Building a Brand: Esports Teams and the Quest for a Global Fanbase

Updated On: April 03, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Have you ever found yourself marvelling at the way esports teams enchant fans from every corner of the world? We’re right there with you, tackling the delightful conundrum of fostering a community that spans continents.

With esports on track to smash through a staggering $1.38 billion in revenue this year alone, our guide is positively brimming with savvy insights dedicated to crafting a brand that strikes a chord on an international scale.

Soak up the wisdom behind cultivating global fandom and steadfast brand devotion – carry on reading for our top-notch advice!

Key Takeaways

  • Esports teams can build a global brand by identifying their niche, creating an authentic visual identity and voice, and fostering strong community ties.
  • Innovative technology in esports like streaming platforms and VR improves fan engagement and opens up new branding opportunities for marketers.
  • Global esports revenue is set to exceed $1.38 billion in 2022, highlighting the significant investment potential for brands.
  • International tournaments amplify the cultural influence of esports, allowing fans worldwide to connect with teams beyond geographical boundaries.
  • The integration of communication technology facilitates real – time interaction between players and fans globally, enhancing the fan experience.

Understanding Esports

Esports is the competitive world of video gaming, offering a unique opportunity for marketers to engage with a highly engaged and diverse audience. Various types of esports marketing, such as sponsorships, influencer partnerships, and branded events, provide valuable opportunities for brands to connect with the esports community.

Definition and overview

In the heart of competitive gaming lies esports, a world where professional teams clash in video game battles for glory and prizes. We’re talking about a spectrum that ranges from fast-paced first-person shooters to strategic real-time strategy games.

Picture this: players with lightning-quick reflexes and minds like steel traps competing in virtual arenas while millions watch live online or in packed stadiums.

Esports ignites our passion for competition, uniting us across different continents through shared love for gaming. With an expected revenue smashing past $1 billion, we see it’s not just fun and games; it’s serious business.

Here, building a brand isn’t just about gaining fans; it’s about creating a global community that feels connected to every move on the screen. Sponsorships flow as abundantly as adrenaline during these digital duels, marking esports as fertile ground for marketing opportunities and audience engagement akin to traditional sports giants.

Benefits for marketers

With the vast and engaged audience that esports provide, marketers stand to benefit from targeted interactions with specific demographics, forging brand loyalty and fostering a strong sense of community.

The interactive engagement opportunities in esports are unparalleled, offering brands a unique chance to connect with consumers on a personal level. Esports teamsprojected revenue for 2022 is over $1.38 billion, presenting significant investment opportunities for brands looking to reach a global fan base and tap into the growing industry’s worth.

As fans support esports teams based on personality and skill, marketers have an opportunity to align their branding strategies with these values and build meaningful connections within the gaming community.

Types of esports marketing

Understanding the benefits for marketers in esports, we move on to explore the diverse types of esports marketing strategies that have proven successful in engaging fans and driving revenue growth.

  1. Content Marketing: Esports teams and brands create valuable, relevant content to attract and engage their target audience. This includes blogs, videos, social media posts, and live streams that showcase the team’s expertise and personality while providing entertainment and information to fans.
  2. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborating with popular gamers, streamers, or industry influencers allows brands to reach a wider audience through sponsored content, endorsements, or event appearances. These partnerships leverage the influencer’s credibility and connection with their followers.
  3. Event Sponsorships: Brands align themselves with esports events such as tournaments or gaming conventions through sponsorships that include logo placement, product demos, branded merchandise, or exclusive experiences for attendees. This creates visibility among passionate gamers and enthusiasts attending these events.
  4. Digital Advertising: Utilising targeted online ads across platforms such as social media, streaming websites, and gaming forums allows brands to connect with specific demographics within the global gaming community. These ads can promote products, events or special offers directly relevant to gamers.
  5. Product Placement: Integrating branded items within games or sponsorships of in-game elements introduces products directly into the virtual worlds where players spend significant time and attention. This subtle form of advertising allows for effective brand exposure within the game environment.
  6. Community Engagement Campaigns: Brands focus on building meaningful connections by interacting with fans through contests, forums, fan art showcases, or charity initiatives designed to foster a sense of belonging within the larger gaming community while promoting brand values.
  7. Mobile Marketing Initiatives: Understanding that many gamers use mobile devices for gaming-related activities opens up opportunities for brands to engage this segment through mobile apps sponsorship/partnerships or mobile-friendly ad campaigns targeting this increasingly important audience segment.
  8. Merchandising Strategies: Offering branded merchandise such as apparel, accessories or collectibles provides a means for fans to express their support while generating additional revenue streams for esports teams and brand partners beyond traditional marketing efforts.

