Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – Fighting For Freedom

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

We’ve all let our minds wander to those moments in history, the ones that truly tested the mettle of humanity against the darkest of regimes. Just like yourselves, we’ve felt a palpable yearning to make our mark — a difference for the better.

It’s with this spirit that we’ve fully immersed ourselves in “Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus”. Our adventure within its realm offers us a nuanced glimpse into what it might be like to wrest America from Nazi clutches.

Do stay with us on this riveting journey and unlock the valiant resister that lies within your own heart.

Key Takeaways

  • Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is set in an alternate reality where America is occupied by Nazis, and players take on the role of B.J. Blazkowicz to lead a resistance movement.
  • The game combines intense first – person shooter action with a narrative that explores themes of freedom versus oppression, set against the backdrop of iconic American locations transformed by Nazi rule.
  • Players have access to an arsenal of weapons and abilities as they navigate through beautifully designed yet haunting environments reflecting a nation under tyranny.
  • Additional content called The Freedom Chronicles expands the story with three unique tales, each focusing on different characters and aspects of fighting for freedom within the same dystopian world.
  • Wolfenstein II has received widespread acclaim for its storytelling, gameplay mechanics, and unflinching portrayal of difficult subjects; it has also earned multiple award nominations and wins.


Set in Nazi-occupied America, Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus presents the juxtaposition of American freedom and Nazi oppression. Players step into the shoes of resistance fighter William “B.J.” Blazkowicz as he battles against the tyrannical regime in iconic American locations.

Set in Nazi-occupied America

We find ourselves in a chilling alternate reality where America, land once hailed for its vision of freedom, is gripped by the iron fist of Nazi tyranny. The sights and sounds of American life are shadowed by swastikas and fascist rule; a harsh contradiction to the values upon which the nation was built.

As we navigate through this dark landscape, our mission becomes clear: unite with fellow resistance fighters and ignite the flames of a second American Revolution.

Our path is fraught with peril as we encounter the cruelty and oppression that have spread across our streets. We witness firsthand how liberty has been stripped away under Nazi occupation—American landmarks now stand as eerie reminders of what we’ve lost.

In every corner of this twisted version of America, from bombed-out ruins to propaganda-filled cities, we fight back. Each victory against these oppressive forces brings us one step closer to reclaiming our home and rekindling the spirit of independence that defines us as a people.

Juxtaposition of American freedom and Nazi oppression

The game presents a stark contrast between the American values of freedom and democracy and the oppressive rule of the Nazi regime. This stark juxtaposition highlights the struggle faced by the characters as they fight for liberation from tyranny in an America that has been overtaken by authoritarian rule.

The game delves into the dark reality of Nazi oppression, emphasising the resilience and determination of those who resist, ultimately striving to restore fundamental rights and independence to their homeland.

Players experience firsthand the intense battle against oppression as they take on the role of a freedom fighter confronting totalitarian forces in iconic American locations. The game’s storyline effectively captures the confronting authoritarian rule through a straight storytelling tone, shedding light on themes of cruelty, racism, and abuse while portraying heroes who are dedicated to defending liberty and standing up for democracy.

Gameplay and Features

Immerse yourself in the intense first-person shooter gameplay as you fight against Nazis in iconic British locations. Utilise a variety of weapons and abilities to take down your enemies, all set within beautiful yet foreboding environments.

Fight against Nazis in iconic American locations

Players engage in intense battles against the Nazi regime, taking the fight to iconic British locations. As a freedom fighter, they utilise an array of weapons and abilities to overcome oppressive forces.

The game immerses players in beautiful yet foreboding environments as they strive for independence and battle for liberty.

In Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, resistance against Nazis takes place in familiar British settings, reinforcing the theme of fighting against oppression on home soil.

Utilise a variety of weapons and abilities

In Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, players have the opportunity to utilise a diverse range of weapons and abilities to combat the Nazi regime in America. Here are the gameplay features that enhance the experience:

  1. Engage in intense firefights using an arsenal of powerful firearms, from pistols to heavy machine guns.
  2. Employ stealth tactics, such as sneaking up on enemies for silent takedowns or using throwing hatchets for ranged attacks.
  3. Utilise powerful abilities, including dual wielding weapons, to increase firepower and efficiency in battle.
  4. Make use of futuristic technology and contraptions, like laser weapons and flame-throwing devices, to gain an edge against oppressive forces.
  5. Upgrade weapons and abilities through skill trees, enhancing combat prowess as the game progresses.

Beautiful and foreboding environments

The game features stunning and ominous environments that immerse players in the dystopian world of Nazi-occupied America. The landscapes are meticulously designed, with attention to detail evident in every aspect, from crumbling architecture to propaganda-filled streets.

Players will explore iconic American locations transformed by the oppressive regime, experiencing a stark contrast between the beauty of the setting and the brutality of its occupation.

