Destiny 2 Guardian’s Guide: Conquering the Cosmos

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Setting forth on the interstellar odyssey that is Destiny 2, one could find oneself a tad overwhelmed by its sheer scope and complexity. We’ve all faced the initial befuddlement – grappling with our Guardian’s capabilities whilst sizing up fearsome adversaries amidst celestial landscapes.

Fear not, for our guide stands as a lighthouse in this astronomical escapade, shining the way forward so you can ascend to become a valiant Guardian. You’ll conquer PvE tribulations aplenty and grasp the pivotal role you play in defending humanity’s last stronghold.

Prepare yourself for an adventure of grand proportions!

Key Takeaways

  • Guardians can choose from three classes—Titan, Hunter, or Warlock—each with unique subclasses and abilities that suit different playstyles in Destiny 2.
  • In – game activities like Strikes, Raids, and seasonal events offer chances to earn powerful gear and increase your power level to take on tougher challenges.
  • Character stats such as Power, Recovery, and Mobility are key to a Guardian’s performance; players should optimise their gear to improve these attributes.
  • Joining a clan provides benefits including shared knowledge and better coordination for activities like Raids or Dungeons where teamwork is crucial.
  • Keeping up with seasonal updates is essential for staying competitive as they bring new content, adjust gameplay dynamics, and introduce fresh challenges.

Creating Your First Guardian

When creating your first Guardian, the character customisation options are extensive, allowing you to fine-tune every detail of your appearance and abilities. Choosing a class and subclass that suits your playstyle is crucial, as it determines the unique abilities and powers at your disposal throughout the game.

Understanding the character stats will also help you make informed decisions when customising and developing your Guardian.

In-depth character customisation

Dive into the world of Destiny 2 and shape your Guardian to reflect your unique style with a myriad of customisation options. We start by selecting from a diverse cast of faces, hairstyles, and markings to create our hero’s appearance.

Tattoos can tell tales of past victories while scars may hint at battles endured – every detail helps forge not just a character but an identity in the cosmos.

Once we’ve crafted our look, we delve deeper into armour shaders and emblems that flaunt our achievements across various challenges and raids. Outfitting ourselves with gear obtained from daring cosmic adventures adds another layer to personalisation; each piece is not only functional but also contributes to the visual tapestry that represents our journey through the universe.

Next up: Choosing a class and subclass continues this creative process as we tailor our playing experience even further.

Choosing a class and subclass

  1. Titan: This class is known for its resilience and strength, making it a great choice for players who prefer close-quarters combat and tanking damage. The three subclasses – Striker, Sentinel, and Sunbreaker – each offer unique abilities focused on defence and offence.
  2. Hunter: If agility and precision are more your style, the Hunter class might be the best fit for you. With subclasses such as Gunslinger, Arcstrider, and Nightstalker, Hunters have access to powerful melee attacks, stealth capabilities, and devastating supers.
  3. Warlock: For those drawn to magical abilities and support roles, the Warlock class is an excellent option. The subclasses – Dawnblade, Voidwalker, and Stormcaller – provide a range of offensive spells, healing powers, and crowd control abilities to aid teammates in battle.
  4. Subclass Abilities: Each subclass comes with distinct super abilities that can turn the tide of a battle when used strategically. From summoning flaming hammers as a Sunbreaker Titan to performing acrobatic leaps as an Arcstrider Hunter or unleashing devastating arcane energy as a Stormcaller Warlock, mastering these supers is crucial for success in Destiny 2.
  5. Character Customisation: Once you’ve chosen your class and subclass, you can further tailor your Guardian’s abilities with specific skill trees that enhance different aspects of their playstyle. Experimenting with these customisation options will allow you to find the perfect combination of abilities that suits your preferences.

Understanding the character stats

Guardians in Destiny 2 have key character stats that impact gameplay. Power, Recovery, and Mobility are the three primary stats to monitor. Power defines a Guardian’s overall strength, while Recovery determines how quickly their health regenerates.

Mobility influences speed and agility in combat scenarios. By focusing on these stats, players can tailor their Guardian to suit their preferred playstyle and maximise effectiveness in battles throughout the game.

Every piece of gear impacts character stats differently. Helmets, chest armour, gauntlets, leg armour, class items all contribute to these crucial attributes. As Guardians progress through Destiny 2’s universe and conquer challenges like mastering campaigns or battling other players in the Crucible mode, understanding and optimising these character stats become pivotal to success.

