Soma: Exploring Identity and Consciousness Underwater

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Are you struggling to understand the themes of identity and consciousness in the game Soma? Don’t worry, I’ve been there too. After conducting thorough research, I’ve found that Soma dives deep into these existential concepts while immersing players in an eerie underwater setting. In this blog post, we’ll explore how Soma tackles these themes and provides a thought-provoking experience for gamers. Get ready to dive into the depths of consciousness with Soma!

Key Takeaways

  • SOMA takes players on a deep underwater journey in the post-apocalyptic setting of PATHOS-II, where they confront eerie mechanical creatures and uncover puzzles that question human existence.
  • The game explores thought – provoking themes of identity and consciousness, challenging players to reflect on what defines being human versus artificial intelligence within its narrative and mechanics.
  • Simon’s struggle with his own sense of self amidst clones and AIs pushes us to consider our beliefs about individuality and existence as we play through his story.
  • Ethical questions about cloning, consciousness transfer, and the impact of technology are central to SOMA’s storyline, prompting players to engage with complex moral debates.
  • SOMA has left a lasting impact on the gaming industry by pushing boundaries in storytelling, encouraging developers to include more profound themes in video games while still providing captivating gameplay.

Overview of the game SOMA

In the chilling depths of SOMA, we plunge into the heart of an underwater dystopia. This existential horror game invites us to explore PATHOS-II, a remote research facility where darkness and desolation set the stage for a narrative that challenges our notions of identity and consciousness.

As players navigate through corridors teeming with mechanical aberrations, they encounter puzzles and threats that push them to confront what it truly means to be human.

We steer Simon, the protagonist, on his harrowing journey beneath the ocean’s surface in this post-apocalyptic setting peppered with bio-technological anomalies. True fear emerges not just from our encounters but from thought-provoking dilemmas about artificial intelligence and free will.

Our survival hinges on stealthy movement as well as bold decisions about who—or what—deserves life in SOMA’s submerged world of isolation and exploration. Next up: we’ll examine how these themes come alive through the gameplay mechanics that keep players gripped by suspense at every turn.

The themes of identity and consciousness explored in the game

We dive deep into SOMA’s chilling narrative, where the murky depths of an underwater research facility become a playground for examining who we truly are. Within PATHOS-II’s confines, our quest intertwines with Simon’s personal journey as he confronts unsettling questions about his own existence.

Encounters with eerie robotic entities and AIs challenge us to reflect on the nature of consciousness and what sets humans apart from machines.

As you navigate through this remote underwater location, every corner turned unravels more layers of the enigma surrounding identity. The fears amplified by deep-sea isolation force players to ponder over not just survival tactics, but also over what it means to be sentient.

SOMA turns the oceanic abyss into a mirror, reflecting our fascinations and concerns regarding artificial intelligence and free will back at us—making each player’s experience distinct yet universally profound.

This exploration sets the stage for a gripping rendezvous with technology that disrupts life as we know it in ‘Gameplay and Mechanics’.

Brief description of the underwater setting

The underwater setting of SOMA is a post-apocalyptic, deep-sea research facility called PATHOS-II. As players explore the labyrinthine corridors and open expanses of the base, they are immersed in an unsettling atmosphere that plays on fears of the deep sea, drowning, darkness, and disturbing alien encounters.

The marine environment adds a unique dimension to the game’s narrative, enhancing its existential horror elements with the eerie ambiance of an isolated underwater world. This aquatic backdrop serves as a captivating stage for players to navigate through as they unravel the thought-provoking exploration of identity and consciousness that defines SOMA.

Moving forward to “Gameplay and Mechanics,” let’s delve into how players interact with this immersive underwater setting.

Gameplay and Mechanics

SOMA offers a first-person exploration experience with survival horror elements, where players must solve puzzles and use stealth to navigate the underwater world. The game also incorporates the use of machinery and technology to progress through the immersive gameplay.

First-person exploration and survival horror elements

Players navigate the desolate corridors of PATHOS-II, using stealth to evade its unsettling inhabitants. The game immerses you in a post-apocalyptic underwater dystopia that evokes deep-sea fears and challenges your understanding of consciousness.

Puzzle-solving and machinery manipulation are crucial for survival, adding depth to the first-person exploration experience.

The game instils a sense of unease as it seamlessly weaves together storytelling with survival horror elements. Through this immersive gameplay, players are compelled to confront the existential themes of identity and consciousness while navigating the depths of oceanic submersion.

Puzzle solving and stealth gameplay

  1. Navigate through the eerie underwater facility, evading hostile enemies and overcoming environmental hazards using stealth tactics and quick thinking.
  2. Uncover clues and solve intricate puzzles, each contributing to the unfolding narrative whilst challenging gamers’ problem-solving skills.
  3. Utilise technology and machinery within the research base to manipulate environments, outsmart enemies, and progress through the game’s haunting world.

