PUBG Tactics Guide: Surviving and Thriving on the Battleground

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Navigating your way to the coveted final circle in PUBG can often feel like a relentless challenge. We grasp the disappointment that comes with repeated defeats all too well. Yet, fear not – amongst the staggering 400 million players engaging in this global phenomenon, we’ve distilled a treasure trove of sage advice and hard-won strategies to bolster your gameplay.

This guide is brimming with indispensable preparation tips, astute strategic guidance, savvy loot management techniques, and shrewd combat tactics designed to tip the scales in your favour.

So chin up, get stuck in, and let’s master the battleground together – who knows? That much-desired chicken dinner could soon be on your plate!

Key Takeaways

  • To gain a competitive edge in PUBG, customise your controls and adjust sensitivity settings to suit your playing style. Experiment with layout presets or tailor control schemes for more efficient gameplay, whether you’re on mobile or PC.
  • Practising in training mode is key for improving aiming skills and familiarising yourself with different weapons’ recoil patterns. Utilise the training arena to perfect movement while shooting and test out various weapon attachments.
  • Understanding the map’s layout helps in planning strategic movements and selecting advantageous positions during combat. Studying terrain can aid in finding good loot spots and anticipating enemy encounters.
  • Managing your inventory effectively involves knowing which weapons, ammo, health items, and attachments to keep or drop. Prioritise essential gear over less important items to maintain combat readiness without being weighed down by excess equipment.
  • Use cover judiciously, communicate with squadmates clearly for coordinated attacks, select battles wisely based on your current status and resources available, and surprise opponents with unexpected tactics for better chances of survival in PUBG.

Essential Preparation Tips for PUBG

Before diving into the battleground, it’s important to customise your controls and adjust your sensitivity to suit your gameplay style. Practising in training mode and studying the map will also give you a strategic edge in the game.

Customise your controls

We know how crucial it is to have a setup that feels just right in your hands. That’s why customising your controls in PUBG can give you the edge to outperform and outlast your opponents.

  • Dive into the game settings and look for the ‘Controls’ tab. Here, you’ll find a variety of layout presets; experiment with these or create a completely custom layout that suits your play style.
  • Reposition buttons on your screen if you’re playing on mobile to ensure they’re within easy reach. This might mean moving the shoot button closer to your thumb or repositioning the map for better visibility.
  • Adjust button sizes according to preference. Larger buttons are easier to tap but take up more screen space, while smaller ones might be harder to hit accurately under pressure.
  • Consider different grip styles such as claw or thumb-only grips, and set up your controls accordingly. Claw grip players often place their fire button at the top of the screen for quicker access with their index finger.
  • Assign specific actions to certain keys if you’re on PC. For example, binding medical supplies or energy drinks to accessible keys can save precious time during intense fights.
  • Utilise additional mouse buttons if available. Mapping actions like crouching, proning, or even leaning to these extra buttons can streamline gameplay and improve reaction times.

Adjust your sensitivity

Now that you’ve customised your controls, let’s talk about adjusting your sensitivity. This aspect of gameplay can greatly impact your performance. Here are a few essential points to consider:

  1. Find the right balance: Tweaking your sensitivity settings can improve your aiming accuracy without sacrificing speed.
  2. Experiment with different settings: Try out various sensitivity levels in training mode to identify what works best for you.
  3. Aim for precision: Fine-tune both your camera and aiming sensitivity to ensure optimal control during combat situations.
  4. Adapt to different weapons: Adjust sensitivity based on the weapon you’re using, as each one may require different settings for accurate aiming and recoil control.
  5. Stay consistent: Once you find an ideal sensitivity setting, practice regularly to maintain muscle memory and improve overall gameplay.

Practise in training mode

After adjusting your sensitivity, the next step is to practise in training mode. This will help you familiarise yourself with different weapons, hone your aiming skills, and get comfortable with various combat scenarios. Here are some essential aspects of utilising the training mode effectively:

  1. Experiment with different weapons to understand their recoil patterns and bullet drop at varying distances.
  2. Practise moving and shooting simultaneously to improve your accuracy and mobility during engagements.
  3. Utilise the training mode’s terrain and obstacles to perfect your use of cover and manoeuvring around the environment.
  4. Test out different attachments on weapons to find the optimal combinations that suit your playstyle.
  5. Familiarise yourself with vehicle handling and driving mechanics to navigate the map more effectively during gameplay.
  6. Engage in target practice to enhance your precision and speed in acquiring targets under pressure.
  7. Practise looting efficiently by simulating realistic looting scenarios to minimise time spent on managing inventory and maximising your gear.
  8. Work on quick decision – making by engaging in simulated combat situations to sharpen your reflexes and strategic thinking.

