Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighter Guide: Mastering the Roster

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Plunging into the world of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate can be akin to embarking on a grand adventure, what with its colossal ensemble of 89 characters awaiting your command. We’re no strangers to the dizzying array of choices ourselves, having felt that same exhilarating pulse when unlocking each combatant and acquainting ourselves with their distinct arsenals.

Our meticulously crafted guide is brimming with tailored strategies designed to elevate you from wide-eyed novice to esteemed aficionado, poring over every character’s fortes, foibles, and devastatingly slick combinations.

Peruse at your leisure – together we shall triumph in the gloriously frenetic bouts ahead!

Key Takeaways

  • Super Smash Bros. Ultimate boasts a roster of 89 diverse fighters from various gaming universes, each with unique abilities and styles to suit different play strategies.
  • Players can unlock new characters through several methods such as completing Classic Mode, battling in World of Light adventure mode, facing random challenger appearances and purchasing them using in-game currency.
  • Mastering the game involves understanding each character’s strengths, weaknesses, special moves, and combos for strategic advantage in battles.
  • Items like Assist Trophies, Smash Balls and Poke Balls are powerful elements that can change the outcome of matches when used effectively.
  • Practicing with the full roster across different modes like World of Light and Classic mode helps players improve their skills and master advanced gameplay strategies.

Basics of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate features a diverse roster of characters to choose from and unlock, each with their own unique moves and playstyle. Understanding the game mechanics and mastering different fighters is essential for competitive gameplay.

Unlocking new fighters can be done through various modes and challenges within the game.

Characters and Roster

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, we find ourselves spoilt for choice with an impressive lineup of 89 fighters from various gaming universes. Each character comes brimming with unique abilities and styles that cater to both novice players and seasoned competitors seeking depth in their gameplay.

We take pride in learning the intricacies of each one, from Mario’s balanced skillset to Pikachu’s electric speed, ensuring our strategies are as diverse as the roster itself.

Exploring every fighter offers us an opportunity to discover hidden strengths and potential weaknesses that could turn the tide during a heated battle. With characters ranging from Link, wielding his Master Sword with precision, to Donkey Kong who relies on raw power, there’s always a new technique or combo waiting for us to master.

Engaging fully with the combat mechanics allows us not only to appreciate the rich variety within the game but also hones our skills across all modes of play.

Unlocking new fighters

To unlock new fighters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, players can engage in various methods and challenges within the game. Here’s how you can add new characters to your roster:

  1. Completing Classic Mode with each character allows you to unlock Fighter Spirits which can be used to summon new fighters.
  2. Playing through the World of Light adventure mode also presents opportunities to encounter and unlock new characters as you progress through the story.
  3. By engaging in regular matches and gameplay, players have a chance of encountering randomly appearing challengers whom they must defeat in order to add them to their roster.
  4. You can purchase new fighters from the in-game shop by using in-game currency earned through different game modes or completing challenges.
  5. Simply spending time playing the game will see new fighters being unlocked naturally as you continue exploring and engaging with different modes and features.
  6. Additionally, certain milestones and achievements within the game will reward players with newly unlocked characters, making it worthwhile to explore all aspects of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  7. Moreover, updates and downloadable content (DLC) for the game may introduce additional characters into the roster, providing more opportunities for adding fresh faces to your lineup.

Game mechanics

After unlocking new fighters, understanding the game mechanics is crucial. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate offers a diverse array of mechanics, including shielding, dodging, and grabbing.

It’s important to learn how to execute special moves and combos unique to each character. Mastering the art of timing and precision in executing attacks can significantly impact your gameplay.

Additionally, learning about advanced techniques such as parrying and perfect shielding can provide an edge during intense battles against opponents.

The game also features various stages with dynamic elements that affect gameplay, adding an extra layer of strategy and adaptability. Mastering the game mechanics requires practice and experimentation with different characters to understand their playstyles thoroughly.

Mastering the Fighter Roster

We will provide an in-depth guide for each character, including their strengths and weaknesses, special moves, and combos to help you master the fighter roster. With our detailed analysis, you’ll have the edge in every battle.

In-depth guide for each character

Mastering the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate roster involves delving into the in-depth guide for each character, understanding their unique movesets, strengths, and weaknesses. We can explore Mario’s versatile toolkit and learn about his fireball projectile, super jump punch recovery move, and devastating F.L.U.D.D.

attack to gain a strategic advantage in battles. Unlocking Fighter Spirits through challenges or by completing Classic Mode with individual characters allows us to deepen our understanding of their playstyles and capabilities.

