Esports and Technology: Careers in Game Development and IT Support

Updated On: February 29, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Fancy transforming your love for gaming into a full-fledged career but feel a bit lost in the shuffle? Fear not, we’ve all been at that confusing crossroads. With the video game industry raking in billions, it’s no wonder there’s a labyrinth of prospects out there.

Fearless friend, allow us to illuminate this path for you. This article is chock-full of insights on thrilling careers in both game development and IT support that are revolutionising the realm of esports.

Take the plunge with us and unearth a universe where your playtime merges seamlessly into your work life – how brilliant is that?.

Key Takeaways

  • Game development and IT support in esports cover roles like game designers, programmers, and technical assistance specialists; crucial for creating engaging games and maintaining smooth operations.
  • Educational pathways for a career in this industry include over 2,000 video game design schools worldwide that offer programs in software programming, computer science, and related fields.
  • Careers in the gaming industry provide various benefits such as competitive salaries, opportunities for advancement, and the chance to work on cutting-edge technologies within an ever-expanding market.
  • Essential skills needed for success in game development careers encompass proficiency in programming languages (C++, Java), a deep understanding of game design principles, technical know-how, and strong attention to detail.
  • Diverse job roles are available beyond just game creation; including IT support positions ensuring gaming software operates flawlessly as well as jobs in esports event management and streaming that contribute significantly to the industry’s growth.

Technology Careers in the Esports Industry

In the rapidly growing world of esports, there are various technology careers available, such as game developer, IT support specialist, game designer, game programmer and game tester.

Each role requires a unique set of skills and expertise to thrive in the competitive industry.

Game Developer

We understand the thrill of bringing a game from concept to reality, and that’s where a career as a game developer comes in. It’s not just about having fun; it’s about using technology and creativity to create interactive experiences for players around the world.

Game developers write code, but they also solve problems, build worlds, and bring characters to life through software engineering and computer programming.

Our job as game developers spans various responsibilities – writing clean code, debugging programs, and collaborating with artists and designers to make sure our games feel right. We need strong knowledge in programming languages like C++ or Java, coupled with an understanding of software development methodologies.

Those interested should consider pursuing education in relevant fields such as software programming or computer science to kickstart their path into this vibrant sector of the esports industry.

IT Support Specialist

IT support specialists play a vital role in the gaming industry, providing technical assistance and ensuring smooth operations within game development studios. They troubleshoot hardware and software issues, install and configure computer systems, and provide technical support to employees.

With the rapid growth of the gaming industry, there is an increasing demand for skilled IT professionals who can keep up with the ever-evolving technology landscape. Aspiring IT support specialists should focus on developing strong problem-solving abilities and staying updated on the latest technological advancements to excel in this dynamic field.

Moving forward from understanding the importance of IT support in game development studios, let’s explore how game design principles contribute to creating immersive gaming experiences.

Game Designer

As game designers, we create immersive and captivating gaming experiences by developing the storyline, gameplay mechanics, and overall look and feel of a game. Our role involves collaborating with developers, artists, and other team members to bring our creative vision to life.

With over 2,000 video game design schools worldwide offering education in software programming and related fields, there are numerous opportunities for aspiring game designers to turn their passion for gaming into a rewarding career.

The rapid growth of the gaming industry has led to a vast array of career opportunities in esports, from game development to various other roles. Aspiring game designers can explore diverse pathways within the industry as they pursue their dreams.

Game Programmer

Game programmers play a crucial role in developing the code that brings video games to life. They use programming languages like C++, Java, or Python to create and modify the game’s software, ensuring that it runs smoothly and delivers an engaging experience for players.

With the rapid growth of the gaming industry, there is an increasing demand for skilled game programmers who can collaborate with other developers and designers to integrate graphics, audio, and gameplay elements into cohesive, interactive experiences.

A career as a game programmer offers competitive salaries and opportunities for advancement within the dynamic esports industry. Game programmers have the chance to work on cutting-edge technologies and contribute their technical expertise towards creating immersive gaming experiences enjoyed by millions worldwide.

Game Tester

As a game tester, we have the exciting responsibility of playing and evaluating video games to identify bugs, glitches, and areas for improvement. This role is crucial in ensuring that gamers have an optimal gaming experience by identifying any issues that may impact gameplay or functionality.

Game testers play a vital part in the development process, providing valuable feedback to developers and contributing to the overall quality of the game.

