Strife: S2 Games’ Approach to Evolving the MOBA Genre

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

We’ve all been there – the unwelcome thorn in our side that is toxic behaviour while enjoying a spot of online gaming. It can thoroughly take the biscuit and sour what should be a delightful escape into digital realms.

Aware of this issue lurking in the shadows, S2 Games unveiled their brainchild, Strife, back in 2013—a MOBA with a mission to combat these negative vibes with gusto. In this post, we’ll natter about how Strife champions a friendlier environment crafted by its community’s ingenious contributions.

So stick around and let’s have an old chinwag on how your online brawls could indeed become free from any strife!

Key Takeaways

  • Strife targets the common issue of toxic behaviour in MOBAs, offering a friendly online environment which encourages cooperation among players.
  • Developed by S2 Games as a second – generation MOBA, Strife introduces unique gameplay mechanics that simplify the experience for casual gamers without sacrificing depth for veterans.
  • The game continuously evolves through community – driven design; players’ feedback and contributions shape its development, fostering a strong connection between gamers and the game.
  • With regular updates, new character releases, and balancing changes made based on active community engagement, Strife ensures an evolving gaming experience tailored to player preferences.
  • By prioritising teamwork and inclusivity within its gameplay mechanics and overall design philosophy, Strife is setting new benchmarks in the industry for positive multiplayer experiences.

Understanding the Toxicity of the MOBA Genre

The MOBA genre is known for its high levels of toxic behavior, which can greatly impact the player experience. This has led to significant issues with community management within online gaming.

High levels of toxicity in online gaming

In our experience with the MOBA genre, we’ve seen how hostility can sour the game for everyone involved. Rude comments, aggressive behaviour, and unsportsmanlike conduct are sadly common in these competitive arenas.

This negativity pushes players away and damages the sense of community that should be at the heart of multiplayer gaming.

Recognising this issue, we at S2 Games took it upon ourselves to craft Strife with a focus on reducing toxicity. We aim to build a more welcoming environment where cooperation triumphs over conflict.

Our dedication to creating a positive space is infused into every aspect of Strife’s design – from hero customisation to gameplay mechanics – ensuring that respect among players isn’t just encouraged; it’s integral to the experience.

Impact on player experience

Player experience in MOBA games is often impacted by the high levels of toxicity found within the gaming community. This negative environment can lead to frustration, demotivation, and a lack of enjoyment for many players.

Strife, developed by S2 Games, aims to counteract this issue by providing a more positive and inclusive gaming community. By emphasising teamwork and creating a simpler, more enjoyable experience for casual players, Strife has successfully tackled the toxic culture prevalent in MOBAs.

With its focus on rich, community-driven gameplay and mechanics that make teamwork easy and rewarding for all players, Strife offers an environment where gamers can rediscover the joy of collaboration without being hindered by negativity.

The toxic elements often associated with traditional MOBAs have led to unfriendliness among players and decreased attachment to characters. However, Strife’s approach brings about a refreshing change in how player experiences are shaped within the genre.

Issues with community management

Managing the Strife community poses significant challenges as the game seeks to nurture a positive and inclusive gaming environment. S2 Games has acknowledged the need for robust community management strategies, acknowledging that MOBA games often struggle with toxic player behavior.

The dev team is actively engaged in addressing these concerns by actively moderating discussions, setting clear guidelines, and swiftly taking action against toxic behaviors.

To maintain a healthy gaming community, S2 Games draws on insights gained from players to continuously improve their approach. They are constantly soliciting feedback from the user base and implementing new features designed to foster cooperation and discourage toxicity.

The Birth of Strife: S2 Games’ Solution to a Growing Problem

S2 Games, with their experience in the MOBA genre, saw the need for a new approach to address toxicity and player community issues. Introducing Strife as a second-generation MOBA, they aimed to tackle these problems head-on and create a more inclusive gaming experience.

S2 Games’ experience with MOBAs

S2 Games, a pioneer in the MOBA genre, has accumulated valuable experience in developing multiplayer online battle arena games. Strife, their latest creation, represents a significant departure from traditional MOBAs.

After the success of Heroes of Newerth, the company recognised an opportunity to address toxicity and unfriendliness commonly associated with the genre. This prompted S2 Games to adopt a community-driven approach while infusing rich gameplay mechanics that prioritise teamwork.

The development of Strife was motivated by S2 Games’ desire to redefine conventional MOBA gameplay; emphasising inclusivity and enjoyment for all players. As part of this evolution, they have prioritised involving the player community in the development process while embracing constant updates and improvements based on user feedback.

Introducing Strife as a second-generation MOBA

Strife, as a second-generation MOBA, brings a fresh perspective to the gaming world. Its developer S2 Games has channeled their experience with MOBAs into crafting an innovative gameplay experience that sets it apart from traditional titles in the genre.

With its emphasis on community-driven design and rich gameplay mechanics, Strife aims to create a more positive and inclusive environment for players. The game’s unique approach not only caters to seasoned gamers but also appeals to casual players looking for a simpler yet enjoyable gaming experience.

One of the most notable aspects of Strife is its redefined team-based gameplay, focusing on rediscovering the joy of teamwork while eliminating toxicity often associated with PvP games.

Community-Driven Design: A Key Factor in Strife’s Development

S2 Games actively involves players in the development process of Strife, making it a more positive and inclusive gaming community. The game’s design is focused on creating an enjoyable experience for all types of players, bringing them together to shape the future of the MOBA genre.

