Ori and the Will of the Wisps: A Poignant Platformer

Updated On: February 28, 2024 by   James Connolly   James Connolly  

Are you yearning for an escapade that touches the soul, one that goes beyond simple amusement? We’ve delved into the captivating realm of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, where we’ve unwrapped a narrative rich with emotion and peppered with exhilarating platforming feats.

Our venture will show you how this follow-up not only grabs hold of your affections but also takes platform gaming to splendid new pinnacles, set within an expanse teeming with enthralling charm and intricate layers.

Prepare to uncover why this little masterpiece should capture your interest – let’s gently pull back the curtain on a story quite unlike any other.

Key Takeaways

  • “Ori and the Will of the Wisps” enhances its predecessor with a larger world, improved combat, and deeper story themes.
  • The game features fluid platforming mechanics and unique level design that challenge players while offering a high degree of exploration.
  • Its narrative delves into emotional subjects like loss and friendship, creating a strong bond between characters and players.
  • Critics acclaim the game for its engaging gameplay, breathtaking visuals, and poignant storytelling despite minor glitches.
  • Equipped with an enchanting soundtrack by Gareth Coker, every aspect works in harmony to deliver an impactful gaming experience.

Overview of Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a stunning Metroidvania platformer that captivates players with its fluid gameplay, emotional depth, and breathtaking visuals. The game follows Ori’s journey through a larger and more diverse world, featuring enhanced abilities and upgrades from its predecessor, Ori and the Blind Forest.

Gameplay and mechanics

In Ori and the Will of the Wisps, we jump, climb, and glide through an enchanting world that’s both sprawling and intricate. Combat is more dynamic than ever; with a host of weapons at our disposal, we engage in thrilling battles against challenging foes.

Our exploration is rewarded with abilities that enhance our control over Ori, letting us uncover secrets and traverse previously inaccessible areas.

The mechanics smoothly weave into the Metroidvania framework of the game. We often backtrack with new skills to solve puzzles that were once beyond our reach. Mastery over these systems feels empowering, leading us seamlessly into deeper layers of this captivating adventure.

Next up: Storyline and emotional depth where the heart of Ori’s journey comes to light.

Storyline and emotional depth

Transitioning from the engaging gameplay and mechanics, Ori and the Will of the Wisps doesn’t just excel in its platforming challenges but also delivers a deeply emotional storyline.

The game’s narrative is a poignant tale that explores themes of loss, grief, and friendship, immersing players into an evocative world filled with heartfelt moments and touching character interactions.

As players guide Ori through this journey, they witness significant character development and relationships that evoke empathy and connection.

The emotional depth of Ori and the Will of the Wisps is further enhanced by Gareth Coker’s mesmerising original soundtrack, which perfectly complements the meditative and poetic storytelling.

From beginning to end, players are taken on an emotive rollercoaster as they experience sorrowful setbacks as well as heartwarming triumphs within this beautifully crafted fantasy world.

Visuals and sound design

The visuals in Ori and the Will of the Wisps are simply breathtaking. The game features stunning hand-painted environments that pop with vibrant colours, creating an immersive world that feels alive.

Every level is meticulously crafted, from lush forests to eerie caves, offering players a visually mesmerising experience. The animation of characters and creatures is fluid and detailed, adding depth to the game’s storytelling.

The original soundtrack by Gareth Coker perfectly complements the game’s emotional narrative. Each piece of music enhances the mood and atmosphere of every scene, evoking a wide range of emotions as players journey through the game.

From haunting melodies to uplifting anthems, the OST enriches the overall gaming experience, making every moment memorable.

Improvements from Ori and the Blind Forest

The sequel, Ori and the Will of the Wisps, boasts an enhanced combat system, a larger and more diverse world to explore, and upgraded abilities that make for a more immersive gaming experience.

With these improvements, the game builds upon the success of its predecessor and delivers an even more captivating adventure.

Combat system

The combat system in Ori and the Will of the Wisps has been significantly enhanced, offering players a more dynamic and engaging experience. Players can utilise new abilities and attacks to vanquish enemies while traversing through the game’s expansive world.

The addition of upgradable weapons and skills allows for a deeper level of customisation, giving players the flexibility to tailor their combat approach to suit their playstyle. The fluidity of combat seamlessly integrates with platforming elements, creating exhilarating battles that test player skill and reflexes.