We are required to possess strong attention to detail, patience, and excellent communication skills in order to effectively convey our findings. Additionally, having a passion for gaming is essential as it allows us to thoroughly explore and scrutinise different aspects of the game.

Required Skills for Careers in Game Development

To excel in a career in game development, individuals need to possess strong programming languages, a deep understanding of game design principles, technical knowledge and attention to detail.

These skills are essential for creating immersive and engaging gaming experiences.

Programming languages

To pursue a career in game development, mastering programming languages is essential. Proficiency in languages such as C++, Java, and Python allows developers to write code for games and create interactive experiences for gamers.

Understanding these languages opens up opportunities to work on various platforms and devices. For aspiring game developers, gaining expertise in programming languages is crucial for success in the dynamic gaming industry.

Passionate about gaming? Dive into learning programming languages like C++ and Python! These skills are invaluable for game development careers within the vibrant esports industry.

Game design principles

Game design principles encompass various elements that contribute to creating an engaging and immersive gaming experience. Understanding player psychology, storytelling techniques, level design, and game mechanics are essential for crafting captivating gameplay.

Employing effective visual and audio effects, intuitive user interfaces, and balanced difficulty levels also play a crucial role in enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Developers need to consider factors such as player feedback, accessibility features, and replay value when designing games. These principles ensure that games are not only entertaining but also offer a deeply satisfying experience for players while fostering creativity within the industry.

Technical knowledge

To excel in careers related to game development and IT support, having a strong foundation of technical knowledge is essential. Understanding programming languages, game design principles, and the latest technology trends will be crucial for success in these fields.

In addition, attention to detail and problem-solving skills are highly valued attributes in the gaming industry. Aspiring professionals should also stay updated on the rapid advancements within the gaming sector to remain competitive in this dynamic field.

Professionals with a keen interest in pursuing careers as game developers or IT support specialists can gain an edge by honing their technical expertise through continuous learning and practical application.

Attention to detail

Developing a career in game development or IT support requires meticulous attention to detail. Whether you’re creating intricate game levels as a developer or troubleshooting technical issues as an IT specialist, precision and thoroughness are essential.

This includes closely examining code for bugs, ensuring graphic design elements are pixel-perfect, and verifying the accuracy of network configurations. Hence, honing this skill is critical for success in these roles within the dynamic and fast-paced esports industry.

In game development and IT support roles, overlooking even small details can lead to major setbacks. When designing games or providing technical assistance, every aspect must be carefully scrutinised to deliver high-quality products and maintain smooth operations.

Opportunities in the Game Development Industry

The game development industry offers competitive salaries, diverse job roles, and ample career growth and advancement opportunities. Read on to discover more about the exciting careers in game development and IT support in the esports industry.

Career growth and advancement

Career growth and advancement in the esports industry are abundant, with opportunities for professionals to progress in their chosen fields. As the gaming industry continues to expand, skilled individuals can advance from junior roles to managerial positions based on their performance and expertise.

Furthermore, continuous professional development and learning new technologies are key factors that contribute to career progression within game development and IT support roles.

Professionals can expect competitive salaries as they advance in their careers, especially with the high demand for skilled game developers and IT support specialists in the rapidly growing esports industry.

Additionally, diverse job roles provide individuals with opportunities to explore different aspects of game design, programming, or technical support throughout their career journey.

Competitive salaries

Game development and IT support roles in the esports industry offer competitive salaries, reflecting the increasing demand for skilled professionals. With diverse career pathways within game design, development, and IT support, individuals can expect varying salary expectations based on their expertise and experience levels.

The rapid growth of the gaming industry has led to a vast array of career opportunities in esports, including positions with attractive salary packages that make pursuing a passion for gaming a viable profession.

Diverse job roles

Game development offers a wide range of diverse job roles, from game designer and programmer to IT support specialist and mobile app designer. The industry is not limited to just game development but also encompasses opportunities in esports event management, streaming, and various other roles.

With the rapid growth of the gaming industry, professionals have access to a plethora of career pathways within esports and video games, providing ample options for individuals with a passion for gaming.

The demand for different skill sets ensures that there are numerous IT jobs available in the video game industry. Additionally, careers in game design include varying positions such as marketing executives and social media managers, highlighting the diversity of opportunities within the field.

Aspiring professionals can explore different paths within the gaming industry based on their interests and expertise.

