The Rise of Women in the Fighting Game Community

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Many of you have recognised that the fighting game community (FGC) can often seem like a rather exclusive lads’ club. We completely empathise and know how intimidating it might feel to step into this arena, particularly when you consider that women accounted for nearly 41% of all gamers across the US in 2020.

Our forthcoming article is brimming with inspirational tales, sage advice, and positive steps towards inclusion that are truly transforming the FGC landscape for women. Prepare to delve into an exhilarating world where female combatants are breaking down barriers with gusto!

Key Takeaways

  • Women make up nearly 41% of all gamers in the US as of 2020, indicating a significant presence in the gaming community.
  • Notable female figures such as Cuddle_Core, Misokrattz, and Queen Arrow are inspiring others by excelling in fighting games like Tekken and Street Fighter.
  • Organisations like XO Academy and Combo Queens focus on mentoring and supporting women within the FGC to foster an inclusive environment.
  • Despite progress, challenges persist for women in the FGC including toxic trash talk, lack of equal opportunities, and underrepresentation at events.
  • Efforts to enhance LGBTQ+ representation in fighting games are growing with characters that reflect real-world diversity.

The History of Women in the Fighting Game Community

Women have been a part of the fighting game community for many years, but they have often faced challenges and barriers in their journey to compete at a high level. However, there has been significant progress made over the years, with more women becoming prominent figures in the FGC.

Challenges and barriers faced

Throughout our journey in the Fighting Game Community (FGC), we’ve witnessed firsthand the struggles women face. Toxic trash talk and underrepresentation at tournaments are just a few of the hurdles.

We see many talented female players, yet they often get less spotlight compared to their male counterparts. This imbalance makes it tough for women to gain recognition and sponsorship opportunities.

Despite making up nearly half of all gamers, females find themselves battling stereotypes and discrimination in gaming spaces. In recent years, though, some have broken through these barriers to organise events, fostering inclusive environments where diversity is celebrated.

The push towards gender equality is gaining momentum as more of us stand up against unfair treatment within the FGC. Our resilience shines as we continue fighting not just in-game battles but also for our rightful place in esports leadership roles.

Progress made over the years

The progress made over the years within the Fighting Game Community has been remarkable. Female representation in gaming has seen a significant increase, with women making up nearly 41% of all gamers in the United Kingdom in 2020, showcasing a growing presence and influence.

Additionally, organisations like XO Academy and Combo Queens have been established to empower women in the FGC, highlighting efforts towards inclusivity and diversity. Furthermore, more women are not only participating but also running and organising events within the community, reflecting their increasing impact on the gaming industry as a whole.

Moreover, fighting games themselves feature strong female characters both mechanically and narratively, demonstrating gender equality within the genre. This reflects not just increased visibility for female gamers but also an embrace of diverse narratives and characters that resonate with players from all walks of life.

Notable Women in the Fighting Game Community

As we celebrate the rise of women in the Fighting Game Community, it’s important to highlight the accomplishments of some notable women in the scene. From Cuddle_Core and Misokrattz to Queen Arrow and Romolla, these talented players have made their mark on games like Street Fighter, Tekken, and Mortal Kombat.

Their skill and dedication inspire countless others to join the competitive gaming world.


Cuddle_Core, also known as Jeannail ‘Cuddle_Core’ Carter, is an influential figure in the Fighting Game Community (FGC). She has made a name for herself through her exceptional skills in Tekken 7, rising to become one of the top players globally.

With her impressive gameplay and strategic prowess, Cuddle_Core has garnered a strong following and is considered an inspiration to many aspiring female gamers.

As a prominent woman in competitive gaming, Cuddle_Core’s success demonstrates the increasing presence of women in esports leadership roles. Her achievements serve as a testament to the growing diversity within the FGC, showcasing gender equality in gaming at its finest.


Misokrattz has emerged as a prominent figure in the Fighting Game Community, showing exceptional skill and dedication in various tournaments and events. Her influence extends beyond her achievements as a competitive player, as she actively participates in community building and advocacy efforts for inclusivity in the FGC.

Misokrattz’s presence serves as an inspiration to aspiring female gamers and contributes to the growing diversity within the gaming community. With her notable contributions, she underscores the increasing representation of women in competitive gaming, reflecting a positive shift towards gender equality and inclusivity.

