Bjergsen: LoL’s Mid-Lane Maestro and Coach

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Unearthing the very soul of a team amidst the frenetic whirlwind that is League of Legends is no mean feat. That same burning curiosity has gripped us, an eagerness to comprehend what forges a hero both within the pulsating realms of cyberspace and beyond.

Our intimate exploration into Søren “Bjergsen” Bjerg‘s odyssey from humble player to esteemed coach unveils just how profoundly one individual can influence an entire squad. Immerse yourself alongside us as we recount a saga brimming with tactical acumen, prowess, and metamorphosis.

Key Takeaways

  • Bjergsen, a renowned figure in League of Legends, shifted from being an outstanding mid – lane player to becoming an influential coach for Team SoloMid (TSM).
  • He has won multiple awards and achievements such as LCS MVP and NA LCS Finals MVP, confirming his status as one of the top players in his field.
  • Under Bjergsen’s coaching, TSM observed considerable improvements in strategy application and team performance within the LCS.
  • His hands – on approach to coaching emphasises developing individual skills among players while fostering teamwork and adaptability.
  • While focusing on strategic growth for TSM, there is ongoing speculation about whether Bjergsen will return to professional playing or continue shaping the future direction of TSM.

Bjergsen’s Personal Life

Bjergsen’s personal life is as fascinating as his gaming career. From his early life and education to his impressive gaming background, he has become a prominent figure in the League of Legends community.

His journey from a young gamer to a respected professional player has captured the hearts of many esports enthusiasts.

Early life and education

Growing up in Denmark, the future mid-lane maestro began his journey like many of us, attending school and living a regular life. However, his passion for gaming was evident early on.

He spent countless hours honing his skills at home, not knowing that one day these sessions would lay the foundation for a legendary esports career.

Education took a backseat as he ascended through the ranks of online competition. Balancing textbooks and team strategies became daily routine for Bjergsen. This young Dane’s dedication to mastering League of Legends reshaped his path dramatically, ultimately leading him far from traditional classroom settings into the world-class arenas where he made a name for himself as an unrivaled force in professional play.

Gaming background

After completing his education, Bjergsen delved into the world of gaming and quickly rose to prominence as a highly skilled League of Legends player. His journey began in Europe before making his mark in North America’s competitive gaming scene.

With a passion for strategic gameplay and outmaneuvering opponents, he honed his skills in the mid-lane position, gaining recognition as a standout player with exceptional talent and game knowledge.

As he transitioned from amateur play to professional esports, Bjergsen’s dedication to mastering his craft became evident through his swift adaptation to new strategies and meta shifts.

Role in the League of Legends community

Bjergsen has a significant role in the League of Legends community, where he is highly respected for his skills as a mid-lane maestro and coach. His impressive professional gaming career and transition to coaching have made him an influential figure in the community.

As a former TSM player and head coach, his impact on the North American League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) has been noteworthy. Additionally, Bjergsen’s strategic insights and experience as both a pro player and head coach have added depth to discussions within the League of Legends community.

His influence extends beyond just TSM fans; passionate gamers and novice players value his contributions to the league. Bjergsen’s ability to seamlessly switch from being a legendary TSM player to becoming an LCS icon showcases his versatility and dedication that continues to inspire many aspiring players within the League of Legends community.

Bjergsen’s Career as a Player

Bjergsen’s career as a player has been nothing short of spectacular. With his impressive team history and numerous individual awards, he has solidified himself as one of the best mid-lane players in the League of Legends Championship Series (LCS) in North America.

Let’s take a closer look at his journey to becoming a legendary player in the esports world.

Team History

  1. Multiple Domestic Titles:
  1. International Appearances:
  1. Shaping Strategies and Playstyle:
  1. Adapting to Changes:

Tournament results

We’ve closely observed Bjergsen’s incredible journey through numerous tournaments, where his exceptional skills have been displayed time and again. Here’s a summary of his most significant tournament results:

2013EULCS Spring PlayoffsCopenhagen Wolves5th-6th
2014NA LCS Spring SplitTeam SoloMid1st
2014World ChampionshipTeam SoloMidQuarter-Finals
2015NA LCS Summer SplitTeam SoloMid2nd
2016NA LCS Spring SplitTeam SoloMid2nd
2016NA LCS Summer SplitTeam SoloMid1st
2017NA LCS Spring SplitTeam SoloMid1st
2017MSITeam SoloMidGroup Stage
2017World ChampionshipTeam SoloMidGroup Stage
2018NA LCS Spring SplitTeam SoloMid3rd
2020LCS Summer SplitTeam SoloMid1st
2020World ChampionshipTeam SoloMidGroup Stage

These results have cemented Bjergsen’s status as one of the most accomplished players in the League of Legends sphere, showcasing his strategic prowess and relentless dedication to the game. Our shared admiration for his achievements as a mid-lane maestro is endless, and we eagerly anticipate what the future holds for him, whether on the rift or as a guiding force from the coaching sidelines.

