Behind Every Player: The Role of Esports Managers

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Ever found yourself pondering over who oils the gears of the world’s elite esports squads? Trust us, you’re in good company; our curiosity about these cornerstone champions has been equally piqued.

Journey with us as we uncover the crucial roles and duties of esports managers – those unsung maestros diligently orchestrating success behind the velvet curtain. Take a sneak peek through our blog to unearth their genius in moulding champions, influencing game-defining moments, and steering transformative waves across this electrifying digital coliseum!

Key Takeaways

  • Esports team managers are vital to a squad’s success, dealing with everything from logistics and contracts to promoting the team and attracting sponsors.
  • Managers require a set of diverse skills including strategic thinking, communication, adaptability, time management, and conflict resolution.
  • The esports industry is rapidly growing, leading to increased opportunities for professionals in esports management and the rise of dedicated academic programs.

The Emergence of Esports: A Growing Phenomenon

Esports has exploded onto the global stage, captivating millions with its thrilling mix of competitive gaming and entertainment. We’ve watched as arenas fill up with fans eager to see their favourite teams battle it out in games that demand lightning-fast reflexes and strategic genius.

The rise of esports isn’t just about the players showcasing their skills; it reflects a significant shift in how we value digital competition. Our passion for watching gaming rivals that of traditional sports, proving that epic battles don’t only happen on the football pitch or basketball court.

We revel in this evolution, embracing roles like esports team managers who are pivotal in steering these teams to victory. Their expertise ensures every aspect of the team functions smoothly, from player contracts to tournament logistics.

This guiding force behind our favourite gamers does more than manage; they lead through uncharted territories of a rapidly changing industry. It’s time to delve into understanding these key players within an esports organisation – those individuals ensuring each cog turns perfectly within this intricate machine called a professional esports team.

Now let’s explore the various roles that come together to create an unstoppable esports powerhouse.

Understanding the Roles in an Esports Team

The roles within an esports team are diverse and essential for the team’s success. From professional gamers to event managers, each role contributes to the overall operation and performance of the team.

Professional Gamer

Esports team structure is made up of several key roles, including the professional gamer. As a crucial member of the team, the professional gamer dedicates countless hours to honing their skills and mastering game strategies.

They compete in tournaments at both national and international levels, showcasing their abilities across various gaming disciplines. Additionally, they are responsible for staying updated on industry trends and advancements to adapt their gameplay accordingly.

With strong focus and dedication, professional gamers act as ambassadors for their teams while maintaining peak performance under pressure.

Esports Coach

Esports coaches play a pivotal role in leading and guiding competitive gaming teams to success. They are responsible for analysing gameplay strategies, providing constructive feedback, and honing the skills of individual players.

Additionally, they strategise game plans, conduct training sessions, and foster a positive team environment to enhance overall performance. The coach collaborates closely with players to identify strengths and weaknesses, helping them improve their techniques while keeping up-to-date with the latest trends and developments in the esports industry.

The role of an esports coach demands strong leadership abilities, excellent communication skills, and a profound understanding of various games within the esports genre. Coaches often act as mentors to help players manage stress during high-stakes competitions while encouraging teamwork for optimal results.


Moving from the role of an Esports Coach, let’s shine a spotlight on the essential role of Shoutcaster/Caster in competitive gaming. Shoutcasters play a crucial role in adding excitement and context to esports events, providing real-time commentary and analysis that keeps viewers engaged and informed.

They possess deep knowledge of the games being played and are adept at translating complex strategies into digestible insights for audiences, enriching the overall viewing experience.

Shoutcasters contribute significantly to the storytelling aspect of esports competitions, offering detailed play-by-play commentary, expert analysis, and insightful predictions. Their ability to articulate game dynamics with enthusiasm while maintaining clarity makes them integral components of any successful esports broadcast team.

Esports Event Manager

Transitioning from the role of a shoutcaster/caster, let’s dive into the integral role of an esports event manager. These individuals are pivotal in planning and executing tournaments, ensuring a seamless experience for both players and spectators.

They oversee all aspects of event logistics, from venue selection to coordinating equipment setup and player accommodations.

Esports event managers work closely with sponsors, vendors, and production teams to create engaging experiences for fans while maintaining smooth operations behind the scenes. Their attention to detail is essential in delivering successful events that leave a lasting impact on the gaming community.

