Dark Souls Remastered Boss Guide: Defeating the Lords of Cinder

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Confronting the formidable Lords of Cinder in Dark Souls Remastered is akin to facing a towering, impenetrable barrier. We too have experienced the harsh bite of their infernal swords and devastating blows.

However, do not let despair take hold; we’ve dedicated ourselves to meticulously studying myriad conflicts, all to carve out a path for you. Within these pages lies a trove of battle-honed strategies that will enable you to dethrone these steadfast sovereigns from their charred seats of power.

Forge ahead with fortitude, valiant champion – triumph beckons!

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the Lords of Cinder’s attack patterns and weaknesses is essential for defeating them in Dark Souls Remastered.
  • Proper preparation, including levelling up to at least 70 and stocking up on crucial items like Estus Flasks and Green Blossoms, increases your chances of success against these bosses.
  • Employ a variety of battle strategies such as parrying, utilising magic and ranged attacks, prioritising safety during combat, executing ground and pound tactics, and taking out any accompanying enemies first.
  • Summoning allies can provide valuable assistance when confronting the Lords of Cinder; use Humanity to see summon signs appear near boss fog gates.
  • Explore alternative methods to defeat the Lords of Cinder by exploiting elemental weaknesses or using environmental features within the boss arena.

Understanding the Lords of Cinder

The Lords of Cinder are powerful and challenging bosses found in the Dark Souls Remastered game. With their formidable abilities and wide range of attacks, they present a tough obstacle for players to overcome on their journey.

Understanding their strengths and weaknesses is key to emerging victorious in battle against them.

Who are the Lords of Cinder?

In Dark Souls Remastered, Lords of Cinder are mighty beings who have linked the flame throughout history. They’ve sacrificed themselves to keep the Age of Fire going and prevent the world from plunging into darkness.

Gwyn is one such Lord of Cinder, a formidable opponent we face in the Kiln of the First Flame. His legacy echoes throughout the lands as he’s not just any ruler; he’s also known as the father of Gwynevere and once held great power before his self-immolation to prolong the flickering flames.

Defeating them isn’t for faint hearts; they’re strong, cunning, and each encounter tests our limits. We must muster all our skill and courage when we step through that fog gate to battle these giants whose very souls are entwined with fire itself.

As daunting as our quest may seem, with proper preparation and understanding their weaknesses—which will be discussed next—we stand ready to prove ourselves against these legendary titans.

What makes them challenging to defeat?

Understanding the Lords of Cinder in Dark Souls Remastered is crucial, as it sheds light on what makes them challenging to defeat. The final bosses, including Gwyn and the Soul of Cinder, are formidable opponents with high health pools and devastating attacks that demand precision and strategy.

Their aggressive combat style requires players to be constantly vigilant, making split-second decisions amidst a flurry of powerful moves. These bosses leave little room for error, punishing any mistimed or misplaced actions with swift and severe consequences.

Additionally, their unique abilities and varied attack patterns keep players on their toes throughout the entire battle.

Moreover, the intense difficulty in defeating these lords stems from their relentless pursuit of victory at all costs. They exhibit unwavering determination during combat encounters, often catching players off guard with unexpected tactics and unrelenting pressure.

Preparation for the Battle Against the Lords of Cinder

Before facing the Lords of Cinder, it’s crucial to ensure that you are at the recommended level and have the necessary items in your inventory. Understanding the boss weaknesses and having a well-thought-out game plan will significantly increase your chances of success.

Recommended level and items

We recommend reaching at least level 70 before taking on the Lords of Cinder. Equip Havel’s Set for increased defense and poise, and use Iron Flesh to further bolster your defense during the battle. Ensure that you have a fully upgraded weapon and a shield with high stability. Additionally, stock up on healing items such as Estus Flasks and Green Blossoms to aid in sustaining yourself during the intense battles. These items are essential for your survival in the face of the Lords of Cinder’s formidable attacks.

