Borderlands 3 Loot Guide: Finding the Best Weapons

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Setting out on a mission to find the top-tier weapons in Borderlands 3 can be akin to looking for a needle in an enormous haystack, what with over one billion firearms up for grabs.

We understand that sense of exasperation when you’re sifting through an endless supply of loot, only to come across gear that’s not quite up to snuff. That’s why we’ve put together this extensive guide – giving you insider tips and strategies so you can lay your hands on the finest weapons; the sort that will elevate your status to that of a Vault Hunter legend.

So let’s jump in and transform your collection from run-of-the-mill to truly extraordinary!

Key Takeaways

  • Explore locations like Proving Grounds Trials, Slaughter Shaft, Freddie, Psychoreaver and Vaulthalla for a chance at the best legendary weapons.
  • Utilise dedicated drop sources by defeating specific bosses to increase your odds of obtaining sought-after loot in Borderlands 3.
  • Legendary weapons such as Lucian’s Call, Rowan’s Call, Hellwalker, Monarch, Lob and Reflux are powerful additions to any arsenal due to their unique abilities and high damage output.
  • Manage money wisely by selling unwanted items and completing side missions; this will enable you to purchase necessary gear and weapons.
  • Levelling up improves your character’s abilities and increases the chances of higher-level loot drops that include better weaponry.

The Best Weapons in Borderlands 3

Discover the ultimate list of Legendary and Unique Weapons in Borderlands 3, along with their dedicated drop sources for maximum loot success.

Legendary and Unique Weapons list

  • Cutsman: This Legendary Maliwan SMG delivers devastating damage with its unique projectiles that split and stretch across the battlefield. It’s a top pick for shredding through enemy shields.
  • Flakker: An absolute beast of a shotgun from Torgue, Flakker explodes with multiple projectiles that wreak havoc in wide areas, perfect for taking out groups of foes.
  • King’s Call: Jakobs brings you this powerful pistol which rewards precision. Land a critical hit, and its bullets will ricochet towards other targets and return ammo to your magazine.
  • Lyuda: If sniping is your style, then Vladof’s Lyuda is non-negotiable. It fires shots that split into three projectiles, making it one of the best for long-range engagements.
  • Night Hawkin: This SMG from Dahl can switch between fire rates depending on the time of day in-game, providing versatility for any combat situation.
  • Brainstormer: Hyperion’s shotgun connects enemies with electric links upon hitting them — ideal for chaining elemental damage across multiple baddies.
  • The Lob: A crowd favourite, this Torgue shotgun releases a large slow-moving orb dealing continuous damage to enemies in its path — fantastic for crowd control.
  • One Pump Chump: Found after a tricky puzzle in Lectra City, this Jakobs shotgun can deal massive single-shot damage — perfect for one-hit wonders.
  • Redundant Face-puncher: For those who like their shotgun to pack a punch as hard as their melee attacks, Hyperion has engineered this beauty just right.

Dedicated drop sources

Passionate and novice gamers, get ready to dive into the world of dedicated drop sources, where you can focus your efforts on obtaining specific legendary and unique weapons. In Borderlands 3, these exclusive items have designated enemies or bosses from whom they can be farmed.

Utilising dedicated drop sources ensures a higher chance of obtaining sought-after loot like the Hellwalker shotgun or Monarch assault rifle. Keeping track of these dependable locations will greatly enhance your chances of acquiring the top weapons in the game.

Players seeking to boost their arsenal in Borderlands 3 should take full advantage of dedicated drop sources for legendary and unique weapons. By targeting specific enemies or bosses, such as Freddie or Psychoreaver, you can increase your odds of finding coveted gear that will undoubtedly elevate your gameplay experience.

Tips for Obtaining Better Loot

To obtain better loot in Borderlands 3, levelling up and managing money are essential. Utilising dedicated drop sources can also increase the chances of finding top-tier weapons and gear.

Levelling up

To level up in Borderlands 3, we need to complete missions and defeat enemies to earn experience points. As we gain more experience, our characters will level up, allowing us to equip better weapons and gear.

Levelling up also unlocks new skills and abilities which can enhance our combat effectiveness, making it crucial for progressing through the game.

Gaining levels opens up access to higher-level loot drops and more challenging enemies, providing an exciting sense of progression. Understanding how levelling up impacts our gameplay is vital for maximising our chances of finding the best weapons in Borderlands 3.

Managing and making money

To ensure we have the funds needed to obtain the best weapons and gear in Borderlands 3, it’s crucial to manage our money wisely. One way to increase our cash flow is by selling any unwanted loot or unused items that we come across during our gameplay.

Another effective method is completing side missions and challenges, as these often reward us with monetary gains. Additionally, prioritising looting and searching for valuable items can significantly contribute to our financial stability within the game.