Individual awards

  1. LCS Rookie of the Split – Spring 2014
  2. LCS MVP – Summer 2014
  3. All-LCS 1st Team – Spring 2015, Summer 2015, Spring 2016, Summer 2016, Spring 2017, Summer 2017
  4. NA LCS Finals MVP – Spring 2017
  5. Esports Player of the Year – Esports Awards (Nominated in various years)

Notable achievements

After winning the NA LCS MVP award twice in 2015 and 2016, Bjergsen continued to showcase his dominance as a mid-lane maestro. His exceptional performance led him to be named in the NA LCS All-Pro Team for multiple consecutive splits.

Furthermore, he was integral to TSM’s victories at IEM Season IX – San Jose and IEM Season IX – World Championship.

Following his decision to transition from player to coach, Bjergsen achieved remarkable success by fostering strategic growth within TSM. As head coach, he played a crucial role in leading TSM to victory in the LCS Summer Split of 2020, solidifying his reputation as an accomplished leader both on and off the rift.

Bjergsen’s Transition to Coach

After announcing his retirement, Bjergsen made the transition from professional player to coach. His decision to become a coach was fueled by his passion for the game and desire to share his knowledge and expertise with others.

As a coach, he brings a strategic approach and hands-on leadership style to help TSM strive for success in the LCS.

Announcement of retirement

Bjergsen announced his retirement on October 24th, 2020, marking the end of his impressive career as a professional esports player. After spending eight years with Team SoloMid and becoming an iconic mid-lane maestro in the North American League of Legends Championship Series (LCS), he decided to transition into coaching.

His retirement came after TSM’s disappointing performance at Worlds 2020, where they did not secure any wins during their run. Despite this setback, Bjergsen’s decision to retire and take on a coaching role was met with immense respect and admiration from the gaming community.

As a result of this announcement, fans eagerly anticipated how Bjergsen’s strategic approach and extensive experience would influence TSM’s future.

Reasons for becoming a coach

After an illustrious career as a professional League of Legends player, Bjergsen decided to transition into coaching for several reasons. One of the primary motivations was his desire to pass on his knowledge and experience to future generations of players, helping others develop their skills in the competitive gaming arena.

Additionally, he sought to bring a fresh perspective and strategic approach to Team SoloMid’s coaching staff, leveraging his deep understanding of the game and its ever-evolving meta.

Bjergsen also aimed to foster a supportive environment that nurtured teamwork and resilience among TSM’s players while ensuring they remained focused on achieving their collective goals.

His ambitions as a coach were driven by a commitment to contributing positively towards TSM’s legacy and inspiring confidence in each member of the team. Moreover, his goal was not only focused on winning tournaments but also on creating a sustainable culture based on respect, growth, and innovation within North America’s League of Legends Championship Series (LCS).

With this multifaceted approach, Bjergsen embraced the role of coach with passion and dedication – aiming not just for victories but for long-term impact within TSM.

Coaching style and approach

After transitioning from player to coach, Bjergsen brought a strategic and hands-on approach to coaching Team SoloMid (TSM). He focuses on developing each player’s skills and understanding of the game, emphasising teamwork, communication, and adaptability.

Bjergsen leverages his experience as a successful mid-lane maestro to guide TSM with insightful in-game strategy and analysis. His coaching style revolves around creating an environment where players can thrive individually while working cohesively towards team objectives.

Bjergsen’s approach combines a meticulous analysis of opponents’ strategies with personalised guidance for each player. He aims to maximise the strengths of individual players while addressing their weaknesses through tailored training programmes.

Impact on TSM

Bjergsen’s transition to coaching has had a significant impact on TSM, with the team showing noticeable improvements in their performance. His leadership and strategic approach have helped elevate the team’s gameplay and results within the LCS.