Navigating the Universe of Destiny 2

Explore the vast and dynamic universe of Destiny 2, from the hauntingly familiar Cosmodrome to the Tower chaos. Get to grips with the various game modes, activities, and structures that make up this epic journey through the Destiny universe.

Exploring the Cosmodrome

As explorers venturing into the Cosmodrome, we are met with the remnants of a once-thriving human civilisation. The vast open spaces and towering structures give us an awe-inspiring sense of the scale and history of this place.

We roam among decaying spacecraft, abandoned facilities, and rusted-out vehicles, piecing together a picture of what life was like before the Collapse. Scouring every inch of this hauntingly beautiful landscape often rewards us with valuable loot and hidden secrets that add depth to our Destiny 2 experience.

Amongst the ruins lie opportunities for engaging in thrilling battles against formidable enemies who guard precious resources and hidden caches. As we explore further, we uncover new missions that test our skills and sometimes lead us to unexpected encounters with other Guardians or factions vying for control over this desolate but captivating environment.

Understanding the game modes, activities, and structure

Guardians in Destiny 2 can engage in various game modes and activities, offering diverse gameplay experiences. The Crucible provides intense PvP action, where Guardians compete against each other for victory using an array of powerful weapons and abilities.

Meanwhile, the Gambit mode combines PvE and PvP elements as two teams battle enemy combatants while also hindering their opponents’ progress. Additionally, Strikes offer cooperative PvE challenges that require effective teamwork to overcome formidable adversaries and complete objectives.

In contrast, Raids provide the ultimate challenge with intricate mechanics and demanding encounters that demand precise coordination and mastery of Guardian abilities.

The structure of Destiny 2’s activities is designed to cater to different playstyles and preferences. Seasonal events introduce limited-time activities featuring unique rewards, ensuring that there is always something new for Guardians to experience.

Seasonal events and updates

Seasonal events and updates in Destiny 2 keep the game fresh and exciting. New challenges, activities, gear, and storylines are introduced with each season, offering players a chance to explore new content regularly.

Players can also look forward to limited-time events that bring unique rewards and experiences. These events often tie into the overarching narrative of the game, providing an opportunity for Guardians to engage with evolving storylines and mysteries.

As seasons change, so do the meta-game scenarios of Destiny 2. Each season brings adjustments in weapons, abilities, and gameplay dynamics that keep the experience dynamic and engaging.

Mastering PvE Challenges

Preparing your Guardian’s gear and loadout is crucial for success in Strikes and Nightfalls, so we’ll discuss effective strategies for tackling tough boss battles and overcoming powerful enemies.

Read on to conquer the toughest PvE challenges Destiny 2 has to offer!

Gear and loadout preparation

To conquer the challenges in Destiny 2, it’s vital to ready your gear and loadout for battle. Here’s what you should consider:

  1. Analyse Your Playstyle: Understanding your preferred combat style can help you select the right gear and weapons that complement your strengths.
  2. Modifying Weapons: Customising your weapons with mods can significantly enhance their performance, giving you an edge in battles.
  3. Armour Set Synergy: Pairing armour pieces from the same set can provide additional perks and bonuses, amplifying your Guardian’s capabilities on the battlefield.
  4. Weapon Diversity: Carrying a diverse set of weapons enables you to adapt to various combat situations, ensuring you’re prepared for any challenge.
  5. Elemental Affinities: Matching elemental affinities between your weapons and armour can unlock powerful synergy effects that boost your combat prowess.

Strategies for success in Strikes and Nightfalls

We prepare ourselves for Strikes and Nightfalls by equipping the right gear and understanding enemy tactics. Here are essential strategies for success in these challenging PvE activities:

  1. Prioritise teamwork: Communicate and coordinate with your fireteam to take on enemies effectively.
  2. Adapt loadouts: Customise your weapons and armour to maximise damage output and survivability against different enemy types.
  3. Study modifiers: Understand the specific effects of each modifier to adjust your playstyle accordingly.
  4. Master boss encounters: Learn boss mechanics, weak points, and patterns to exploit during intense battles.
  5. Execute efficient clears: Focus on clearing adds swiftly to prevent overwhelming enemy numbers during difficult encounters.