In Borderlands 3, managing money plays a vital role in optimising our gaming experience. By consistently earning and saving money through strategic decision-making and looting valuable items, we can equip ourselves with top-tier weapons and other essential gear for an enhanced gameplay experience in this expansive looter shooter game.

Utilising dedicated drop sources

To find the best weapons in Borderlands 3, utilising dedicated drop sources is crucial. These special sources provide a higher chance of obtaining specific legendary and unique weapons, shields, grenade mods, artifacts, and class mods.

By targeting these dedicated drop sources, players can focus their farming efforts on acquiring the exact items they desire for their gameplay style and character build.

Borderlands 3 features various boss enemies and locations that serve as dedicated drop sources for particular legendary gear. Understanding where to locate these sources will help players efficiently farm for the best weapons in the game without wasting time on random loot drops.

Recommended Legendary Weapons

We will explore some of the top-tier legendary weapons in Borderlands 3, such as Lucian’s Call, Rowan’s Call, Hellwalker, Monarch, Lob, and Reflux. These powerful guns are highly sought after for their unique abilities and high damage output.

Lucian’s Call

Lucian’s Call is a legendary assault rifle in Borderlands 3 that’s highly sought after by players. It has the unique ability to return ammo to the magazine upon hitting critical shots, making it an ideal choice for sustained firefights.

The weapon also boasts high accuracy and damage, making it a top-tier choice for taking down enemies efficiently.

Players can obtain Lucian’s Call from Tyreen the Destroyer as a dedicated drop source, or through other bosses and loot tinks throughout the game. Its versatility and powerful performance make it a must-have addition to any player’s arsenal, particularly for those looking to excel in combat situations.

Rowan’s Call

Transitioning from Lucian’s Call, another powerful Legendary weapon to consider is Rowan’s Call. This exceptional Jakobs Assault Rifle allows players to chain critical hits for increased accuracy and damage output, making it a potent choice for long-range combat encounters.

The weapon features the “Rowan’s Stance” ability, which causes bullets that hit enemies to ricochet towards other nearby foes, ensuring maximum impact on multiple targets. With its high base damage and unique attributes, Rowan’s Call is an essential addition to any player’s arsenal in Borderlands 3.

For passionate gamers seeking top-tier weapons in Borderlands 3 or novice gamers aiming to enhance their gameplay experience, acquiring Rowan’s Call can significantly elevate combat effectiveness during intense battles against formidable opponents.


The Hellwalker is a powerful shotgun with high damage potential, making it a sought-after weapon in Borderlands 3. This Legendary Jakobs Shotgun has the unique ability to fire incendiary rounds, dealing devastating damage to enemies.

Players can obtain the Hellwalker from Captain Traunt on Athenas or by farming loot chests and bosses like Road Dog and Chonk Stomp. With its impressive firepower and reliable performance, the Hellwalker proves to be an essential addition to any Vault Hunter’s arsenal.

Finding and mastering the use of the Hellwalker can greatly enhance a player’s combat effectiveness in Borderlands 3. Its exceptional damage output makes it an invaluable asset in taking down tough adversaries effectively and efficiently.


The Monarch, a powerful assault rifle, is one of the must-have weapons in Borderlands 3. With its high damage output and fast fire rate, this legendary gun is a game-changer on the battlefield.

Designed by Vladof, the Monarch boasts excellent accuracy and magazine size, making it an ideal choice for taking down tough enemies and bosses.

Players can farm for the Monarch from Killavolt in Lectra City. Its multiple elemental variations offer versatility in combat, allowing gamers to adapt their loadout based on different enemy weaknesses.


The Lob is a unique shotgun that fires slow-moving projectiles in an arcing trajectory. This Torgue weapon deals massive splash damage upon impact, making it a formidable choice for close-range combat situations, especially against large enemies or groups of foes.

Its distinctive firing pattern requires some practice to master, but once players get the hang of its projectile speed and trajectory, the Lob can be a devastating addition to their arsenal.

With its ability to obliterate enemies with explosive force, this weapon has earned its place as one of the top choices among Borderlands 3 enthusiasts.


The Reflux is an exceptional corrosive shotgun that’s a favorite among Borderlands 3 players. This Maliwan weapon has the unique ability to create acid pools upon impact, making it extremely effective against multiple enemies and armored foes.

Its versatile nature makes it a valuable asset when facing off against formidable opponents and large groups of enemies. The Reflux can be found as part of the loot pool in Mayhem Mode 6 or higher, with specific named bosses like GenIVIV being reliable sources for farming this powerful shotgun.

