The Biggest Esports Tournaments and What Makes Them Iconic

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Have you ever found yourself utterly gobsmacked by the colossal scale and relentless excitement of esports tournaments? It’s a feeling that resonates with many; we’ve peeled back the curtain on this pulsating world only to find The International’s Dota 2 contest brandishing an astounding prize pot of $25.5 million.

Our explorations have revealed the sheer spectacle of these worldwide gaming clashes and shed light on their ability to hold millions spellbound. Stay tuned as we delve into the heart-thumping wonders behind these virtual sporting triumphs – prepare for a whirlwind of thrills!

Key Takeaways

  • Esports tournaments like The International for Dota 2, League of Legends World Championship, and Fortnite World Cup are massive global events with prize pools reaching up to $25.5 million.
  • These iconic tournaments draw in millions of viewers thanks to exciting gameplay, featuring professionals competing at the highest level.
  • Investment and sponsorship in esports have surged due to high viewership rates, leading to improved production values and growth within the industry.
  • Major esports events have significant cultural impacts as they become mainstream spectacles that extend beyond gaming communities into popular culture.
  • Unique aspects such as live performances, advanced technology showcases, and interactive fan experiences enhance the appeal of these competitions.

What are Esports Tournaments?

Esports tournaments are competitive gaming events where professional gamers compete against each other in popular video games. They have grown in popularity over the years, attracting large audiences and substantial prize pools.

Definition and explanation

Esports tournaments are competitive gaming events where professional players and teams compete in video games to win glory and prize money. Picture huge crowds, massive screens, and intense battles played out in popular titles like DOTA 2, League of Legends, and Counter-Strike.

These contests bring together the top talent from across the world, with fans watching every move live or online.

We see these gaming championships not just as matches but as spectacles that celebrate skill, strategy, and dedication. They have transformed from simple gatherings among friends to global contests held in packed arenas.

With some tournaments boasting prize pools reaching millions of dollars, they’ve become a high-stakes battleground for gamers aiming for the top. The International’s jaw-dropping $25.5 million pot exemplifies this growth well—turning it into an event that attracts worldwide attention each year.

History and growth of the industry

Esports tournaments have a rich history, evolving from small local events to global competitions. The industry has seen significant growth, attracting millions of viewers and offering substantial prize pools.

From modest beginnings in basements to sold-out arenas, the biggest esports tournaments have become major spectacles, marking their place as iconic events highly anticipated by fans and players.

The rise of esports tournaments has been fuelled by the increasing digital world and the development of online gaming. With significant investments and sponsorships pouring into the industry, it has cemented its position as a major player in competitive gaming.

The Biggest Esports Tournaments in the World

The International (DOTA 2), League of Legends World Championship, Fortnite World Cup, EVO Championship Series, and Honour of Kings World Champion Cup are some of the biggest esports tournaments that draw massive audiences and offer substantial prize pools.

Each tournament has its own unique appeal and draws players from all over the world to compete at the highest level.

The International (DOTA 2)

The International, the world’s most lucrative eSports event, amassed a staggering prize pool of 25.5 million dollars in its Dota2 tournament. With an astounding 60,000,000 unique viewers, this event has solidified itself as one of the most iconic in the industry.

As passionate gamers or newcomers to the scene, it’s essential to recognise The International for its significant impact on competitive gaming.

Now let’s delve into another major esports event – League of Legends World Championship.

League of Legends World Championship

After exploring The International (DOTA 2), let’s delve into the electrifying world of the League of Legends World Championship. With its staggering prize pool and intense gameplay, this iconic esports event has captivated millions of fans worldwide.

The prestigious tournament boasts a jaw-dropping prize money that ranks among the highest in the industry, drawing top talent and thrilling competition. Each year, this championship showcases high-stakes matches that keep viewers on the edge of their seats, solidifying its status as one of the most anticipated events in professional gaming.

The League of Legends World Championship has earned a reputation for setting new standards with its thrilling battles and captivating storylines. Its immense popularity continues to elevate it as one of the leading spectacles in global esports competitions today.

Fortnite World Cup

Fortnite World Cup, a major event in the world of esports, boasts one of the largest prize pools in gaming history. With a staggering $30 million at stake, the tournament attracted millions of viewers worldwide, making it one of the most iconic events in the industry.