As players navigate through these environments, they will encounter harrowing scenes that highlight the impact of Nazi rule on everyday life. The game’s visuals effectively convey a sense of unease and tension, contributing to an atmosphere that is both captivating and unsettling.

The Freedom Chronicles

The Freedom Chronicles is a major downloadable content for the game, featuring three different stories that explore the theme of freedom in unique and compelling ways. It adds depth to the already rich narrative of Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, providing players with even more opportunities to experience the fight for freedom in Nazi-occupied America.

Major downloadable content for the game

The Freedom Chronicles DLC offers players additional content that delves deeper into the fight for freedom in Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus. This downloadable content introduces three new storylines, each following a compelling hero battling against the oppressive Nazi regime.

Players will embark on unique missions and encounter new challenges as they join forces with larger-than-life characters in their quest to liberate America from tyranny.

In this expansion, players will have the opportunity to explore different perspectives and experiences of those fighting for freedom. Each pack provides an immersive narrative that adds depth to the game’s overarching theme, allowing players to further engage with the struggle against dictatorship while experiencing thrilling gameplay and gripping storytelling.

Three different stories exploring the theme of freedom

After delving into the major downloadable content for the game, it’s worth noting that “The Freedom Chronicles” DLC presents players with three unique tales, each centred around the theme of freedom. These stories provide a fresh perspective on the fight against oppression and tyranny, offering varied experiences that delve into different aspects of liberation and resistance. Here’s what each story has to offer:

  1. “The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe”: This story follows former professional quarterback Joseph Stallion, whose journey leads him to confront Nazi forces in Chicago. Players will witness Joe’s path to freedom through intense action and heroism as he battles against overwhelming odds.
  2. “The Diaries of Agent Silent Death”: In this narrative, players step into the shoes of ex-OSS agent Jessica Valiant as she embarks on a mission to infiltrate Nazi bunkers in California. Through espionage and cunning tactics, they’ll experience Agent Silent Death’s daring efforts to undermine the oppressive regime.
  3. “The Amazing Deeds of Captain Wilkins”: This tale focuses on Captain Gerald Wilkins, an OSS hero determined to thwart Nazi operations in Alaska. Players will join Wilkins in a high-stakes mission filled with strategic warfare and unwavering resolve as he fights for freedom in one of America’s last frontiers.

Reception and Awards

The game received praise for its compelling story and intense gameplay, earning it positive reviews from critics and players alike. It also garnered recognition through various award nominations and wins, cementing its place as a standout title in the first-person shooter genre.

Positive reviews

Players have lauded Wolfenstein II for its gripping narrative, intense gameplay, and powerful portrayal of the fight against Nazi oppression. The game has been praised for its unapologetic approach to addressing serious subjects such as racism, abuse, and the impact of Nazi occupation on America.

It has received recognition for its strong storytelling and compelling characters who embody the spirit of resistance against tyranny.

Critics have commended the game’s ability to immerse players in a dark and foreboding world while delivering a message of hope through the protagonist’s relentless pursuit of freedom.

Award recognition

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus has captured the hearts of players and critics alike, leading to a plethora of award recognitions. Its powerful storytelling and raw depiction of a fight for freedom earned the game several nominations and wins. Below is a summary of its accolades:

The Game Awards 2017Best Action GameNominated
Golden Joystick Awards 2017Best StorytellingWinner
Game Critics AwardsBest of E3Nominated
D.I.C.E. AwardsAction Game of the YearNominated
NAVGTR AwardsGame, Original ActionWinner

This table illuminates the game’s impact on the industry and its impressive contribution to the action genre. We take pride in the recognition Wolfenstein II has received, celebrating our dedication to creating a game that resonates with themes of resistance and emancipation.


In conclusion, “Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus – Fighting For Freedom” delivers an intense and challenging battle against the Nazi regime. The game skillfully portrays the struggles and sacrifices made by the characters in their fight for freedom.

It has received praise for its storytelling and representation of the fight against Nazi oppression. Players take on the role of a freedom fighter, experiencing iconic British locations while combating oppressive forces with an array of weapons and abilities.

The game’s dark and grim story confronts serious subjects head-on, making it a compelling experience for those passionate about battling against dictatorship.


1. What is Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus about?

Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus is a video game where players join the fight against dictatorship by battling for democracy and striving for independence.

2. How do you fight oppression in the game?

In the game, players tackle challenges to conquer oppressive forces and achieve liberation from dictatorship through action-packed first-person shooter gameplay.

3. Can you play as part of a rebellion in Wolfenstein II?

Yes, you become part of a fierce rebellion defending fundamental rights and overcoming totalitarian regimes within the game’s story.

4. Is fighting for freedom the main goal in Wolfenstein II?

The primary goal is indeed fighting for freedom, as you struggle for independence and work to overcome an entrenched enemy that seeks to destroy democracy.

5. Does Wolfenstein II focus on individual or group efforts to liberate society?

Wolfenstein II emphasises both individual heroics and collective efforts as you lead rebellions and inspire people to rise up against conquering oppressive forces.

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