Exploring the diverse selection of characters from iconic gaming franchises like Zelda and Metroid empowers us to discover distinct playing styles and abilities. By honing our skills across the vast roster, we can uncover hidden potentials within each character while gaining valuable insights into effective gameplay strategies.

Strengths and weaknesses

We know that every fighter in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate brings their own unique blend of powers and potential pitfalls to the battlefield. It’s crucial to understand these traits to enhance your strategic play. Let’s take a dive into the strengths and weaknesses of some of the most iconic characters, so you can better grasp what each combatant offers.

  • Versatile moveset
  • Reliable combo capabilities
  • Effective edge-guarding with FLUDD
  • Can be predictable
  • Struggles against characters with superior range
  • Strong zoning tools with bombs and arrows
  • Powerful smash attacks
  • Shield blocks projectiles even when idle
  • Relatively slow mobility
  • Recovery can be easy to intercept
  • Agile and quick
  • Excellent combo game
  • Strong edge-guarding with Thunder Jolt
  • Lightweight and easy to launch
  • Struggles against characters with good range control
  • Powerful ranged attacks with Charge Shot
  • Good aerial approaches
  • Effective grab and throws
  • Slow roll and dodge
  • Can struggle in close combat
Donkey Kong
  • Very strong physical attacks
  • Great grab game with Cargo Throw
  • High survivability due to size and weight
  • Large target for combos and grabs
  • Recovery move (Spinning Kong) lacks vertical distance

Armed with these insights, let’s turn our attention to the special moves and combos that can truly elevate your game. Each character’s arsenal of techniques is a key to unlocking their full potential on the battlefield.

Special moves and combos

To master the roster in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, understanding each character’s special moves and combos is crucial. Here’s a detailed breakdown of special moves and combos for honing your skills:

  1. Mario: His special moves include Fireball, Cape, Super Jump Punch, and F.L.U.D.D., while his combos involve mix-ups with aerial attacks and ground-based moves.
  2. Link: Utilise his Bow and Arrows, Boomerang, Bombs, and Spin Attack as special moves, combining them with up-close swordplay for powerful combo attacks.
  3. Pikachu: With Thunder Jolt, Skull Bash, Quick Attack, and Thunder as special moves, incorporating quick movement into lightning-based attacks results in electrifying combos.
  4. Donkey Kong: Employ Giant Punch, Headbutt, Spinning Kong, and Hand Slap as special moves to chain together powerful grab-and-throw manoeuvres for effective combos.
  5. Kirby: Utilise Inhale, Hammer Flip, Final Cutter, and Stone as unique special moves to surprise opponents with aerial assaults combined with stone transformations for strategic combat engagements.
  6. Yoshi: His Egg Lay, Egg Roll, Egg Throw, and Yoshi Bomb special moves can be paired with swift egg throws to capitalise on opponent openings for devastating combo opportunities.
  7. Samus: Capitalise on Charge Shot, Missile/Super Missile/Bomb/Power Bomb variants as her special moves to create space during long-range battles while following up with close-range combat techniques for unpredictable combos.
  8. Fox: Deploy Blaster shots alongside Fox Illusion, Reflector shield/Fire Fox/Burst Grenade as his special moves to harass from a distance before executing fast-paced aerials or ground-based kicks into versatile combo chains.
  9. Zelda: Unleash Nayru’s Love/Shield Reflect/Phantom Slash/Din’s Fire as her defensive but impactful special moves while mixing them with magical spells in combination for diverse combo possibilities.
  10. Sonic: Use Homing Attack/Spring Jump/Spin Dash/Homing Attack variations as Sonic’s mobility-engaging tools complemented by rapid spinning manoeuvres to initiate lightning-fast series of combos.

Advanced Strategies

Practise with the full roster, utilise World of Light and Classic mode, and improve gameplay with our expert tips. Read on to take your Super Smash Bros. Ultimate skills to the next level!

Practising with the full roster

  1. Experiment with Different Characters: Try out various characters to understand their unique abilities and playstyles, allowing you to identify which fighters best suit your preferences and strengths.
  2. Learn Special Moves and Combos: Spend time familiarising yourself with each character’s special moves and combos, as mastering these will significantly enhance your gameplay and strategic options.
  3. Understand Strengths and Weaknesses: Recognise the strengths and weaknesses of each character, enabling you to exploit their advantages while mitigating their vulnerabilities during battles.
  4. Analyse Matchups: Practise different matchups between characters to gain insights into which fighters have advantageous or challenging interactions against others, helping you adapt your strategies accordingly.
  5. Adapt Playstyles: Explore diverse playstyles with each character to find effective approaches that align with your preferences, allowing for versatility in different combat scenarios.
  6. Utilise Training Mode: Take advantage of the game’s training mode to hone specific techniques and refine your skills without the pressure of competitive battles.
  7. Identify Tier List Rankings: Stay informed about tier list rankings to understand how different characters are perceived in competitive play, aiding you in selecting characters that align with current meta strategies.
  8. Seek Community Insights: Engage with online communities or social media platforms for discussions and tips on mastering specific characters, tapping into a wealth of shared knowledge from experienced players.