Enhancing the overall gameplay experience, the combat system in Ori and the Will of the Wisps presents an array of formidable foes throughout its larger and diverse world. This challenges players with varying difficulty levels that keep them engaged while exploring different environments within the game.

Larger and more diverse world

Ori and the Will of the Wisps introduces players to a larger and more diverse world compared to its predecessor. The game ventures beyond the confines of the Nibel forest, expanding the scope of exploration and discovery.

Players are immersed in an expansive environment with varied landscapes, from lush forests to desolate ruins, offering a rich tapestry for adventure. This evolution allows for deeper engagement and a sense of wonder as players navigate through new terrains, encounter diverse creatures, and uncover hidden secrets dotted across the captivating world.

Moreover, Ori’s expanded universe provides ample opportunities for exploration and backtracking which significantly adds to the gameplay experience. The larger world not only enhances immersion but also offers new challenges that test player skills while rewarding thorough exploration.

Enhanced abilities and upgrades

  1. New Skills: Ori gains new skills as players progress through the game, adding layers of complexity to movement and combat.
  2. Upgrades: Players can customise Ori by finding and purchasing upgrades that enhance their abilities, allowing for tailored gameplay experiences.
  3. Spirit Shards: These customisable power-ups provide additional perks, amplifying Ori’s capabilities in various ways, such as increasing damage or mobility.
  4. Weapons and Tools: The game offers a variety of weapons and tools that can be acquired throughout the adventure, enabling players to approach challenges with different tactics.
  5. Movement Enhancements: Through progression, Ori acquires movement upgrades that allow for greater agility and exploration, contributing to a more dynamic and immersive experience.
  6. Combat Enhancements: Enhanced combat abilities provide a satisfying sense of progression as players gain new ways to engage with enemies effectively.
  7. Puzzle-solving Abilities: New abilities expand Ori’s puzzle-solving capabilities, encouraging players to explore the world in search of hidden secrets and challenges.
  8. Ability Tree: The game features an intricate ability tree system that allows players to unlock new skills through exploration and skilful play.

Emotional Impact of the Game

The game explores sensitive themes such as loss, grief, and friendship to create a deeply emotional experience for players. To learn more about the poignant storyline and character development in Ori and the Will of the Wisps, keep reading!

Themes of loss, grief, and friendship

The game explores deep themes of loss, grief, and friendship through its captivating narrative. Players are drawn into Ori’s emotional journey as they navigate through the heart-wrenching challenges of the story.

The bonds formed with the characters and the poignant moments of sorrow and joy create a compelling experience that resonates deeply with players. The game masterfully weaves these themes into its gameplay, enhancing the overall emotional impact and creating a profound connection between the player and the characters.

As players progress through their adventure, they encounter moments that tug at their heartstrings, immersing them in a world where emotions run high. Through Ori’s encounters with various characters and events, players witness how friendships are tested in times of adversity while grappling with feelings of loss and longing.

Character development and relationships

The characters in Ori and the Will of the Wisps undergo significant development, making them relatable and endearing. Ori’s journey is marked by personal growth, resilience, and unwavering determination.

The bond between Ori and Ku, a baby owl with a disabled wing, exemplifies themes of friendship, sacrifice, and compassion. Throughout the game, interactions with NPCs such as Grom help shape the world and reveal deep emotional connections that contribute to the game’s poignant storytelling.

Ku’s newfound friendship with Ori adds an emotional layer to the narrative as players witness their companionship evolve amidst challenges. Notably, player actions directly influence how relationships develop between characters within the game world—enhancing immersion while fostering empathy towards NPCs.

Platforming Excellence

Experience the challenging and fluid gameplay, unique level design, and obstacles that make Ori and the Will of the Wisps a standout platforming game. Read on to discover why this game sets a new standard for excellence in the platforming genre.

Challenging and fluid gameplay

The challenging and fluid gameplay in Ori and the Will of the Wisps sets it apart as a standout platforming experience. Navigating through the diverse world requires precision, timing, and quick reflexes, providing an exhilarating sense of accomplishment with each successful leap and dodge.

The game’s mechanics seamlessly blend combat, exploration, and puzzle-solving, offering a dynamic and engaging player experience. With enhanced abilities that empower Ori to traverse obstacles more efficiently, players are met with gratifying progression as they master the game’s acrobatic movement.

Furthermore, Ori and the Will of the Wisps introduces new level design that presents inventive traversal challenges intertwined with breathtaking visuals. From perilous environmental hazards to intricate platforming sequences, every aspect of gameplay is meticulously crafted to keep players on their toes while maintaining an effortless flow throughout.

