The Witness: Puzzles That Paint a Picture

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   Aaron Connolly   Aaron Connolly  

Navigating the complex labyrinth that is The Witness might find you quite befuddled, facing conundrums at every corner. We’ve certainly done our fair share of pondering and head-scratching, particularly as this game weaves art and design into its intricate puzzles so cleverly.

Our blog serves as your compass to conquer these mind-benders, brimming with hints and strategies to reveal the island’s mysteries one challenge at a time. Embrace this escapade where each answer you uncover contributes a delicate stroke to the broader masterpiece!

Key Takeaways

  • The Witness is a game filled with diverse puzzles like mazes, hexagon dots, and multicoloured squares, each demanding different problem-solving approaches and creative thinking.
  • Various environments such as Symmetry Island, the Monastery, Desert Ruins, and Jungle provide unique backdrops that contain hidden clues essential for solving the puzzles.
  • Players must closely observe their surroundings as environmental elements like natural light reflections play a crucial role in puzzle mechanics throughout The Witness.
  • Secret perspective Easter eggs are scattered across the island; spotting these requires attention to detail and can deepen the player’s understanding of the game’s narrative.
  • Through challenges that combine logic, spatial awareness, and artistic design, The Witness provides an immersive experience that encourages exploration beyond conventional gaming.

Understanding the Puzzle Types in The Witness

The Witness offers a wide variety of puzzle types, including mazes, black and white squares, symmetry puzzles, and environmental clues. These puzzles challenge players to think creatively and use deductive reasoning to progress in the game.


Mazes in The Witness stand as a testament to the game’s core line-drawing mechanic. We navigate through these puzzles by starting at a circular point and carving out the correct path amidst twists, turns, and dead ends.

It’s like threading a needle with logic; our success hinges on understanding patterns while we keep an eye out for trickier mazes that incorporate reflective paint or checkerboard illusions, increasing their complexity.

As we master these printable panels one by one, they not only push our problem-solving skills but also reveal more about the island’s secrets. Each maze puzzle solved paints another stroke on the canvas of this mysterious world, nudging us closer to unveiling its hidden narrative.

Now let’s untangle another form of challenge—Hexagon Dots await us next.

Hexagon Dots

Hexagon dots are a distinctive puzzle type in The Witness, requiring players to navigate a series of interconnected dots within a hexagonal grid. Players must draw lines to connect all the dots while adhering to specific rules, such as filling every cell in the grid or avoiding intersecting lines.

This puzzle type challenges players’ spatial awareness and problem-solving skills, adding an intriguing layer of complexity to the game.

The hexagon dot puzzles demonstrate The Witness’s intricate design and diverse range of challenging puzzlesolving techniques. With their visually appealing layout and demanding gameplay, these puzzles contribute to the game’s immersive experience for players of all levels.

Black & White Squares

Transitioning from the intricate patterns of Hexagon Dots, players will encounter another mind-bending puzzle type in The Witness: Black & White Squares. These puzzles are set on grids and require players to separate black and white squares into their designated areas to progress through the game.

Unlike other puzzle types where environmental clues or symmetry guide the solution, these puzzles challenge players with pure logic and spatial reasoning.

The Black & White Squares pose a unique mental challenge by requiring precise placement of each square based on a strict logical progression. Players must think critically about how they can partition the grid to satisfy the conditions presented within each puzzle.

Multicoloured Squares

Transitioning from the challenging Black & White Squares, players encounter Multicoloured Squares in The Witness. These vibrant puzzles require a keen eye and strategic thinking to solve.

With various colours interwoven, each square holds a different set of rules and patterns to unravel, offering a fresh twist on gameplay. These multicoloured conundrums compel players to think beyond conventional puzzle-solving techniques, adding an exciting layer of complexity to the game.

The multicoloured squares in The Witness demand careful observation and logical deduction, as each hue serves as a crucial element within the intricate web of puzzle mechanics. By deciphering the distinct implications of each colour combination, players unravel new layers of creative problem-solving opportunities while delving deeper into the immersive gaming experience provided by The Witness.