Team performance under Bjergsen’s coaching

During Bjergsen’s coaching tenure, the TSM team displayed noticeable improvements in their performance. The squad showed better coordination and strategic decision-making, leading them to achieve more consistent results in the LCS.

Under Bjergsen’s guidance, TSM adapted new gameplay strategies and demonstrated a stronger presence in their matches.

The impact of Bjergsen’s coaching was evident in TSM’s ability to adapt to different playstyles and opponents, showcasing versatility and resilience on the rift. Additionally, with a focus on teamwork and structured communication instilled by Bjergsen, the team delivered more cohesive performances.

These changes ultimately led to an enhanced competitive edge for TSM during their games in the LCS.

Changes and improvements

Influencing TSM’s performance, Bjergsen implemented significant changes and improvements to elevate the team’s gameplay. His coaching style and approach focused on refining strategies and enhancing individual player skills. The impact of these changes was evident in the following:

  1. Redefining Team Strategy: Bjergsen introduced new tactics and game plans to adapt to different opponents’ playstyles, leading to a more versatile and adaptable team dynamic.
  2. Developing Player Skillsets: He emphasised individual skill development, focusing on improving specific aspects such as map awareness, decision-making, and champion proficiency for each player.
  3. Enhanced Team Cohesion: Bjergsen fostered a cohesive team environment through effective communication techniques, teamwork exercises, and trust-building activities.
  4. Adaptation to Meta Changes: Under his guidance, TSM adeptly adapted their playstyle to suit evolving in-game metas, ensuring they remained competitive in the rapidly changing landscape of professional League of Legends.
  5. Strategic Drafting Approaches: Bjergsen’s meticulous approach towards drafting champion compositions strategically gave TSM an edge in pick/ban phases, optimising their chances for success in matches.
  6. Strengthening Mental Resilience: He focused on mental fortitude training, instilling resilience and composure in players during high-pressure situations, contributing to improved performance during critical moments.
  7. Long-Term Player Development Plans: Bjergsen laid out long-term individual player improvement plans while nurturing young talents within the organisation toward becoming future pro players.

Future Plans for Bjergsen

Bjergsen’s future plans include the possibility of returning to playing, as well as shaping the future of TSM as a coach. Fans eagerly await his next move in the League of Legends scene.

Possible return to playing

Bjergsen could potentially make a return as an active player in the future. His decision to transition from playing to coaching doesn’t rule out the possibility of him stepping back onto the competitive stage.

With his extensive experience and exceptional skill set, Bjergsen’s potential return would certainly shake up the League of Legends scene once again. Considering his deep connection to Team SoloMid and his undeniable impact on the game, fans and enthusiasts eagerly await any news about a potential comeback.

As we explore Bjergsen’s possible next steps, let’s delve into how his return to playing could reshape the competitive landscape and ignite newfound excitement within the League of Legends community.

Plans for the future of TSM

As TSM moves forward, the organisation is in a phase of rebuilding and strategising for the future. The departure of Bjergsen as both player and coach has paved the way for new opportunities.

With this shift, TSM is now focused on scouting potential talents to fill key roles within their team lineup. Additionally, there are plans to revamp coaching strategies and team dynamics to ensure continued success in the LCS.

The focus remains on fostering a winning culture while adapting to changes in gameplay and competition.

Looking ahead, TSM also aims to expand its presence within the gaming community by investing in emerging talent and fostering partnerships with grassroots organisations. This approach aligns with their commitment to further develop North American talent, solidify regional dominance, and make an impact on the global esports stage.


Bjergsen’s impact as a mid-lane maestro and coach has been significant in the League of Legends community. His transition from player to coach brought about positive changes for TSM, showcasing his expertise and leadership abilities.

With an impressive career as a legendary TSM player and now as an influential coach, Bjergsen continues to leave his mark on the esports world.


1. Who is Bjergsen in the League of Legends world?

Bjergsen is a retired player known for his skill in the midlane position and has also served as a coach for TSM, a team in the LCS.

2. What made Bjergsen famous in LoL?

He gained fame through his impressive gameplay for Team SoloMid in NA’s League of Legends Championship Series.

3. Has Bjergsen won any major tournaments with TSM?

Yes, while playing midlane for TSM, Bjergsen won several important matches in the LCS that secured their reputation as one of North America’s strongest teams.

4. Is Bjergsen still active in the competitive scene of LoL after retiring?

After retiring from active play, he transitioned into coaching roles within the League of Legends community to share his expertise with upcoming players.

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