Sea of Thieves Navigation Guide: Sailing and Treasure Hunting

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Greetings, fellow adventurers! Are you feeling somewhat adrift in the boundless, briny deep of Sea of Thieves? Worry not, for we’ve traversed these waters afore and unearthed a wealth of secrets to steer your course by.

Our compass is set on a trove spilling over with sage advice on how to master the art of seamanship and marauding like the most revered scallywags upon the high seas. Join us as we embark on this thrilling escapade – there be untold fortunes for the taking!

Key Takeaways

  • Master ship terminology and sailing techniques such as maneuvering, wind management, and navigation aids for successful voyages in Sea of Thieves.
  • Effective communication with crew members is crucial for ship steering coordination, combat strategy execution, and navigating through dangerous waters.
  • Properly repairing your vessel using wooden planks and bailing water out with buckets ensures your ship remains afloat during long journeys or battles.
  • Engage in different quests from the Gold Hoarder, Order of Souls, and Merchant Alliance to collect treasures while mastering clue interpretation, strategic combat skills, and resource transportation respectively.
  • Develop fighting strategies including melee combat and firearm usage while maintaining a well – stocked inventory of resources like cannonballs and wood planks to handle unexpected enemy confrontations.

Understanding the Basics of Sea of Thieves

To truly enjoy the pirate experience in Sea of Thieves, it’s crucial to understand ship terminology and how to sail. Communication with your crew is key, and knowing how to repair your ship will come in handy during your adventures on the high seas.

Ship terminology

As we embark on our Sea of Thieves adventure, it’s essential to get conversant with ship terminology. Let’s break down the basics: the bow is the front end, while the stern lies at the back.

To steer the vessel, you’d use the helm located on deck; that big sail catching wind? That’s called a mainsail. The crow’s nest stands high atop the mast – perfect for spotting danger or treasures from afar.

We must also understand terms like ‘starboard’ (right side) and ‘port’ (left side), as they’re key when navigating through treacherous waters or coordinating with crewmates during battles.

If you hear someone shout ‘Man overboard!’, it means a pirate has taken an unintended dip in the sea! By mastering this lingo, we set ourselves up not just to survive but to thrive as savvy sailors chasing riches across these fantastical waters.

How to sail

  1. Manoeuvring the ship: Utilise the anchor, sails, and wheel to control the ship’s speed, direction, and stopping.
  2. Wind management: Position the sails to catch the wind’s power, maximising speed and efficiency.
  3. Navigational aids: Use the map table and compass to plot courses and maintain direction while sailing.
  4. Ship maintenance: Regularly check for damage, leaks, and wear and tear on the ship to ensure smooth sailing.
  5. Cooperation and communication: Coordinate with your crew to efficiently manage ship tasks like raising anchor or adjusting sails.

Communication is key

Effective communication is paramount in Sea of Thieves, as it ensures smooth sailing and successful treasure hunts. Coordination among your crew members is crucial for manoeuvring the ship efficiently, engaging in combat with enemies, and navigating through treacherous waters.

Clear and concise communication helps to avoid mishaps such as running aground or missing out on valuable plunder. Utilising voice chat or text messaging within the game can facilitate effective teamwork and enhance the overall gaming experience.

When embarking on quests in Sea of Thieves, communicating with fellow players about navigation strategies and potential threats can make all the difference between success and failure.

Repairing your ship

To repair your ship:

  1. Assess the damage by checking for leaks and broken planks on the hull.
  2. Use wooden planks to patch up any holes in the ship’s hull, preventing water from flooding in.
  3. Bail out water using a bucket to keep the ship afloat.
  4. Repair the mast and sails with canvas patches to ensure efficient sailing.
  5. Keep an eye out for enemy attacks while repairing, as they can further damage the ship.
  6. Stock up on supplies such as wooden planks and buckets before setting sail for preparedness.
  7. Communicate effectively with your crew about repairs to efficiently handle any unforeseen damages.

Navigation and Exploration

Master the art of reading maps and using essential sailing techniques to navigate the vast seas and explore mysterious islands.

Ready to set sail on your epic adventure? Dive deeper into our Sea of Thieves Navigation Guide for expert tips on sailing and treasure hunting!

