Shardbound: A Tactical MOBA with Card Collecting Twists

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Are you on the hunt for a captivating game that cleverly fuses strategic nous with the thrill of card collecting? Look no further! We’ve delved into the enchanting realm of Shardbound and, quite frankly, it’s had us hooked! This gem offers a distinctive cocktail of tactical MOBA gameplay and collectible cards intrigue.

Our journey has uncovered its sterling lore, utterly engrossing play, and rather pioneering incorporation of blockchain tech. Fancy levelling up your gaming experience? Then stay tuned as we delve deeper!

Key Takeaways

  • Shardbound offers a unique blend of tactical MOBA gameplay with the excitement of card collecting, set in the original fantasy world of floating Axis islands.
  • Players can build and customise armies using hundreds of different cards, each with their own abilities and use tokens (IMX) to trade assets within an immersive game economy.
  • The game introduces innovative Web3 gaming features by integrating non-fungible tokens (NFTs), enhancing player engagement through ownership and potential monetisation opportunities.
  • Shardbound’s development received a significant boost from Bazooka Tango’s $5 million investment, demonstrating strong backing for its strategic and lore-rich universe.
  • A growing community has embraced the game, showing enthusiasm for its strategic depth, use of blockchain technology, and play-to-earn mechanisms which pave new avenues in online multiplayer gaming.

What is Shardbound?

Shardbound is a multiplayer collectible tactics game that combines card collecting with tactical gameplay. It offers a unique blend of turn-based combat and strategic deck-building, set in an original fantasy world.

A multiplayer collectible tactics game

We dive into the enthralling world of Shardbound, where strategy meets collection in a game that’s taking both gamers and streamers by storm. In this universe, you’re not just battling on any regular field; you’re clashing on floating Axis islands with armies meticulously built from hundreds of unique units.

Assembling your deck becomes as thrilling as commanding your forces in turn-based combat.

Deckbuilding is at the heart of our experience with Shardbound. We mix and match heroes and minions, each boasting distinct abilities to outsmart opponents in player versus player battles.

The goal? To mastermind victories using tactical gameplay that challenges both novices and seasoned strategists alike. Our adventures lead us through an evolving storyline set against a backdrop rich with lore—a true delight for those who crave depth beyond the battlefield.

Blending card collecting and tactical gameplay

Shardbound seamlessly combines the thrill of collecting cards with deep tactical gameplay. Players can gather hundreds of units, build powerful armies, and engage in strategic battles against other players.

The mix of trading card game elements and tactical combat creates an engaging experience that rewards both thoughtful deckbuilding and shrewd battlefield tactics.

The game features different heroes and minions, each with unique abilities and strengths that players can leverage to gain advantage over their opponents. This fusion of collectible card mechanics with strategic gameplay offers a rich opportunity for both seasoned collectors and newcomers to dive into a world filled with tactical challenges and exciting card acquisition.

Key Features of Shardbound

Unique setting and storyline draw players into the world of Shardbound, while a learning curve for new players ensures a competitive edge. The use of tokens (IMX) adds an extra layer of strategy to the gameplay experience.

Unique setting and storyline

Set in the lush Axis islands floating above the Earth’s core, Shardbound offers an immersive experience with its rich lore and deep strategy. The game combines trading card game (TCG) elements with tactical gameplay, allowing players to collect hundreds of units and build armies to compete head-to-head with other players.

Developed by Spiritwalk Games, a studio formed by former developers of the fantasy MOBA game Vainglory, Shardbound is highly anticipated for combining the strategic elements of a tactical MOBA with the collecting twists of a card game.

The setting and storyline of Shardbound provide exciting new ways for streamers and their viewers to interact and play together on Twitch. Each hero and minion in the game has different abilities, attack and defence values, amplifying strategic use within this unique landscape.

Learning curve for new players

Transitioning from the unique setting and storyline to diving into Shardbound’s learning curve for new players is crucial in understanding how accessible the game is. Newcomers will find that Shardbound offers a relatively gentle learning curve, making it easier for them to grasp the game mechanics and strategies.

As they progress, they can collect hundreds of units and build powerful armies, adding depth to their gameplay experience.

Upon diving into Shardbound, novice players will be able to appreciate its turn-based tactics and board play elements. The game provides an immersive experience packed with rich lore and deep strategy that allows players to gradually master different heroes’ abilities, attack and defense values, as well as strategic use of minions on the battlefield.

Use of tokens (IMX)

Transitioning from the learning curve for new players, let’s explore the fascinating use of tokens (IMX) in Shardbound. These digital assets serve as a key component within the game, allowing players to purchase and utilise unique in-game items.

IMX tokens enable gamers to access exclusive content, trade with other players, and participate in the vibrant player-driven economy. With integration into Web3 gaming technology, these tokens offer an immersive experience that goes beyond traditional gaming conventions.

The utilisation of IMX tokens not only enhances gameplay but also fosters a sense of community engagement and ownership among players within the Shardbound universe.

Shardbound’s implementation of IMX tokens has further connected it to the thriving Web3 gaming community while providing an innovative approach to player interaction and value exchange within the game world.

The Tokenomics behind Shardbound

The Tokenomics behind Shardbound delve into the usage of in-game tokens and their connection to the Web3 gaming community, offering a unique approach to the game’s economy. This aspect adds an additional layer of depth to the gameplay experience, making it more than just a traditional tactical MOBA.

