Super Mario 3D World Speedrunning Guide: Tricks and Routes

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Are you struggling to complete Super Mario 3D World quickly? We understand the frustration of trying to find the best routes and strategies. With in-depth research, we’ve found essential tricks and efficient routes for successful speedrunning in Super Mario 3D World. This guide will help you overcome challenges and improve your speedrun times. Ready to master the art of speedrunning?

Key Takeaways

  • Mastering advanced movement techniques such as wall jumps, long jumps, ground pound cancels, and dive rolls is essential to improve speedrun times in Super Mario 3D World.
  • Utilising power – ups like the Super Bell for climbing and the Boomerang Flower for ranged attacks can significantly cut down level completion times when used strategically.
  • Speedrunning success also relies on learning efficient routes through each world, with World 1-1 favouring precision jumping and power-up usage while World 4-4 challenges players to navigate complex terrain with careful planning.
  • Advanced strategies such as cloud clipping, crownless runs, and coinless runs offer seasoned gamers an additional layer of challenge and the opportunity to further their skills in unique ways.
  • As new techniques are discovered by a growing community of speedrunners, there is always potential for improvement within Super Mario 3D World’s fast-paced platform environments.

Explanation of speedrunning and its popularity in Super Mario 3D World

Speedrunning in Super Mario 3D World is all about finishing the game as fast as possible, using every trick and shortcut at our disposal. It’s a thrilling way to challenge ourselves, pushing the limits of what we thought were quick completion strategies.

With precise jumps, optimised routes, and clever use of power-ups, we cut down those precious seconds to climb up the leaderboards. This surge of high-speed playthroughs has created an enthusiastic community that thrives on sharing speedy gaming tactics and celebrating each other’s swift completion routes.

The allure for speedrunners comes from both the classic platformer charm Super Mario games are known for and the innovative mechanics 3D World introduces. We engage in time trials where skill meets strategy, aiming to find that optimal path through energetic levels packed with obstacles.

As more gamers master rapid gameplay techniques, new records surface regularly – sparking excitement within the gaming community. Our passion turns into a collective quest for efficiency as we dissect every level to uncover even faster ways to reach that end flagpole.

Understanding Speedrunning in Super Mario 3D World

Mastering key mechanics and techniques, such as precise jumps and optimal movement, is essential for successful speedruns in Super Mario 3D World. Efficient use of power-ups and items can also make a significant difference in completing the game quickly.

Key mechanics and techniques for successful speedruns

In Super Mario 3D World, mastering the clock is crucial to our speedrunning success. To shave seconds off your time, precise jumps and tight control of Mario are essential. We focus on stringing together a series of moves like wall jumps and long jumps, which propel us forward at breakneck speeds.

Practice makes perfect; repeating levels helps us learn every corner and obstacle.

To boost our runs even further, we use power-ups wisely. Picking up the right item can turn a tricky section into a walk in the park or allow for shortcuts that cut down on precious time.

Knowing where to find these power-ups and how to incorporate them into our strategy gives us an edge over competitors striving for rapid game completion methods just like us. It’s all about planning ahead – foreseeing each move before making it – so that every second counts towards achieving those record-breaking times in this thrilling platformer game.

Utilising power-ups and items efficiently

In Super Mario 3D World, power-ups and items are crucial for speeding through levels. We can use the Super Bell to climb walls quickly, the Double Cherry to duplicate ourselves and reach multiple platforms simultaneously, and the Boomerang Flower to attack enemies from a distance.

Additionally, we must make strategic use of items like the P-Wing or Invincibility Leaf in challenging sections to shave off precious seconds.

The game’s speedrunning community enthusiastically shares insights on harnessing power-ups effectively. They discuss specific levels where certain power-ups can lead to quicker completion times.

Essential Tricks for Speedrunning

Mastering the art of wall jumps and long jumps can save precious seconds in your speedrun. Ground pound cancels and dive rolls are also essential techniques to navigate through levels quickly and efficiently.

