Huni: LoL’s Global Top Laner Journeyman

Updated On: July 06, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Have you ever found yourself utterly fascinated by the whirlwind existence of a pro League of Legends champion? We’ve all watched in awe at their astounding prowess on the digital battlefield, and it’s easy to become captivated.

Following Huni’s illustrious career certainly brings home this sentiment – his story is nothing short of legendary. In today’s post, we shall delve into the annals of Huni’s life, charting his extraordinary evolution from an ambitious rookie to an iconic top laner.

Do stay with us – this is one enthralling journey through esports history that you’ll not want to miss for the world!

Key Takeaways

  • Huni began his professional League of Legends career with Fnatic in 2015 and quickly became known for his aggressive playstyle, earning the title of most valuable player at the 2015 EU LCS Spring Split.
  • He played for several top-tier teams, including Immortals and SK Telecom T1, achieving significant success such as helping SKT win the Mid-Season Invitational in 2017.
  • Rumours have circulated regarding Huni’s possible retirement due to wrist injuries, but he remains active within the esports community through streaming and has hinted at future plans that could involve coaching or content creation.
  • Throughout his career, Huni has demonstrated adaptability by playing successfully in different regions around the world while maintaining a strong presence on social media platforms where he connects with fans globally.
  • Despite challenges like adapting to various team dynamics and dealing with injuries, Huni’s performances have led him to semi-finalist positions at World Championship events and established him as one of League of Legends’ premier top laners.

Journeyman Career of Huni

Huni’s journey as a professional player began in the early days of Fnatic in 2015, where he found success. Over the years, he moved on to various teams and eventually joined Echo Fox in 2018 with an impressive salary and roster.

His domestic and international career has been filled with ups and downs, making him a seasoned journeyman in the world of competitive gaming.

Journeyman Career of Huni

Early Years in Fnatic (2015)

We kicked off the year with a bang as Huni joined Fnatic, stepping into the limelight as their starting top laner. He was fresh on the scene, but his impact was immediate and explosive – transforming Fnatic’s gameplay with his aggressive style and sharp mechanics.

Huni quickly became renowned for his ability to dominate the lane and outplay opponents, setting stages ablaze during the EU LCS Spring Season.

His first competitive season wasn’t just about personal glory; it saw us clinch an unforgettable victory at both the Spring Playoffs and Summer Split, securing our spot in that year’s World Championship.

Huni turned heads worldwide, not only showcasing exceptional skills but also proving crucial in our journey to becoming one of Europe’s top contenders in professional gaming. The team dynamics evolved rapidly with Huni on board; we learnt new strategies and pushed our limits further than ever before.

Success on Various Teams (2016-2017)

Huni’s success on various teams from 2016 to 2017 showcased his adaptability and skill in the League of Legends competitive scene. During this period, he played for Immortals in the North American LCS.

As a dominant top laner, he led Immortals to an impressive regular season record in both splits, securing third place in the playoffs each time. His exceptional performance helped establish him as one of the best players in his role globally.

Additionally, Huni transitioned to SK Telecom T1 (SKT) where he continued his winning streak. In 2017, SKT secured victory at the Mid-Season Invitational with Huni’s stellar playstyle contributing significantly to their achievement.

This remarkable success further solidified Huni’s reputation as a highly influential player within the League of Legends pro gaming community.

Huni’s tenure with these prominent teams demonstrates not only his adaptability but also his unwavering talent and determination on different rosters and across varied competitive landscapes.

Joining Echo Fox (2018)

In 2018, Huni joined Echo Fox, a North American League of Legends Championship Series (NA LCS) team. The acquisition was significant as it solidified his position in the competitive scene, showcasing his transcontinental journey as an esports professional.

With Echo Fox, he brought a wealth of experience and skill to the team, enhancing their strategic depth while continuing to carve out his legacy in the top lane for fervent fans of competitive gaming.

Echo Fox’s signing marked a new chapter in Huni’s career and represented further international exposure for him as a pro player.

Salary and Roster at Echo Fox

When Huni joined Echo Fox in 2018, his presence on the roster was met with great interest due to his reputation and past success. Here, we’ll take a closer look at the salary and roster dynamics during his time with the team.

