We Happy Few: Dystopia Behind a Mask of Joy

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   What is Esports? Team   What is Esports? Team  

Have you ever had the nagging sense that everything around you is just a tad too jolly? Rest assured, it’s not just your imagination – this is the peculiar and disquieting world of ‘We Happy Few’.

We’ve taken a proper gander and what we’ve unearthed is a society in thrall to Joy, a drug that shields them from their rather bleak reality. Our exploration sheds light on how this game cleverly warns us about the dangers of enforced merriment.

So pour yourself a cuppa and settle in as we reveal the untold story behind those artificially wide smiles!

Key Takeaways

  • “We Happy Few” is a survival game set in an alternative 1960s England, focusing on citizens addicted to Joy, a drug masking their grim reality.
  • The main character, Arthur Hastings, and other playable characters like Sally Boyle reveal the dark secrets of Wellington Wells while struggling against the conformity enforced by mind-altering substances.
  • Gameplay involves stealth and crafting to navigate dangers in this retrofuturistic society where every action can lead to discovery or deeper immersion into deception.
  • Sally Boyle’s storyline adds complexity as she grapples with producing Blackberry Joy amidst its toxic effects on the community.
  • The game has sparked controversy for its themes of addiction and societal control, leading to mixed reception from critics and Australia denying classification due to drug depiction.

Overview of We Happy Few

We Happy Few is a dystopian survival game set in a retrofuturistic 1960s England. Players navigate through the city of Wellington Wells, where citizens are addicted to a hallucinogenic drug called Joy that keeps them compliant and happy.

The main character must blend in with the masked and smiling inhabitants while uncovering the dark secrets behind this oppressive society.


In We Happy Few, players delve into a stealth and survival experience wrapped within the eerie streets of a dystopian society. You must skilfully navigate through the twisted world where danger lurks behind every Joy-addled smile.

Crafting is essential as you gather resources to fashion weapons and tools for protection. You dodge suspicion and keep your wits about you, blending in with citizens high on their hallucinogenic happiness.

Every choice impacts your journey through this decadent dystopia, where avoiding confrontation often means donning a mask just like everyone else – or risking discovery by an oppressive government obsessed with conformity and control.

The gameplay pushes us to question the nature of reality versus illusion while fighting not only for survival but also against a societal addiction that has masked dark secrets under its joyful façade.

Main character

After exploring the gameplay elements of We Happy Few, let’s delve into the primary character and their journey in this dystopian world. The main character in We Happy Few is Arthur Hastings, a rather unremarkable man whose job involves censoring unwanted articles and news in Wellington Wells.

As players progress through the game, they will unravel Arthur’s personal story and his struggle to survive while uncovering the dark secrets of the society he lives in.

Arthur’s journey serves as a compelling narrative thread that drives players through the game’s immersive world. His personal growth and determination to survive amidst a society dependent on Joy offer a captivating insight into the psychological impact of living under a totalitarian regime sustained by false happiness.


The world of We Happy Few is a deadly dystopia set in a redrawn version of Sixties Britain. The society’s collective hallucination, induced by the mind-altering drug called Joy, creates a disturbing setting where inhabitants wear smiling masks and live within an illusion of bliss.

The environment is marked by emotional suppression, social conditioning, and psychological manipulation, as the citizens depend on Joy to maintain their altered perceptions favourably in this dark and twisted world.

In addition to the addictive and mind-numbing effects of Joy, the game’s setting showcases a society held together by drugs and a facade of joy. This unique dystopian world offers gamers an immersive experience that vividly portrays the dangers of societal dependence on such altering substances while exploring the consequences through its interactive gameplay.

The Role of Joy in the Dystopian Society

The citizens of Wellington Wells rely on Joy, a mind-numbing drug that distorts their perception and keeps them in a perpetual state of happiness. The illusion of bliss masks the true dystopia lurking beneath the surface.

Addictive and mind-numbing effects

We Happy Few delves into the addictive and mind-numbing effects of Joy, a hallucinogenic drug central to the dystopian society within the game. The citizens’ dependence on Joy is evident in their daily lives, as they seek refuge from their bleak reality by consuming the drug.

This results in perceptual changes that lead to an illusion of bliss, perpetuating the facade of happiness in a society plagued by darkness and oppression. Inhabitants are consistently under the influence, masked behind forced smiles as they experience altered realities induced by this dangerous substance.

The detrimental impact of Joy on societal behaviour and individual perception serves as a chilling reflection of how deeply ingrained dependence can be. We Happy Few masterfully portrays how addiction can shape an entire populace’s mindset, blurring the line between reality and fantasy in a world where escapism comes at a perilous cost.

Distorted perception

The mind-numbing effects of Joy lead to a distorted perception among the inhabitants of We Happy Few’s dystopian society. The drug alters their reality, making them see a world that is brighter and happier than the grim truth beneath it all.

Citizens experience hallucinations induced by Joy, which leads them to believe in the warped utopia they perceive. The facade is further reinforced by the citizens’ constant smiling masks, creating an eerie dissonance between their outward appearance and the dark reality they are immersed in.

In addition, society’s dependence on Joy results in a continuous state of altered perceptions for its inhabitants. Their lives revolve around consuming this drug to maintain happiness and avoid facing their harrowing truth hidden behind the euphoric veil created by the Joy-induced hallucinations.

Masked and smiling citizens

In We Happy Few, the inhabitants of the dystopian society wear masks that constantly display a smile, portraying an illusion of perpetual joy. The use of Joy, an addictive hallucinogenic drug, leads to a collective hallucination where citizens believe everything is fine.