Wall jumps and long jumps

To gain speed and cover great distances, wall jumps and long jumps are crucial manoeuvres in Super Mario 3D World speedrunning. Wall jumping allows players to rebound off walls, reaching higher platforms quicker or bypassing obstacles with finesse.

Long jumps propel Mario across wide gaps swiftly, maximising efficiency in traversing levels. Mastering these techniques is essential for shaving off precious seconds from your overall completion time.

Experiment with the timing of wall jumps to ascend rapidly through levels or reach hidden areas. Likewise, perfecting the execution of long jumps will significantly enhance your chances of achieving faster completion times while navigating through tricky terrains in Super Mario 3D World.

Ground pound cancels and dive rolls

Transitioning from mastering wall jumps and long jumps to further advanced techniques, speedrunners also utilise ground pound cancels and dive rolls to shave precious seconds off their completion times.

Ground pound cancels involve quickly cancelling a ground pound animation by jumping, allowing for swift navigation through levels. Meanwhile, dive rolls enable players to seamlessly transition from dives into rolls, maintaining momentum while traversing obstacles.

These techniques demand precise timing and execution but can significantly enhance the efficiency of speedrunning routes in Super Mario 3D World.

Skip jumps and zips

Skip jumps and zips are essential techniques for shaving precious seconds off your Super Mario 3D World speedrun. Utilising skip jumps allows you to cover large distances quickly, while zips enable you to bypass sections of a level entirely.

These advanced manoeuvres require precise timing and execution, but mastering them can significantly improve your completion times.

To take your speedrunning skills to the next level, understanding how to incorporate skip jumps and zips into your routes is crucial. With practice and dedication, these tricks can help you achieve faster completion times in different levels throughout the game.

Recommended Routes for Speedrunning

Discover the most efficient routes through World 1-1, World 2-2, World 3-3, and World 4-4 to achieve fast completion – read on to find out more!

World 1-1

To speedrun World 1-1 effectively, players should focus on executing precise jumps and utilising power-ups strategically. It’s crucial to master the long jump and wall jump techniques to navigate through the level swiftly.

Additionally, using the Cat Suit can provide shortcuts by climbing walls, while the Super Bell allows for quick movements across terrain. By combining these skills and power-ups efficiently, players can shave off valuable seconds from their completion time.

Advanced speedrunning techniques such as skip jumps and zips can also be beneficial in World 1-1, enabling players to bypass certain sections quickly. Moreover, understanding the layout of the level and identifying optimal routes is essential for achieving a fast completion time in this stage.

World 2-2

World 2-2 introduces speedrunners to new challenges, including precision jumps and enemy encounters. Players use tactics such as well-timed ground pound cancels and long jumps to navigate the level efficiently.

Mastering these techniques is crucial for achieving a fast completion time in this stage. Additionally, knowing when to utilise power-ups like the Super Bell or Boomerang Flower can greatly streamline progress through various obstacles.

As we move forward to explore World 3-3, we encounter more demanding terrain and strategic shortcuts that push our speedrunning abilities even further.

World 3-3

In World 3-3, mastering the use of the Boomerang Flower is essential for speedrunning. By strategically utilising this power-up, players can defeat enemies and collect items from a distance, saving precious seconds.

The level’s layout also offers opportunities for skip jumps and zips that can help shave off valuable time when executed with precision.

The diverse terrain in World 3-3 presents exciting challenges for speedrunners. Navigating through unique obstacles and enemies requires quick thinking and precise movements to maintain momentum throughout the level.

World 4-4

After mastering the exhilarating challenges of World 3-3, speedrunners encounter new obstacles and opportunities in World 4-4. This level presents a unique set of platforming elements, with precise jumps and enemy evasions becoming crucial for shaving off valuable seconds from your time.

The strategic use of power-ups like the Super Bell and Double Cherry can significantly enhance your speedrunning experience in this world.

As you delve into World 4-4, keep an eye out for shortcuts and alternative routes that could potentially streamline your playthrough. Utilising advanced techniques such as dive rolls and skip jumps can give you that competitive edge to conquer this world swiftly.