Symmetry Puzzles

Symmetry puzzles in The Witness challenge players to find mirrored patterns to solve them. These mind-bending puzzles require keen observation and critical thinking to identify the symmetrical elements within the environment.

By recognising these symmetrical designs, players can successfully navigate through the island’s mysteries and unlock its hidden secrets.

Players must carefully analyse the landscape, structures, and natural elements around them to decipher the symmetry puzzles’ underlying logic. This puzzle type not only tests spatial awareness but also encourages a deeper appreciation for the game’s intricate design and artistry.

Tetris Blocks

Moving from the intricate challenges of Symmetry puzzles, players will encounter Tetris Blocks within The Witness. These puzzles feature familiar Tetris shapes that must be manipulated to fit within a given space.

With their vividly coloured appearance and engaging gameplay mechanics, these puzzles add an exciting layer of complexity to the game.

Observing natural light reflections becomes essential in solving Tetris Block puzzles. Players are required to carefully consider how each shape interacts with its surroundings as they work towards completing each puzzle.


The “Suns” puzzles in The Witness are an intriguing and visually stimulating addition to the game. These puzzles require players to position a line-drawing mechanic in such a way that it harnesses the natural light of the sun.

Observing and understanding how sunlight interacts with different elements within the game adds another layer of complexity, challenging players to think creatively and critically about their environment.

Players will need to pay close attention to how light reflects off various surfaces as they work through these puzzles, making for an immersive and dynamic gaming experience. The integration of natural light reflections not only adds depth to the puzzle-solving process but also showcases the meticulous attention to detail present throughout The Witness’s design.

Upside-Down Y/Elimination Mark

Transitioning from the intricate puzzles of the “Suns,” we delve into the enigmatic challenges posed by the “Upside-Down Y/Elimination Mark.” This particular puzzle type in The Witness demands a keen eye and deft problem-solving skills.

Gamers must navigate through labyrinthine pathways, connecting dots that form an upside-down Y shape or an elimination mark. Mastery of perspective is crucial as players decipher the correct path, unraveling hidden clues along the way.

Reflective paint intricately coats these cleverly designed puzzles, adding another layer of complexity to their solution. Observing natural light reflections becomes essential, making every solved puzzle a triumph in uncovering secrets and mysteries within The Witness game world.

Environmental Clues

Environmental clues in The Witness play a crucial role in unravelling the game’s mysteries. Players need to pay close attention to the surroundings, as natural light reflections are often key to solving certain puzzles.

The game cleverly incorporates environmental elements into its puzzle designs, requiring players to observe and analyse their surroundings for subtle hints and clues. This unique approach adds depth and complexity to the puzzle-solving experience, making it both visually stimulating and intellectually engaging.

Additionally, the game’s environments are intricately intertwined with the puzzles themselves. For instance, some puzzles are coated in reflective paint, creating an added layer of challenge as players must consider how light interacts with these surfaces.

Unlocking the Secrets of Symmetry Island

Uncover the hidden secrets of Symmetry Island as we explore cherry blossoms, hedge mazes, shady trees, a monastery, desert ruins, and the jungle. Each area holds clues that will lead you to unlock the island’s mysteries and uncover its fascinating secrets.

Cherry Blossoms

The Cherry Blossoms on Symmetry Island in The Witness create a serene and enchanting atmosphere, adding a touch of beauty to the island’s landscapes. These delicate pink flowers are carefully placed throughout the environment, providing a calming contrast to the intricate maze puzzles and other challenges present on the island.

Their presence also serves as an environmental clue, guiding players to explore specific areas and uncover hidden secrets while admiring their symbolic significance within the game world.

As we delve deeper into exploring Symmetry Island, let’s now turn our attention to unravelling the mysteries surrounding Keep – Hedge Mazes.

Keep – Hedge Mazes

Moving from the serene beauty of cherry blossoms to the enigmatic elements of Keep – Hedge Mazes, players will find themselves embarking on a journey through labyrinthine pathways shrouded by dense shrubbery.