Misokrattz’s involvement highlights the significant impact women are making in shaping the future of esports and gaming culture. As such, her journey stands as a testament to the rising influence and contribution of women within competitive gaming spaces.

Cujo Kate

Cujo Kate is an influential figure in the Fighting Game Community, known for her skill and determination. She has been making her mark in various tournaments and events, showcasing her talent and passion for gaming.

Not only does Cujo Kate demonstrate exceptional gameplay, but she also actively supports other women in the community, serving as a role model for aspiring gamers. Her presence highlights the rising influence of women in gaming and the FGC, promoting inclusivity and gender diversity within the industry.

With a focus on creating a welcoming environment for all players, Cujo Kate’s efforts reflect the ongoing battle against discrimination within the community. Her dedication to competitive gaming is inspiring to both passionate gamers and novice players looking to make their mark in esports.

Queen Arrow

Taking the gaming scene by storm, Queen Arrow stands out as a formidable force in the Fighting Game Community. With her strategic prowess and lightning-fast reflexes, she has earned her place among the top players, showcasing exceptional skill and dedication to her craft.

Her presence not only inspires other women but also emphasises the growing influence of female gamers in competitive esports. As one of the leading figures in the FGC, Queen Arrow’s achievements contribute significantly to promoting gender equality and diversity within gaming communities.

Despite facing challenges along the way, Queen Arrow continues to break barriers and prove that women have an essential role to play in competitive gaming. Her success serves as a beacon of hope for aspiring female gamers, showing that with perseverance and determination, they too can make their mark in the ever-evolving world of esports.


Romolla has become an influential figure in the Fighting Game Community, known for her exceptional skills and contributions to the competitive scene. With a strong passion for gaming, Romolla has inspired many aspiring female gamers to pursue their dreams.

Her dedication and perseverance have earned her respect within the community, making her a role model for women in esports. Romolla’s presence also highlights the importance of gender diversity in gaming, showcasing that women can excel in competitive gaming just as much as men.

As an advocate for inclusivity and empowerment, Romolla continues to break barriers and pave the way for more women to thrive in the FGC.

Vicki Viper

Vicki Viper is a prominent figure in the fighting game community, known for her skill and influence. She has been an advocate for inclusivity in gaming, using her platform to amplify the voices of underrepresented groups.

Vicki Viper’s presence in the FGC embodies the increasing diversity and gender equality within the gaming industry. Her impact extends beyond her achievements as a competitive player; she actively works towards creating a welcoming environment for all gamers, regardless of their background or identity.

As we delve into this thriving community, it’s essential to recognise the contributions of notable figures like Vicki Viper who are shaping a more inclusive future for all gamers.


Yukiinari, a prominent figure in the Fighting Game Community, has made significant contributions to the scene through her talent and dedication. As a skilled competitor and advocate for inclusivity, Yukiinari has been an inspiration to many within the community.

Her presence has helped pave the way for greater diversity and representation in gaming, showcasing the growing influence of women in the industry.

Yukiinari’s impact extends beyond her competitive achievements, as she actively promotes a welcoming environment for all gamers. By embracing diversity and advocating for equality, Yukiinari embodies the spirit of progress within the FGC.


Flexiss, a prominent figure in the Fighting Game Community, has made significant strides as a competitive player and advocate for diversity. Her active involvement and influence have contributed to the growing representation of women in gaming communities.

Notably, Flexiss has been instrumental in organising events and tournaments within the FGC, showcasing her commitment to inclusivity and gender equality. As a role model for aspiring female gamers, Flexiss continues to inspire others with her dedication and passion for competitive gaming.

The rise of women like Flexiss in the FGC reflects the increasing presence and influence of women in the gaming industry as a whole. This serves as an encouraging example for both passionate gamers and novices alike, reinforcing the importance of embracing diversity within gaming communities.

Professor High Kick

Professor High Kick is a prominent figure in the Fighting Game Community, known for her exceptional skills and contributions to the competitive scene. She has actively championed diversity and inclusivity, advocating for equal opportunities for women and LGBTQ+ gamers.

Her efforts have helped create a more welcoming environment within the FGC, inspiring aspiring female players to pursue their passion for fighting games. With her advocacy and leadership, Professor High Kick continues to be an influential voice in promoting gender equality and representation in video game culture.

Moreover, Professor High Kick’s dedication to empowering women in the FGC aligns with the increasing presence of women as both participants and leaders within the gaming industry overall.