Utilising World of Light and Classic mode

To make the most of World of Light and Classic mode, players can hone their skills with the entire roster of characters. They can utilise these game modes to understand each character’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as their unique moves and playstyles. Here are some ways to maximise the benefits of World of Light and Classic mode:

  1. Explore World of Light’s expansive map to encounter various challenges, battles, and opportunities to unlock new fighters.
  2. Engage in battles in Classic mode to earn Fighter Spirits for each character, providing insights into their abilities and attributes.
  3. Experiment with different characters in both game modes to familiarise yourself with their special moves, combos, and tactics.
  4. Challenge yourself by playing through difficult encounters and battles in World of Light to improve your overall gameplay skills.
  5. Take advantage of the diverse selection of characters available in both game modes to develop a versatile playing style.
  6. Utilise the variety of battle scenarios presented in World of Light and Classic mode to adapt your strategies based on different opponents and environments.
  7. Pay attention to the specific challenges posed by opponents in both game modes, honing your ability to react and counter various playstyles.
  8. Progress through both modes gradually, aiming not only for completion but also for mastery over each character’s mechanics and nuances.

Tips for improving gameplay

To improve gameplay in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, players can utilise the following strategies:

  1. Practice with the entire roster of characters in both World of Light and Classic mode to familiarise yourself with different playstyles and abilities.
  2. Experiment with different character matchups to understand how each fighter performs against others and to develop effective counter-strategies.
  3. Focus on learning special moves and combos for your favourite characters, using their unique abilities to your advantage during battles.
  4. Utilise training mode to refine your techniques, hone specific skills, and master precise inputs for complex moves.
  5. Watch gameplay videos of top players to learn advanced tactics, observe effective strategies, and gain insights into character-specific techniques.
  6. Join online communities and engage in discussions with fellow players to share tips, tricks, and experiences for improving gameplay.
  7. Participate in local or online tournaments to test your skills against a variety of opponents and gain valuable experience in competitive play.
  8. Analyse your own gameplay by recording matches, reviewing your performance, identifying areas for improvement, and adapting your strategies accordingly.
  9. Keep abreast of game updates and balance patches to stay informed about changes that may impact character strengths, weaknesses, or overall gameplay dynamics.
  10. Experiment with different control schemes and settings to find the configuration that best suits your playstyle and enhances your overall performance on the battlefield.

Must-Know Items in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

– How to use items effectively and strategically is key to mastering the game, so we’ll cover the top items to look out for during gameplay.

– Understanding how each item functions and when to best utilise them will give you an edge in battles.

How to use items effectively

To use items effectively in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, we need to understand their impact on the gameplay. Items can turn the tide of battle in your favour, so mastering their usage is crucial. Here’s a detailed guide on how to make the most of items:

  1. Assess Each Item: Familiarise yourself with all the different items available in the game. Each item has its own unique effect and understanding them will help you strategise better.
  2. Grab and Throw: Some items can be picked up and thrown at opponents, dealing damage or causing various effects. Experiment with throwing different items to see their impact.
  3. Know Their Functions: Study what each item does – whether it inflicts damage, provides defence, recovery, or certain power-ups. Knowing this will help you decide when to grab a specific item.
  4. Timing is Key: Use items strategically during battles – wait for the opportune moment to deploy them for maximum impact.
  5. Combining Moves with Items: Use certain character moves in combination with items to create devastating combos that catch your opponents off guard.
  6. Item Management: Learn how to manage items effectively during gameplay – stockpiling useful ones and discarding less helpful ones strategically.
  7. Adaptability: Be versatile in using different types of items according to your playstyle and the situation at hand.
  8. Defensive Use of Items: Some items can be used defensively to protect yourself from incoming attacks or gain tactical advantage – learn how to use them wisely.
  9. Utilising Stage Hazards: Certain stages have hazards that can be used as an advantage by incorporating them into your strategy through item interaction.
  10. Practice makes Perfect: Lastly, practice using items throughout your matches until you become adept at utilising them seamlessly within your fighting style.

