Sponsorship and Brand Partnerships in Esports

Updated On: March 12, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Venturing into the thrilling realm of esports, one cannot help but notice that snagging sponsorships and brand partnerships can be quite the intricate dance. We’ve walked a mile in those shoes, tirelessly scouring the digital terrain for openings and it’s been an eye-opener to see how vital these partnerships are—for instance, there’s been a notable uptick in the recall rates for nonendemic brand sponsors as of late.

Our forthcoming article is akin to your trusty map through hidden treasure troves of sponsorship prospects within esports, brimming with savvy tactics to cultivate meaningful relationships.

Continue on; together we shall embark on this adventure and unearth its rewards!

Key Takeaways

  • Brands can reach a global audience by sponsoring esports leagues and tournaments, gaining high visibility and strong recognition within the gaming community.
  • Innovative partnerships in esports, such as Red Bull’s support of events and athletes or Intel’s collaboration with ESL One, demonstrate the success of creative sponsorship strategies.
  • Esports sponsorships provide unique opportunities for brands to make authentic connections with gamers through personalised campaigns that resonate with this tech-savvy audience.
  • The rise of affiliate marketing in esports allows for strategic collaborations between brands and influential gamers or streamers, creating new revenue streams whilst boosting brand exposure.
  • As technology advances, there are growing opportunities for brands to engage with passionate gamers through immersive experiences at esports arenas and virtual reality platforms.

Understanding Esports Sponsorships and Partnerships

Esports sponsorships and partnerships are vital for the growth and success of the industry. They provide financial support, resources, and exposure to players, teams, leagues, tournaments, and gaming brands.

Successful examples include collaborations between top esports organisations like Team Liquid or Fnatic with major brands such as Red Bull or Intel.

Definition and importance

Sponsorship in esports means brands support gaming events, leagues, or teams financially or through products and services. This partnership can be a game-changer for both parties. On one side, sponsors get to tap into the vast, engaged audiences of gamers around the world.

For us passionate players and fans, sponsorships bring our favourite events to life with prize pools, better production quality and enable top-notch competitions.

These partnerships are key for growth in our community. They help build professional gaming careers and fund major tournaments that millions watch online and offline. Brands find a valuable space here too; they connect authentically with us gamers who appreciate their support for what we love doing—gaming! Plus, as sponsorship recall rises among non-endemic brands in esports venues from small local arenas to massive global stages – think about how much more exciting these places become thanks to brand activations that enhance our experience!

Key examples of successful sponsorships and partnerships

Successful esports sponsorships and partnerships have reshaped the industry landscape, showcasing the potential for brands to authentically connect with gamers. The following examples demonstrate the diverse opportunities within this dynamic space:

  1. League of Legends global partnership with Mastercard: This collaboration provided unique in-game benefits and experiences for players, enhancing fan engagement and brand recognition through innovative activations.
  2. Red Bull’s support of esports events and athletes: Red Bull’s commitment to esports is evident through its sponsorship of tournaments, teams, and individual players, contributing to the growth and professionalism of the industry.
  3. Intel’s long-term partnership with ESL One: As a leading hardware sponsor, Intel’s association with ESL One showcases its dedication to providing high-performance gaming technology while reaching a global audience of esports enthusiasts.
  4. State Farm’s sponsorship of the NBA 2K League: By engaging with a virtual basketball league, State Farm effectively targeted a new demographic of sports fans while demonstrating its commitment to innovation in sports marketing.
  5. Coca-Cola’s strategic partnerships with Overwatch League: Through various activation strategies, Coca-Cola has amplified its brand presence in esports by leveraging the unique community and culture surrounding competitive gaming.
  6. Nike’s collaboration with T1 Entertainment & Sports: The iconic sportswear brand ventured into esports by partnering with T1, demonstrating a forward-thinking approach towards embracing this rapidly evolving sector.
  7. Gillette’s endorsement deal with professional Fortnite player Ninja: By aligning itself with one of gaming’s most influential figures, Gillette successfully captured attention within the gaming community while affirming its relevance in modern pop culture.
  8. Mountain Dew’s activation at Call of Duty League events: With immersive experiences and exclusive content creation, Mountain Dew effectively integrated its brand into high-energy esports competitions, resonating strongly with fans and players alike.

Top Sponsorship Opportunities in Esports

Leagues and tournaments provide a great platform for sponsors to reach a wide audience of passionate gamers. Teams and individual players/streamers also offer valuable sponsorship opportunities in the esports industry.

Leagues and tournaments

Esports leagues and tournaments provide prime opportunities for sponsorships and brand partnerships. Major events such as the League of Legends World Championship and The International Dota 2 tournament draw substantial viewership, offering extensive exposure for sponsors. Sponsoring leagues and tournaments allows brands to access a diverse audience of passionate gamers, enabling them to align their products or services with the excitement and energy surrounding these events.