Infinitii, a well-respected figure in the Fighting Game Community (FGC), has made significant contributions to the scene. Known for her exceptional skills and strategic gameplay, Infinitii has been an inspiration to both seasoned players and newcomers alike.

Her presence has helped pave the way for greater diversity and inclusivity within the FGC, showcasing women’s capabilities in the competitive gaming space. With her influential role, she embodies the spirit of determination and resilience that continues to empower female gamers across different levels of expertise.

Infinitii’s impact extends beyond her individual achievements; she actively advocates for gender equality and LGBTQ+ representation in gaming. By using her platform to amplify underrepresented voices, she contributes positively towards creating a more welcoming environment within the community.


Moving on from the influential figure of Infinitii, let’s shine a spotlight on StacyFTW. A prominent member of the Fighting Game Community, StacyFTW has been instrumental in advocating for inclusivity and representation within the FGC.

With her active involvement in organising events and fostering a welcoming environment for all gamers, she embodies the spirit of diversity and empowerment that is crucial for the growth of women in gaming.

StacyFTW’s dedication to creating opportunities and platforms for female gamers serves as an inspiration to many aspiring women looking to make their mark in competitive gaming. Her efforts align with the broader push for diversity and inclusivity within the FGC, contributing to a more vibrant and inclusive community where everyone can thrive regardless of gender or background.

Saki Sakura

Saki Sakura is a rising star in the Fighting Game Community (FGC) whose influence extends beyond her exceptional gaming skills. With a fierce determination and unwavering passion for competitive play, Saki has become an inspiration to many aspiring female gamers.

She embodies the spirit of inclusivity and empowerment within the FGC, encouraging more women to participate in tournaments and events.

Saki Sakura’s impactful presence showcases the increasing diversity in esports, signaling an exciting shift towards gender equality in the gaming industry. Her active involvement reflects not only her personal achievements but also represents a broader movement of women making significant strides within the FGC.

Emmy BB

After learning about Saki Sakura’s contributions to the Fighting Game Community (FGC), let’s take a moment to recognise Emmy BB, another notable woman making strides in the scene. With her competitive spirit and dedication, Emmy BB has not only been an active participant but also an influential figure within the FGC.

Her involvement serves as an inspiration for both passionate gamers and novices alike, showcasing that women are playing a significant role in shaping the gaming culture. Embracing diversity and inclusivity is essential for creating a welcoming environment in the FGC, and Emmy BB’s presence highlights the ongoing progress towards achieving these goals.

As we continue to celebrate women like Emmy BB who are leaving their mark in the gaming world, it is evident that gender equality in video game culture is gradually becoming more prominent.

Mia ‘Mira’ Reshel

Mia ‘Mira’ Reshel has made a significant impact in the Fighting Game Community. With her exceptional skills and dedication, she has become an influential figure, inspiring other women to excel in competitive gaming.

Mia’s contribution represents the increasing presence of women in the gaming industry, reflecting gender equality within the genre. Her involvement and success demonstrate that women have a crucial role to play within the FGC, challenging traditional perceptions of gaming as a male-dominated space.

Mia’s achievements serve as an inspiration for both passionate and novice gamers, highlighting how determination and talent can break barriers in video game culture.

The Fight for Inclusivity in the FGC

Black women, as well as individuals from the LGBTQ+ community, have faced unique challenges in finding their place in the FGC. However, efforts are being made to create a more welcoming and inclusive environment for all members of the community.

Experiences of Black women in the community

Black women in the fighting game community have been making significant strides, contributing to the diversity and inclusivity of the scene. With a growing presence, these women are not only participating in tournaments but also taking on leadership roles and organising events within the community.

Their experiences showcase resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles to carve out their space in the FGC.

The rise of Black women in the gaming industry aligns with the increasing influence of women as a whole, reflecting a more inclusive and diverse landscape. These experiences exemplify their dedication to showcasing their skills while advocating for greater representation and equality within the Fighting Game Community.

LGBTQ+ representation in fighting games

Fighting games have seen a gradual evolution in LGBTQ+ representation over the years. Characters like Poison from Street Fighter and Birdo from Super Mario Bros. 2 have been mainstays in the genre, providing diverse and inclusive representation.

Games such as Skullgirls feature characters like Filia and Parasoul, depicting LGBTQ+ relationships with respect and nuance, adding depth to the game’s narrative.