Top items to look out for

In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, paying attention to items can significantly impact gameplay. Here are some top items to look out for:

  1. Assist Trophies: They summon additional characters to aid you in battle, providing extra firepower or support.
  2. Smash Ball: When shattered, it unleashes a character’s powerful Final Smash attack, capable of turning the tide of the match.
  3. Poke Balls: They summon various Pokémon to fight alongside you, each with unique abilities and attacks.
  4. Beam Sword: This weapon has excellent range and deals significant damage when used effectively in combat.
  5. Healing items (like Maxim Tomato): These restore your character’s health, allowing you to endure longer in intense battles.
  6. Super Scope: A long-range weapon that can deal substantial damage from a distance if aimed accurately.
  7. Home-Run Bat: It inflicts massive knockback on opponents when used properly, often leading to KOs at lower percentages.
  8. Boomerang: It can be thrown to hit opponents from a distance and then return, making it an effective tool in disrupting enemy movements.
  9. Metal Box: Transforming into metal grants increased weight and defense but reduced speed, offering strategic advantages in certain scenarios.
  10. Franklin Badge: Worn as an item, it reflects projectile attacks back at your opponents, protecting you while dealing damage simultaneously.

Additional Resources

Discover official guides and online communities to enhance your Super Smash Bros. Ultimate experience. Connect with other players on social media platforms for valuable discussions and tips, and explore the support services available for this ultimate edition of the game.

Official guides and online communities

Official guides and online communities provide valuable resources for players to enhance their Super Smash Bros. Ultimate experience. Here are some key resources to consider:

  1. Official guides from Nintendo offer detailed insights into character movesets, advanced strategies, and game mechanics.
  2. Online forums such as Reddit’s r/SmashBros and GameFAQs provide a platform for discussions, tips, and sharing gameplay experiences with a vibrant community of players.
  3. Discord servers dedicated to Super Smash Bros. Ultimate allow players to connect with others, join competitive matches, and access character-specific advice and matchup knowledge.
  4. YouTube channels like ZeRo and Mew2King offer expert tutorials, analysis of gameplay techniques, and in-depth character breakdowns for aspiring players.
  5. Twitch streams featuring top players showcase high-level gameplay, strategies, and live Q&A sessions that can help improve overall skills in the game.
  6. Social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook host groups and pages where gamers can engage in conversations, follow latest updates about the game, and participate in community events.

Social media platforms for discussions and tips

Join the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate community on social media platforms for valuable discussions and gameplay tips. Engage with passionate gamers and share your strategies for mastering the diverse roster of characters.

Stay updated on character tier lists, battle tactics, and exclusive unlockable content, creating a network of support and resources to enhance your playing experience.

Connect with fellow players to exchange insights and stay informed about the latest developments in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate gameplay. Whether you’re a novice or experienced player, these platforms offer a wealth of knowledge that can elevate your skills.

Let’s explore additional resources available for expanding your understanding of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate beyond social media interactions.

Support and services available for Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

For additional support and resources, Super Smash Bros. Ultimate offers various services to enhance your gaming experience. Players can access official guides for in-depth character analysis and gameplay tips.

Online communities provide a platform for discussions, sharing strategies, and seeking advice from fellow gamers who are passionate about the game. Additionally, social media platforms host active communities where players can exchange tips, tricks, and engage in friendly discussions related to Super Smash Bros.



In summary, mastering the roster of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate is a rewarding and challenging journey for gamers at all levels. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each character, as well as honing your skills with their unique movesets, will enhance your gameplay experience.

The game’s diverse selection of characters offers endless possibilities for strategic battles and thrilling victories. With dedication and practice, players can unlock the full potential of the ultimate fighter roster and take their gaming abilities to new heights.


1. How can I unlock all the characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate?

To unlock characters in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, keep playing through various game modes and challenges available on your Nintendo Switch, which will gradually allow you to add new fighters to your roster.

2. What are some tips for mastering a character’s moveset?

For mastering a character’s moveset, spend time practising their unique abilities and attacks in training mode; this helps you learn how to execute powerful combos during battles effectively.

3. Are there any fighting game tips or tricks that can help me win more battles?

Yes! Stay agile, anticipate your opponent’s moves, utilise each fighter’s strengths wisely and master the timing of dodges and shields to improve your battle tactics in Super Smash Bros Ultimate.

4. Can you give advice on battling bosses like Master Hand and Crazy Hand?

When facing off against bosses such as Master Hand and Crazy Hand it’s crucial to observe their patterns closely and dodge their attacks while waiting for the right moment to strike back with your best gameplay techniques.

5. What is the best way to use the Fighter Guide when playing Super Smash Bros Ultimate?

The Fighter Guide offers insights into every character guide including their unique strengths and weaknesses; refer to it before battles for strategic advice which could turn the tides in favour of winning Super Smash Bros Ultimate matches.

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