The Global Impact of Esports

Esports has a significant global impact, with international tournaments drawing in large audiences from across the world. This cultural phenomenon is not limited by geographical boundaries due to the influence of communication technology, making it an attractive platform for marketers and brand builders.

International tournaments

Esports teams participate in international tournaments, showcasing their skills on a global stage. These events draw diverse audiences from around the world, contributing to the cultural influence of esports. The communication technology used during these tournaments connects fans globally and creates an immersive viewing experience. As a result, these tournaments attract significant investment and brand exposure, presenting lucrative opportunities for team branding and revenue impact. International tournaments foster a sense of community among fans and players alike, driving consumer connection and fandom building. Moreover, they serve as platforms for business development, attracting sponsors and expanding the online community surrounding esports.

Cultural influence

Having explored the impact of international tournaments on the global esports industry, it’s evident that cultural influence plays a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of competitive gaming.

Esports has become a melting pot of cultures, with diverse communities coming together to support their favorite teams and players. This cultural fusion provides an opportunity for brands to connect with a wide array of fans from different backgrounds, offering marketers a platform to create inclusive and culturally relevant campaigns that resonate with the global audience.

The rich tapestry of traditions and values within esports not only adds depth to fan engagement but also opens avenues for brands to embrace diversity and foster meaningful connections with their target demographics.

The crossover between traditional sports culture and esports is another aspect worth noting regarding cultural influence. As traditional sports clubs venture into the realm of competitive gaming, they bring along their established fan bases, injecting elements of traditional sports culture into esports.

Communication technology

Communication technology has revolutionised the landscape of esports, enabling real-time interactions between players and fans across the globe. Esports platforms have incorporated cutting-edge communication tools that facilitate seamless conversations, strategy discussions, and community engagement.

With the integration of voice chat, instant messaging, and live streaming features, gamers can connect on a personal level while spectating matches or coordinating gameplay. The advent of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) further enhances the immersive experience for both players and viewers alike, breaking traditional barriers by fostering a sense of camaraderie within the gaming community.

The accessibility provided by communication technology not only amplifies fan engagement but also opens up new avenues for brands to connect with their target audience. Marketers can leverage these innovative channels to interact directly with fans via sponsorships, in-game advertising, or hosting interactive events that resonate with passionate gamers on a global scale.

Technology in Esports

Esports technology is at the forefront of its growth, with advanced streaming platforms and virtual reality experiences shaping the fan experience – click here to discover more about how this impacts the industry.

Behind the scenes

Behind the scenes, technology plays a vital role in the growth of esports, allowing for seamless competition and engagement with global audiences. Esports teams leverage advanced hardware and software to enhance player performance and deliver top-tier experiences.

This behind-the-scenes innovation not only drives the industry forward but also opens up new opportunities for brand building and audience interaction.

Building a brand in esports requires meticulous attention to niche identification, visual identity, and community building. Behind the scenes, teams invest significant effort into defining their mission and vision, crafting an authentic voice and tone that resonates with fans worldwide.

Role in esports growth

Technology plays a pivotal role in the growth of esports. The continuous advancements in streaming platforms and virtual reality have revolutionised the accessibility and engagement levels for fans, leading to a surge in global viewership.

Esports has expanded beyond its niche audience, attracting investment from major brands, traditional sports clubs, and media conglomerates seeking to capitalise on its exponential growth.

The integration of technology not only fuels this expansion but also opens up new avenues for revenue generation, making esports an attractive option for marketers and brands looking to tap into an ever-growing global fan base.

Building a Brand in Esports

We will explore the key elements of building a brand in esports – from niche identification to community building, and how these strategies can help teams attract a global fanbase.

Read on to discover the essential steps for success in the dynamic world of esports branding.