  1. eSports leagues and tournaments offer a platform for brands to engage with a global audience, providing high visibility and reach across various demographics.
  2. By sponsoring prominent leagues and tournaments, brands can establish strong brand recognition and association within the gaming community, fostering affinity among gamers.
  3. Partnerships with esports events allow brands to integrate their products or messaging organically into the gaming experience, creating authentic connections with players and fans.
  4. Sponsorship of esports tournaments provides an avenue for brands to showcase their support for the gaming industry, enhancing their reputation among the gaming community.
  5. Collaborating with leagues and tournaments in esports presents brands with opportunities to create memorable experiences for gamers through innovative activations and promotions during events.
  6. Investing in sponsorships within esports leagues and tournaments enables brands to leverage the growing popularity of competitive gaming as a marketing channel, reaching a tech-savvy audience.
  7. Sponsoring major esports events facilitates direct engagement with gamers during live broadcasts, enabling brands to convey their message effectively while capturing viewers’ attention.

Teams and individual players/streamers

Moving from leagues and tournaments, let’s now focus on the opportunities for sponsorships and partnerships with teams and individual players/streamers in the esports industry. This is a key area for brands to establish a strong presence and connect with the gaming community. Here are some examples of how brands can engage with teams and individual players/streamers:

  1. Team Sponsorships: Brands can form partnerships with professional esports teams, providing financial support, equipment, or branded merchandise in exchange for exposure during competitions and events.
  2. Individual Player/Streamer Endorsements: Brands can collaborate with popular individual players or streamers to promote their products during live streams, gaming sessions, or through sponsored content on social media platforms.
  3. Personalised Gaming Equipment: Offering customised gaming hardware or accessories to teams and players not only promotes the brand but also enhances the performance of the gamers during competitions.
  4. Exclusive Brand Affiliations: Providing exclusive discounts or special offers to fans of specific teams or players can create a sense of loyalty and drive engagement with the brand.
  5. Sponsored Events and Tournaments: Supporting esports events organised by teams or individual players can help brands reach a wider audience while contributing to the growth of the esports community.
  6. Co-Created Content: Collaborating with gamers to create unique content such as tutorials, reviews, or gameplay highlights can showcase the brand’s products in an authentic and engaging manner.
  7. Community Engagement Initiatives: Brands can partner with esports organisations to support community-building initiatives, charity events, or educational programmes aimed at empowering aspiring gamers.
  8. Branded Merchandise Collaboration: Developing co-branded merchandise lines with popular teams or players can provide fans with exclusive collectibles while expanding the brand’s reach within the gaming community.

Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a strategic approach where brands collaborate with influencers, players, or esports teams to promote products and services. This collaboration involves sharing unique referral links that allow the affiliate to earn a commission for every sale made through their link.

Gaming hardware sponsorships and mobile gaming sponsors often utilise affiliate marketing to reach their target audience effectively. By leveraging the influence of gamers and streamers, these partnerships can generate authentic connections with potential customers while also boosting brand recognition within the gaming community.

Esports marketers are increasingly turning to affiliate marketing as it offers an organic way to engage with audiences while creating new revenue streams. Leveraging digital video advertising opens doors for sponsorships through this medium, providing innovative opportunities for brands in terms of exposure within the fast-growing esports industry.

eSports arenas

Esports arenas are the pulsating heart of competitive gaming, where players showcase their skills and thrill audiences with high-stakes gameplay. These arenas serve as the backdrop for major tournaments and events, attracting diverse audiences from around the world.

Brands have a unique opportunity to partner with esports arenas, gaining exposure to an enthusiastic and engaged fan base. It’s a chance for sponsors to connect with gamers in person, leaving a lasting impression by aligning themselves with the electrifying energy of live esports competitions.

As stadiums and event venues continue to host these exhilarating showdowns, it’s paramount for brands seeking recognition within the gaming community to consider strategic partnerships within this dynamic arena.

Evolving technologies enable fans around the globe to experience esports competitions like never before through immersive live streams and virtual reality experiences. This presents an unprecedented opportunity for brands seeking innovative ways to connect with both on-site attendees and remote viewers.

How to Secure Brand Partnerships in Esports

We will provide practical strategies and tips for approaching potential partners in the esports industry to secure brand partnerships that are mutually beneficial. Learn how to demonstrate the value and benefits of the partnership to attract potential sponsors and partners in our upcoming blog post!

Strategies for approaching potential partners

  1. Identify the brand’s goals and values that align with the esports industry to demonstrate compatibility and mutual benefit.
  2. Develop a tailored proposal showcasing the unique opportunities esports sponsorships can offer, leveraging facts such as increased recall of non-endemic sponsors over the past decade.
  3. Highlight the potential for authentic connections with gamers, incorporating details on successful esports sponsorships that have boosted brand recognition.
  4. Emphasise the rapid growth and worth of the esports industry, presenting statistics to support its lucrative nature and potential for significant returns on investment.

Demonstrating value and benefits of the partnership

After successfully approaching potential partners, it’s essential to demonstrate the value and benefits of the partnership in a way that resonates with their brand objectives. Highlight how the collaboration can offer authentic connections with gamers, boosting brand recognition within the esports community.