These intricate hedge mazes pose an enthralling challenge, requiring keen observation and logical thinking to navigate through their twists and turns. With patience and perseverance, these hidden secrets can be unravelled, revealing a deeper layer of mystery within The Witness.

Careful examination of the maze structures coupled with astute problem-solving strategies is essential in deciphering the cryptic paths that lie within. The interplay between art, game design, and puzzle-solving elements comes to life in these hedge mazes, adding another dimension to the immersive experience offered by The Witness.

Shady Trees

The Shady Trees section in The Witness provides a serene and tranquil environment nestled within the island. As players navigate through this area, they encounter puzzles that intertwine seamlessly with the natural beauty of the surroundings.

These puzzles are intricately designed to challenge problem-solving skills while offering a visually captivating experience.

Shady Trees offers an escape from the complexity of other puzzle types found on the island, by immersing players in its peaceful setting and introducing them to puzzles that showcase a harmonious blend of nature and intricate design elements.


The Monastery in The Witness is a serene and mysterious location that holds significant secrets waiting to be unveiled. Cherry Blossoms, Keep-Hedge Mazes, Shady Trees, Desert Ruins, and Jungle puzzles are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to unraveling the enigmatic wonders hidden within this ancient place.

Every nook and cranny of the Monastery beckons players to delve deeper into its intricacies, providing captivating puzzles entwined with symbolism and historical references that add depth to the game’s narrative.

The Monastery serves as an integral part of The Witness’s world-building experience, offering an immersive exploration opportunity for both game experts looking for intricate details and gamer novices seeking an intriguing adventure.

Desert Ruins

Transitioning from the serene surroundings of the Monastery, players will encounter the enigmatic Desert Ruins in The Witness. This area presents a stark contrast to the lush greenery and peaceful ambiance of the previous location.

As adventurers explore this arid landscape, they will encounter intricate puzzles that blend seamlessly with the desolate ruins, making for a compelling and challenging gaming experience.

The Desert Ruins hold secrets waiting to be unravelled amid their ancient structures and parched earth. Players must use keen observation and problem-solving skills to navigate through these rugged remnants while deciphering clues hidden within the captivating puzzles strewn across their paths.


Transitioning from the mysterious Desert Ruins, players will find themselves immersed in the lush and untamed Jungle within The Witness. This section of the game introduces an entirely new set of environmental clues and puzzles that challenge players to observe and interact with their surroundings.

The Jungle showcases the game’s ability to seamlessly blend natural elements into its puzzle design, creating a captivating experience for both veterans and newcomers alike.

As players navigate through the dense foliage and unravel the secrets hidden within this vibrant landscape, they encounter a variety of engaging challenges that test their problem-solving abilities.

Noteworthy Perspective Easter Eggs

Explore the hidden secrets and mysteries in The Witness, from koi fish on Symmetry Island to figure in the spilt bucket, and uncover the intriguing perspective Easter eggs that add depth to the game.

Keep reading to discover these fascinating details and enhance your gaming experience.

Koi Fish on Symmetry Island

Symmetry Island in The Witness offers a serene environment and intriguing puzzles, with the presence of symbolic images adding depth to the experience. One such image is the koi fish, found amidst lush cherry blossoms and reflective ponds.

The koi fish represents perseverance and good fortune, reflective of Japanese culture. Its inclusion adds an extra layer of meaning to the island’s already enigmatic atmosphere.

The presence of the koi fish on Symmetry Island encourages players to explore deeper meanings within The Witness. It not only engages them with its visual appeal but also prompts them to consider how these elements contribute to the broader narrative and themes present throughout the game world.

Siren on Symmetry Island

Symmetry Island in The Witness harbours numerous striking sights, including the captivating visual puzzle of the Siren. Nestled amidst cherry blossoms and serene landscapes, this enigmatic figure draws players into a thought-provoking challenge.

Intricately designed with meticulous attention to detail, the Siren’s mesmerising form presents an immersive experience that showcases the game’s dedication to blending art and puzzle-solving elements seamlessly.

Embedded within Symmetry Island’s awe-inspiring environment, the presence of the Siren serves as a testament to The Witness’ commitment to weaving compelling narratives through its puzzles.

