Customising the Fight: Modding in the FGC

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Have you ever longed for your cherished fighting game to resonate more deeply with who you are? We completely understand the feeling, and that’s precisely why we delved into the vibrant world of modding.

What we’ve unearthed is nothing short of a treasure trove brimming with possibilities for customisation. Our guide has been meticulously crafted to offer you insider tips and know-how on stick modding and character personalisation, ensuring your gaming experience is as individual as you are.

So go ahead—embark on this adventure with us, tap into your creative spirit, and elevate your gameplay to unprecedented levels of personal expression!

Key Takeaways

  • Modding in the FGC lets players customise fightsticks and characters, enhancing their gaming experience with personal touches like unique fight styles and animations.
  • The process of modding involves technical skills such as using precision tools for stick customisation or software for character modding, but guides and community forums are available to assist gamers.
  • Despite some challenges that include lack of official support from game developers and limitations on modifying gameplay mechanics, the potential for creating custom fighters in single-player modes is significant.
  • Creativity within the FGC flourishes through modding with opportunities to extend game lifespans, foster a sense of community, share techniques, and keep games fresh and engaging.
  • Gamers interested in starting modding can begin by gathering necessary tools and resources, seeking guidance from step-by-step tutorials, getting involved in online communities for feedback, and staying informed about updates affecting mods.

Understanding Modding in the FGC

Modding in the Fighting Game Community (FGC) involves customising fightsticks and characters to enhance the gaming experience. From creating unique fight styles to adding custom weapons and animations, modding allows players to personalise their gameplay.

Definition of modding

Modding is the heart of customisation in gaming, a creative process where we tweak and alter video games to suit our tastes or add new features. It’s like giving your car a new paint job or installing a better sound system, but for games.

In the FGC, this can mean anything from personalising fightsticks to changing character skins or even introducing brand-new fighting styles.

We take original game elements and modify them, pushing boundaries to make every battle unique. Whether it’s by enhancing visuals with custom weapons and animations, or tweaking gameplay for that added thrill of the fight – modding lets us express ourselves within the virtual arenas of our favourite titles.

And within our close-knit community, sharing these mods boosts creativity and keeps the excitement alive in every clash.

Benefits of modding in FGC

Having delved into the definition and understanding of modding in the FGC, it’s time to consider the numerous benefits it offers to players. Modding allows gamers to personalise their gaming experience by altering characters, fighting styles, animations, and other visual aspects of a game.

This not only adds a layer of creativity but also enhances player engagement with the game.

Gamers are also able to extend the lifespan of games they love through modding. With new content continually being added by players and developers alike, games become more immersive and enjoyable for longer periods.

Types of modding (stick customisation, character modding)

  1. Stick Customisation:
  • Modifying fight sticks involves personalising the physical structure of the controller, such as adding custom artwork or changing buttons and levers.
  • It offers FGC enthusiasts a hands – on way to enhance their gaming experience and express their individuality.
  1. Character Modding:
  • This type of modding entails altering the appearance and sometimes abilities of in – game characters.
  • Character modding allows players to create unique looks for their favourite fighters, adding an extra layer of personalisation to the game.

How to Get Involved in Stick Fight Modding

To get involved in stick fight modding, you will need the necessary tools and resources such as a PC or console with modding support, appropriate software and hardware. A step by step guide for stick modding will help you customise your own fight stick to suit your personal preferences.

Necessary tools and resources

To get started with stick fight modding, here’s a list of necessary tools and resources:

  1. Precision screwdriver set for disassembling the fight stick.
  2. Custom artwork template to design and print your own custom art for the fight stick.
  3. Modding components such as buttons, joystick, and wiring harness compatible with your fight stick model.
  4. Adhesive or plexiglass cover to protect the custom artwork on the fight stick.
  5. Soldering iron and solder if any electrical modifications are required.
  6. Access to online forums and communities for guidance and troubleshooting during the modding process.

Step by step guide for stick modding

After gathering the necessary tools and resources, we can now proceed with the step-by-step guide for stick modding:

  1. Begin by disassembling your fight stick using a screwdriver, taking care to keep track of all the screws and parts.
  2. Once disassembled, carefully remove the artwork and perspex from the top panel of the fight stick.
  3. Design and print your custom artwork to fit the dimensions of your fight stick, ensuring it reflects your personal style or favourite game characters.
  4. Cut out the artwork to fit precisely beneath the perspex, then reassemble the top panel, securing it in place.
  5. If desired, consider installing LED lighting or additional custom buttons to further enhance your modded fight stick.
  6. Test the functionality of your modified fight stick by reconnecting it to your gaming console or PC, making sure all buttons and functions work properly.
  7. Finally, showcase your unique creation within the FGC modding community and share your experiences with fellow enthusiasts!

Character Modding in FGC

Exploring the world of character modding in the FGC opens up a whole new dimension for customisation and creativity. With step by step guides and an overview of Fighting EX Layer character modding, you’ll have all the tools to make your mark on the game.

Overview of Fighting EX Layer character modding

Fighting EX Layer offers exciting character modding opportunities for players. Modders can customise characters by altering their appearances, move sets, or even adding entirely new fighters to the game.

The availability of tutorials and guides also makes it easier for gamers to get involved in character modding within this popular title.

Gamers interested in character modding should keep in mind that certain limitations and challenges may arise when modifying characters in Fighting EX Layer. However, with dedicated forums and communities discussing techniques and sharing ideas, the FGC modding scene provides a platform for creative expression and personalisation within the gaming experience.