The competition featured top players battling it out in intense matches, showcasing their exceptional skills and strategies. Unique features such as celebrity appearances and exclusive in-game events added to the excitement, solidifying its status as a premier esports spectacle.

The cultural impact of Fortnite World Cup cannot be overlooked. It has significantly contributed to the rising popularity and recognition of competitive gaming on a global scale. This event epitomises how professional gaming competitions have evolved into high-stakes gaming tournaments with widespread appeal among players and spectators alike.

EVO Championship Series

The EVO Championship Series is a major esports event known for its focus on fighting games like Street Fighter, Tekken, and Super Smash Bros. This iconic tournament draws in passionate gamers from around the world to compete in thrilling head-to-head battles across various titles.

With a rich history dating back to 1996, the EVO Championship Series has steadily grown in popularity and prestige, becoming a cornerstone of competitive gaming culture. Notably, this event boasts high viewership and features some of the largest prize pools in the fighting game community, making it an unmissable spectacle for both players and spectators alike.

As one of the most significant events on the esports calendar, EVO Championship Series showcases top-tier gameplay while celebrating the diversity of fighting games. Each year brings new energy and excitement as players vie for glory on the grand stage, solidifying this tournament as a must-watch for anyone with an interest in competitive gaming.

Honour of Kings World Champion Cup

The Honour of Kings World Champion Cup is a major gaming event that attracts gamers and viewers worldwide. With its impressive prize pool and high-stakes gameplay, it has become one of the most iconic esports tournaments in the industry.

The tournament hosts some of the best professional players competing at an elite level, captivating millions of spectators with thrilling matches, innovative strategies, and exciting gameplay.

The championship’s popularity reflects the immense growth and significance of multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games in the world of competitive gaming.

What Makes These Tournaments Iconic?

The biggest esports tournaments are iconic for many reasons. They boast large prize pools, high viewership and popularity, exciting and competitive gameplay, and unique features and events that set them apart from other gaming competitions.

These factors contribute to their status as premier esports spectacles that draw in millions of fans from around the world.

Large prize pools

Esports tournaments boast large prize pools that attract top gamers from around the globe. The International, for instance, offers a staggering 25.5 million dollars in prize money for its Dota2 tournament, making it the world’s richest esports event.

This high-stakes incentive not only elevates the competitive spirit but also draws an immense viewership of 60,000,000 unique spectators during the most iconic gaming showdowns. With such substantial rewards up for grabs, these major esports competitions have become legendary gaming championships that drive the industry forward.

The driving force behind these massive esports contests is undeniably their lucrative prize pools and widespread appeal amongst passionate and novice gamers alike. As viewers eagerly anticipate each thrilling tournament with sizable winnings at stake, it propels both veteran and emerging players to push their skills to new heights while captivating audiences worldwide.

High viewership and popularity

With the astounding prize pools and nail-biting competition, it’s no surprise that the biggest esports tournaments attract an incredibly high viewership and enjoy widespread popularity among gaming enthusiasts.

These events have shattered records, with the most iconic one garnering a staggering 60 million unique viewers, solidifying their position as major gaming spectacles. The fervour around top esports events is further amplified by the global participation of players and fans alike, creating a shared cultural significance that transcends borders and unites gaming communities worldwide.

This level of engagement not only cements these tournaments’ status as iconic but also underscores their profound impact on shaping the future landscape of competitive gaming.

Exciting and competitive gameplay

Esports tournaments showcase thrilling and intense gameplay that keeps fans on the edge of their seats. The lightning-fast reflexes, strategic plays, and jaw-dropping moments create an electrifying atmosphere for both players and spectators.

With high-stakes competitions and skilled athletes battling it out in real-time, these events offer an adrenaline rush like no other. Whether it’s a heart-stopping clutch play in Counter-Strike or a monumental team fight in League of Legends, the competitive nature of esports tournaments delivers unmatched excitement that captivates audiences worldwide.

As we delve into what makes these tournaments truly iconic, let’s explore how large prize pools contribute to their significance.

Unique features and events

The biggest esports tournaments boast unique features and events that set them apart from traditional sports competitions. From extravagant opening ceremonies to thrilling cosplay showcases, these events offer a diverse range of entertainment beyond the intense gameplay.