Lady in Waiting

The Lady in Waiting puzzle in The Witness offers a unique challenge that requires keen observation and creative problem-solving. Players must carefully navigate the maze-like structure to uncover its hidden secrets, engaging their detective skills to unravel the mystery within this intriguing environment.

With subtle environmental clues and intricate design elements, solving the Lady in Waiting puzzle promises a rewarding experience for those seeking an immersive and intellectually stimulating gameplay.

As players delve into the enigmatic world of The Witness, the Lady in Waiting puzzle serves as a prime example of how intricate design and sophisticated mechanics come together to create an engaging and thought-provoking gaming experience.

Person in Prayer on Symmetry Island

Continuing our exploration of Easter Eggs on Symmetry Island, the “Person in Prayer” is another enigmatic find. As you traverse the island, keep an eye out for this hidden gem to add depth and mystery to your journey.

The presence of this figure adds a poignant layer to the island’s secrets and challenges players to delve deeper into its significance.

The “Person in Prayer” Easter Egg offers a subtle yet powerful insight into the narrative woven throughout The Witness. As game experts or novices, take time to ponder over this intriguing discovery and consider its implications within the context of Symmetry Island’s overarching themes.

A Helping Hand

Transitioning from the serene setting of Symmetry Island, where we encountered the striking “Person in Prayer,” we move on to discover more hidden elements within The Witness. “A Helping Hand” offers an array of intriguing objects and figures that delve deeper into the game’s enigmatic world.

Featuring symbols like firestarters, clouds, stick bugs, watchers, angels’ wings with a crown and sceptre, grails, tree temples with angels and boats – these visual cues add layers of complexity to puzzles while weaving a narrative tapestry for players to unravel.

Throughout The Witness, players will encounter diverse environmental clues that provide a helping hand in deciphering the game’s underlying themes. These subtle design elements allow gamers to piece together the larger puzzle while adding depth and intrigue to their gameplay experience.


Transitioning from the mysterious hints of “A Helping Hand,” players encounter a captivating sight called “Firestarter” in The Witness. This particular environmental puzzle involves using real-world elements to ignite a flame and unlock new perspectives on the island.

Participants must use their keen observation skills and an understanding of light and shadow to unravel this enigmatic challenge.

As part of our investigation into The Witness, delving into “Firestarter” reveals how interconnected environmental clues are within the game’s world. With strategic analysis and problem-solving techniques, gamers can uncover hidden meanings behind these intricate puzzles.

Cloud Tree

Transitioning from the mysterious “Firestarter” to the enigmatic “Cloud Tree,” players of The Witness encounter another intriguing visual puzzle that adds depth and nuance to their gaming experience.

Nestled within the beautiful island landscape, the Cloud Tree provides a unique challenge where observation and perspective are essential elements in unravelling its secrets. With its intricate design and thought-provoking placement, the Cloud Tree puzzle invites players to explore new dimensions of problem-solving strategies as they navigate through this captivating world.

Amidst the lush surroundings of Symmetry Island, the Cloud Tree stands as a prime example of how The Witness seamlessly integrates environmental clues into its puzzles. Encouraging players to step back and absorb their surroundings from various angles, this particular puzzle dares them to see beyond what is immediately apparent.

Stick Bugs

Transitioning from the ethereal inspiration of the Cloud Tree, another intriguing aspect within The Witness is the presence of stick bugs. These miniature marvels are discreetly nestled among the lush greenery and can easily blend in due to their remarkable camouflage abilities.

Delightfully detailed, these small creatures add an element of realism to the game’s environment, further enriching players’ immersive experience.

Carefully crafted by the game developers, these stick bugs showcase a dedication to intricate details that elevate every facet of The Witness. Their lifelike presence adds depth and authenticity to the island setting while offering a captivating observation for players who appreciate meticulous design.

The Watcher

Transitioning from the eerie sight of stick insects to another intriguing detail in The Witness, let’s talk about “The Watcher.” Positioned throughout various locations on the island, The Watcher is an enigmatic and mysterious figure that appears to observe players as they navigate through the game.