Niche identification

Esports teams need to identify their niche within the gaming community. Understanding the specific needs and interests of passionate and novice gamers is crucial for building a strong brand.

By recognising the unique preferences of these audiences, teams can tailor their content, messaging, and engagement strategies to resonate with their target demographic. This approach helps create a loyal fan base as well as attracting potential new supporters.

Teams also use data analytics to pinpoint key demographics and preferred game genres among their audience. Utilising this information aids in strategising marketing efforts towards offering an inclusive experience that caters to diverse player preferences.

Mission and vision

Our mission and vision guide us in our quest to create a brand that resonates with esports enthusiasts across the globe. We strive to cultivate a community where passionate and novice gamers alike can come together, share experiences, and find a sense of belonging.

Our vision is to foster an inclusive environment that celebrates diversity and harnesses the power of gaming to unite people from all walks of life.

As we pursue this mission, we aim to provide engaging content that reflects the values of inclusivity, integrity, and innovation. Through our brand’s visual identity and voice, we seek to inspire creativity, drive positive change within the gaming community, and contribute towards shaping a more vibrant future for esports.

Visual identity

After solidifying our mission and vision, a crucial aspect of building a brand in esports is establishing a strong visual identity. Visual branding elements such as logos, color schemes, typography, and imagery play a significant role in crafting an esports team’s image and connecting with fans.

A well-crafted visual identity not only creates recognition but also evokes emotions and associations that resonate with the target audience. As we strive to appeal to passionate gamers as well as novice gamers, attention to detail in our visual branding will be vital.

This includes ensuring that our visual identity aligns with the niche we aim to occupy within the esports industry, reflecting both authenticity and innovation.

To successfully capture the hearts of fans globally, brands need to pay particular heed to their visual identity due to its potential impact on fan engagement. The significance of visually appealing content cannot be overstated when aiming for broader market penetration within the gaming community.

Voice and tone

Esports teams focus on creating a voice and tone that resonates with passionate gamers and novice players alike. Our language is friendly, factual, and expert while providing valuable information that connects with our audience.

With a projected revenue of over $1.38 billion in 2022, building a brand in esports calls for global forums to spark discussions and foster community building opportunities through niche identification and a compelling visual identity.

Esports offers marketers vast engagement opportunities with a dedicated audience, highlighting the significance of team personality connection in fan support. As traditional sports clubs use esports to expand their brand reputation globally, the industry’s rapid growth presents promising investment opportunities targeting diverse demographics.

Engaging with this unique audience positions brands to widen their reach significantly as we delve into the transformative power of esports across mainstream entertainment channels.

Community building

As we establish our brand’s voice and tone, community building comes to the forefront. Engaging with passionate gamers and novice gamers alike is crucial for establishing a loyal fan base.

By creating forums, social media groups, and in-game events, Esports teams can spark discussions and foster a sense of belonging within the community. Building a strong connection with fans through consistent engagement opportunities not only enhances team loyalty but also cultivates an environment where individuals feel valued and heard.

Esports investment offers unique opportunities for brands to connect with diverse audiences, leveraging technology to build communities that transcend traditional boundaries. With projected revenue exceeding $1.38 billion in 2022, Esports presents an exciting platform for marketers seeking global reach.

The Evolution of Esports in Media

Esports has transformed mainstream entertainment and continues to grow in popularity, engaging fans in new ways compared to traditional sports. To learn more about the impact of esports on media and its cultural phenomenon, dive into our blog.

Transforming mainstream entertainment

Esports have transformed mainstream entertainment, captivating a global audience with their thrilling and competitive gameplay. The industry’s remarkable growth has seen it become a cultural phenomenon, attracting investments from traditional sports clubs and major sponsors alike.

With an expected revenue of over $1.38 billion in 2022, the esports world offers unique and engaging opportunities for brands to connect with passionate gamers and those new to the scene.

This evolution not only provides interactive engagement but also broadens the avenues for cultivating online communities that foster meaningful discussions.

As esports continue to make waves in media and entertainment, they are redefining fan engagement compared to traditional sports. This shift is due to the technology-driven nature of esports which enables deeper connections between players, teams, and fans globally.

Comparing fan engagement to traditional sports

Transitioning from how esports is transforming mainstream entertainment, we come to see how the level of fan engagement within this domain holds up against that of traditional sports.