Reading the map

Navigating the vast sea in Sea of Thieves requires a keen understanding of reading maps. Below are essential tips to master the art of map reading:

  1. Study the map closely, paying attention to landmarks and key points that indicate possible treasure locations.
  2. Use the compass rose to determine direction accurately, ensuring you stay on course whilst sailing.
  3. Look for subtle visual cues on the map, such as rock formations and unique tree patterns, which can help pinpoint valuable treasure sites.
  4. Keep an eye out for X marks which denote buried treasures and riddle locations; they are invaluable for successful exploration.
  5. Utilise the zoom feature on the map to get a better view of specific details that may lead to hidden treasures or undiscovered islands.
  6. Whilst navigating, regularly consult the map to ensure you are heading in the right direction towards your intended destination.
  7. Take note of any clues or riddles provided with quests, as they often hold crucial information about where to search on the map.
  8. Pay close attention to any updates or changes in your surroundings that may correlate with what is displayed on the map, providing valuable insights during exploration quests.

Essential sailing techniques

After mastering the art of reading the map, it’s essential to acquire sailing techniques that will pave the way for successful voyaging. Here are some crucial sailing techniques every Sea of Thieves player should master:

  1. Manoeuvring your ship: Understanding how to effectively steer and control your ship is crucial for navigating through choppy waters and tricky situations.
  2. Raising and adjusting sails: Knowing when to raise or lower sails, as well as how to adjust them for optimal speed in different wind conditions, is key to efficient travel across the sea.
  3. Anchoring strategically: Learning how to drop anchor swiftly and effectively can aid in avoiding collisions, making quick stops, or turning your ship on a dime during combat situations.
  4. Utilising the harpoon: Mastering the use of the harpoon can assist in grabbing items from afar, boarding enemy ships, or even pulling your own vessel closer to a desired location.
  5. Understanding ship damage: Recognising signs of damage and knowing how to quickly repair holes in the hull or address other issues is vital for keeping your ship afloat during challenging encounters.

Land exploration

After mastering essential sailing techniques, the next step in Sea of Thieves is land exploration. Players can discover hidden treasures, battle skeletons, and collect valuable resources on various islands scattered across the sea.

Understanding how to navigate the terrain and locate specific landmarks on the map can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. Exploring new territories not only provides opportunities for plundering but also aids in completing quests from different factions such as Gold Hoarders and Order of Souls.

In addition to treasure hunting, players can encounter various environmental challenges while ashore, including dangerous wildlife and environmental hazards like volcanic eruptions or stormy weather.

Preparing for Voyages

Before setting sail, it’s important to gather all the necessary resources and familiarise yourself with the different types of voyages available in Sea of Thieves. Understanding quests from gold hoarder, order of souls, and merchant alliance are crucial for a successful voyage.

Plus, collecting resources such as food, cannonballs, wood planks will ensure you’re well-prepared for any challenges that come your way.

Collecting resources

Sailing the seas in Sea of Thieves requires strategic resource management. Here are vital resources players should focus on gathering:

  1. Cannonballs: Essential for ship defense and attacking enemies, these ammunition types can be found in barrels on islands or looted from defeated skeleton ships.
  2. Wooden Planks: Necessary for repairing ship damage, wooden planks are scattered across islands and can also be obtained by breaking barrels or salvaging shipwrecks.
  3. Bananas: Vital for healing, bananas can be acquired by picking them from island trees or looting them from barrels and food crates.
  4. Cursed Cannonballs: These unique ammunition types have varied effects on enemy ships and can be located in sunken ships, forts, or within underwater caverns.
  5. Fruit Crates: Used to gather rare fruit varieties for trading with the Merchant Alliance, these crates can be secured from merchant outposts and carried aboard the player’s ship.

Understanding quests

Preparing for voyages involves understanding quests such as Gold Hoarder, Order of Souls, and Merchant Alliance voyages. These quests offer diverse challenges, from deciphering riddles to battling skeletons.

Players will need to collect resources like cannonballs, planks, and bananas before embarking on these dynamic adventures. Each quest type presents unique tasks that require strategic planning and teamwork.

Familiarising oneself with the different types of voyages is essential for a successful journey in Sea of Thieves. Knowing how to interpret maps and solve riddles is crucial for uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles.