This passive observer adds an element of curiosity and suspicion to the gameplay experience, leaving players questioning its purpose and significance.

The presence of The Watcher serves as a subtle reminder that someone or something is always watching, creating a sense of unease and intrigue. Its appearance raises questions about its connection to the island’s secrets and puzzle-solving strategies, provoking players to explore every nook and cranny in search of clues.

Angel’s Wings and the Crown and Sceptre

When exploring the mysteries of The Witness, keep an eye out for intriguing environmental clues such as Angel’s Wings and the Crown and Sceptre. These symbolic elements are cleverly integrated into the game’s intricate puzzles, creating a visually stunning and thought-provoking experience for players.

Whether you’re an avid gamer or new to puzzle-solving games, these subtle details add depth to the overall narrative while providing an engaging challenge that keeps players immersed in the world of The Witness.

As you progress through the game, pay close attention to how these symbolic representations tie into the broader themes and storyline, offering fresh perspectives on familiar areas within the game.

The Grail

The Grail puzzle in The Witness is a significant and mystical part of the game, challenging players to use their observation and problem-solving skills to uncover its secrets. This puzzle features a series of interconnected line-drawing mechanics that are intricately designed, adding an extra layer of complexity for players to solve.

The Grail serves as a prime example of how The Witness intertwines art, game design, and puzzle-solving techniques to create an immersive experience for gamers, offering both visual beauty and intellectual challenge.

As players delve into the mystery of The Grail puzzle, they will find themselves drawn into the world of The Witness on a deeper level. With each pathway they draw and every riddle they solve within this complex puzzle system, they unlock new perspectives that not only advance within the game but also paint a clearer picture of its overarching narrative.

Tree in Arch

The Tree in Arch is an intriguing environmental clue in The Witness that captures players’ attention. Positioned within a stone archway, the tree stands as a powerful symbol and puzzle element.

As players explore the game’s world, they will come across this enigmatic sight that holds significant meaning within the narrative and adds depth to the game’s environment. It offers an immersive experience for gamers as they navigate through the island, unraveling its secrets and uncovering hidden clues.

Players can dive deeper into their exploration of The Witness by carefully observing and interpreting the story told by such environmental elements like this particular tree. By paying close attention to these subtle details scattered throughout Symmetry Island, players enhance their understanding of the interconnected puzzles, enhancing their overall gaming experience.

Tree Temple Angel

The Tree Temple Angel is an intriguing environmental clue in The Witness, adding depth and mystery to the game’s world. It features a guardian angel statue with its arms outstretched among the trees, evoking a sense of tranquillity and spiritual connection.

This visual cue encourages players to explore their surroundings and look for hidden meanings within the game’s environment.

The placement of the Tree Temple Angel hints at a deeper narrative woven into The Witness, rewarding players who take the time to notice these subtle details. Its presence contributes to the immersive experience and showcases how intricate design elements are seamlessly integrated into puzzle-solving gameplay.

Tree Temple Boat

The Tree Temple Boat puzzle in The Witness presents players with a unique challenge, requiring keen observation and strategic thinking. As we navigate through the intricacies of this puzzle, the reflective paint on the boat adds an extra layer of complexity to the line-drawing mechanics.

By carefully considering light reflections and perspectives, players can unlock the symbolic and narrative significance within this intriguing puzzle.

As we immerse ourselves in solving the Tree Temple Boat puzzle, let’s delve into its design elements and uncover how these contribute to shaping our understanding of Symmetry Island.

This particular puzzle showcases the game’s seamless integration of artistry and problem-solving, offering a visually stunning experience that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging.

Tree Temple Drowning Man

The Tree Temple Drowning Man puzzle in The Witness challenges players to find a solution by observing the environment and utilising spatial awareness. This particular puzzle type requires keen attention to detail and an understanding of how elements interact within the game world.

With its visually stunning design and immersive experience, The Witness encourages players to think critically and analytically when faced with puzzles like the Tree Temple Drowning Man.