Spectacular light shows, live music performances, and interactive fan experiences contribute to the electrifying atmosphere at these iconic tournaments. Additionally, many tournaments host meet-and-greets with professional gamers and provide behind-the-scenes access for fans, creating an immersive experience that goes beyond just watching the matches.

In some of the largest esports events, attendees can witness cutting-edge technology demonstrations and preview upcoming game releases. These events also often feature special guest appearances by gaming industry icons as well as exclusive product launches and announcements.

The Impact of These Tournaments

The Impact of These Tournaments

– Growth and development of the esports industry

– Boost in sponsorships and investments

– Cultural significance

If you’re interested in learning more about the biggest esports tournaments and what makes them iconic, keep reading to dive deeper into this exciting world of competitive gaming.

Growth and development of the esports industry

Esports tournaments have significantly contributed to the growth and development of the gaming industry, attracting a vast audience and substantial investments. With prize pools reaching millions of pounds, these events have become major spectacles that draw in large numbers of viewers both online and in-person, further boosting the industry’s popularity.

The evolution from modest local competitions to international, sold-out arenas has brought esports into the mainstream, solidifying its position as a prominent force within competitive gaming.

The increasing cultural significance of esports tournaments is evident through their impact on popular culture and media coverage. Major gaming showdowns like The International (DOTA 2) with its staggering prize money and League of Legends World Championship showcasing intense gameplay have captured the interest of passionate gamers and novice gamers alike.

Boost in sponsorships and investments

The biggest esports tournaments have sparked a significant boost in sponsorships and investments, as companies recognise the massive potential of reaching millions of engaged viewers.

With such high stakes and large audiences, major brands are eager to associate themselves with these iconic events, leading to substantial financial support for the industry. This influx of funding has allowed for greater production values, higher prize pools, and increased opportunities for players and teams.

These investments also contribute to the overall growth and professionalisation of esports, propelling it further into the mainstream spotlight. As more sponsors come on board, the industry continues to attract attention from traditional sports organisations and media outlets – solidifying its position as a major player in entertainment and competition.

Cultural significance

The rise of esports tournaments has had a remarkable impact on popular culture, with these events becoming iconic spectacles that draw in millions of viewers from around the world.

The influence of these tournaments extends beyond just gaming communities, as they have become mainstream events that captivate audiences globally. With the massive prize pools and high-stakes competition, these tournaments have gained widespread recognition and respect as legitimate sporting events.

The cultural significance of major esports tournaments cannot be understated, as they showcase the growing importance and acceptance of competitive gaming within contemporary society.

Furthermore, the emergence of legendary moments within these tournaments has solidified their place in pop culture history. These memorable occurrences create a shared experience for fans worldwide and contribute to shaping the collective identity attributed to esports.


In summary, the biggest esports tournaments captivate global audiences with their high-stakes competition and massive prize pools. These events have transformed the gaming industry, attracting significant investments and reshaping digital culture.

Their iconic status is a testament to the passion and skill of gamers worldwide, solidifying esports as a major force in competitive gaming. With their thrilling gameplay and dedicated fan base, these tournaments continue to define the future of online gaming spectating.


1. What are the biggest esports tournaments?

The biggest esports tournaments include global online gaming championships and notable competitions that draw in massive viewing figures, like high-stakes gaming spectacles.

2. Why do people watch video game tournaments?

People watch gaming tournaments for the excitement of spectating top-level play, supporting favourite teams and players, and to experience iconic gaming events live or via streaming platforms.

3. How much prize money can gamers win in these competitions?

Gamers can win significant amounts of prize money at major gaming tournaments, with some of the largest esports contests offering millions of dollars to successful competitors.

4. Are there different types of games featured in these tournaments?

Yes, popular gaming tournaments feature a variety of video games including multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) titles, first-person shooters (FPS), sports simulations, and many other genres.

5. What makes an esports tournament iconic?

An esports tournament becomes iconic due to its popularity amongst fans around the world, the level of competition it attracts which includes professional gamers from various regions making them high-profile sporting events within the online community.

The Top 10 Greatest Plays in Esports History

The Top 10 Greatest Plays in Esports History

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