Gold hoarder voyages

Gold hoarder voyages offer players exciting opportunities to hunt for buried treasure on various islands. By embarking on these lucrative quests, players can delve into the thrill of deciphering riddles and solving cryptic clues to unearth valuable chests filled with gold and other precious loot.

Navigating through the seas to locate these hidden treasures adds an element of challenge and excitement, making each voyage a unique and rewarding experience. With careful navigation, strategic map reading, and keen problem-solving skills, players can maximise their chances of uncovering riches beyond their wildest dreams.

The Gold hoarder voyages not only test players’ navigational abilities but also provide ample opportunities for adventure and exploration across the vast expanse of Sea of Thieves.

Order of souls voyages

After completing Gold Hoarder voyages, players can delve into the intriguing world of Order of Souls voyages. These quests involve battling formidable skeletons and capturing their cursed skulls to earn rewards.

The challenges vary in difficulty, offering a thrilling experience for players seeking adventure on the high seas. Engaging in Order of Souls voyages requires strategic combat skills and coordination among crew members to defeat waves of powerful skeletal enemies.

Successfully completing these quests not only provides bountiful rewards but also allows players to progress as experienced treasure hunters within Sea of Thieves.

Navigating through various islands and confronting menacing skeleton crews is essential for triumphing in Order of Souls voyages. Understanding the intricacies of battles against undead adversaries is crucial for achieving victory and reaping the treasures earned from these perilous encounters.

Merchant alliance voyages

After completing Order of Souls voyages, players can engage in a different type of quest known as Merchant Alliance voyages. These voyages involve transporting various resources and animals between different outposts.

Players will gather items like plants, livestock, gunpowder barrels, and rare commodities for delivery to specific destinations across the sea.

Upon accepting a Merchant Alliance voyage, players receive detailed instructions about the goods they need to deliver and where they should be transported. It’s crucial to plan the sailing route carefully to ensure that delicate cargo such as animals or perishable goods is delivered intact.

Combat and Defenses

In this section, we will cover fighting techniques, ship damage and repairs, as well as dealing with enemies. We’ll provide tips on how to defend your ship and crew from potential threats while out on the open seas.

Fighting techniques

When engaging in combat in Sea of Thieves, it’s essential to employ effective fighting techniques. Here are some crucial strategies to master for successful battles and defending your ship:

  1. Utilise melee weapons such as swords or cutlasses for close combat engagements, aiming to strike at the right moment to maximise damage.
  2. Employ firearms like pistols and blunderbusses strategically, taking into account their limited range and reloading time.
  3. Coordinate with your crew to ensure efficient communication and coordination during combat situations, allowing for swift and decisive actions.
  4. Master the art of dodging and manoeuvring to evade incoming attacks from enemies while maintaining a strategic position on the ship or island.
  5. Utilise throwable items such as grenades or firebombs to create diversions or inflict damage on enemy crews and ships during confrontations.
  6. Use environmental elements to your advantage, including seeking cover behind obstacles or utilising elevated terrain for tactical advantages during battles.
  7. Understand the weaknesses of different types of enemies, adapting your fighting techniques accordingly to effectively handle various threats encountered while sailing or exploring islands.
  8. Implement boarding manoeuvres when engaging in ship-to-ship combat, using ropes and ladders to swiftly infiltrate enemy vessels and disrupt their operations.
  9. Incorporate defensive strategies such as repairing ship damage promptly and effectively using available resources, preventing potential disasters during intense encounters at sea.

Ship damage and repairs

  1. Keep an eye on your ship’s hull integrity, as taking too much damage can lead to sinking.
  2. When your ship sustains damage, gather wooden planks from barrels on islands or floating in the sea to patch up holes.
  3. Use a bucket to bail out water that has flooded the lower decks during combat or stormy weather.
  4. In case of a mast or sail being damaged, keep spare planks and cloth on hand to make quick repairs and keep sailing smoothly.
  5. Be alert for incoming enemy ships – having cannons at the ready can help fend off attackers or pursue other players’ ships.
  6. Consider working together with your crewmates to quickly repair any damage and get back into sailing shape efficiently.
  7. Utilise the map wisely to plan escape routes when under attack and avoid further damage from aggressive enemies.
  8. Always have a stock of bananas available for a quick health boost in case you sustain personal injury during combat or storms.
  9. Implementing these strategies will ensure that your crew stays afloat and ready for further navigation and treasure hunting adventures.

