Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Shinobi Guide: Mastering the Blade

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Traversing the perilous realms of “Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice” might well feel akin to challenging a samurai whilst armed with nothing more than a mere wooden sword. We’ve endured our fair share of setbacks, embracing each one as a lesson that measured, considered manoeuvres become our most steadfast companions amidst such unforgiving adversity.

This guide is meticulously crafted to furnish you with indispensable combat tactics and covert shinobi knowledge, all designed to shift the balance in your favour. Are you prepared to hone your skills and claim mastery over your blade?.

Key Takeaways

  • Master Sekiro’s combat by managing health and posture, staying dynamic in battle to maintain momentum, and countering special enemy attacks.
  • Utilise Hanbei the Undying for training sessions to sharpen swordplay and defence skills. Embrace stealth with strategic use of firecrackers or the Flame Vent for silent takedowns.
  • Upgrade prosthetic tools at the Sculptor’s shop with collected materials for enhanced abilities in fights against tough opponents.
  • Effective exploration involves finding items like coin purses that aid in item management and money conservation critical for progress.
  • Mods can greatly enhance your gameplay experience by providing fresh content, new challenges, and personalised adventures within Sekiro’s world.

Mastering Combat in Sekiro

In Sekiro, mastering combat is crucial for survival. Understanding the importance of health and posture, taking advantage of combat momentum, and countering special attacks are key elements to becoming a skilled Shinobi warrior.

Importance of health and posture

We know that in the heat of battle, keeping an eye on our health meter comes naturally. But we must also pay close attention to our posture in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Properly managing both elements is crucial because they represent two halves of a whole—survivability and offensive capability.

If we let either falter, it could spell swift defeat.

Our success hinges on understanding how closely linked health and posture are in this game’s unique combat system. It’s not just about whittling down an enemy’s health; it’s equally—and sometimes more—important to break their stance with precise timing and deflections.

This allows us to deliver critical blows or perform stealth deathblows that can turn the tide of any encounter, even against the most formidable foes who seem insurmountable at first glance.

Taking advantage of combat momentum

Mastering combat momentum is crucial in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. By staying agile and reactive, players can keep the upper hand in battles, exploiting any openings to strike back.

Timing is key when countering enemy attacks, particularly perilous moves and unblockable strikes. Keep the pressure on opponents by deflecting their assaults and retaliating swiftly.

Additionally, utilising advanced techniques like run-jumping or mid-air double slashes can turn the tide of combat quickly.

Maximising combat momentum involves adapting to a fast-paced fighting style. Players should focus on fluid movements and swift reflexes to stay one step ahead of enemies at all times.

Countering special attacks

To counter special attacks in Sekiro, players must master the art of deflection and precise timing. These unique moves require quick reflexes and a deep understanding of enemy patterns.

By observing attack cues and reacting swiftly, players can effectively deflect unblockable thrusts and sweeping attacks. Additionally, utilising prosthetic tools such as the loaded umbrella or firecrackers can provide strategic advantages when facing enemies with special abilities.

Understanding enemy behaviours is crucial for countering special attacks. By studying attack animations and recognising perilous symbols, players can anticipate incoming dangerous moves and respond accordingly.

Mastering these techniques will not only enhance survivability but also enable players to take advantage of openings for devastating counterattacks.

Tips for Shinobi Training

– Training with Hanbei the Undying and utilising stealth and fire can help to hone your combat skills. Additionally, upgrading prosthetics will give you an edge in battle.

Training with Hanbei the Undying

  1. Take advantage of Hanbei’s guidance to enhance your close combat techniques and perfect your deflection skills.
  2. Practise reading enemy attack patterns and mastering the art of deflecting and countering unblockable attacks under Hanbei’s watchful eye.
  3. Utilise Hanbei’s expertise to understand the importance of posture and how to exploit it during combat.
  4. Learn the significance of dodging and countering perilous attacks with precision through regular training sessions with Hanbei.
  5. Experiment with different prosthetic weapons and combat strategies under Hanbei’s supervision to diversify your skill set.

Utilising stealth and fire

To effectively use stealth and fire in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, we can:

  1. Sneak up on enemies using the crouch button to avoid detection and execute stealth deathblows for a tactical advantage.
  2. Utilise the Shinobi Prosthetic tool loaded with the Flame Vent to set enemies ablaze and create openings for devastating attacks.
  3. Use oil as an additional tactic by throwing it at enemies and then igniting them with the Flame Vent for massive damage.
  4. Employ firecrackers to startle enemies, break their posture, and create opportunities for a counterattack during combat engagements.
  5. Make use of the Loaded Umbrella prosthetic tool to shield against fire-based attacks and reflect them back at adversaries.

Upgrading prosthetics

To upgrade prosthetics in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, visit the Sculptor at the Dilapidated Temple. He can enhance your prosthetic tools using materials and money found throughout the game.

  1. Gather materials such as Iron, Black Gunpowder, Scrap Magnetite, and Fulminated Mercury to unlock new upgrades.
  2. Improve your combat efficiency by upgrading various aspects of your prosthetics, including damage output, range, and special abilities.
  3. Upgrade the Loaded Axe to deal more damage to enemy shields or enhance the Shinobi Firecracker to stun enemies for longer durations.
  4. Experiment with different combinations of tools and playstyles to discover powerful synergies that suit your combat preferences.
  5. Utilise mods to further enhance your prosthetic tools’ capabilities and customise them according to your unique playstyle.

