Building Your Esports Team from the Ground Up

Updated On: February 29, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Embarking on the journey of establishing your own esports team can often seem like a Herculean task. We understand that feeling all too well, staring up at the same daunting incline, particularly when you consider how collegiate esports squads have proliferated from a mere handful to well over 130 in just a cluster of years.

Within this article, we’ll walk you side-by-side through every step necessary to forge your team from the ground up, arming you with both strategic insight and practical tools needed for triumph.

So let’s roll up our sleeves together — it’s time to carve out your very own chapter in esports history!

Key Takeaways

  • Establishing an esports team involves choosing a game, selecting a geographic area, creating strong branding, recruiting skilled players and setting up infrastructure for effective practice and communication.
  • Growing the team’s presence requires securing sponsorships, building a loyal fan base through engaging content and networking within the gaming industry to find opportunities for collaboration and exposure.
  • Starting an esports club at an educational institution can benefit students by enhancing skills such as teamwork, strategic thinking and leadership while providing entertainment and community engagement.

What is an Esports Organisation?

An Esports organisation is essentially a company that runs teams competing in professional video game tournaments. These organisations function like traditional sports clubs, managing everything from player recruitment and team management to branding and sponsorship deals.

They invest time in scouting for talent, developing players’ skills, and strategising to take home championships across various gaming titles. Often they’re built around a common goal: to dominate the competitive gaming landscape while fostering a community of fans.

We focus on finding passionate gamers who are eager to turn their hobby into a career by providing them with structured support and the infrastructure necessary for success. Our esports group lays out clear strategies including setting concrete goals, crafting an inspiring mission statement, and establishing distinctive logos that resonate with our audience.

With proper funding and business development efforts sourced from sponsorships or other investments, we aim to propel our teams onto international stages where they can showcase their prowess for all to see.

What is an Esports Organisation?

Why Start an Esports Organisation?

After understanding what an esports organisation entails, it’s important to explore the reasons why one should start such an establishment. The potential for professional play and the growth of the esports industry presents a lucrative opportunity.

Additionally, the chance to contribute to local representation and player development in competitive gaming adds value to both individual players and the community at large. Beyond financial incentives, building a successful esports squad provides opportunities for team building and personal development – fostering camaraderie among players while honing their gaming skills.

Starting an esports organisation not only offers a platform for professional gaming but also contributes positively to its local community by providing opportunities for personal and professional growth among gamers.

With about 130 colleges now having their own esports teams, there is significant potential for expansion in this domain, making this an exciting venture worth exploring further.

Steps to Building an Esports Team

Choose a game to focus on, select a geographic area, establish team branding, recruit team members, set up infrastructure and establish good team communication. Read on to discover the essential steps in building your esports team from the ground up.

Steps to Building an Esports Team

Choose a game to focus on

When establishing an esports team, it is essential to select a game to specialize in. Assess the popularity and competitive scene of various games before making a decision. Take into account the potential for growth and sustainability of the game within the esports industry.

Consider games with established professional leagues or those gaining traction in collegiate and amateur scenes as viable options for your team’s focus.

Evaluating the target audience and potential fan base for each game can also influence your decision. For example, popular titles such as League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, Fortnite, Dota 2, and Overwatch have large player bases and active competitive circuits.

Select a geographic area

When selecting a geographic area for your esports team, consider the availability of local gaming talent and potential competition. It’s important to research the gaming community in different regions to identify areas with a strong player base and supportive infrastructure.

By strategically choosing a geographic area with a thriving gaming scene, you can tap into local resources, events, and networks that will benefit your team’s development and growth.

Additionally, understanding the demographic makeup of different regions can help tailor marketing strategies to target specific groups of fans or potential sponsors. This approach can also facilitate collaborations with local businesses and organisations, paving the way for community engagement opportunities.

Establish team branding

Establishing team branding is a crucial step in building your esports team from the ground up. It involves creating a unique and recognisable identity for your team, including a captivating logo, team colours, and an engaging mission statement.