Use of machinery and technology to progress through the game

Players in SOMA rely on using machinery and technology to progress through the game. They operate consoles, manipulate switches, and utilise futuristic gadgets to navigate through the treacherous underwater facility.

The game also features puzzles that require players to employ various tools and devices strategically. Additionally, players must hack into computer systems and use complex machinery to overcome obstacles and challenges as they delve deeper into the post-apocalyptic dystopia.

This reliance on advanced technology not only adds a layer of complexity to the gameplay but also reinforces the eerie atmosphere of PATHOS-II by showcasing the remnants of human technological advancement.

The Story and Its Meaning

We will delve into the protagonist Simon’s journey and his internal struggle with identity, as well as the philosophical questions and themes explored throughout the game. Additionally, we will explore how the underwater setting enhances the storytelling and adds to the overall experience of SOMA.

The protagonist Simon’s journey and his struggle with identity

Navigating the treacherous depths of PATHOS-II, Simon embarks on a harrowing journey to uncover the truth about his existence. Confronted by clones and artificial intelligence, he grapples with the unsettling realisation of what it truly means to be human.

The game challenges conventional notions of identity and consciousness, as players are immersed in Simon’s struggle for self-discovery amidst a post-apocalyptic dystopia underwater.

Trapped in an unfamiliar world, Simon’s attempt to reconcile his own identity raises profound questions about the nature of humanity and individuality. As we delve deeper into SOMA’s narrative, we witness Simon’s relentless pursuit of answers which forces us to contemplate our understanding of consciousness and the meaning behind being human.

The philosophical questions and themes explored through the game

The game SOMA confronts players with challenging notions about consciousness and identity, prompting them to ponder the meaning of being human in a postapocalyptic deep-sea setting.

It delves into unsettling story elements that provoke contemplation on what defines an individual’s sense of self and the ethical implications of technological advancements such as cloning and consciousness transfer.

The game effectively explores these themes through its narrative, pushing players to consider the consequences and moral dilemmas associated with the manipulation of human consciousness.

SOMA immerses players in a thought-provoking exploration of oceanic consciousness, diving deep into philosophical questions about existence in a way that makes it truly distinct from other games.

The role of the underwater setting in enhancing the storytelling

As we delve into the role of the underwater setting in enhancing the storytelling, it becomes evident that SOMA’s post-apocalyptic underwater dystopia serves as a crucial element. The isolation and desolation of PATHOS-II create an atmosphere of existential horror, amplifying the narrative’s tension and unease.

This deep-sea environment introduces players to fears of drowning, darkness, and encountering unsettling alien entities, all contributing to a haunting and immersive experience.

The game’s narrative intertwines seamlessly with its atmospheric setting, utilising the depths of the ocean to provoke contemplation on identity and consciousness. Through this unique environment, SOMA effectively instils a sense of vulnerability and dread in players while challenging them to navigate its thought-provoking themes.

Implications of the Technology Depicted

Explore the ethical dilemmas and moral implications of cloning and consciousness transfer as depicted in SOMA’s advanced technology. Dive into the thought-provoking themes of identity and consciousness in this captivating underwater adventure.

How the game presents the advancements and consequences of technology

The game SOMA vividly portrays the advancements and consequences of technology through its depiction of a post-apocalyptic underwater research facility. Players encounter advanced machinery, robots, and artificial intelligence as they navigate through the immersive setting of PATHOS-II.

The game raises ethical dilemmas surrounding cloning and consciousness transfer, challenging players to contemplate the moral implications of these technological advancements. The narrative intertwines these thought-provoking themes with the horror survival gameplay, offering a unique perspective on the impact of technology on humanity.

SOMA’s exploration of identity and consciousness within a technologically advanced yet haunting environment creates an engaging experience that prompts reflection on our relationship with technology.

Ethical dilemmas and moral implications of cloning and consciousness transfer

The game delves into the ethical complexities of cloning and consciousness transfer, raising thought-provoking questions about the consequences of these advancements. It challenges players to consider the moral implications of manipulating identity and transferring consciousness, prompting reflection on what it truly means to be human in an increasingly technological world.

The narrative intertwines these themes with gameplay, immersing players in a harrowing exploration of these ethical dilemmas within the post-apocalyptic underwater setting.

Engaging with SOMA’s portrayal of cloning and consciousness transfer prompts a deeper consideration of real-world scientific and moral debates surrounding such technologies. It forces both game experts and gamer novices to confront uncomfortable but essential questions about humanity’s future in relation to technological advancement, sparking critical thinking about our own existence and potential futures.

Reception and Impact

The critical reception of SOMA upon release was overwhelmingly positive, with praise for its thought-provoking themes and storytelling, while fan reactions and discussions continue to delve into the game’s exploration of identity and consciousness.

If you’re interested in learning more about how SOMA has impacted the gaming industry, be sure to give this section a read!

