The Influence of Big Brand Sponsorships in Esports

Updated On: March 13, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Navigating the vibrant universe of esports can often seem as though you’re trying to decipher an entirely new dialect. Trust us, we’ve navigated these waters too, and having delved into the nitty-gritty – like the fascinating tidbit that 62% of US esports viewership falls between the ages of 18-34 – it’s crystal clear that heavyweight brand sponsorships are playing a pivotal role in this dynamic field.

Our forthcoming article peels back layers of complexity, shedding light on the symbiotic connection between prominent sponsorships and the thriving world of esports. It’s a revelation perfect for newcomers and aficionados alike.

Fancy diving in? Stay tuned for some illuminating insights!

Key Takeaways

  • Big brand sponsorships in esports give companies access to a valuable audience, with 62% of US esports viewers aged between 18 and 34 years, which is traditionally hard to reach through other marketing channels.
  • Brands like Mountain Dew, Red Bull, Intel, Logitech, BMW, and Porsche are investing heavily in esports events and gamers to enhance brand visibility and tap into the passion and engagement of this growing community.
  • Despite challenges such as lack of standardised metrics for impact evaluation and potential backlash from gaming fans for perceived authenticity issues or controversial game content, big brands are finding substantial return on investment (ROI) opportunities within the industry.
  • Esports offer innovative sponsorship possibilities like in-game branding and partnerships with influential gamers that can lead to impactful connections with audiences beyond traditional advertising methods.
  • The future outlook for esports sponsorships is promising due to the continuing growth of the industry. Carefully crafted strategic partnerships that accurately assess ROI potential will be key for brands looking to make successful investments in this space.

The Growth of Esports and Sponsorship

The esports industry has seen a significant increase in sponsorships from big brands as it continues to grow rapidly. This rise in popularity has attracted the attention of major companies looking to tap into the potential of this lucrative market.

Rise of esports industry

We’ve witnessed a staggering escalation in the esports industry, with its value skyrocketing as competitive gaming becomes a global spectacle. Esports tournaments now draw colossal audiences both online and offline, rivalling conventional sporting events.

This meteoric rise is reflected in packed arenas and millions of streaming viewers who tune in to watch their favourite teams and players battle it out on digital battlegrounds.

Our engagement with this electrifying realm doesn’t just end at being spectators; we’re part of a thriving community that’s catching the eye of major brands seeking innovative ways to advertise.

Companies have noticed how these platforms allow them to tap into a youth-dominated market, particularly the 62% chunk comprised of those aged between 18-34 years. It’s clear that our passion for gaming is reshaping marketing strategies and revolutionising brand visibility across industries.

Increase in sponsorships from big brands

Big brands are increasingly recognising the potential of esports and are investing in sponsorships within the industry. This trend is evident with major companies like Mountain Dew, Red Bull, and Intel diving into the world of gaming to connect with fans.

A YouGov survey found that nearly three-quarters of esports enthusiasts pay attention to event sponsors or their favourite team’s endorsers, highlighting the effectiveness of such partnerships.

With 62% of US esports viewers falling within the sought-after age demographic of 18-34, big brands see immense value in sponsoring esports events as it allows them to reach a younger and engaged audience.

The influence of big brand sponsorships in esports has already proven rewarding for key players within the industry. This growing involvement not only brings increased revenue but also elevates brand recognition among a new generation of consumers.

Such partnerships represent a lucrative opportunity for brands looking to make a mark in an ever-evolving landscape.

Benefits of Esports Sponsorships for Brands

Brands investing in esports sponsorships stand to benefit from reaching a new audience of passionate gamers, increasing brand awareness and favourability, as well as the potential for higher return on investment.

With the explosive growth of esports, sponsorships offer brands a unique opportunity to connect with their target market in an engaging and impactful way.

Reaching a new audience

Esports sponsorships offer brands a unique opportunity to connect with a new and diverse audience. With 62% of US esports viewers falling within the coveted age bracket of 18-34, brands can tap into a demographic that is traditionally challenging to reach through traditional marketing channels.

The interactive nature of gaming provides sponsors with opportunities for meaningful engagement, creating brand visibility and recognition among passionate gamers who may not be actively engaged with other forms of advertising.

Moreover, successful esports sponsorships have been proven to extend their influence beyond the gaming community, offering spillover effects that resonate with the brand’s traditional target group.

Increased brand awareness and favourability

Big brand sponsorships in esports are an effective way to enhance brand visibility and favourability among the gaming community. With nearly three-quarters of esports fans noticing event or team sponsors, big brands like Mountain Dew and Red Bull have successfully increased their brand awareness through strategic partnerships in the industry.

This engagement not only reaches a new audience but also results in a spillover effect on the brands’ traditional target group, boosting overall favourability.