Step by step guide for character modding

After getting an overview of Fighting EX Layer character modding, let’s dive into the step-by-step guide for character modding. Here are the detailed steps to modify characters in Fighting EX Layer:

  1. Research and Understand Modding Tools: Familiarise yourself with the necessary software and modding tools required for character modding in Fighting EX Layer. Ensure that you have access to reliable resources and tutorials.
  2. Back Up Game Files: Before making any changes, create backups of the original game files to prevent any loss or irreparable damage.
  3. Identify the Desired Changes: Decide on the specific modifications you want to make to a character, such as altering their appearance, adding new animations, or customising special moves.
  4. Modify Character Assets: Use modding tools to edit character assets, including textures, models, and animations. Pay attention to details such as proportions and colour schemes to ensure a polished result.
  5. Test Modifications: Implement your changes into the game and thoroughly test them to ensure they function as intended without causing any glitches or errors.
  6. Seek Feedback from the Community: Share your modded characters within forums and communities dedicated to fighting game modding. Gather feedback to improve your creations and contribute to the community.
  7. Stay Updated with Patch Releases: Keep track of official game updates that may affect mod compatibility. Adjust your modifications accordingly to ensure they remain functional after patches.

Limitations and challenges

Modding in the Fighting Game Community (FGC) comes with its own set of limitations and challenges. While some games have dedicated communities for modding, others restrict certain aspects to maintain fair competition.

For instance, altering gameplay mechanics or character balance through modding is often discouraged to ensure a level playing field. Additionally, some platforms or game versions may have limitations on modding, hindering the creative freedom of players.

Street Fighter 6’s negative impact on mod support for other fighting games has also been a point of concern within the community.

The potential for custom fighters in single-player modes remains an area that could benefit from further exploration and development within the FGC modding scene. This presents an opportunity for enhancing the overall gaming experience by allowing players to fully customise their individual gameplay encounters with unique characters and features.

Customisation in Fighting Games

Add new fight styles, custom weapons and animations to create a unique gaming experience. Dive into the world of game modification in the FGC and discover how you can level up your fighting game experience.

Read more to find out!

Adding new fight styles

In some fighting games, modding allows players to add new fight styles to characters, providing a fresh and personalised experience. With the use of tools and resources, custom fight styles can be integrated into the game, allowing for unique combat moves and techniques.

This level of customisation enables players to explore different playstyles beyond what is initially offered by the game developers.

Moreover, the addition of new fight styles through modding fosters creativity within the community, as players can experiment with diverse martial arts or combat disciplines. From incorporating flashy kicks to introducing powerful grappling techniques, modding adds an extra layer of excitement and individuality to the fighting game experience.

Custom weapons and animations

To further enhance the customisation experience in fighting games, players can also add their own unique weapons and animations through modding. By incorporating new weaponry and dynamic movements, gamers can inject a fresh level of creativity into gameplay.

This feature allows for personalising characters with distinct weapon choices and innovatively choreographed combat actions.

Challenges and Potential for Modding in the FGC

Although modding in the FGC has its challenges, such as lack of official support and limitations, there is also great potential for custom fighters in single player modes. If you’re interested to learn more about the exciting world of modding in the Fighting Game Community, keep reading!

Lack of official modding support

Finding official support for modding in the FGC can be a challenge, as some game developers do not provide easy-to-use toolkits or resources to encourage modding. This limitation can restrict the creative potential of modders and hinder the growth of custom content within fighting games, making it harder for players to personalise their gaming experience.

In addition, without official support, modders may face technical barriers and compatibility issues when attempting to create and share their customised content with other players.

Despite this obstacle, passionate gamers continue to push the boundaries of creativity through unofficial means. By leveraging community-generated tools and forums, dedicated enthusiasts forge ahead to explore new possibilities in character customisation and gameplay modifications.

Embracing these challenges has prompted a surge in independent development efforts within the FGC’s modding subculture.

Potential for custom fighters in single player

Modding in the FGC presents an exciting potential for custom fighters in single-player gameplay. This allows players to create unique characters with personalised appearance, moveset, and even backstory.

With modding, gamers can craft their own virtual martial artists, adding a new layer of creativity and expression to the gaming experience.

Players can delve into character creation by altering visual aspects like costumes and accessories or by introducing entirely new fighting styles. This level of customisation provides an opportunity for individuals to shape their single-player encounters in fighting games according to their preferences, making each playthrough a truly unique and engaging experience within the game world.


In conclusion, the FGC has embraced modding as a way to personalise and enhance the gaming experience. Gamers can easily get involved in stick fight modding with the right tools and guidance.

Character modding offers creative opportunities but comes with its own set of challenges. Customisation in fighting games goes beyond aesthetics, allowing players to add new fight styles and weapons.

Despite limitations, the potential for custom fighters and community support makes modding an exciting avenue within the FGC.


1. What does ‘modding’ in the FGC mean?

Modding in the Fighting Game Community (FGC) is when players customise games like Street Fighter V, changing how they look or function to create a unique experience.

2. Can you mod any fighting game?

Not all fighting games support modding, but some do, such as SFV and Them’s Fightin’ Herds, which encourage player creativity.

3. How does modding affect competitive gaming or eSports?

In competitive gaming and eSports within the FGC, mods can be controversial as they need to maintain fair play; however, cosmetic mods are usually accepted.

4. Why do members of the Player community get involved in modding?

Members of the player community dive into modding for fun, to express themselves creatively or add new features enhancing their enjoyment and engagement with the game.

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