives and outmanoeuvre opponents.

By synchronising their movements and abilities, they create opportunities for strategic plays that can turn the tide of battles in their favour. This dynamic partnership allows Ruler to maximise his impact as a Marksman by delivering consistent damage while receiving crucial protection from his support ally.

The collaboration between Ruler and his support not only strengthens their lane presence but also influences team dynamics throughout the match. They adjust strategies based on evolving game conditions, adapting their playstyle to address priority targets or counter enemy threats effectively.

Two solo lanes with a jungler

In the League of Legends community, Ruler’s expertise extends to navigating two solo lanes with a jungler. His versatility and adaptability have allowed him to excel in this strategic setup, showcasing his ability to transition between different playstyles effectively.

This approach highlights Ruler’s tactical prowess and understanding of the game’s dynamics as he leverages his skills within this unique team composition.

As we delve deeper into Ruler’s gameplay strategy, let’s explore how he maximises the potential of each lane while working in synergy with a jungler to secure objectives and create opportunities for his team.

Nasus Top S7, the stacking monstrosity

Ruler has shown his versatility not only in the bot lane but also on the top lane with Nasus. His strategic play and stacking ability make him a formidable opponent against any matchup.

With his keen understanding of minion wave management, Ruler maximises Nasus’s potential to reach a monstrous power spike during mid-game team fights, making it challenging for opponents to deal with his overwhelming strength.

Playing Nasus top S7 requires patience and good decision-making skills as Ruler demonstrates in each game. His expert execution of last-hitting minions allows him to efficiently stack Siphoning Strike, leading to a terrifying damage output later on.

As passionate gamers, we can learn valuable techniques from Ruler’s calculated approach when playing as Nasus in the top lane at Twisted Treeline or Summoner’s Rift, enhancing our own gameplay through careful observation and strategic application.

Ruler’s Tips and Tricks for Bot Lane Dominance

Positioning and farming in the lane are crucial for success, as well as mastering roaming strategies to make plays around the map. Ruler also emphasises the importance of chime collection as Bard for maximising impact in bot lane dominance.

Positioning and farming in lane

Positioning in the bot lane as a Marksman is crucial for survival and securing kills. Maintaining proper distance from opponents while safely farming minions ensures a strong start to the game.

Ruler’s exceptional skill in this area has allowed him to dominate matches, making it imperative for players to learn from his strategies. His precise positioning allows him to deal damage effectively while minimising potential threats, ultimately contributing to his team’s success.

Farming efficiently in the bot lane sets the foundation for Ruler’s exceptional gameplay as a Marksman. It enables him to acquire gold and experience, empowering him for mid and late-game battles.

Roaming strategies

When it comes to mastering the bot lane, Ruler’s expertise extends beyond just positioning and farming in lane. His roaming strategies showcase his ability to exert influence across the map, impacting other lanes with well-timed ganks and support.

By leveraging advantageous power spikes and tempo swings, he adeptly transitions from dominating the bot lane to creating opportunities for his team in other areas of the map. Ruler’s understanding of when to roam and how to capitalise on those movements sets him apart as a formidable force in League of Legends.

With an arsenal of Marksman characters at his disposal, including his exceptional play as Jhin, Ruler doesn’t limit himself to just staying within the confines of the bot lane. Instead, he utilises strategic roams to sway battles elsewhere on the Rift, elevating not only his own gameplay but also helping secure victories for his team through calculated map control and global impact.

Importance of chime collection as Bard

Collecting chimes as Bard is crucial for empowering his abilities and enhancing his utility on the Rift. Chimes provide Bard with experience, mana, movement speed, and Meeps. As we traverse the map to collect chimes, our presence in various lanes benefits from the increased movement speed offered by these charming orbs.

The empowered Meeps enhance our basic attacks and ability damage – an essential aspect of asserting dominance in team fights or skirmishes.

Bard’s kit revolves around collecting chimes – each one fortifies our capabilities as a support champion. These shimmering notes evolve Bard’s gameplay from being merely responsive to proactively impactful, making it imperative for us to prioritise their collection during laning phase and throughout the match.

Conclusion: Ruler’s Impact and Future in the League of Legends Community

Ruler’s outstanding skills in the bot lane have set him apart as a dominant player in the League of Legends community. His ability to excel with Marksman characters has made a significant impact on the game’s meta.

As he continues to showcase his exceptional gameplay, Ruler remains a sought-after and influential figure in the world of esports. With his versatile playstyle and adaptability, Ruler is poised to shape the future of League of Legends and leave an enduring legacy within the gaming community.


1. Who is Ruler in LoL?

Ruler is an extraordinary bot lane marksman revered for his skillful gameplay in the world of League of Legends (LoL).

2. Why do people call Ruler the Bot Lane Marksman Extraordinaire?

Ruler earned the title “Bot Lane Marksman Extraordinaire” due to his exceptional ability to dominate his lane and secure victories for his team.

3. What makes Ruler stand out from other marksmen in LoL?

Ruler’s ability to make precise plays, along with a deep understanding of bot lane strategies, sets him apart as an extraordinary marksman in League of Legends.

4. Can I learn to play like Ruler in LoL’s bot lane?

Absolutely! By studying Ruler’s gameplay and practicing diligently, you can improve your skills and aspire to reach the levels of performance exhibited by this remarkable marksman extraordinaire.

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