Solving the Tree Temple Drowning Man puzzle in The Witness involves applying problem-solving skills while considering various visual cues scattered throughout the game’s environment.

The Juggler

Transitioning from the complexities of the “Tree Temple Drowning Man” to the next puzzle in The Witness, we encounter a mesmerising visual and mental challenge known as “The Juggler”.

This particular puzzle invites players to navigate through a series of interconnected circular paths, each requiring precise movements to solve. As with many puzzles in The Witness, “The Juggler” integrates seamlessly into its surroundings, challenging players to decipher its patterns against a backdrop that presents unique environmental cues.

Engrossed within the mystery and wonder of Symmetry Island, players can relish “The Juggler’s” intricacies while appreciating the design elegance woven throughout The Witness. With an amalgamation of line-drawing mechanics and keen observation skills at play, solving this puzzle is both visually captivating and intellectually stimulating.

Thimbleweed Reflections

The Thimbleweed Reflections in The Witness add an intriguing layer to the game’s puzzle-solving experience. It offers players a unique perspective on the world within the game, allowing them to observe and analyse natural light reflections to solve complex puzzles.

As they navigate through this mechanic, players are not merely solving puzzles but also gaining a deeper understanding of the surrounding environment and narrative.

Thimbleweed Reflections serve as captivating visual cues that contribute to the visually stunning and immersive experience The Witness offers. With these reflections being part of various puzzles throughout the game, they create an interactive element that challenges players’ problem-solving skills while blending seamlessly with the overall narrative and artistic design of The Witness.


In The Witness, the turtle puzzle is a challenging yet rewarding experience for players. This puzzle requires careful observation and strategic thinking to navigate through the maze and reach the end goal.

By utilising perspective and analysing environmental clues, players can successfully solve this intricate puzzle while immersing themselves in the visually stunning game world.

The turtle puzzle in The Witness embodies the game’s dedication to integrating art, design, and problem-solving elements. As players engage with this particular challenge, they are encouraged to think critically about their approach, fostering a deeper connection with the immersive gaming experience.

Figure in the Spilt Bucket

The figure in the spilt bucket is an intriguing Easter egg hidden within The Witness. This unique visual can be found on Symmetry Island and adds a mysterious and thought-provoking element to the game’s environment.

Players can analyse this artistic clue as part of their exploration of the island, adding another layer of depth to the overall puzzle-solving experience.

The inclusion of the figure in the spilt bucket showcases The Witness’ attention to detail and commitment to creating a visually immersive world. This small yet impactful discovery is just one example of the many captivating elements scattered throughout the game, contributing to its reputation as a rich and engaging gaming experience for players seeking both intellectual challenges and artistic inspiration.

Crocodile in the Swamp

Transitioning from the enigmatic “Figure in the Spilt Bucket,” we encounter another intriguing environmental clue in The Witness, known as “Crocodile in the Swamp.” This particular puzzle challenges players to closely observe their surroundings and identify hidden visual cues within the game’s lush landscapes.

Players must navigate through a swamp area while being on the lookout for the subtle depiction of a crocodile. Solving this puzzle requires keen observation and an eye for detail, as well as an understanding of how environmental elements can seamlessly integrate with gameplay mechanics.

As players delve deeper into unravelling this mystery, they’ll find that “Crocodile in the Swamp” is just one example of how The Witness skillfully intertwines its world-building narrative with complex yet visually captivating puzzles.

Ascent of Man in Quarry

The “Ascent of Man in Quarry” is a visual and conceptual puzzle in The Witness that challenges players to piece together the narrative through interpretative design. As players navigate through the quarry, they encounter enigmatic rock formations that depict the evolution of humanity.

This thought-provoking experience encourages gamers to decipher the symbolic representation of human progression within the game’s environment. By engaging with this artistic puzzle, players gain insight into how The Witness intertwines art and puzzle-solving to create an immersive storytelling experience.

This section showcases how The Witness seamlessly integrates intricate puzzles with thematic elements, providing an engaging and visually enriching gameplay experience for both game experts and novices alike.