Their altered perceptions and forced smiles create a chilling facade that conceals the true bleakness of their existence.

The citizens’ dependence on Joy highlights the extent to which they are willing to live in denial and escape from reality. This constant mask-clad smiling creates an eerie atmosphere as it symbolises the cost of indulging in mind-numbing bliss.

The Storyline of We Happy Few

Embark on a journey with the primary character as they navigate through the dangers of synthesising Blackberry Joy and uncover Sally’s role in the story. Read more about their thrilling adventures in our blog!

Primary character’s journey

In We Happy Few, players follow the journey of Arthur Hastings, a character attempting to uncover his own past and escape from the dystopian society. As he navigates through the world filled with Joy-induced citizens wearing masks and keeping up a facade of happiness, Arthur must also confront dangers while trying to survive.

His quest intertwines with the desperate need to avoid taking Joy while managing various obstacles along the way.

Sally Boyle’s role in We Happy Few introduces another layer to the storyline as she becomes involved in creating a new brand of Joy. This adds complexity to Arthur’s journey as their paths cross within this unsettling society dependent on mind-numbing drugs like Joy.

Dangers of synthesising Blackberry Joy

Synthesising Blackberry Joy poses severe health risks to the inhabitants of Wellington Wells. The process involves using toxic chemicals, leading to adverse physical and mental effects on those who consume it.

Prolonged use can result in addiction, withdrawal symptoms, and serious long-term health issues.

The dangerous nature of synthesising Blackberry Joy is a central theme in We Happy Few. It highlights the destructive consequences of relying on a substance that distorts reality and perpetuates an artificial sense of happiness at the cost of one’s well-being.

The game effectively portrays how this synthetic drug contributes to the decay of society, emphasising the detrimental impact it has on individuals’ lives.

Sally Boyle’s character bears witness to these dangers firsthand as she grapples with her involvement in producing Blackberry Joy while navigating its hazardous implications for herself and others.

Sally’s character and her role in the story

Sally Boyle is a key character in We Happy Few, known for her intelligence and resourcefulness. As the creator of a new brand of Joy, she plays a crucial role in the game’s narrative by delving into the darker side of society’s addiction to mind-numbing drugs.

Her actions have profound consequences on the dystopian world, adding depth to the storyline and shedding light on the societal impact of substance dependency.

Throughout Sally’s journey, players witness her struggles and motivations, offering valuable insights into both her character and the overarching themes of We Happy Few. As gamers progress through her story arc, they are confronted with ethical dilemmas that challenge their perceptions while unravelling the complexities within this gripping dystopian tale.

Reception and Controversies

The reception of We Happy Few has been mixed, with some critics praising its unique premise and gameplay, while others have criticised its controversial themes. The partnership with Gearbox Publishing has also sparked debates within the gaming community, and Australia’s decision to deny classification further added to the game’s controversies.

Criticisms of the game’s premise

Some critics of We Happy Few argue that the game’s premise is highly disturbing, as it revolves around a society heavily dependent on an addictive and mind-numbing drug like Joy. They feel that the portrayal of such a dystopian world can be unsettling for some players.

Additionally, there are concerns about the gameplay mechanics, with some feeling that the survival elements can become frustrating and detract from the overall experience.

Moreover, certain critiques focus on the lack of depth in character interactions and storyline development, underscoring a missed opportunity to explore deeper emotional connections within the game.

Gearbox Publishing partnership

The game, We Happy Few, has an exciting partnership with Gearbox Publishing. This collaboration has allowed the game to reach a wider audience and gain access to additional resources for its development.

With the help of Gearbox Publishing, We Happy Few has been able to enhance its gameplay experience and address some of the initial criticisms it faced, making it more enjoyable for players.

The partnership also brings potential for future expansions and developments within the game, promising an even more immersive and engaging experience for fans.

Australia’s decision to deny classification

Australia’s decision to deny classification is rooted in the country’s strict regulations on video game content. The Classification Board deemed We Happy Few unfit for release due to its depiction of drug use, specifically the in-game substance “Joy.” This classification refusal brought attention to the game and sparked discussions about censorship and artistic freedom within Australia.

The decision has led to debates around how games are judged based on their content and themes, sparking conversations about artistic expression versus societal sensitivities. This denial also raised questions about whether such decisions stifle creativity or safeguard consumers from potentially harmful content within video games.

Ultimately, We Happy Few’s denied classification prompted broader reflections on the intersection between gaming, storytelling, and social responsibility.


The game We Happy Few offers a unique exploration of a dystopian world. It depicts the harmful effects of a society dependent on mind-numbing drugs like Joy and presents a world disturbing due to its collective, Joy-induced hallucinations.

The inhabitants wear masks that show they’re always smiling, yet take a drug called Joy to alter their perceptions favorably. We Happy Few unveils a dystopian society held together by drugs and a facade of joy, creating an unsettling and thought-provoking gaming experience for players on Xbox One, PS4, and PC platforms.


1. What is “We Happy Few: Dystopia Behind a Mask of Joy” about?

“We Happy Few: Dystopia Behind a Mask of Joy” tells the story of a society that uses mindnumbing effects to hide its true, unhappy reality.

2. Does the game explore themes of society’s dependence on escaping reality?

Yes, the game delves into how society leans on artificial joy to escape from problems instead of facing them.

3. Are there consequences for not following society’s rules in “We Happy Few”?

Absolutely! If you don’t follow the rules and stop using the mindnumbing substances, you’ll see the grim truth behind the happy facade and face dangers.

4. What kind of experience can players expect from this game?

Players should be prepared for an adventure that makes them question happiness and explore what lies beneath a mask of societal joy.

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