Esports Journalist

Esports journalists report on competitive gaming events, providing in-depth coverage and analysis for fans. They interview players, coaches, and industry experts to uncover behind-the-scenes stories and insights.

Through articles, videos, and social media updates, they keep the community informed about the latest developments in the esports world. With a keen eye for detail and a passion for gaming, esports journalists deliver captivating content that keeps audiences engaged.

Their work goes beyond reporting scores; they delve into player backgrounds, team dynamics, and game strategies. Esports journalists play a vital role in shaping the narrative around esports competitions and contributing to the overall understanding of this rapidly evolving industry.

Esports Marketing Specialist

Having a successful esports team requires more than just skilled players and a talented coach. The role of an esports marketing specialist is crucial for promoting the team, attracting sponsors, and increasing fan engagement.

These specialists work closely with the management to create effective marketing strategies, build brand awareness, and maximise the team’s exposure in the competitive gaming industry.

Esports marketing specialists play a pivotal role in organising and promoting tournaments while ensuring that the team maintains a strong online presence through social media platforms.

The Crucial Role of Esports Team Managers

Esports team managers play a crucial role in the success of their teams, from handling logistics and operations to ensuring the well-being of players. Interested in learning more about what it takes to manage an esports team? Keep reading!

Responsibilities and Duties

  1. Negotiating player contracts and managing legal compliance for team operations.
  2. Coordinating travel arrangements, logistics, and accommodation for players during tournaments.
  3. Overseeing the team’s budget, including managing salaries, prize money distributions, and sponsorships.
  4. Developing and executing marketing strategies to promote the team and attract potential sponsors.
  5. Communicating with players to ensure their well-being, motivation, and performance optimisation.
  6. Collaborating with coaches to establish training schedules and monitor player progress.
  7. Liaising with event organisers to secure participation in prestigious tournaments and handle registration logistics.
  8. Cultivating relationships with potential talent scouts, sponsors, and industry stakeholders to expand the team’s network.

Finding Success through Team Management

Esports team management is pivotal to the success of any competitive gaming organisation. By handling a wide array of responsibilities such as operations, contracts, and logistics, managers play a crucial role in driving their teams forward.

They work closely with players, coaches, and other stakeholders, translating the company’s vision into practical strategies that nurture team success.

Managers often act as the linchpin behind the scenes during competitions, barking orders and supporting players physically as they compete. Success in this role requires not only strong leadership skills but also a deep passion for gaming and a comprehensive understanding of the industry.

Necessary Skills for Esports Team Managers

Esports team managers must possess strong communication, strategic thinking, flexibility and adaptability, time management, and conflict resolution skills to effectively lead and support their teams.

Read on to discover the crucial role of esports team managers in the fast-growing world of competitive gaming.

Strong Communication

Effective communication is a cornerstone of successful esports team management. It encompasses clear and concise conveyance of ideas, active listening, and the ability to mediate effectively in times of conflict.

Managers must be adept at articulating their vision for the team while also understanding and responding to the needs and concerns of each player. This skill proves invaluable when liaising with team owners, stakeholders, and organising competitive events or tournaments.

Moreover, fostering an environment where open channels of communication thrive fosters trust among players and contributes towards cohesive teamwork.

Ensuring that all members are understood is pivotal; effective communication paves the way for greater team harmony, seamless operations, as well as facilitating mutually beneficial relationships within the esports industry.

Strategic Thinking

Esports team managers must possess strong strategic thinking skills to guide their teams to success in the ever-evolving gaming landscape. This involves developing game plans, analysing opponents’ play styles, and adapting strategies on the fly during competitions.

Strategic thinkers are adept at identifying emerging trends in the esports industry, allowing them to make informed decisions that can propel their teams ahead of the competition. By leveraging data and insights, these managers can create effective long-term strategies for player development and team performance improvement.

Successful esports managers with strategic thinking skills also excel in establishing partnerships and sponsorships, securing resources for their teams while aligning with the organisation’s goals.

Flexibility and Adaptability

Flexibility and adaptability are essential qualities for esports team managers. They need to swiftly adjust to changing circumstances, such as last-minute player substitutions or unexpected technical issues during tournaments.

Adapting to the ever-evolving landscape of competitive gaming is crucial in ensuring the team’s success. Flexibility also plays a key role in managing different personalities within the team, allowing managers to modify their approach based on individual player needs.