Advanced Speedrunning Techniques

Learn how to master advanced techniques such as cloud clipping, crownless runs, and coinless runs to truly push the boundaries of your speedrunning skills. These techniques will challenge you to think outside the box and push the limits of what you thought was possible in Super Mario 3D World speedrunning.

Cloud clipping

Cloud clipping involves a clever manipulation of the game mechanics to bypass certain obstacles and gain an advantage in speedrunning Super Mario 3D World. By using precise movements and jumps, players can position themselves to clip through clouds or solid surfaces, saving valuable time in their speedrun.

This advanced technique requires a good understanding of the game’s physics and precise timing to execute effectively.

Experienced speedrunners often incorporate cloud clipping into their routes for specific levels, allowing them to shave off precious seconds from their overall completion time. Mastering this technique requires patience, practice, and keen observation of the game environment.

Crownless runs

After mastering the art of cloud clipping, speedrunners can take on the challenge of crownless runs in Super Mario 3D World. This advanced technique involves completing levels without wearing the character’s default crown, which adds an extra layer of difficulty to the already intense speedrunning experience.

Crownless runs require precise movements and expert execution of tricks and shortcuts to navigate through the game efficiently.

Speedrunners aiming for crownless runs must rely heavily on their knowledge of level layouts and enemy behaviors to progress swiftly while overcoming obstacles without the help of additional power-ups or protective items.

Coinless runs

For speedrunners looking to challenge themselves further, coinless runs provide an extra layer of difficulty. These runs involve completing levels while avoiding collecting any coins throughout the game.

This unique twist requires players to carefully plan their routes and execute precise movements to avoid accidentally picking up any coins. It adds a new level of strategy and precision to Super Mario 3D World speedrunning, pushing players to find creative ways to bypass coins without slowing down the pace.

Engaging in coinless runs not only tests a player’s skill and knowledge of the game but also offers a fresh perspective on familiar levels. With the added challenge of avoiding all coins, speedrunners must devise innovative strategies and techniques for navigating each stage efficiently.

Embracing this challenge can lead to discovering alternative paths and shortcuts within the game that may not have been previously considered.

Embracing coinless runs opens new doors for exploration in Super Mario 3D World speedrunning, challenging players in exciting ways beyond traditional completion times or routes.


In conclusion, speedrunning Super Mario 3D World offers an exciting challenge for gamers looking to test their skills and precision. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to improve your current speedrun times, there are always new tricks and routes to discover.

Read on for all the essential tips and strategies to enhance your speedrunning experience in Super Mario 3D World!

Final thoughts on speedrunning in Super Mario 3D World and potential for improvement.

Speedrunning in Super Mario 3D World presents an exciting challenge for both seasoned and novice gamers alike. With the intense moments that demand skill, precision, and quick thinking, there’s always room for improvement.

As the speedrunning community continues to grow, new strategies and routes are being discovered and shared among players. The potential for improvement lies not only in mastering existing techniques but also in uncovering innovative ways to navigate through the game’s challenges at lightning speed.

The world of Super Mario 3D World speedrunning offers a dynamic space for passionate gamers to constantly refine their skills and push the boundaries of what can be achieved within the game’s fast completion strategies.


1. What are speedrunning tips for Super Mario 3D World?

To master speedruns in Super Mario 3D World, learn quick playthrough strategies, efficient gaming routes, and practice speed challenges to complete the game faster.

2. Can you share some effective speedrun techniques for the game?

Yes! Focus on using specific tricks that help bypass obstacles quickly and choose shortcuts that reduce your overall time during a speedy playthrough of Super Mario 3D World.

3. How do I find shortcuts in Super Mario 3D World?

Discovering shortcuts requires exploring levels thoroughly and experimenting with different approaches to pinpoint quicker paths that lead to rapid game completion.

4. Why is it important to have a good game strategy for Speedrunning?

A solid game strategy guides you on when to execute specific actions efficiently so you can triumph over challenging sections swiftly and ace your speedrun sessions.

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