Esports sponsorships have proven to be lucrative for big brands, offering a significant return on investment while enabling them to connect with the coveted age 18-34 demographic. As such, these sponsorships play a vital role in elevating a brand’s revenue and recognition within this rapidly growing market.

Higher ROI potential

With the increased brand awareness and favourability that comes with esports sponsorships, brands can expect a higher return on investment (ROI). Esports provide a remarkable opportunity for brands to connect with a large and engaged audience, especially within the coveted 18-34 age demographic.

With nearly three-quarters of esports fans noticing event sponsors or their favorite teams, big brands can significantly increase their brand visibility and recognition through strategic partnerships in the esports industry.

Moreover, successful esports sponsors have discovered spillover effects from sponsorship activities into their traditional target groups, further enhancing the potential ROI.

Types of Brands Investing in Esports Sponsorships

Beverage brands like Mountain Dew and Red Bull, technology brands such as Intel and Logitech, and automotive brands including BMW and Porsche are among the diverse range of companies investing in esports sponsorships.

These big names are tapping into the growing audience of gamers to increase their brand visibility in the industry.

Beverage brands (Mountain Dew, Red Bull)

Big beverage brands like Mountain Dew and Red Bull have successfully made their mark in the esports sponsorship arena, understanding the potential of engaging with the gaming community.

With esports attracting a predominantly young audience, these brands have capitalised on reaching the coveted age group of 18-34, establishing a strong presence through targeted sponsorships and brand visibility during key events.

For instance, Red Bull’s involvement in hosting esports tournaments and content creation has allowed them to connect with fans on a personal level, creating an authentic relationship that goes beyond traditional advertising.

The appeal of such partnerships lies in leveraging the enthusiastic fan base of esports to foster long-term connections with consumers. As these big names continue to invest in gaming communities and events, they are not only driving brand recognition but also ingraining themselves into an industry poised for substantial growth and influence.

Technology brands (Intel, Logitech)

Technology brands like Intel and Logitech have recognised the immense potential of esports sponsorships. By partnering with esports events and gamers, these brands are able to directly engage with the highly coveted 18-34 age demographic, which comprises a significant portion of the esports audience.

With their advanced gaming hardware and peripherals, these technology giants not only elevate the gaming experience but also gain valuable exposure and brand visibility among passionate gamers.

Intel’s sponsorship of major esports tournaments has allowed them to showcase their cutting-edge processors and graphics cards to a captivated audience. Similarly, Logitech’s high-performance gaming mice and keyboards have become synonymous with competitive gaming due to strategic partnerships with professional players and teams.

Automotive brands (BMW, Porsche)

Automotive brands like BMW and Porsche have recognised the lucrative opportunity in aligning with esports. Their strategic partnerships aim to reach the growing audience of avid gamers who are passionate about cutting-edge technology and high-performance vehicles.

By associating their brand with esports events, these automotive giants tap into a demographic that is influential in shaping consumer trends.

Esports sponsorships from automotive brands also serve to elevate their visibility across a wider spectrum of potential customers, including those beyond traditional sports enthusiasts.

The immersive nature of gaming allows for seamless integration of branding within virtual environments, ensuring that the presence of BMW and Porsche remains prominent during tournaments and live streams.

As we delve further into the impact of various brand partnerships in esports, it becomes evident that automotive brands are leveraging this digital avenue to forge deeper connections with younger audiences while showcasing their innovations on a global stage.

Challenges and Risks for Brands in Esports Sponsorship

Navigating the lack of standardisation and metrics, potential backlash from the gaming community, and controversial nature of certain games can pose challenges for brands in esports sponsorship.

Interested to learn more about how big brand sponsorships are influencing the esports industry? Keep reading to discover the benefits, types of brands investing, and future outlook of sponsorships in gaming.

Lack of standardisation and metrics

Esports sponsorships face challenges due to the lack of standardisation and metrics for evaluating their impact. Without consistent measurement tools, brands may struggle to gauge the effectiveness of their marketing efforts within the esports industry.

This makes it difficult for companies to assess their return on investment and compare the success of different sponsorship ventures. Additionally, the absence of standardised metrics hinders accurate benchmarking against traditional sports sponsorships, making it harder for brands to fully grasp the value proposition of engaging in esports partnerships.

The absence of reliable standardisation and metrics also complicates negotiations between brands and esports organisations. It creates uncertainty in determining fair market values for sponsorships, leading to potential disparities in agreement terms.

Controversial or volatile nature of certain games

In addition, the controversial or volatile nature of certain games can pose a challenge for brands considering esports sponsorships. Some games feature mature content and themes that may not align with the brand image or values, making it crucial for sponsors to conduct thorough research before investing in a particular game.