Career Pathways in the Esports Industry

As an aspiring professional in the esports industry, you have various career pathways to consider. Whether it’s game development, game design, IT support, esports event management, or even esports streaming, there are diverse opportunities for you to explore and thrive in.

Game development

Game development careers offer an exciting pathway for those passionate about gaming and technology. With over 2,000 video game design schools worldwide, there are ample opportunities to gain the necessary skills for a career in this field.

Aspiring game developers can pursue education in software programming, computer science, or related fields to build a strong foundation for success. The rapid growth of the gaming industry has also led to diverse job roles, competitive salaries, and promising career advancement prospects within the esports and video game sector.

Individuals interested in pursuing a career in game development should be prepared to immerse themselves in programming languages, attention to detail, technical knowledge, and game design principles.

Game design

To excel in game design, individuals need to develop a strong understanding of programming languages and game design principles. This can be achieved through pursuing education in software programming, computer science, or related fields.

Additionally, having technical knowledge and an attention to detail is crucial for aspiring game designers to create immersive and engaging gaming experiences. With the rapid growth of the gaming industry creating new opportunities for professionals interested in esports and game development, there are numerous career paths available within the field of game design.

Passionate gamers and novice gamers should explore the diverse options and paths offered within the industry. From becoming a game developer or mobile app designer to pursuing a career as a game tester or programmer, there are various roles available that cater to different interests and skill sets.

IT support

Transitioning from game design to the technical side of the esports industry, IT support plays a crucial role in providing technical assistance within a game development studio. These specialists ensure that all technology systems are running smoothly and efficiently to support the gaming experience.

As the gaming industry continues to evolve rapidly, the demand for skilled IT support professionals in video game development is on the rise. This presents an exciting opportunity for individuals with a passion for technology and gaming to pursue a career where they can provide essential technical assistance that keeps games running seamlessly.

The diverse range of IT jobs in the video game industry highlights the importance of technology in every aspect of game development. From troubleshooting software issues to maintaining network infrastructure, IT support specialists play a pivotal role in ensuring that gaming studios operate at peak efficiency.

Esports event management

Transitioning from IT support to another integral aspect of the esports industry, esports event management plays a pivotal role in organising and executing competitive gaming events.

From coordinating tournament logistics to ensuring a smooth broadcast production, esports event managers are responsible for overseeing all aspects of live and online competitions.

They handle tasks such as venue selection, scheduling, securing sponsorships, managing broadcast teams, and engaging with the gaming community. With the rapid expansion of esports globally, there is an increasing demand for skilled professionals in event management who can deliver top-tier experiences for players, spectators, and sponsors alike.

Esports event management involves meticulous planning and execution to create immersive gaming spectacles that captivate audiences worldwide. The ability to multitask efficiently while staying abreast of industry trends is crucial for success in this dynamic field.

Esports streaming

Esports streaming offers an exciting career path for tech-savvy individuals passionate about gaming. It involves broadcasting live gameplay, engaging with audiences, and creating entertaining content.

With the rapid growth of esports, streaming platforms have become a vital part of the industry, providing opportunities for gamers to showcase their skills and build a loyal fan base.

Aspiring streamers can take advantage of diverse career options within this field, from hosting tournaments to creating online communities.

Streamers often leverage different technologies such as live streaming software and video production tools to enhance their broadcasts, requiring technical proficiency and creativity.


In conclusion, careers in game development and IT support offer exciting opportunities for those passionate about the gaming industry. Game developers and IT support specialists play essential roles in creating and maintaining the technology behind esports.

With diverse career pathways and a growing demand for talent, pursuing a career in game development or IT support can lead to a fulfilling and rewarding profession.


1. What careers are available in Esports and Technology?

There are many careers you can pursue in Esports and Technology, such as game development, IT support for gaming events, and even refereeing esports matches.

2. How do I start a career in game development?

To begin a career in game development, it’s essential to learn coding skills and understand software used in creating games. Many also study computer science or attend specialised gaming academies.

3. Can I work at esports events if I’m good at technology but don’t want to make games?

Absolutely! If you’re tech-savvy but not into game creation, you can still work behind the scenes providing IT support during esports tournaments or managing technical challenges.

4. Is being an esports referee a real job, and what does it involve?

Yes, being an esports referee is a legitimate job! It involves understanding the rules of different games very well and making sure players follow them during competitions.

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