Involving players in the development process

Strife’s development process involves the players in a unique way, allowing them to contribute and shape the game. Here’s how it works:

  1. Players are regularly engaged through forums, surveys, and focus groups, giving them a say in upcoming features and changes.
  2. Community – created content, such as skins and maps, is frequently incorporated into the game, fostering a sense of ownership among players.
  3. S2 Games hosts regular events and tournaments where players can interact directly with the development team, sharing feedback in real-time.
  4. Open communication channels like social media and Discord ensure that players’ voices are heard throughout the development cycle.
  5. The developers actively listen to player suggestions for new characters, abilities, and gameplay mechanics, incorporating popular ideas into future updates.

Creating a more positive and inclusive gaming community

Involving players in the development process was a key focus for S2 Games when creating Strife. This community-driven approach aimed to foster a more positive and inclusive gaming environment, connecting players on a deeper level with the game’s evolution.

By emphasising teamwork and cooperation, Strife sought to redefine the culture of MOBAs, offering a space where gamers could enjoy friendly competition while working together towards common goals.

This emphasis on inclusivity has been instrumental in shaping Strife’s identity as a second-generation MOBA that prioritises player attachment to characters and promotes a more welcoming atmosphere within the gaming community.

Unique Gameplay Mechanics: How Strife Sets Itself Apart

Strife sets itself apart from other MOBAs with its unique gameplay mechanics that focus on rediscovering the joy of teamwork and creating a simpler, more enjoyable experience for casual players.

The game’s emphasis on cooperation and inclusivity makes it stand out in the competitive gaming world.

Rediscovering the joy of teamwork

Strife revolutionises the MOBA experience by putting teamwork at the forefront. Unique gameplay mechanics facilitate inclusive and rewarding team-based play, appealing to both casual players and seasoned veterans.

S2 Games’ emphasis on community-driven design ensures that Strife creates an environment where cooperation is natural, enjoyable, and essential for success in every match.

The game’s approach stands out as a refreshing departure from the toxic culture often associated with MOBAs. With Strife’s focus on rediscovering the joy of teamwork, players can expect a simpler yet more fulfilling gaming experience that showcases the power of collaboration and positive interaction within the gaming community.

Simpler, more enjoyable experience for casual players

Strife offers a simpler, more enjoyable experience for casual players by streamlining gameplay mechanics and focusing on fostering positive interactions among the community. The game’s emphasis on teamwork is designed to remove barriers that can make MOBAs intimidating for new players.

With its accessible features, Strife aims to create a welcoming environment where casual gamers can effortlessly join in without feeling overwhelmed or excluded.

Players of all levels can appreciate Strife’s user-friendly approach and engaging mechanics that promote collaboration and fun. The game’s unique design not only encourages teamwork but also provides a refreshing alternative within the MOBA genre, making it an inviting prospect for both experienced gamers and newcomers alike.

Embracing the Future: Plans for Strife to Evolve and Grow

Strife is committed to constant updates and improvements, engaging with the community for feedback and ideas to ensure its evolution and growth in the MOBA genre. The game’s developers are dedicated to providing a positive gaming experience for all players through ongoing innovation.

Constant updates and improvements

Strife has a dedicated team that consistently updates and improves the game to provide an engaging experience for players. The commitment to evolution is evident through:

  1. Regular balance adjustments to ensure fair gameplay for all participants.
  2. Introducing new heroes with unique abilities to diversify the gameplay.
  3. Rolling out frequent patches that address bugs and glitches, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
  4. Implementing community – suggested features and improvements based on player feedback.
  5. Organising regular in – game events and tournaments to keep the game fresh and exciting for the player base.

Engaging with the community for feedback and ideas

  1. Regular Surveys: S2 Games conducts regular surveys to gather insights into player preferences and concerns, ensuring that updates align with what players want.
  2. Community Forums: The game hosts active forums where players can suggest new features, report bugs, and discuss gameplay mechanics.
  3. Developer Q&A Sessions: S2 Games regularly organises live Q&A sessions where developers engage directly with the community to address questions, concerns, and suggestions.
  4. Beta Testing: Players are actively involved in beta testing new features and updates to ensure they meet the community’s expectations.
  5. In-Game Feedback Tools: Strife incorporates in-game tools that allow players to provide real-time feedback on various aspects of the game, contributing to ongoing improvements.


In conclusion, Strife represents a significant step forward in the evolution of the MOBA genre. S2 Games has taken proactive steps to address the toxicity and unfriendly atmosphere often associated with MOBAs.

By emphasising teamwork and community-driven gameplay, Strife offers a more inclusive and enjoyable experience for both casual players and game experts. With ongoing updates and engagement with the gaming community, Strife is poised to continue evolving and setting new standards for the genre.


1. What is “Strife” and how does it change the MOBA genre?

“Strife” is a second-generation online PvP game developed by S2 Games that introduces team-based gameplay to evolve the MOBA (Multiplayer Online Battle Arena) genre with community-driven innovation.

2. How does Strife tackle toxicity in gaming?

Strife aims to reduce toxic gaming culture by fostering cooperation and positive interaction among players, addressing contention head-on to improve the overall experience.

3. What makes Strife different from other games in its genre?

S2 Games’ Strife stands out with its commitment to gameplay evolution, focusing on reducing rivalry and friction, which enhances enjoyment for all players within warfare-like scenarios.

4. Is Strife suitable for those new to MOBAs or competitive online games?

Yes, Strife caters not only to veterans of the MOBA world but also welcomes newcomers with its approachable game development that minimises tension typically associated with this type of game.

5. Does S2 Games plan on further evolving the genre through Strife?

Absolutely! Through continual refinement and listening to player feedback, S2 Games dedicates itself to ongoing strife within their title’s design – all part of their broader vision for future-genre innovation.

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