MXM: A Closer Look At NCSoft’s Multiplayer Online Battle Arena63.

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Have you ever found yourself pondering the fate of MXM, NCSoft‘s bold foray into the bustling MOBA arena? It’s a curiosity that we share and have decided to delve into – exploring why this free-to-play venture, Master X Master, was met with such a fleeting lifespan amidst giants like League of Legends.

Join us on this insightful expedition; there are intriguing discoveries to be made!

Key Takeaways

  • NCSoft, known for games like Lineage and Guild Wars, launched MXM to break into the MOBA market but struggled due to stiff competition from established titles.
  • MXM featured unique gameplay mechanics such as dual character control and combined elements of PvE with PvP, aiming to offer a fresh experience in the MOBA genre.
  • Despite its innovative approach, MXM faced closure due to a low player base, financial challenges and fierce competition from games like League of Legends and Dota 2.
  • The game’s shutdown was met with disappointment from its community who had appreciated MXM’s distinct features and hoped for its future revival.
  • Insights from MXM’s journey highlight that new entries in the competitive gaming market must constantly innovate and engage their audience to succeed.

Background of NCSoft and MXM MOBA

NCSoft, a South Korean video game developer and publisher, has a history of creating popular games like Lineage and Guild Wars. They ventured into the MOBA market with MXM, a free-to-play multiplayer online battle arena game that aimed to compete with titles like League of Legends and Dota 2.

NCSoft’s history and games

NCSoft stands tall as a powerhouse in the world of online gaming, having launched multiple successful titles since its inception in 1997. From the epic fantasy realms of Lineage to the sci-fi adventures of WildStar, they’ve carved out a name for themselves in creating immersive experiences.

Their portfolio boasts a variety of genres catering to different player tastes and preferences, ensuring that there is something for everyone.

Diving into the competitive realm of MOBAs, NCSoft unveiled MXM (Master X Master) as their unique take on this popular genre. MXM offered an innovative blend of classic MOBA gameplay with distinctive features like character swapping mid-battle, aiming to shake up the standard formula.

While it did not manage to surpass giants such as League of Legends or Dota 2 in popularity, it showcased NCSoft’s willingness to innovate and push boundaries within the MOBA market.

As we analyse this market further, let’s explore what made MXM stand apart from others and why despite its fresh approach it struggled within this highly competitive scene.

MOBA market analysis

As we dive into the MOBA market analysis, it’s essential to understand the landscape that NCSoft’s MXM entered. The MOBA genre is fiercely competitive, with titans like League of Legends and Dota 2 leading the pack. MXM aimed to carve a niche within this space but faced an uphill battle. The market is not only crowded but also incredibly loyal to established franchises, making it difficult for newcomers to secure a foothold.

MOBA Market CharacteristicDetails
CompetitionDominated by League of Legends and Dota 2
New EntrantsStruggle due to strong loyalty and established communities
Player ExpectationsHigh; driven by quality content and frequent updates
Revenue ModelMostly free-to-play with in-game purchases
Success FactorsInnovative gameplay, unique features, strong community engagement
Barriers to EntryHigh development costs, need for continuous updates, marketing
Market GrowthSteady, with potential in esports and streaming
Key to LongevityPlayer retention through regular updates and community building

We acknowledge the challenges in this dynamic market and recognise the need for a unique approach to succeed. Despite the closure of MXM, we continue to learn from the industry and strive to adapt our strategies for future projects.

The Development and Launch of MXM

NCSoft began developing MXM in response to the growing popularity of MOBAs in the gaming market. They focused on creating unique features and mechanics that set MXM apart from other games in the genre, with a strong emphasis on competitive gameplay and team strategies.

The game was launched after extensive testing and refinement, attracting attention from both casual and professional players within the gaming community.