This helps to distinguish your team from others and makes it easier for fans to identify and support you. A well-crafted brand can also attract potential sponsors and partners who align with your team’s values and image.

By carefully crafting your team’s branding, you can create a strong foundation that resonates with players, fans, and potential investors. Capturing the essence of your team through compelling visuals and messaging will help set the tone for all future interactions with supporters, making it an essential part of establishing a successful esports organisation.

Recruit team members

Recruiting team members is a crucial step in building an esports team. Look for players who share your vision and passion for the game you’ve chosen to focus on. Use online platforms, gaming communities, and social media to reach out to potential candidates.

Consider hosting tryouts or attending gaming events to scout for talent. Be transparent about your expectations, including commitment levels and competition readiness, as this will help you attract individuals who are aligned with your goals.

Once we’ve recruited our team members, the next step is setting up infrastructure to support them effectively. Creating a conducive environment that fosters growth and teamwork is essential for the success of our esports organisation.

Set up infrastructure

When setting up infrastructure for your esports team, it’s essential to establish a dedicated space for practice and competition. This could be a physical location, such as a gaming facility or training centre, or a virtual hub where players can connect remotely.

Ensuring that the infrastructure includes high-performance gaming PCs, peripherals, and reliable internet connection is crucial for providing an optimal environment for your team to hone their skills and compete at their best.

Another important aspect of setting up infrastructure is creating streamlined communication channels. Implementing tools such as Discord or Slack can help facilitate efficient coordination among team members and coaches.

Establish good team communication

Once the infrastructure is set up, it’s crucial to establish good team communication within your esports organisation. Effective communication ensures that everyone is on the same page, leading to smoother coordination and teamwork.

Regular meetings and open channels for discussion can help in fostering a positive team environment.

Creating clear guidelines for communication, utilising messaging apps and email threads, and being transparent about expectations are key components of establishing effective team communication.

Promoting and Growing Your Esports Team

To grow and promote your esports team, you need to actively seek sponsorships, build a loyal fan base through engaging content, and network with other organisations in the gaming industry.

These steps will help raise the profile of your team and attract opportunities for growth and success.

Finding sponsorships

Finding sponsorships is crucial for the growth and success of your esports team. By securing sponsorships, you can gain financial support which will enable you to invest in top-quality equipment, training facilities, and travel expenses for competitions.

Additionally, partnering with sponsors can provide exposure for your team and help build a strong fan base. This can be achieved by approaching companies that have an interest in gaming and esports or reaching out to brands within the gaming industry.

Showcasing your team’s potential for success through impressive statistics and engagement rates on social media can make your proposal more appealing to potential sponsors.

Building a fan base

Esports teams need a solid fan base to thrive. We can attract fans by engaging with them on social media and streaming platforms, offering behind-the-scenes glimpses of the team, and creating exciting content around tournaments and players.

Engaging with the gaming community at events can also help build a loyal following.

To grow your fan base, we should collaborate with influencers in the gaming industry to reach a wider audience. Running competitions and giveaways is an effective way to increase engagement from existing fans while attracting new ones.

Networking and collaborating

Networking and collaborating with other esports teams and industry professionals can open up opportunities for sponsorships, partnerships, and exposure. Engaging in networking events, joining online communities, and attending industry conferences are effective ways to connect with potential sponsors and build relationships within the gaming community.

Collaborating on projects or events with other esports organisations can also help increase visibility and credibility for your team.

Establishing a strong network of connections within the gaming industry is crucial for the growth and success of your esports team. Working together with like-minded individuals and organisations can lead to valuable opportunities that may not have been possible on your own.

Starting an Esports Club at a School or University

If you’re interested in bringing esports to your school or university, there are a few key steps to consider. This includes setting goals, securing funding, choosing the right curriculum, and understanding the benefits of esports for students.

It’s also important to collaborate and network with other schools or universities who have successful esports clubs.

Set goals and do a needs assessment

Setting clear and achievable goals is fundamental when starting an esports club at a school or university. By establishing specific targets, such as the number of participants, budget requirements, and anticipated outcomes, you can guide your efforts effectively.