YearPlayerPositionEstimated Salary
2018HuniTop LanerConfidential
2018FenixMid LanerConfidential
2018AltecAD CarryConfidential
2018Alt: DamonteMid LanerConfidential
2018Alt: LostAD CarryConfidential
2018Alt: SmoothieSupportConfidential

Echo Fox’s team roster for the 2018 season included some of the most exciting talents in the League of Legends scene. Huni’s salary, while not publicly disclosed, was rumoured to be one of the highest in the league, reflecting his high standing and the value he brought to the team. His teammates, each with their own strengths, combined to create a formidable lineup capable of challenging other top-tier teams. Huni’s influence permeated the team, setting a high bar for performance and professionalism. As avid followers of the scene, we recognise the caliber of such a roster and the strategic edge it could potentially offer in the competitive landscape.

Domestic and International Career

Huni’s domestic and international career has been marked by his exceptional skill and adaptability as a top laner in League of Legends. He began his journey with Fnatic in 2015, quickly establishing himself as a formidable force in the European League Championship Series (LCS).

Following his success with Fnatic, Huni ventured into various teams, showcasing his prowess not only domestically but also on an international level. His standout performances at world championships and other global tournaments solidified his reputation as one of the best top laners in the game.

Transitioning to different regions, Huni continued to excel, challenging opponents across different continents. His time with SKT brought him onto the world stage, representing South Korea at prestigious events such as Worlds 2017.

Throughout his career, Huni’s impact was felt both domestically and internationally, leaving a lasting impression on the competitive scene.

Impact on SKT and Departure

Joining SKT in 2017 was a major highlight for Huni, as he showcased his talents on the international stage. However, despite some challenges and an eventual departure from the team, Huni’s time with SKT left a lasting impact on his career and the LoL community.

Impact on SKT and Departure

Joining SKT in 2017

Huni joined SKT in 2017, marking a significant shift in his career as he became part of one of the most renowned esports organisations. His exceptional skills and strategic gameplay made him an asset to the team, and his presence was felt on the international stage during various competitions.

Upon joining SKT, Huni showcased remarkable teamwork and dedication, contributing to the team’s success at tournaments. He played a crucial role as their top laner, demonstrating his ability to adapt to new environments and excel alongside top-tier players.

Performance at Worlds 2017

Transitioning from joining SKT in 2017, it’s important to delve into Huni’s performance at Worlds 2017. Displaying his exceptional skills as a top laner, Huni contributed significantly to SK Telecom T1’s journey through the World Championship.

His strategic play and adaptability were evident as he showcased stellar performances throughout the tournament. With his strong presence on the Rift, he played a pivotal role in helping SKT secure victories and advance through the intense competition.

Additionally, his impactful gameplay earned him recognition as one of the standout players at Worlds 2017.

Throughout this global event, Huni demonstrated remarkable resilience and determination in facing formidable opponents, effectively contributing to SKT’s success on the international stage.

Challenges and Departure from SKT

Transitioning from an established team like Fnatic to SKT brought its own set of challenges for Huni. Despite showing moments of brilliance, he struggled with consistency and adapting to the strict playstyle enforced by the organisation.

This led to conflicts within the team dynamics and ultimately resulted in his departure from SKT.

Huni’s departure from SKT marked a turning point in his career as he sought new opportunities to showcase his skills on different teams. His time with SKT may have had its difficulties, but it also provided valuable lessons that helped shape him into the seasoned top laner he is known as today.

Current Status and Future Plans

After recent rumours of retirement, Huni has been actively engaging with fans through live streams and updates on his future plans in the world of esports. Stay tuned to find out what’s next for this competitive player and his impact on team organisations.

Current Status and Future Plans

Rumors of Retirement

Huni’s retirement has been the subject of persistent speculation in the League of Legends community. Fans and analysts alike have been abuzz with discussions about the possibility of Huni bidding adieu to his professional gaming career.

Despite his enduring impact on the esports scene, ongoing wrist injury troubles have fuelled these speculations, leading to widespread conjecture about his potential retirement from competitive play.

However, it remains uncertain whether Huni will indeed retire from pro gaming or continue to pursue his career as a top laner. The uncertainty surrounding this decision has captivated fans and industry insiders, who eagerly await an official announcement regarding Huni’s future plans within the esports realm.

Recent Updates and Streams

Following the rumours of retirement, Huni has continued to stay active in the gaming community through streaming. His fans can catch him live on various platforms, sharing insights into his gameplay and offering tips for fellow gamers.

Through his streams, he engages with his audience, providing a glimpse into his daily life while also keeping up with the latest updates in the League of Legends world.