AspectTraditional SportsEsports
Global ReachLimited by regional popularity and broadcasting rights.Virtually unlimited, often facilitated by online streaming platforms.
DemographicsBroader age range but can be sport-specific.Skews younger but is rapidly diversifying.
Interaction LevelMostly as spectators, with some audience participation.Highly interactive, with live chats and direct player communication.
AccessibilityOften requires physical attendance for the full experience.Accessible anywhere with an internet connection.
Fan ActivitiesWatching games, attending matches, and purchasing merchandise.Includes in-game items, virtual cheering, and global forums for discussion.
Brand SupportThrough sponsorships and endorsements, clubs expand their brand.Teams leverage personality and skill, with a strong brand connection.
Revenue StreamsMerchandising, ticket sales, broadcasting rights.Sponsorships, advertising, co-streaming rights.
Community EngagementEngagement primarily occurs during live events and matches.Continual engagement through social media and year-round tournaments.
Personal ConnectionOften rooted in local or national pride.Based on personal affinity to team or player personalities.
Investment OpportunitiesStable with long-term growth.Rapidly growing, with a significant impact on revenue.

Addressing challenges and ensuring fairness

Esports faces challenges including ensuring fairness in competition and addressing issues like player exploitation. The industry is working to establish regulations and standards that promote fair play, protect players’ rights, and ensure a level playing field for all participants.

This includes implementing measures to prevent cheating, developing clear guidelines for team contracts, and establishing protocols for resolving disputes. Esports organisations are also focused on creating an inclusive environment that promotes diversity and equal opportunities for all individuals involved in the industry.

Furthermore, maintaining fairness within esports involves addressing issues related to transparency in revenue distribution, promoting ethical business practices, and safeguarding against potential conflicts of interest.

Investing in the financial ecosystem

– Addressing challenges and ensuring fairness paved the way for the flourishing of esports. As a viable option for marketers and brands looking to reach a global fan base, investing in the financial ecosystem is crucial.

The esports industry’s growth and worth make it an attractive marketing venture for many companies. With its significant impact on revenue and investment opportunities, esport teams are forging strategic partnerships with sponsors, similar to those of traditional sports, resulting in multiple revenue streams including sponsorships.

This diverse audience provides a unique opportunity for brands to engage with fans while expanding their brand reputation and awareness.

Cultural phenomenon

Esports has become a prominent cultural phenomenon, influencing the lifestyle and entertainment choices of millions worldwide. The industry’s rapid growth has led to the formation of distinctive gaming communities, each with its unique identity and norms.

Esports tournaments have evolved into significant cultural events celebrated by fans from various backgrounds, showcasing diverse interests and fostering a sense of global camaraderie through shared passions.

The rise of esports as a cultural phenomenon further underscores its impact on shaping modern leisure activities and social interactions. Fans, whether passionate or novice gamers, are drawn together by their mutual love for competitive gaming, transcending geographical borders and traditional barriers to unite in support of their favourite teams and players.


In conclusion, building a brand in the world of esports is an exhilarating journey that requires a strategic approach. Understanding the global impact of this industry and leveraging technology can help teams forge connections with fans across cultural boundaries.

By investing in community building and creating a compelling visual identity, esports teams can position themselves to attract a dedicated fan base and thrive on the global stage.


1. What does building a brand mean for esports teams?

Building a brand for esports teams involves creating a unique identity that attracts fans worldwide, helping the team stand out in an increasingly competitive industry.

2. Why is having a global fanbase important for esports teams?

Having a global fanbase is crucial as it increases the team’s visibility, draws in more sponsorship and investment opportunities, and creates widespread support across different regions.

3. How can an esports team begin to build its brand effectively?

An esports team can start by establishing its values, designing memorable logos and merchandise, engaging with fans on social media platforms, and performing consistently well in tournaments.

4. What role does investment play in building an esports brand?

Investment plays a significant role by providing the financial resources needed for high-quality training facilities, acquiring top talent of players for effective teamwork, marketing initiatives, and expansion efforts to reach new audiences globally.

The Top 10 Greatest Plays in Esports History

The Top 10 Greatest Plays in Esports History

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