Study the map

Before dropping into the battleground, it’s crucial to study the map in detail. Understanding the terrain and key locations gives you a strategic advantage. By knowing where to find loot, vehicles, and potential hotspots for engagements, you can plan your approach more effectively.

Utilise knowledge of the map layout to navigate efficiently and outmanoeuvre opponents.

By studying the map thoroughly, players can identify optimal landing spots and chart their movement through different phases of the game. Familiarity with various terrains also helps in selecting advantageous positions for combat or avoiding danger zones proactively.

Strategic Gameplay Tips for PUBG

Utilise cover and terrain to your advantage, stay aware of your surroundings, utilise the circle’s edge, and stay boosted and healed to gain a tactical advantage on the battleground.

For more strategic gameplay tips, keep reading our PUBG Tactics Guide!

Use cover and terrain to your advantage

Position yourself strategically behind objects and natural features to shield yourself from enemy fire. Utilise trees, rocks, walls, and buildings as cover to stay hidden and protected during intense firefights.

By choosing your positions wisely, you can keep an eye on incoming enemies while minimising your exposure.

Take advantage of the terrain by using hills, valleys, and uneven ground to gain a tactical advantage over your opponents. Use elevation changes to spot enemies from afar or surprise them with unexpected attacks from higher ground.

Stay aware of your surroundings

When navigating the battleground in PUBG, staying aware of your surroundings is crucial. Keep an eye out for enemies, potential cover, and any movement in your vicinity. Utilise the game’s sound cues to pinpoint enemy locations and stay alert to avoid being caught off guard.

Maintaining situational awareness can help you anticipate threats and take strategic actions to survive. We need to constantly scan our environment, listen for footsteps or gunfire, and be ready to react swiftly when danger approaches.

Awareness of your surroundings will give you a competitive edge on the battlefield.

Utilise the circle’s edge

Utilising the circle’s edge can give us a strategic advantage by providing cover and limiting our exposure to enemy fire. We should use the circle’s edge as a barrier, constantly adjusting our position to stay within it while keeping an eye out for opponents approaching from outside.

Staying close to the edge allows us to focus on threats from one direction, increasing our chances of survival.

We must remember that the circle is not always safe, especially in later stages of the game when it inflicts significant damage. Therefore, staying near its edge provides safety while also allowing us to potentially catch enemies off guard as they rush towards safety.

Stay boosted and healed

To survive and thrive in the battleground, it’s crucial to stay boosted and healed. Using energy drinks, painkillers, and first aid kits can keep your health and stamina high during intense combat situations.

By staying fully boosted, you’ll have an edge over opponents as you engage in battles or make quick getaways from dangerous zones. Prioritise collecting these essential items while looting to ensure that you’re always prepared for any encounters that may come your way.

Boosters play a key role in enhancing your performance by increasing your health regeneration rate and providing temporary speed boosts. When engaging enemies or traversing the map, maintaining high levels of boost will give you an advantage over other players who may be struggling with low health or stamina.

Loot Management in PUBG

Prioritise the weapons and attachments that will best suit your gameplay style. Make sure to know which items you should keep and which ones to drop, while also using loot crates to your advantage.

Prioritise weapons and attachments

  1. Select weapons suitable for different combat scenarios, such as long-range rifles and close-quarter firearms.
  2. Attachments like scopes, grips, and extended magazines can significantly enhance weapon performance and accuracy.
  3. Always prioritise high – quality armour and helmets to increase survivability in engagements.
  4. Be mindful of ammunition types as some weapons may require specific rounds for optimal performance.
  5. Keep an eye out for rare or powerful weapons that can give you an edge in intense firefights.
  6. Learn how to manage inventory space efficiently to carry necessary items while maintaining a diverse arsenal of weapons and attachments.
  7. Continuously upgrade and swap attachments based on the situation at hand for maximum effectiveness.

Know which items to keep or drop

  1. Prioritise weapons and ammo to ensure you have firepower when engaging enemies.
  2. Keep first aid kits, painkillers, and energy drinks for healing during intense combat situations.
  3. Opt to discard duplicate weapons or attachments that you do not immediately need.
  4. Consider dropping excessive grenades and throwables if they are taking up valuable space.
  5. Assess the utility of miscellaneous items like gas cans and melee weapons, dropping those that are less essential based on your current situation.
  6. Evaluate the necessity of specific attachments based on your weaponry setup, dropping those that do not complement your playstyle.

Use loot crates to your advantage

Once you’ve decided which items to keep or drop, it’s time to focus on using loot crates strategically. Loot crates can provide valuable gear and supplies that could give you an edge over your opponents.

When approaching a loot crate, stay vigilant and aware of any nearby enemies who might be doing the same. Utilise cover and terrain to safely access the loot crate without exposing yourself to unnecessary risks.