The inclusion of LGBTQ+ characters has not only increased awareness but also empowered many players within the community. With developers acknowledging and embracing LGBTQ+ identities, fighting games are becoming more reflective of real-world diversity, offering a more inclusive gaming experience for all players.

Efforts to create a welcoming environment for women

The Fighting Game Community (FGC) is actively working to create a welcoming environment for women. Tournaments and events are implementing policies against toxic behaviour, providing safe spaces and resources for female players.

Organisations like XO Academy and Combo Queens run by Samantha “Persia” Hancock and Carolyn “MamaDao” Dao respectively, offer mentorship, training, and support networks specifically tailored to empower women in the FGC.

Additionally, game developers are increasingly featuring strong female characters in fighting games both mechanically and narratively, reflecting gender equality within the genre.

Efforts to make the FGC more inclusive also extend to diversity initiatives focusing on LGBTQ+ representation and addressing experiences of discrimination faced by black women within the community.

Challenges Faced by Women in the FGC

Despite the progress made, women in the FGC still face challenges such as toxic trash talk, lack of equal opportunities and underrepresentation in tournaments. These obstacles continue to hinder their full participation and recognition within the community.

Toxic trash talk

Toxic trash talk can be a significant challenge for women in the Fighting Game Community (FGC). This verbal abuse can create a hostile environment that hinders their participation and enjoyment.

Studies have shown that this toxic behavior is detrimental not only to the targeted individuals but also to the community as a whole. Efforts to combat toxic trash talk, such as strict enforcement of codes of conduct at events and online platforms, are crucial in creating a safe and welcoming space for all gamers, regardless of gender.

Inclusivity is essential for fostering a supportive environment where everyone can thrive.

The prevalence of toxic trash talk underscores the need for ongoing efforts to promote respect and inclusivity within the FGC. By addressing this issue head-on, we can ensure that women feel empowered to fully participate in gaming culture without fear or intimidation.

Lack of equal opportunities

Women in the Fighting Game Community, despite their significant presence and skill, face challenges related to a lack of equal opportunities. An evident disparity is observed in tournament participation rates, with women often not receiving as many invitations or entries as their male counterparts.

This inequality restricts exposure to competitive play and stunts growth within the community. Moreover, underrepresentation in sponsorships and endorsements limits financial support for female players.

Despite the gender-balanced gaming population, women continue to encounter hurdles when seeking equal standing within the FGC. While fighting games champion strong female characters both mechanically and narratively, there remains work to be done in ensuring that these representations translate into equitable opportunities for real-life practitioners.

Underrepresentation in tournaments

Despite the progress made in creating more equal opportunities for women in the fighting game community, there is still a noticeable underrepresentation of women in tournaments. This lack of representation can be attributed to various factors such as stereotypes and biases that persist within the gaming community.

While efforts have been made to cultivate a more inclusive environment, proactive measures are required to address this issue and encourage greater participation of women in competitive gaming events.

The disparity in tournament representation not only limits the visibility of female gamers but also hinders their ability to showcase their skills on larger platforms. Tournaments serve as an avenue for players to gain recognition, build careers, and inspire others within the community.

Advice & Words of Encouragement for Women in the FGC

Let’s hear from prominent women in the community, get tips for getting started as a competitive player, learn about the importance of standing up against discrimination, set goals for 2022, and embrace diversity in the FGC.

Read on to find out more about the rise of women in the fighting game community!

Interviews with prominent women in the community

We had the opportunity to speak with some influential women in the Fighting Game Community, who shared their experiences and insights. Here’s what they had to say:

  1. Samantha “Persia” Hancock, founder of XO Academy, emphasised the importance of creating a supportive environment for women in the FGC.
  2. Carolyn “MamaDao” Dao, co – founder of Combo Queens, highlighted the need for mentorship programmes to encourage more women to participate in competitive gaming.
  3. Cuddle_Core discussed the challenges she faced as a female competitor and how she overcame them through perseverance and dedication.
  4. Misokrattz shared her thoughts on the representation of LGBTQ+ individuals in fighting games and the impact it has on inclusivity within the community.
  5. Cujo Kate spoke about breaking barriers as a black woman in the FGC and the significance of diversity in gaming.
  6. Queen Arrow shed light on her journey as a competitive player and offered advice for aspiring female gamers looking to enter the scene.
  7. Romolla detailed her experiences organising events within the community and emphasised the need for equal opportunities for women in tournaments.
  8. Vicki Viper emphasised the importance of standing up against discrimination and promoting gender equality within gaming spaces.
  9. Yukiinari shared insights on embracing diversity in gaming communities and fostering an inclusive environment for all players.
  10. Flexiss discussed her goals for 2022, focusing on empowering more women to pursue competitive gaming and create lasting change within the FGC.