Unique level design and obstacles

  1. Each level is meticulously crafted to provide a unique and immersive experience, from lush forests to atmospheric caves and treacherous ruins.
  2. Obstacles such as hazardous terrain, puzzles, and enemy encounters test players’ reflexes and problem-solving abilities in equal measure.
  3. The game incorporates diverse environmental elements like shifting sands, volatile storms, and dynamic lighting to create visually stunning and engaging levels.
  4. Players will encounter ingenious platforming challenges that require precise timing, quick thinking, and mastery of Ori’s abilities to overcome.
  5. The game rewards exploration with hidden paths, secret areas, and cleverly concealed collectables that incentivise players to fully engage with the levels.

Critic Reviews and Reception

Critics have praised Ori and the Will of the Wisps for its captivating gameplay, stunning visuals, and emotional storytelling. To find out more about the game’s reception, read on!

Positive praise for gameplay, visuals, and story

The gameplay in Ori and the Will of the Wisps offers a seamless blend of challenging platforming, intuitive controls, and satisfying combat mechanics. The visuals are breathtaking, with stunning hand-painted environments that come to life through intricate details.

The story is emotionally resonant, delving into themes of loss, friendship, and hope, creating an immersive experience for players.

Players have praised the fluidity and responsiveness of the gameplay mechanics as they navigate through diverse landscapes filled with vibrant colours and mesmerising visual effects.

Criticism for occasional bugs and glitches

While Ori and the Will of the Wisps has been widely lauded for its gameplay, visuals, and narrative depth, there have been some criticisms regarding occasional bugs and glitches. These issues occasionally interrupt the gameplay experience and may require restarting levels or sections of the game.

Despite a generally smooth performance, these technical hiccups can be frustrating for players seeking an uninterrupted immersion in the emotional journey offered by the game.

However, it’s worth noting that Moon Studios is dedicated to addressing these concerns through regular updates and patches aimed at improving stability. Additionally, community feedback has played a vital role in identifying and resolving these issues promptly.


In conclusion, Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a poignant platformer that excels in gameplay, visuals, and emotional storytelling, making it a must-play for fans of the genre. To delve deeper into the immersive world of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, be sure to read our full blog post.

Final thoughts on Ori and the Will of the Wisps

Ori and the Will of the Wisps delivers an emotionally immersive experience, combining stunning visuals, poignant storytelling, and polished gameplay mechanics. As players explore the expansive world beyond Nibel forest, they are treated to a journey that skillfully balances challenge with fluidity.

The game’s emotional depth is evident in its themes of loss, grief, and friendship, which resonate strongly throughout the narrative. Furthermore, Gareth Coker’s exceptional score adds another layer of depth to this already captivating adventure.

Overall, Ori and the Will of the Wisps stands as a significant achievement in platforming and Metroidvania genres. Its seamless blend of exploration, engaging storyline twists, and impactful character development make it a must-play for both ardent fans of these genres and newcomers looking for a moving gaming experience.

Recommendation for fans of the platforming genre.

After experiencing the emotional journey and excellence in platforming that Ori and the Will of the Wisps offers, it’s clear that this game is a must-play for fans of the platforming genre.

The game not only showcases challenging and fluid gameplay but also presents a larger and more diverse world to explore, providing an immersive experience that truly sets it apart from other platformers.

With its poignant narrative, emotional depth, stunning visuals, and impeccable sound design, Ori and the Will of the Wisps delivers a gaming experience that is both captivating and rewarding.

Gamers who appreciate spirituality in video games will find themselves deeply immersed in the themes of loss, grief, friendship, and personal growth explored throughout this title.


1. What is Ori and the Will of the Wisps?

Ori and the Will of the Wisps is an engaging platformer game that takes you on a heartfelt adventure through a magical forest.

2. Can I play Ori and the Will of the Wisps on my console?

Yes, you can enjoy playing Ori and the Will of the Wisps on various gaming consoles for an immersive experience.

3. What makes Ori and the Will of the Wisps stand out as a platformer?

The game stands out due to its poignant storytelling, enchanting music, stunning visuals, and fluid gameplay mechanics.

4. Is Ori and the Will of the Wisps suitable for younger players?

Absolutely! Younger players will find that Ori and The Will Of The Wisps offers accessible yet challenging fun with its captivating story and vibrant world.

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