Critical reception of the game upon release

SOMA received widespread critical acclaim upon its release, with praise for its thought-provoking narrative and immersive underwater setting. The game’s exploration of identity and consciousness struck a chord with both gamers and reviewers, earning it recognition as an innovative addition to the horror genre.

The post-apocalyptic underwater dystopia captivated players and experts alike, demonstrating the impact of the game’s themes on storytelling in video games. The haunting atmosphere combined with existential horror elements made SOMA stand out among other releases at the time.

Experts and novices found SOMA to be a captivating experience that challenged their perceptions of identity and consciousness while delivering intense gameplay. The game’s ability to evoke deep philosophical questions within a gaming environment was commended by critics and fans, establishing it as a noteworthy contribution to the gaming industry.

Fan reactions and discussions on the themes and ending

Upon delving deeper into fan reactions and discussions on the themes and ending of SOMA, it becomes evident that players were captivated by the thought-provoking exploration of identity, consciousness, and existential horror.

The game’s engrossing narrative prompted extensive debates about free will, artificial intelligence, and the nature of humanity. Fans immersed themselves in conversations surrounding the game’s ambiguous ending, dissecting its implications for the characters’ fates and reflecting on their own interpretations of the profound thematic elements woven throughout the storyline.

Additionally, players expressed admiration for how SOMA skillfully intertwined these intricate philosophical concepts with its immersive gameplay experience.

Impact of the game’s exploration of identity and consciousness on the gaming industry

SOMA’s exploration of identity and consciousness has had a profound impact on the gaming industry. The game challenged traditional narratives by delving into existential questions, which sparked discussions among developers and players alike.

This shift in focus towards thought-provoking storytelling has influenced other games to incorporate deeper themes, enhancing the overall gaming experience.

Additionally, SOMA’s immersive approach to presenting philosophical concepts has set a new standard for narrative-driven gameplay. By seamlessly integrating gameplay with profound themes, it has encouraged other developers to prioritise engaging storytelling alongside innovative mechanics.

This influence can be seen in subsequent releases that strive to offer more than just surface-level entertainment.

Moving forward from SOMA’s release, we can expect more games to explore complex themes of identity and consciousness while maintaining compelling gameplay experiences.


In conclusion, SOMA offers a unique exploration of identity and consciousness in a thought-provoking underwater setting. The game’s immersive storytelling and thought-provoking themes make it a standout experience for both gaming experts and novices alike.

Summary of the game’s exploration of identity and consciousness

The game SOMA immerses players in a post-apocalyptic underwater dystopia, where they navigate the eerie depths of the ocean. Through its narrative and gameplay, SOMA delves into thought-provoking themes of identity and consciousness, challenging players to question what it means to be human.

The game’s exploration of these concepts is intricately woven into its horror-survival mechanics, creating an immersive experience that prompts deep introspection. SOMA’s atmospheric setting and existential horror make it a standout title that captivates both gaming experts and novices alike.

SOMA’s narrative not only plunges players into the depths of an underwater research facility but also prompts them to confront profound philosophical questions about technology, existence, and morality.

Reflection on the game’s thought-provoking themes and storytelling

Having journeyed through the game’s exploration of identity and consciousness, players are left pondering the profound themes and existential storytelling. The thought-provoking experience delves deep into the human psyche, challenging our perceptions of self, free will, and artificial intelligence.

Through its post-apocalyptic underwater dystopia setting and immersive narrative intertwining with horror survival gameplay, SOMA captivates players with its unique and haunting exploration of identity and consciousness.

The game’s atmospheric setting in an isolated, underwater research facility called PATHOS-II enhances the sense of existential horror while propelling players through an emotional rollercoaster ride.

Final thoughts and recommendations for those interested in playing SOMA.

We highly recommend SOMA for those intrigued by thought-provoking narratives and immersive gameplay experiences. The game’s profound exploration of identity and consciousness, set against a haunting underwater backdrop, offers a unique and compelling experience for players.

With its post-apocalyptic setting, unsettling atmosphere, and intertwining of existential horror with storytelling, SOMA stands out as a standout in the genre of video game narratives.

The game’s incorporation of deep-sea fears, disturbing adversaries, and philosophical themes creates an engaging and thought-provoking journey that is sure to captivate both game experts and novices alike.


1. What is Soma about?

Soma is a gripping tale set in a postapocalyptic dystopia, where players explore deep underwater environments to uncover the mysteries of identity and consciousness.

2. Where does Soma’s adventure take place?

The adventure in Soma takes you through hauntingly beautiful underwater locations in a world that’s faced catastrophe, inviting you to explore its depths and secrets.

3. Can I learn about what it means to be human in Soma?

Yes, as you navigate the depths of the ocean in Soma, you’ll encounter challenges that test your ideas of identity and what it truly means to be conscious and human.

4. Is there anything scary about exploring underwater in Soma?

Exploring the underwater world of Soma can be eerie and thrilling as it combines elements of isolation with hints at life after a global calamity, providing an immersive experience into uncharted territories.

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