Token usage within the game

Players can use tokens (IMX) to purchase in-game items, trade with other players, and participate in the game’s economy. These tokens are an integral part of Shardbound’s gameplay mechanics, allowing for a seamless and secure way to buy, sell, and exchange virtual assets within the game.

By leveraging these IMX tokens, players have more control over their in-game experience and can actively contribute to the evolving Shardbound economy.

Using blockchain technology, Shardbound incorporates non-fungible tokens (NFTs) into its ecosystem. Each NFT represents a unique digital asset that players can own or trade. This innovative approach not only provides transparency and security but also introduces new opportunities for players to monetise their gaming experiences through Play-To-Earn mechanisms.

Connection to the Web3 gaming community

Shardbound has harnessed the power of Web3 technology, incorporating blockchain and NFT elements into its gameplay. The game’s use of tokens (IMX) not only enhances in-game experiences but also connects players to the broader Web3 gaming community.

With a growing interest in play-to-earn games, Shardbound’s integration of these features positions it as an innovative force within this emerging sector.

Web3 gaming leverages decentralisation and player ownership, offering new opportunities for gamers to truly own their in-game assets. Shardbound’s embrace of these principles aligns with the evolving landscape of blockchain gaming and sets a precedent for future developments within this space.

Community Response

Players of Shardbound have overwhelmingly praised the game for its unique blend of tactical gameplay and card collecting elements, with a growing community that continues to show enthusiasm for the game’s potential.

The positive reception from gamers has been instrumental in building a strong player base and driving interest in the innovative features of Shardbound.

Positive reception from gamers

Gamers have welcomed Shardbound with enthusiasm, praising its immersive gameplay and strategic depth. The game’s unique blend of card collecting and tactical battles has garnered a growing player base, with many appreciating the refreshing twist on the traditional MOBA genre.

Players are drawn to the lush lore and engaging turn-based combat, making Shardbound a highly anticipated addition to the gaming community.

Shardbound’s innovative approach to multiplayer online battle arenas has resonated positively among gamers seeking fresh challenges in tactical RPGs. Its implementation of NFTs and connection to Web3 gaming further excites players about the potential for future play-to-earn opportunities within this evolving landscape.

Growing player base

After receiving a positive reception from gamers, Shardbound has seen a steady increase in its player base. The immersive experience filled with rich lore and deep strategy has attracted an expanding community of both game experts and novices.

With the blending of tactical gameplay and card collecting elements, the vibrant Axis islands have become home to a growing number of players eager to compete head-to-head, collect hundreds of units, and build their armies for thrilling multiplayer battles.

The game’s engaging gameplay mechanics have resonated well with players, fueling the growth of its dedicated community.

Latest Innovations in Web3 Gaming

Shardbound is at the forefront of Web3 gaming, exploring new frontiers in blockchain technology and NFT integration into gameplay. The game’s potential for Play-To-Earn mechanics has also sparked interest in the gaming community.

How Shardbound is pushing the boundaries in the gaming industry

Shardbound pushes the boundaries in the gaming industry by blending turn-based tactical strategy gameplay with collectable card game elements. This unique fusion creates a fresh and engaging experience that sets it apart from traditional multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) games.

With its innovative use of tokens and connection to the Web3 gaming community, Shardbound stands at the forefront of evolving gaming trends. The game’s potential for play-to-earn mechanics also signals an exciting future for gamers looking to invest their time and skills into rewarding experiences.

The integration of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) within Shardbound not only adds value to in-game assets but also paves the way for new avenues of player engagement and ownership in the digital realm.

Future potential for Play-To-Earn games

Bridging the gap between traditional gaming and blockchain technology, the future potential for play-to-earn games is incredibly promising. As more gamers seek ways to monetise their gaming experiences, play-to-earn games offer a revolutionary solution, allowing players to earn real-world rewards or cryptocurrencies while enjoying their favourite games.

With the rise of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) in gaming, titles like Shardbound are at the forefront of this movement, opening up new opportunities for players to truly own in-game assets and participate in a decentralised economy.

Revolutionising the concept of ownership within digital spaces, play-to-earn games empower players by providing tangible value for their time and skill investment. This emerging trend not only promises financial incentives but also fosters a more inclusive and dynamic gaming landscape that rewards player participation and creativity.


Shardbound’s immersive gameplay and deep strategy have captivated a growing player base. The game’s unique blend of turn-based tactics and card collecting has garnered positive feedback from gamers.

With its connection to the Web3 gaming community, Shardbound is pushing the boundaries in the gaming industry. The future potential for Play-To-Earn games makes this tactical MOBA a gamechanger for both new players and seasoned experts alike.


1. What makes Shardbound different from other MOBA games?

Shardbound is a tactical MOBA that combines turn-based gameplay with card collecting twists, creating a unique board-based tactics game that’s played online.

2. Can I play Shardbound with my friends?

Absolutely! Shardbound is an online multiplayer game focusing on team-based strategy, so you can enjoy battling alongside your friends in intense matches.

3. Does Shardbound have any connection to blockchain technology?

Yes, indeed. Shardbound incorporates NFT (Non-Fungible Token) elements within its gameplay due to being a blockchain game which adds another layer of engagement through Twitch streaming integrations.

4. Is the combat in Shardbound fast-paced like other MOBAs?

While it’s as strategic and engaging as traditional MOBAs, the combat in Shardbound centers around turn-based tactics, offering players a different pace and style of play within the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena genre.

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