Understanding boss weaknesses

  1. Exploit Gwyn’s vulnerability to parrying and counter – attacks, especially during his aggressive melee combos.
  2. Take advantage of Gwyn’s susceptibility to magic – based attacks, particularly those with fire or lightning attributes.
  3. Utilise the environment to prioritise safety and create distance as Gwyn’s relentless assault can be overwhelming.
  4. Capitalise on Gwyn’s limited recovery time after executing powerful ground and pound moves.
  5. Focus on eliminating any accompanying enemies first to reduce the overall challenge of the battle.

Tips for success

Understanding the weaknesses of the Lords of Cinder can greatly increase your chances of success in battle. Here are some tips to help you emerge victorious:

  1. Master the art of parrying Gwyn’s attacks: Timing your parries can leave him vulnerable, allowing you to deal significant damage.
  2. Utilise magic and ranged attacks effectively: Exploit Gwyn’s weaknesses by strategically using spells and ranged weapons to keep a safe distance while dealing damage.
  3. Prioritise safety during combat: Focus on evading Gwyn’s powerful strikes and capitalise on openings to unleash your own devastating attacks.
  4. Ground and pound strategy: Stay aggressive with well-timed strikes and take advantage of moments when Gwyn is vulnerable.
  5. Eliminate accompanying enemies first: Clear the battlefield by dealing with any supporting enemies before focusing solely on Gwyn, allowing you to concentrate fully on the main threat.

Boss Strategies for Defeating the Lords of Cinder

We will cover various strategies for defeating the Lords of Cinder, including parrying and melee combat, magic and ranged attacks, prioritising safety, ground and pound, and taking out accompanying enemies first.

Each strategy offers a unique approach to tackling these tough bosses in Dark Souls Remastered.

Strategy 1: Parrying and melee combat

  1. Timing is essential when attempting to parry the attacks of Gwyn, Lord of Cinder. Wait for the precise moment before executing the parry to successfully deflect his strikes.
  2. After a successful parry, use a high – damage weapon or spell to capitalise on the opening, dealing substantial damage before he recovers.
  3. Maintain agility and awareness during melee combat with Gwyn. Swiftly evade his attacks and position yourself strategically for counter-attacks.
  4. Utilise blocking as a backup defensive measure if the timing for a successful parry is challenging to achieve in intense moments.
  5. Keep a close eye on Gwyn’s movements and anticipate his attack patterns, allowing you to react swiftly with well-timed parries and accurate strikes.

Strategy 2: Magic and ranged attacks

To utilise magic and ranged attacks effectively against the Lords of Cinder, players should first ensure they have ample spell charges or ammunition. Then, from a safe distance, lock onto the boss to predict their movements and cast powerful spells or fire projectiles with precision. Additionally, players can take advantage of the environment by using pillars or obstacles for cover, creating openings for attacks while evading the boss’s assaults. Furthermore, exploiting elemental weaknesses with corresponding spells or ranged weapons can greatly enhance damage output, providing an edge in defeating these formidable foes. Lastly, maintaining situational awareness is crucial to dodge incoming attacks while consistently applying pressure with well-timed magical barrages or precise ranged volleys.

Strategy 3: Prioritising safety

To ensure success in defeating the Lords of Cinder, prioritising safety is crucial. By maintaining a safe distance and observing their attack patterns, players can avoid taking unnecessary damage.

Dodging or blocking incoming attacks effectively will help preserve health and increase survivability during the intense battle against these formidable foes.

Utilising environmental elements for cover, keeping an eye on stamina levels to evade efficiently, and strategically retreating when necessary are all essential aspects of prioritising safety in combat.

Strategy 4: Ground and pound

Transitioning from prioritising safety to the ground and pound strategy, this approach involves getting in close and landing heavy, powerful attacks on the Lords of Cinder. By closing the distance between you and your opponent, you can exploit openings for devastating blows.

This method requires precise timing and positioning to deliver maximum damage while keeping a keen eye on the boss’s movements for opportunities to strike. Utilising heavy weaponry and powerfully enchanted spells can significantly bolster your chances of overwhelming the Lords of Cinder with sheer force.

Executing ground and pound effectively hinges on being well-prepared with upgraded gear, honed combat skills, and a thorough understanding of boss patterns. Optimising your character build towards strength or intelligence will enhance your ability to overpower the Lord of Cinder during encounters.