Containing built-in elemental damage, the Reflux stands out as one of the top choices for players looking to add a potent corrosion-based weapon to their arsenal. If you’re striving for ultimate efficiency in battle, acquiring the Reflux should be a top priority due to its ability to inflict heavy damage over time while quickly dispatching multiple targets simultaneously.

Farming Locations for Legendary Weapons

Head to Proving Grounds Trials, Slaughter Shaft, Freddie, Psychoreaver and Vaulthalla, or Scraptrap Nest for your chance to score some of the best legendary weapons in Borderlands 3.

Read on to discover where you can find these epic weapons!

Proving Grounds Trials

The Proving Grounds Trials are an excellent way to farm for legendary weapons and other loot in Borderlands 3. By completing these timed trials, players can earn unique rewards, including some of the best guns in the game.

Each trial offers different challenges and enemies to face, providing an exciting opportunity for gamers to test their skills while reaping valuable loot. With over 1 billion guns available in Borderlands 3, the Proving Grounds Trials offer a focused and efficient way to hunt for specific legendary weapons without extra DLC requirements.

Proving Grounds Trials also provide a thrilling multiplayer experience as up to four players can team up to take on these challenging trials together. This collaborative gameplay adds an extra layer of excitement and camaraderie as players work towards obtaining powerful weapons that will boost their arsenal and enhance their gaming experience.

Slaughter Shaft

The Slaughter Shaft is a challenging arena where players can battle waves of enemies to farm for legendary weapons in Borderlands 3. It offers an intense combat experience, perfect for those seeking adrenaline-pumping action and the chance to earn top-tier loot.

By surviving each wave and defeating powerful foes, including Badass Psychos and Anointed enemies, players can increase their chances of obtaining coveted legendary weapons such as the Hellwalker shotgun or Monarch assault rifle.

With dedication and strategic gameplay, the Slaughter Shaft provides an exhilarating opportunity to acquire some of the best guns in Borderlands 3.


Go to Freddie for the ultimate challenge of finding some of the best weapons in Borderlands 3. This intense boss battle can yield impressive loot, including legendary and unique weapons, shields, grenade mods, artifacts, and class mods.

The rewards from Freddie make it a must-visit location for players looking to enhance their arsenal.

Venture into Freddie’s domain armed with your best gear and strategies to take on this formidable foe. Defeating Freddie is an exhilarating experience that offers the chance to acquire top-tier weaponry that will significantly boost your combat prowess in Borderlands 3.

Psychoreaver and Vaulthalla

After tackling Freddie, it’s time to gear up for the ultimate challenge in Borderlands 3. Psychoreaver and Vaulthalla are notorious for being some of the toughest opponents in the game, but they also hold the promise of epic loot drops.

Defeating these formidable adversaries can yield some of the most sought-after legendary weapons, making them must-visit locations for dedicated players.

Taking on Psychoreaver and Vaulthalla requires strategic gameplay and top-notch firepower. These boss battles demand precision, patience, and skill – but with determination and a well-equipped arsenal, players can secure legendary weapons that will significantly enhance their gameplay experience.

Scraptrap Nest

Scraptrap Nest holds the potential for some of the best loot in Borderlands 3. Players can farm this location to obtain legendary weapons, shields, grenade mods, artifacts, and class mods.

This area provides an exciting challenge for gamers seeking powerful gear, making it a must-visit spot for those looking to boost their arsenal.


In conclusion, finding the best weapons in Borderlands 3 requires dedication and strategic gameplay. Players can explore various farming locations such as Proving Grounds Trials and Slaughter Shaft to acquire legendary weapons.

Managing money, levelling up, and utilising dedicated drop sources are essential tips for obtaining better loot. With over a billion guns available in the game, ardent gamers can indulge themselves in an exciting journey of looting and shooting while discovering the top weapons that elevate their gameplay experience.


1. How do I find the best weapons in Borderlands 3?

To locate the top weapons in Borderlands 3, follow a loot guide, search legendary weapon locations and use the game’s weapon database to track down your desired firepower.

2. Can you give tips on farming for weapons in Borderlands 3?

Certainly! Seek out specific Borderlands farming locations for legendary weapons and repeatedly defeat bosses or open special chests to increase your chances of finding high-quality loot.

3. What are some of the top weapons in Borderlands 3 and where can I find them?

The best weapons list includes various assault rifles and other powerful gear which you can usually obtain by defeating certain enemies or completing challenging quests as indicated by the loot guide.

4. Is there a way to make money while searching for better weapons in Borderlands 3?

Yes, while looting and shooting through levels, pick up valuable items to sell within the game; this strategy aids in money making as you hunt for superior armaments.

5. Does Borderlands 3 provide guidance on how to upgrade my current arsenal?

Inside the game, guides may show you ways of enhancing weaponry; keep an eye out during gameplay for instructions on improving your current set of tools.

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