Furthermore, the ever-changing landscape of popular games within the esports industry adds an element of unpredictability, requiring brands to stay adaptable and informed about current trends and potential controversies.

This aspect underscores the importance of strategic partnerships and diligent evaluation of ROI potential when venturing into esports sponsorships.

Moreover, navigating through these volatile elements requires brands to carefully assess their target audience’s preferences while also anticipating any possible backlash from the gaming community due to sponsorship decisions related to specific games.

Potential backlash from the gaming community

Controversial or volatile nature of certain games can lead to potential backlash from the gaming community. Gamers are known for their passionate and vocal opinions, and if they perceive a sponsorship as inauthentic or disruptive to their gaming experience, it could result in negative feedback towards the brand.

The gaming community values authenticity and integrity, so brands must approach sponsorships with transparency and respect for the culture to avoid alienating this audience. Considering that 62% of US esports viewers fall within the 18-34 demographic range, it’s imperative for brands to navigate potential backlash thoughtfully to maintain positive relationships with this influential group.

Future Outlook and Potential for Esports Sponsorships

The future of esports sponsorships looks promising, with continued growth and investment in the industry. There are opportunities for innovative and impactful sponsorships to take place, but it’s important for brands to form strategic partnerships and properly evaluate the potential return on investment.

Continued growth and investment in the industry

Esports continues to experience exponential growth, attracting more big-brand investments than ever before. Major players in the beverage, technology, and automotive industries are recognising the potential of esports sponsorships to reach a highly sought-after demographic.

With 62% of UK esports viewers falling within the coveted age bracket of 18-34, brands can tap into an audience that’s traditionally difficult to engage through traditional advertising channels.

As a result, continued investment in this burgeoning industry is not only expected but also necessary for brands aiming to stay relevant and maintain a competitive edge.

The global esports market represents an attractive sponsorship asset due to its ability to provide significant return on investment for major brands. The influence of big brand sponsorships in esports isn’t just limited to increased revenue; it also leads to heightened brand visibility and recognition among gaming communities and beyond.

Opportunities for innovative and impactful sponsorships

Big brand sponsorships in esports present opportunities for innovative and impactful collaborations that can resonate deeply with fans. Creative and immersive experiences, such as custom in-game events or exclusive virtual merchandise, allow brands to connect with their audience on a personal level, enhancing brand loyalty.

Leverage the interactive nature of esports by creating engaging activations that offer value to gamers, amplifying brand visibility and leaving a lasting impression. By integrating seamlessly into the gaming environment and aligning with the interests of the community, brands have the potential to foster long-term relationships while driving meaningful results.

The dynamic nature of esports offers an ideal platform for forward-thinking partnerships between brands and gaming influencers. Collaborations that embrace authenticity and add value to both parties can yield powerful marketing outcomes.

Engage with influential figures within the gaming community to co-create content or events that authentically represent shared values, establishing trust among gamers while extending brand reach across diverse audiences.

Importance of strategic partnerships and proper evaluation of ROI potential

Strategic partnerships in the esports industry are crucial for brands looking to maximise their return on investment. By teaming up with the right players, teams, or events, brands can ensure that they reach their target audience effectively.

Proper evaluation of ROI potential allows brands to make informed decisions about where to invest their sponsorship pounds. This assessment helps them identify opportunities that align with their marketing objectives and have the potential to deliver substantial returns.

Understanding the importance of strategic partnerships and conducting a thorough evaluation of ROI potential empowers brands to make impactful decisions when entering into esports sponsorships.


In conclusion, big brand sponsorships play a pivotal role in the growth and success of esports. These partnerships offer brands an effective way to connect with a diverse and engaged audience while driving increased brand awareness and favorability.

As the industry continues to expand, strategic collaborations between brands and esports are likely to become even more innovative and impactful, presenting exciting opportunities for both parties involved.

The potential for lucrative brand partnerships within this dynamic sector makes esports an appealing avenue for marketing investment.


1. What role do brand sponsorships play in esports?

Brand sponsorships boost visibility and provide essential funding, contributing to the growth of the esports industry.

2. How does a sportswear brand benefit from investing in esports sponsorships?

Investing in esports allows sportswear brands to tap into a new, engaged audience, increasing their market reach and establishing lucrative partnerships.

3. Can sponsorship deals affect how fans view an esport team or event?

Yes, effective sponsorship strategies can enhance fan experiences and create positive associations with both the gaming teams and sponsoring brands.

4. What types of marketing opportunities exist for companies within the esports industry?

Companies have various advertising avenues such as endorsements, esports sponsorship proposals, or placement within streaming content to effectively market in this rapidly evolving sector.

5. How can a company measure the impact of their sponsorships in esports?

Businesses analyse data concerning brand engagement levels and spectator responses to gauge the effectiveness of their sponsorship deals within this dynamic environment.

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