Strategy 5: Taking out accompanying enemies first

When preparing to face the Lords of Cinder, it is vital to address any accompanying enemies before engaging the main boss. This strategy can significantly reduce the threat level during the battle.

  1. Clearing out the minions first allows you to focus entirely on the primary boss without distractions.
  2. Eliminating additional threats reduces the overall complexity of the encounter, giving you more control over the battle.
  3. Dealing with accompanying enemies prevents them from causing interference or dealing damage while you’re trying to engage with the primary boss.
  4. Prioritising minion elimination provides a safer environment for assessing and executing your battle strategies against the Lords of Cinder.
  5. Taking out accompanying enemies first creates an advantageous position where you can dictate and manoeuvre through the combat with greater ease.

Summoning and Alternative Strategies

To make the battle against the Lords of Cinder easier, players can summon allies to aid them in the fight. Additionally, there are alternative strategies for defeating these tough bosses that players can explore to find what works best for their playstyle.

How to summon allies for the battle

To summon allies for the battle against the Lords of Cinder in Dark Souls Remastered, follow these steps:

  1. Use Humanity: When you’re human, you can summon other players to help you in battles. Use humanity to become human and then look for summon signs near the boss fog gate. If you’ve allied with certain NPCs during their questlines, their summon signs might also appear.
  2. Look for Summon Signs: Keep an eye out for glowing summon signs on the ground near the boss area. These signs indicate that another player or NPC is available for co-op play.
  3. Interact with Summon Signs: Approach a summon sign and interact with it to bring a fellow player or NPC into your world to aid you in battling the Lords of Cinder.
  4. Coordinate and Communicate: Once summoned, communicate with your allies through gestures or voice chat if possible to coordinate your strategy and work together effectively.
  5. Thank Your Allies: After successfully defeating the boss with the help of summoned allies, don’t forget to show your gratitude with a respectful gesture or message before they return to their own worlds.
  6. Share Your Knowledge: Consider leaving your own summon sign to help other players struggling against the Lords of Cinder – paying it forward in jolly cooperation!

Alternative strategies for defeating the Lords of Cinder

  1. Exploit elemental weaknesses: Utilise fire, lightning, or dark weapons to exploit specific weaknesses of different Lords of Cinder.
  2. Master dodging and evasion: Focus on precise timing and stamina management to evade their relentless attacks and find openings for counterattacks.
  3. Coordinated summoning: Strategically summon allies to distract or engage the enemy, giving you an advantage in battle.
  4. Environmental advantages: Make use of the terrain and objects within the boss arena to gain a tactical edge over the powerful adversaries.
  5. Buffs and debuffs: Apply temporary buffs like magic weapon spells or resin on your weapons, while using debuffs such as poison or bleed infusions to weaken their defences.

Conclusion and Final Thoughts

In conclusion, defeating the Lords of Cinder in Dark Souls Remastered requires careful planning and precise execution. It’s crucial to understand their weaknesses and employ effective strategies such as parrying, ranged attacks, and prioritising safety.

With the right preparation and tactics, players can overcome these formidable foes and emerge victorious in this ultimate test of skill.


1. What strategies work best for defeating the Lords of Cinder in Dark Souls Remastered?

To beat the Lords of Cinder, learn their weaknesses and patterns, use parrying and blocking effectively, and apply powerful buffs like Iron Flesh to increase defense.

2. Can I parry Gwyn’s attacks during the final boss fight?

Yes, you can parry Gwyn’s attacks in Dark Souls Remastered; mastering this skill is key to your success in the final boss battle.

3. Why do I need a boss guide for Dark Souls Remastered?

A boss guide helps players understand different strategies for beating tough bosses by highlighting each one’s attack patterns and vulnerabilities.

4. Are there specific tips that will help me defeat Gwyn?

Defeating Gwyn requires timing your dodges perfectly, learning when to block or parry his strikes, and attacking at the right moments without exhausting your stamina.

5. Is using Iron Flesh a good strategy against bosses in Dark Souls Remastered?

Using Iron Flesh can be an effective strategy as it boosts your resistance; however, remember it also slows down movement so use it wisely according to each boss fight scenario.

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