Ending Arch

The Ending Arch is a pivotal part of The Witness, serving as the conclusion to the game’s intricate and visually stunning world. Players encounter this climactic arch after mastering an array of diverse puzzles that challenge their problem-solving skills and offer an immersive experience.

With its artful design and cohesive narrative, the Ending Arch provides a sense of completion for players who have delved deep into the game’s mysteries.

As players arrive at the Ending Arch in The Witness, they are met with a visually striking representation that encapsulates the journey they have undertaken. This final destination serves as a testament to their perseverance and dedication in solving the various challenges presented throughout the game world.

Mastering The Witness: A Guide to Solving Every Puzzle

In this section, we will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to solve every puzzle in The Witness. Whether you’re struggling with a specific type of puzzle or looking for general strategies, our walkthrough will help you master the line-drawing mechanics and unlock all the secrets of the game.

How to Solve Puzzles

To solve puzzles in The Witness, observe the patterns and details carefully. Identify the starting point and focus on finding a logical path to the end. Draw your line with precision, considering reflections and shadows as clues.

  1. Look for visual cues such as shapes, colours, or surroundings that may indicate a solution.
  2. Experiment with different perspectives by moving around the puzzle or adjusting your viewpoint.
  3. Utilise the environment to gain insight into the puzzle’s structure and potential solutions.
  4. Pay attention to any symmetrical elements that could offer hints for solving the puzzle.
  5. Take note of any recurring themes or patterns in the puzzles to aid in problem-solving.
  6. Consider how light and shadow interact with the puzzle elements, as they may reveal hidden clues.
  7. Approach each puzzle with patience and persistence, allowing yourself time to analyse different angles.

Understanding the “Dividing Line” Concept

When solving puzzles in The Witness, understanding the “Dividing Line” concept is crucial. This mechanic requires players to draw a line through specified areas on the puzzle grid while ensuring it divides certain elements into distinct sections.

By mastering this concept, players can effectively solve a wide range of puzzles within the game. Utilising perspective and careful observation to identify these dividing lines is essential for successful puzzle-solving in The Witness.

Players can enhance their problem-solving skills by recognising how the Dividing Line concept applies to different puzzle types, such as mazes and black & white squares. Additionally, analysing natural light reflections becomes integral when identifying these dividing lines in more complex puzzles.

Utilising Perspective to Solve Puzzles

To solve puzzles in The Witness, perspective plays a crucial role. Players must use the environment to change their point of view and find hidden clues that are not visible from one angle.

By adjusting their position or looking at objects from different angles, gamers can uncover the solutions to intricate puzzles throughout the game. This unique approach challenges players to think beyond the obvious and encourages them to explore and observe their surroundings with a keen eye for details.

In The Witness, utilising perspective is not only about seeing things differently but also about understanding how changing perspectives can reveal hidden patterns and connections between elements in the environment.


Mastering the intricacies of The Witness’s puzzles can lead to a deeply rewarding experience. As players delve into the various puzzle types, they unlock secrets and uncover hidden gems within the game.

By honing their problem-solving skills and utilising perspective, gamers can fully immerse themselves in this visually stunning world. The Witness offers a unique blend of art, design, and puzzle-solving that challenges players to think outside the box – an experience that any gaming enthusiast would relish.


1. What makes ‘The Witness: Puzzles That Paint a Picture’ unique?

‘The Witness’ stands out with its linedrawing mechanics that challenge players to solve puzzles while gradually revealing an intriguing story, much like uncovering the truth at a crime scene.

2. Can you give me some puzzle-solving tips for The Witness?

To excel in puzzle solving in The Witness, start by mastering the basic strategies, and then apply different problem-solving techniques to unravel the more complex challenges.

3. Is there a guide or walkthrough available for the puzzles in The Witness?

Yes, there are several puzzle walkthroughs that can assist players who are stuck on particular problems and need additional strategy insights to progress through the game’s layered landscape.

4. How important is it to develop my own puzzle-solving strategies while playing The Witness?

While following a walkthrough might help initially, developing your own unique puzzle-solving strategies will greatly enhance your experience and satisfaction when playing The Witness.

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