Strategies for Difficult Enemies

Analyse attack patterns, use stealth deathblows and take advantage of run-jumping to overcome tough enemies in Sekiro. Ready to become a master shinobi? Keep reading for more tips and tricks!

Analysing attack patterns

  1. Watch for telegraphed movements such as a wind-up or a shift in posture, indicating an impending attack.
  2. Identify visual cues such as glowing weapon trails or specific stances that signal different types of attacks.
  3. Pay attention to audio cues like specific battle cries or distinctive sounds that precede certain attacks.
  4. Utilise the game’s slow – motion feature to study enemy movements and identify their attack patterns more effectively.
  5. Consider the environment – some enemies may have unique attack patterns based on their surroundings.
  6. Practise parrying and deflecting attacks to disrupt enemy patterns and create openings for counterattacks.

Using stealth deathblows

  1. Stealth deathblows provide an opportunity to eliminate enemies silently without engaging in direct combat, making it an effective tactic for clearing areas undetected.
  2. The ability to perform a stealth deathblow can be upgraded during the game, allowing players to take out tougher enemies with ease.
  3. Players should use the environment to their advantage by strategically moving around and utilising cover to set up opportunities for stealth takedowns.
  4. Utilising tools like shurikens or firecrackers can help create distractions and lure enemies into isolated areas where they can be taken down with a stealth deathblow.
  5. Timing and patience are crucial when attempting stealth deathblows as rushing in may alert nearby enemies and jeopardise the element of surprise.

Taking advantage of run-jumping

  1. Utilise run – jumping to swiftly cover distances during exploration, allowing for quick escapes or surprise attacks on unsuspecting enemies.
  2. Employ run-jumping to evade enemy perilous attacks, giving you an opportunity to counter-attack or reposition for a more advantageous angle.
  3. Incorporate run – jumping into your combat strategy to initiate surprise aerial deathblows on unsuspecting enemies, quickly dispatching them without engaging in prolonged battles.
  4. Use run – jumping to reach elevated platforms or ledges that may provide valuable items, shortcuts, or advantageous vantage points during combat encounters.
  5. Practice using run – jumping in Mount Kongo’s inner sanctum to navigate intricate areas and uncover hidden pathways leading to crucial items like the Mortal Blade and solving the shinobi kite puzzle.

Exploration and Item Management

– Finding useful items scattered around Mount Kongo will greatly aid in your journey. Managing money with coin purses is essential to ensure you have enough resources for upgrades and purchases.

Don’t forget to utilise mods to enhance your gaming experience and make exploration even more rewarding.

Finding useful items

To become a master shinobi in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, it’s crucial to find and utilise useful items throughout the game. Here are important tips for locating and leveraging these items:

  1. Exploring the vast world of Mount Kongo will lead you to valuable resources such as healing gourds, pellets, and antidotes.
  2. Keep an eye out for coin purses to manage your money effectively and purchase essential items from vendors within the game.
  3. Utilise mods available in the game for enhancing your equipment and weapons, thereby gaining an advantage in combat.
  4. Seek out hidden paths and areas that often conceal powerful items that can aid you on your journey.
  5. Take advantage of loot drops from defeated enemies to gather crafting materials and other useful resources.

Managing money with coin purses

After finding useful items in Sekiro, it’s important to manage money effectively with coin purses. Coin purses are a valuable resource for storing and protecting the player’s hard-earned currency.

When carrying large amounts of Sen, players risk losing half their money upon death – but by converting excess Sen into coin purses at Sculptor’s Idols, they can safeguard their earnings.

Additionally, purchasing and using coin purses from merchants also helps prevent loss during gameplay.

Utilising mods

To enhance the gameplay experience in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, players can utilise mods to add new features, alter existing ones, or customise various aspects of the game. Mods can provide visual enhancements, improve performance, introduce new weapons or enemies, and even change the game’s difficulty level.

By installing mods, players have the opportunity to tailor their gaming experience to suit their preferences and explore new challenges within the game world. Additionally, mods can extend the longevity of Sekiro by offering fresh content and innovative gameplay mechanics for both novice and experienced gamers.

Modding communities continue to create new and exciting modifications for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice that cater to a wide range of player interests. Whether seeking an enhanced visual aesthetic or a more challenging combat experience, there are numerous mods available that allow players to personalise their adventure in meaningful ways.

Conclusion: Becoming a Master Shinobi in Sekiro.

Becoming a master shinobi in Sekiro requires patience and precision. Players must focus on posture, timing, and mastering combat momentum. By analysing enemy attack patterns and utilising stealth tactics, players can become formidable warriors in the game.

With dedication and practice, mastering the blade in Sekiro is an achievable feat for any aspiring shinobi.


1. What will the Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Shinobi Guide teach me?

The guide will teach you essential stealth tactics, close combat techniques, and swordsmanship skills needed to master the katana and excel in this action-adventure video game.

2. How can I improve my skills in close-combat while playing Sekiro?

You can enhance your close-combat abilities by learning shinobi combat tips from the guide, which includes mastering the sword and reading enemy patterns effectively.

3. Is there a part of the guide that helps with specific areas like Mount Kongo?

Yes, there’s a section in the Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice Shinobi Guide that gives a comprehensive walkthrough of tricky areas such as Mount Kongo to aid players.

4. Will practicing with a katana make me better at Sekiro?

Practicing with an actual katana won’t be necessary; however, understanding your digital blade’s dynamics through our combat guide will significantly boost your ninja skills within the game.

5. What’s the key to success in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice?

To succeed in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, focus on mastering stealth tactics and honing your combat techniques to defeat enemies as you embark on this intense ninja adventure.

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