Dealing with enemies

Navigating the treacherous waters of Sea of Thieves brings forth various challenges, including facing off against enemies. Here are essential strategies for handling adversaries:

  1. Keep a keen lookout for rival ships on the horizon to avoid surprise attacks and prepare for potential confrontations.
  2. Utilise cannons and firearms strategically during ship-to-ship combat, aiming accurately to inflict damage upon enemy vessels.
  3. Vigilance is key when defending against boarding attempts by hostile players – be prepared to engage in close-quarters combat.
  4. Employ evasive manoeuvres such as sharp turns and sail adjustments to outmanoeuvre pursuing foes and escape dangerous situations.
  5. Cooperate closely with your crewmates to coordinate effective offensive and defensive actions, ensuring a unified front against adversaries.
  6. Maintain a stockpile of resources onboard your ship, including ammunition, planks, and bananas, to sustain prolonged engagements with opponents.
  7. Adapt your tactics based on the type of enemy encountered – whether it’s other player crews or formidable AI threats such as skeleton ships or megalodons.
  8. Never underestimate the power of communication – clear and concise coordination among crew members can quickly turn the tide in battle.
  9. Incorporate strategic thinking into your approach, leveraging the environment and terrain to gain tactical advantages over your opponents.
  10. Embrace the thrill of naval warfare in Sea of Thieves while remaining vigilant and adaptable in the face of ever-present dangers on the high seas.

Treasure Hunting

Finding and storing treasures is a key part of the game, and we will cover some tips on how to locate valuable loot and safely transport it back to the outpost.

Finding and storing treasures

To excel in Sea of Thieves treasure hunting, players must master the art of finding and storing treasures. Here are essential tips for maximising your treasure hunting experience:

  1. Utilise clues from riddles or maps to locate buried or sunken treasures.
  2. Keep an eye out for glinting objects underwater or on islands, indicating hidden loot.
  3. Store acquired treasures in appropriate storage spaces on your ship, ensuring they remain safe and secure.
  4. Prioritise valuable loot and ensure it is stowed in a safe location to avoid loss during unexpected encounters.
  5. Strategically manage your inventory to maximise the potential for lucrative hauls during your voyages.
  6. Take advantage of opportunities to trade in valuable loot for gold and reputation rewards with different trading companies.
  7. Stay vigilant against rivals and adversaries seeking to plunder your hard-earned treasures, while maintaining a careful balance between aggressive pursuit and stealthy retreat when necessary.
  8. Explore remote islands and uncharted territories to uncover hidden caches of riches, taking full advantage of every opportunity that presents itself throughout your adventures on the high seas.
  9. Remember to keep a keen eye out for unique items, such as trinkets or artefacts, which may hold significant value beyond their monetary worth when presented at the right place and time within the game world.
  10. Continuously hone your skills as a skilled navigator and treasure hunter by seeking advice from experienced players, studying the game’s mechanics, and embracing each new challenge as an opportunity for growth within the ever-changing world of Sea of Thieves.


Mastering navigation and treasure hunting in Sea of Thieves requires patience and skill. Understanding the basics of sailing, map reading, combat strategies, and quest preparation is essential for success.

With valuable insights from the gaming community, players can enhance their gameplay experience and conquer the challenges that await on the open seas. Navigating through treacherous waters to uncover hidden treasures is a thrilling adventure that awaits those willing to brave the unknown.

The journey may be daunting, but with determination and newfound knowledge, players can set sail with confidence into a world full of excitement and endless possibilities.


1. How do I navigate my ship in Sea of Thieves?

To steer your ship through the seas, use your compass and map, adjust sails for proper wind catch, and keep an eye out for landmarks to aid your navigation.

2. What’s the best way to find treasure in Sea of Thieves?

You can locate treasures by following maps, solving riddles that point you towards hidden loot, or spotting shiny objects on islands from a distance.

3. Can you give me tips for successful treasure hunting?

Always carry your compass and be ready to decipher clues from treasure maps or solve tricky riddles that will lead you straight to buried chests filled with gold.

4. Is there a guide to help with sailing and riddle solving?

Certainly! There are navigation guides available which provide step-by-step advice on controlling your vessel and cracking the codes of complex riddles during treasure hunts.

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