When looting a crate, prioritise essential items such as health packs, ammunition, and higher-tier weapons or attachments that can enhance your combat capabilities. Avoid lingering too long at a loot crate as it may attract unwanted attention from other players, potentially putting you in a vulnerable position.

Combat Strategies for PUBG

Choose your battles carefully, utilise different weapons and attachments, use the element of surprise, and communicate with your squad to gain a competitive edge on the battleground.

Ready to take your combat skills to the next level? Keep reading for more expert tips and strategies!

Choose your battles carefully

Prioritise engaging in battles that offer a high chance of success, considering your weapon and health status. Analyse the situation before committing to combat, evaluating both your position and the opponents’ strength.

Use stealth tactics to avoid unnecessary confrontations, allowing you to conserve resources for critical encounters. Communicate with your squad to coordinate attacks effectively and maximise your chances of victory.

Utilising different weapons and attachments can significantly affect the outcome of battles; hence careful selection is crucial. Make use of cover and terrain to gain an advantage over adversaries while preventing undue exposure.

Utilise different weapons and attachments

To excel in PUBG, it’s crucial to be adaptable with the weapons and attachments you select. By understanding each weapon’s strengths and weaknesses, you can effectively utilise a variety of firearms to your advantage. Here are some tips for utilising different weapons and attachments:

  • Experiment with different weapon types to find your preferred playstyle.
  • Understand the characteristics of each attachment to maximise their benefits.
  • Utilise long-range weapons for engagements at a distance and close-range weapons for confined spaces.
  • Switch out attachments based on the situation to optimise your firearm’s performance.
  • Master the effective use of grenades and other throwable items to gain an upper hand in combat.
  • Coordinate with your squad to diversify your arsenal, ensuring that you are well – equipped for any encounter.

Use the element of surprise

Utilise the element of surprise to gain a strategic advantage over your opponents. By catching them off guard, you can turn the tide of battle in your favour and secure victory. Sneak up on enemies or use unexpected tactics to keep them guessing and maintain the upper hand in combat situations.

Carrying out unexpected manoeuvres and taking calculated risks can disrupt the plans of other players and force them into making mistakes, giving you an edge in intense firefights.

Leveraging surprise effectively requires quick thinking and adaptability, so be prepared to think outside the box when engaging with adversaries on the battleground. Embracing unpredictability can be a game-changer in PUBG, allowing you to outmanoeuvre your rivals and emerge triumphant.

Communicate with your squad

Effective communication with your squad is vital for success in PUBG. Clear and concise callouts regarding enemy positions, loot locations, and tactical plans can make a significant difference in the outcome of a game.

Sharing information about available resources, such as health packs or ammunition, ensures that everyone is well-equipped for battles and strategic movements. Coordinating movements as a unit allows for better cover fire, flanking manoeuvres, and overall team effectiveness in engagements against other squads.

Players should utilise the marker system to pinpoint areas of interest quickly and efficiently communicate intentions without relying solely on verbal instructions. Additionally, sharing feedback after each engagement or when navigating challenging terrain enables continuous improvement and adaptation within the squad dynamic.


In conclusion, mastering PUBG tactics is essential for surviving and thriving in the intense battleground. Learning to adapt your gameplay strategy can be crucial for achieving victory.

By prioritising survival skills, combat techniques, and resource management, players can elevate their PUBG experience to new heights. Embracing teamwork and communication with your squad will further enhance your chances of success on the battlefield.

With dedication and practice, you can refine your gameplay and become a formidable competitor in the world of Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds.


1. What are the best survival tactics for PUBG?

To master survival in battle royale games like PUBG, focus on map navigation, weapon selection, and stealth gameplay to outsmart opponents.

2. How can I improve my combat techniques in PUBG?

Improve your combat tips and tricks by practising aiming, learning advanced combat tips for positioning tactics, and mastering resource management during fights.

3. Can you give me some game engagement tactics to keep me alive longer in a match?

Stay alive by using effective team coordination, keeping low while moving across the battleground, and managing resources wisely to ensure you have what’s needed for the fight.

4. What should be included in a beginner’s guide to battle royale tactics?

A beginner’s guide should cover basic strategies like understanding the map layout, selecting weapons that suit your style of play, and learning essential survival skills.

5. Why is stealth gameplay important in PUBG?

Stealth gameplay helps avoid detection by enemies; use silent movements and choose strategic hiding spots which aid in surviving till the endgame.

6. If I want to win more often in PUBG, what winning strategies should I adopt?

Adopt winning strategies such as analysing different areas of the map for strategic advantages on positioning while synchronising plans with teammates for better chances at victory.

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