Conducting a needs assessment is equally critical to identify the resources necessary for success. This could involve evaluating equipment needs, space requirements for practice and competitions, and the level of support needed from faculty or staff.

By setting objectives and assessing what’s required to achieve them, you lay a solid foundation for building a thriving esports programme.

Secure funding

After setting clear goals and conducting a needs assessment, securing funding is essential for the success of your esports club or team. Finding financial support can come from various sources such as sponsorships, crowdfunding campaigns, or grants.

It’s crucial to develop a compelling pitch outlining the benefits and potential return on investment for potential sponsors or donors. Additionally, networking with local businesses and gaming communities can open doors to potential funding opportunities and partnerships.

As the popularity of esports continues to grow globally, many organisations are recognising the value of investing in this booming industry.

Choose curriculum

When establishing an esports club at a school or university, it is essential to choose the curriculum wisely. A well-thought-out curriculum should include content that aligns with the gaming industry’s latest trends and technologies.

This will help students gain practical knowledge and skills that are relevant to the evolving world of professional gaming. Additionally, incorporating modules on teamwork, strategy development, and leadership within the curriculum can provide valuable insights for aspiring gamers looking to excel in competitive esports.

Selecting a dynamic and engaging course structure is vital for attracting students who are passionate about gaming while providing them with a comprehensive educational experience.

Benefits of esports for students

After carefully choosing the curriculum for your esports club, it’s crucial to consider the benefits of esports for students. Engaging in esports can positively impact student learning and development.

Not only does it foster teamwork and communication skills but also encourages strategic thinking and problem-solving abilities, essential for academic success. Esports provides a platform for students to develop their leadership skills while promoting inclusivity and diversity within school communities.

Furthermore, participating in competitive gaming enhances cognitive abilities such as decision-making, multitasking, and quick reflexes – all valuable skills that can be transferred into academic pursuits.

Additionally, engaging in esports can provide opportunities for personal growth by boosting self-esteem and confidence among students. It promotes a sense of belonging through team camaraderie while teaching resilience in the face of defeat – important life lessons that extend beyond gaming.

Collaborate and network.

To grow your esports team, it’s crucial to collaborate and network with other teams, organisations, and industry professionals. By building relationships with like-minded individuals in the gaming community, you can gain valuable insights, access potential sponsorships, and discover new opportunities for your team.

Networking at gaming events and conferences can also lead to partnerships that could elevate the visibility and success of your esports organisation.

Engaging in collaborative efforts such as joint tournaments or content creation with other teams can help expand your team’s reach and attract a broader fan base. Additionally, working together with educational institutions or local businesses can provide resources and support for your team’s growth.


In conclusion, building an esports team from the ground up requires careful planning and a clear strategy. Setting specific goals, securing funding, and establishing effective communication are essential steps for success.

With dedication and hard work, it’s possible to create a professional gaming organisation that can thrive in the competitive esports industry. Collaborating with like-minded individuals and continuously seeking opportunities for growth will contribute to the team’s development and long-term success.

Building an esports organisation is a challenging but rewarding venture that offers numerous benefits for passionate gamers and novice enthusiasts alike.


1. What should I consider when starting a professional gaming organisation?

When forming a competitive esports team, factor in cost assessment, establishing effective management, and securing good players to make your team ownership successful.

2. How do I create a professional gaming team from scratch?

Start by selecting talented players for your developing gaming group, provide esports coaching to hone their skills, and construct the framework of your new competitive gaming organisation.

3. Can anyone form a competitive gaming organisation?

Yes! If you’re enthusiastic about esports and prepared to tackle the challenges of building an esports team from the ground up, including strategic planning and organising events, you can start one.

4. What makes an esports team successful?

Developing a successful esports organisation involves not only training skilled gamers but also managing them effectively as an integrated squad that works well under pressure during competitions.

The Top 10 Greatest Plays in Esports History

The Top 10 Greatest Plays in Esports History

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