These traits enable esports managers to navigate the dynamic nature of the industry and efficiently handle various responsibilities, from coordinating travel logistics for tournaments to quickly adjusting strategies mid-game.

Time Management

Esports team managers must excel in time management to juggle multiple responsibilities efficiently and effectively. From handling player contracts to planning and marketing tournaments, their days are filled with diverse tasks that require meticulous scheduling.

Keeping track of team operations and ensuring that everything runs smoothly demands a keen eye for detail alongside the ability to prioritise effectively. This skill is crucial for maintaining the competitive edge of the team while fostering a structured environment for both players and staff.

Understanding the importance of time management helps us appreciate how esports managers uphold the operational backbone of their teams, contributing significantly to the overall success of an organisation.

Conflict Resolution

Managing conflicts within an esports team is essential for maintaining a harmonious and productive environment. Team managers need to address any interpersonal or strategic disagreements promptly and effectively to prevent them from affecting the team’s performance.

By utilising their strong communication skills, managers can facilitate open discussions between team members to find mutually beneficial solutions. It’s important for managers to remain impartial while mediating conflicts and ensure that all parties feel heard and respected in the process.

Implementing effective conflict resolution techniques is crucial for fostering a positive team dynamic. By encouraging collaboration and compromise, managers can help maintain a cohesive unit focused on achieving common goals without being bogged down by internal disputes.

The Future of Esports Managers

As the esports industry continues to grow, there are potential opportunities for expansion and specialisation in the field of esports management. With the rise of formal education programmes specifically tailored to esports management, it’s an exciting time for those interested in pursuing a career in this dynamic and fast-paced industry.

Find out more about the crucial role of esports team managers by reading our full blog post!

Potential Growth Opportunities

Esports management offers a plethora of potential growth opportunities as the industry continues to expand. With the surge in popularity, there is an increasing demand for skilled and experienced managers who can navigate the competitive gaming landscape.

As esports organisations grow and professionalise, they require strategic thinkers and strong leaders to drive their teams forward. The rise of esports management degrees further indicates the recognition of this career path, offering individuals formal education and training tailored specifically to the industry’s needs.

As the esports industry evolves, there are growing job prospects for those with a deep understanding of team operations, logistics, player contracts, marketing tournaments, and technology.

The Rise of Esports Management Degrees

The esports industry’s rapid growth has led to the rise of specialised academic programmes catered towards aspiring esports managers. These degrees offer comprehensive education in areas such as team operations, event management, player contracts, and marketing within the unique context of competitive gaming.

As more educational institutions recognise the increasing demand for skilled professionals in this field, students can now pursue formal training specifically tailored to the intricate and dynamic world of esports management.

Embracing an esports management degree equips individuals with a diverse skill set essential for thriving in this fast-paced industry. Graduates gain insights into strategic planning, communication techniques, leadership development, financial acumen, and an understanding of the gaming landscape – all vital aspects crucial to success in managing professional esports teams.


In conclusion, esports managers are pivotal to the success of a team by overseeing operations and handling contracts. They play a central role in conveying the organisation’s vision to players and ensuring smooth team functioning.

As the demand for skilled managers grows with the esports industry, this career path requires strong leadership skills and a deep understanding of competitive gaming. The role goes beyond just managing a team; it involves strategic planning, effective communication, and a profound passion for gaming.


1. What does an esports manager do?

An esports manager takes charge of team operations, oversees player roles and performance, and develops strategies to ensure the team’s success in competitions.

2. Why is the role of an esports manager important for a team?

Behind every skilled player is an esports manager responsible for handling logistics, coaching players, and keeping the structure of the team organised for optimal performance.

3. How much can an esports manager earn as a salary?

The salary of an esports manager varies greatly but it generally reflects their level of responsibility within managing the team’s success and operational duties.

4. Are there specific jobs linked to being an esports team manager?

Yes, jobs related to being an eSports Team Manager include strategising gameplay plans with players, coordinating game schedules, managing resources efficiently and ensuring everyone meets their responsibilities.

5. What skills are necessary for someone seeking to be successful in Esports management?

Someone looking to excel in Esports management needs strong leadership qualities, a good grasp of strategy development relevant to each game, plus effective communication skills both with players and other stakeholders involved.

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