Tips for getting started as a competitive player

After learning from the experiences of prominent women in the community, here are some tips to help you get started as a competitive player:

  1. Find Your Game: Explore different fighting games to find one that resonates with you mechanically and thematically.
  2. Learn from the Pros: Watch tournaments and streams to study high-level play and understand advanced strategies.
  3. Practise Regularly: Dedicate time to training mode for execution drills, combo practice, and muscle memory building.
  4. Join Local Events: Participate in local meetups or online tournaments to gain experience and network with other players.
  5. Seek Feedback: Don’t be afraid to ask for feedback on your gameplay from experienced players or mentors.
  6. Study Frame Data: Understand frame advantage, startup frames, and active frames to optimise your decision-making in matches.
  7. Stay Positive: Embrace losses as learning opportunities and maintain a growth mindset towards improvement.
  8. Build a Support System: Surround yourself with supportive friends or join gaming communities for encouragement and camaraderie.
  9. Set Realistic Goals: Establish short-term and long-term goals to keep yourself motivated and measure your progress.
  10. Stay Informed: Keep up with game updates, patches, and balance changes to stay competitive in the evolving landscape of fighting games.

The importance of standing up against discrimination

Standing up against discrimination is crucial for creating an inclusive and welcoming environment in the Fighting Game Community. By speaking out against toxic behavior, we can help ensure that everyone feels respected and valued within the community.

This commitment to inclusivity aligns with the growing presence of black women in the FGC, reflecting a dedication to diversity in gaming culture.

Efforts towards creating a supportive environment are essential for women’s success in competitive gaming. By advocating for equality and fair treatment, we contribute to a more positive experience for all gamers.

Goal-setting for 2022

Transitioning from the importance of standing up against discrimination to goal-setting for 2022, it is crucial to empower ourselves and set clear objectives in the Fighting Game Community.

As women continue to make strides in the FGC, setting goals can help us navigate through challenges and reach new heights. Whether you’re a passionate gamer or a novice player, goal-setting is essential for personal growth and development within the community.

In 2022, let’s aim to participate in at least one local tournament or event, fostering inclusivity by advocating for equal opportunities and representation for all members of the community.

Embracing diversity in the FGC

Embracing diversity in the FGC is paramount for a thriving community. Women, LGBTQ+ individuals, and people of colour have made significant contributions to the fighting game scene.

The presence of diverse voices enriches the gaming experience for everyone involved. Efforts to create a welcoming environment for women and queer individuals are crucial, ensuring that all members can enjoy competitive gaming without fear of discrimination or prejudice.

Inclusivity not only fosters a sense of belonging but also reflects the vibrant diversity within the wider gaming population. Embracing diversity in the FGC opens up opportunities for more dynamic gameplay, creative strategies, and innovative approaches to competition.


In conclusion, women in the Fighting Game Community have made significant strides in recent years, challenging barriers and making their mark. Their growing presence reflects a more diverse and inclusive gaming landscape.

As we look ahead to 2022, it’s clear that women will continue to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the FGC. With ongoing efforts towards gender equality and inclusivity, the community is set to become even more vibrant and dynamic.


1. What does “The Rise of Women in the Fighting Game Community” mean?

“The Rise of Women in the Fighting Game Community” refers to more women participating and gaining recognition in playing and competing in fighting video games.

2. Why is gender equality important in the FGC?

Gender equality in the FGC matters because it ensures that women have fair opportunities to compete, contribute to video game culture, and enjoy gaming without discrimination.

3. Are there many women involved in fighting game events now?

Yes, an increasing number of women are actively engaging with the community by joining tournaments, streaming their gameplay, and being part of event organisation.

4. How can we support women’s growth within the Fighting Game Community?

We can support this growth by promoting inclusivity, celebrating female gamers’ achievements, and actively challenging any form of bias or inequality within video game culture.

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