Dealing with bosses and enemies

Prepare for challenging encounters by studying boss mechanics and weaknesses. Utilise your gear and subclass abilities to maximise damage and support your fireteam. Coordination is key when facing tough enemies, communicate with your team to strategise and focus on priority targets.

Adapt to the situation, use cover wisely, and make use of any environmental advantages. Keep a cool head under pressure, stay alert for enemy movements, and be ready to adjust tactics as the battle unfolds.

Employ different strategies according to the boss’s behaviour; some may require coordinated attacks while others might demand precision aiming or crowd control abilities. Understand each enemy’s attack patterns – recognising their telegraphed moves can help you anticipate incoming threats.

Progressing in Destiny 2

Tracking and increasing power level is crucial for progression in Destiny 2, as it determines your ability to take on tougher challenges. Farming for desirable weapons and gear will also give you an edge in battles against enemies and bosses.

Joining a clan and playing with a fireteam can provide essential support and camaraderie as you strive towards conquering the game’s cosmos.

Tracking and increasing power level

To track and increase your power level in Destiny 2, focus on completing weekly challenges and activities to earn powerful gear. Engage in activities like Crucible matches, Strikes, Gambit matches, and Raids to receive powerful rewards that will boost your power level. Additionally, participate in seasonal events and activities to acquire unique weapons and gear that can significantly enhance your Guardian’s strength. Joining a clan allows you to benefit from engrams obtained by fellow clan members during gameplay. Always keep an eye out for powerful gear drops during your adventures across the universe of Destiny 2.

Farming for desirable weapons and gear

To secure desirable weapons and gear in Destiny 2, we embark on various activities and challenges. Here’s how we can obtain the most coveted weapons and gear:

  1. Engage in Strikes, Nightfalls, and Raids to earn powerful rewards like exotic weapons and high-tier gear.
  2. Participate in Crucible matches and Gambit activities to acquire unique weapons, armor sets, and enhancement materials.
  3. Complete weekly and daily bounties offered by vendors across different destinations to obtain specific weapon types and upgrade materials.
  4. Take part in seasonal events to earn exclusive gear, ornaments, and cosmetic items through special quests and activities.
  5. Explore Lost Sectors, participate in Public Events, and defeat powerful enemies to discover hidden loot caches containing valuable gear.

Joining a clan and playing with a fireteam

Transitioning from farming for desirable weapons and gear to joining a clan and playing with a fireteam, this step in Destiny 2 is where you truly harness the power of community. By joining a clan, Guardians benefit from shared knowledge, resources, and collaboration.

Engaging in activities like Raids or Dungeons becomes much more enjoyable when done with a coordinated fireteam. In addition to experiencing camaraderie and support within your clan, teamwork enhances your ability to conquer challenges and master the game.

Finding a clan that aligns with your play style and schedule can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. As you become an integral part of a group where members share similar interests, strategies are refined, tactics improve, and victories are celebrated together.


Conquering the Cosmos is no easy feat, but with our Guardian’s handbook, mastering the game becomes achievable. Understanding the world and story of Destiny 2 is essential for beginners entering this scifi multiplayer shooter.

Seasonal changes and PvE strategies are crucial for conquering challenges in this vast universe. As passionate gamers immerse themselves in this adventure, they need a beginner’s manual that offers expert guidance to help them succeed.

This guide equips novice players with the knowledge needed to navigate through Destiny 2 and become formidable Guardians.


1. What is the “Destiny 2 Guardian’s Guide: Conquering the Cosmos”?

The “Destiny 2 Guardian’s Guide: Conquering the Cosmos” is a handbook designed to help players master the game, providing strategies and tips for conquering challenges in this scifi shooter.

2. How can beginners benefit from the guide?

Beginner Guardians will find this manual valuable as it offers beginner-specific advice and PvE strategies to navigate through Destiny 2’s multiplayer universe.

3. Does this guide cover seasonal changes in Destiny 2?

Yes, our guide stays updated with seasonal changes to ensure Guardians are always ready for new adventures and equipped to handle the evolving cosmos of Destiny 2.

4. Is there an advantage to using a guide while playing Destiny 2?

Using a guide like ours empowers players with knowledge, helping them understand game mechanics better and giving them an edge in both solo missions and multiplayer battles.

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