Emphasise that eSports sponsorships provide unique marketing avenues and opportunities for brand promotion, aligning with the increasing worth and rapid growth of this industry. The rising recall of nonendemic sponsors in eSports over the past decade underscores its potential for brands seeking impactful digital video advertising and lucrative investments.

Successful eSports sponsors understand that crafting campaigns tailored to this audience requires exceptional creativity and intent, contributing to redefining engagement within this rapidly growing industry.

Creativity in Esports Sponsorships: A Case Study

We’ll take a look at successful examples of unique and effective sponsorships in the esports industry, showcasing how creativity can lead to innovative partnerships that resonate with the gaming community.

Read on to discover how brands are pushing boundaries and making an impact in the world of esports.

Successful examples of unique and effective sponsorships

Successful examples of unique and effective sponsorships in esports include:

  1. Red Bull’s innovative approach to sponsorship, collaborating with popular esports events such as the Red Bull Kumite and sponsoring competitive gaming teams, which has resulted in a strong brand presence in the gaming community.
  2. Logitech G’s strategic partnership with various professional esports organisations, providing high-quality gaming peripherals and engaging in co-marketing initiatives, reinforcing its reputation as a leading brand among gamers.
  3. Intel’s impactful sponsorship of major esports tournaments like ESL One and its involvement in the development of the Intel Extreme Masters, showcasing dedication to advancing the competitive gaming scene and leveraging its technology expertise for mutual benefit.
  4. Ford’s unconventional collaboration with Psyonix’s Rocket League Championship Series (RLCS), featuring branded vehicles within the game, demonstrating an innovative integration of non-endemic brands into the esports landscape.
  5. Coca – Cola’s successful activation at The International Dota 2 Championships, executing a comprehensive marketing campaign and engaging fans through exclusive content and experiences, illustrating an effective approach to connecting with the esports audience.

Future of Esports Sponsorships and Partnerships

The future of esports sponsorships and partnerships is filled with potential growth and opportunities. With the continuous development of new technologies and the entry of various industries into the esports market, there will be unique ways for brands to engage with gamers and further establish their presence in the gaming community.

Potential growth and opportunities

Esports sponsorships and brand partnerships present tremendous potential for growth, with the industry’s worth continuing to rise significantly. As more non-endemic brands enter the esports market, there are ample opportunities for authentic connections with gamers.

With digital video advertising creating more sponsorship avenues, brands can explore innovative marketing strategies to engage with the gaming community. Esports sponsors who understand and respect the unique nature of this rapidly growing industry will be well-positioned to capitalise on its potential growth and create impactful partnerships.

The ever-evolving landscape of esports is attracting new technologies and industries, opening doors for innovative collaborations and marketing initiatives. This presents an exciting opportunity for brands seeking to expand their reach in a dynamic and influential space.

Impact of new technologies and industries entering the esports market

New technologies and industries entering the esport market are revolutionising how brands engage with gamers. With the rise of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), sponsors can create immersive experiences that resonate with gaming audiences on a whole new level.

Brand activations in gaming, powered by innovative technologies, offer unprecedented opportunities for authentic connections between brands and gamers. This shift introduces an array of creative possibilities, shaping the future landscape of esport sponsorships and partnerships.

The continued evolution of technology also brings forth novel avenues for marketing in the gaming industry. As digital video advertising continues to grow in prominence, it creates additional openings for sponsorships and advertising within esport.


In conclusion, the world of esports sponsorships and brand partnerships is an ever-evolving landscape with vast potential and unique opportunities for brands to connect authentically with gamers.

With strategic approaches and a deep understanding of the industry, marketers can secure successful collaborations within this lucrative market. As new technologies continue to reshape the gaming industry, it’s evident that there is immense scope for growth and innovation in esports sponsorships and partnerships.

Such collaborations not only enhance brand recognition but also offer valuable experiences for both players and fans alike.


1. What are esports sponsorships and brand partnerships?

Esports sponsorships and brand partnerships involve companies supporting esports teams, events or players in exchange for marketing opportunities within the gaming community.

2. How do brands benefit from sponsoring an esports team?

By sponsoring an esports team, brands can engage with a dedicated audience, increase visibility through brand activations in esports, and leverage various marketing strategies to promote their products.

3. Can any company partner with an esports entity?

Yes, companies from different sectors can find sponsorship opportunities in the diverse ecosystem of esports, ranging from gaming drink sponsorship to broader Esports branding initiatives.

4. What types of marketing partnerships exist in esports?

There are many types of marketing partnerships in Esports including gaming sponsorships, Esports team sponsorships, Esports brand collaborations and integrated campaigns for product demos or launches.

5. Why is it important for a sponsorship deal to align with both the brand’s and the game’s audience?

For successful integration and impact, it’s crucial that the values and interests of a sponsored event or team resonate with those of the sponsoring brand to ensure authenticity and effectiveness in promotion within the gaming industry.

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