Huni’s recent updates include collaborations with other pro players and content creators, bringing fresh perspectives and strategies to the streaming scene. As an experienced top laner, Huni’s streams offer valuable learning opportunities for novice gamers interested in understanding team organisation and strategy at a higher level.

Future Plans in Esports

After staying connected with his fans through recent updates and streams, Huni has expressed his future plans in esports, showing no signs of stepping away from the gaming community.

With his retirement from professional play, he aims to transition into coaching or mentoring roles within the League of Legends scene. Moreover, Huni intends to continue engaging with the gaming community through content creation and streaming activities while actively participating in events and tournaments as a public figure.

His dedication to esports remains unwavering, promising an exciting journey ahead for both himself and his supporters.

Personal Life and Achievements

I’ll delve into Huni’s personal life, from his biography and background to the trivia and individual awards he has achieved.

Discover more about the incredible journey of one of League of Legends’ top laner journeyman!

Biography and Background

Huni, a formidable pro League of Legends player, started his journey as the top laner for Fnatic in early 2015. Hailing from South Korea, he quickly made a name for himself with stellar performances and an aggressive playstyle that resonated with fans.

Huni’s ability to adapt to different team dynamics and regions allowed him to showcase his skills across various leagues including LCS, LEC, and LCK. Despite facing challenges such as recurring wrist injuries impacting his gameplay, Huni’s tenacity and passion for the game have left an enduring mark on the esports community.

With remarkable semi-finalist and runner-up placements at the League of Legends World Championship and being chosen as SKT’s main top laner for a World Championship event further solidified Huni’s reputation as one of the best top laners globally.

Trivia and Individual Awards

Huni’s Trivia and Individual Awards showcase his impact in the League of Legends esports scene. Here are some noteworthy details about his career:

  1. Huni won the Rookie of the Split award during his time with Fnatic, recognising his outstanding performance as a newcomer to the professional league.
  2. He secured the title of Most Valuable Player (MVP) at the 2015 EU LCS Spring Split due to his exceptional contributions to Fnatic’s success.
  3. During the 2017 NA LCS Summer Split, he received accolades as First-Team All-Pro, underscoring his consistent excellence as a top laner for Echo Fox.
  4. At the 2017 League of Legends World Championship, Huni was honoured with a spot in the tournament’s Top 20 Players acknowledgement, highlighting his prowess on the international stage.
  5. His dynamic playstyle and strategic acumen led him to claim victory in various regional tournaments, earning him a reputation as one of the most versatile and skilled top laners in competitive League of Legends.

Tournament Results and Impact

Reaping victories and recognition, Huni has left an indelible mark on the League of Legends competitive landscape. His standout tournament results include leading Fnatic to a formidable performance in the 2015 EU LCS Spring/Regular Season.

This achievement propelled him into the spotlight as one of the top players globally and marked a pivotal point in his career. Subsequently, he continued to make waves with his exceptional playing style, contributing significantly to SKT’s journey as their main top laner for a World Championship event.

The impact of Huni’s gameplay transcends mere statistics and scores, resonating deeply within the esports community. With semi-finalist and runner-up placements at the League of Legends World Championship, his influence on aspiring gamers is undeniable.


Huni’s journey in the League of Legends competitive scene has been an incredible ride, marked by his adaptability and skill across different teams and regions. His impact on the esports community is enduring, with numerous semi-finalist and runner-up placements at the World Championship events, showcasing his prowess as a top laner.

Despite facing challenges like recurring wrist injuries and even retirement from pro play, Huni remains a respected figure in the League of Legends community and continues to engage with fans through social media platforms.

His legendary career as a top laner will be remembered for years to come, leaving behind a lasting legacy in the world of esports.


1. Who is Huni in LoL?

Huni is a professional League of Legends player known for playing the top lane and traveling globally to compete with various teams.

2. Why do people call Huni a ‘journeyman’?

People refer to Huni as a journeyman because he has played for multiple teams across different regions, showcasing his versatility and skill on an international level.

3. What makes Huni stand out as a top laner?

Huni stands out due to his aggressive playstyle, adaptability, and consistent performance against some of the best players in LoL’s global arena.

4. Has Huni won any significant tournaments in his career?

Yes, throughout his journey as a top laner, Huni has achieved notable victories including regional championships and has made impactful appearances at major international competitions.

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