Timeline of development

NCSoft began developing MXM, a multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) game, to compete with popular titles like League of Legends and Dota 2. The game was initially released as free-to-play, allowing players to engage in competitive multiplayer battles from the start. The development continued, and MXM introduced a unique gameplay experience by combining elements of different genres. NCSoft also focused on creating a diverse roster of characters for players to choose from, adding depth to the gaming experience.

  • As part of the development process, NCSoft implemented various features and mechanics to enhance gameplay and provide a distinctive MOBA experience.
  • The company continuously worked on refining the game’s design, balancing character abilities, and creating an engaging environment for PvP battles.
  • Throughout the development timeline, NCSoft aimed to capture the attention of both seasoned MOBA players and newcomers to the genre.
  • Updates were made to improve game performance, address community feedback, and maintain a competitive edge in the evolving gaming industry.
  • The final stages of development involved testing and optimising the game for release as NCSoft sought to establish MXM as a prominent player in the MOBA market.

Features and mechanics

MXM was designed with an array of unique features and mechanics to differentiate itself from other MOBAs. The game combined traditional MOBA gameplay elements with a distinctive twist, allowing players to control two characters simultaneously in combat.

This dual character control system offered a fresh and dynamic approach to strategic battles, providing gamers with the opportunity to experiment and strategise using different character combinations.

In addition, MXM featured a diverse roster of characters drawn from various NCSoft games, presenting players with an extensive selection of heroes to master and wield on the battlefield.

The game’s mechanics also incorporated PvE elements into its PvP-focused gameplay, introducing cooperative missions that allowed players to team up against AI-controlled enemies in challenging scenarios.

These unique features aimed at offering a multi-faceted gaming experience by blending competitive PvP action with engaging PvE content. Moreover, MXM adopted a free-to-play model that permitted accessibility for all types of players without any pay-to-win aspects.

Reasons for MXM’s Closure

MXM’s closure can be attributed to low playerbase and revenue, as well as competition from other popular MOBA games in the market. Additionally, mismanagement and lack of updates also played a role in the decision to shut down the game’s servers.

Low playerbase and revenue

MXM’s low playerbase and revenue were key factors contributing to its closure. The game failed to gain significant traction and struggled to attract a large player community, leading to challenges in generating sustainable revenue.

This lack of engagement ultimately impacted the game’s financial viability, prompting NCSoft to make the decision to shut down MXM’s servers in January.

The competitive nature of the MOBA market, dominated by established titles like League of Legends and Dota 2, further intensified the struggle for MXM. Despite efforts to offer a unique gameplay experience, MXM faced tough competition that limited its ability to secure a strong foothold in the industry.

Competition from other MOBAs

A crowded market dominated by popular MOBAs like League of Legends and Dota 2 posed a significant challenge for MXM. These established giants already had large player bases and dedicated communities, making it tough for new entrants to gain traction.

Additionally, the competitive gaming landscape required constant updates, engaging marketing efforts, and innovative gameplay to stand out. The closure of MXM highlights the fierce competition faced by new MOBAs when trying to carve a space among established titles.

Despite NCSoft’s best efforts, the game struggled to establish itself in this highly competitive environment.

Mismanagement and lack of updates

NCSoft’s decision to shut down MXM has been attributed to mismanagement and a lack of updates. The game failed to keep up with the fast-changing demands of the market due to infrequent patches and improvements, leaving players feeling unsatisfied and disengaged.

This, combined with internal issues within the development team, resulted in a decline in player interest and ultimately led to the game’s closure. The inability to adapt and provide consistent updates put MXM at a disadvantage against its competitors, further contributing to its downfall.

Moving forward from these challenges, it is imperative for developers in the gaming industry to prioritise effective management practices while consistently providing timely updates for their games.

Community and Fan Reactions

The community and fans reacted with disappointment and frustration to the news of MXM’s closure, expressing their hopes for a future revival of the game.

Disappointment and frustration

Players and fans expressed disappointment and frustration following the announcement of MXM’s closure. The online gaming community voiced their discontent, citing the game’s unique features, diverse character roster, and potential for a fresh take on the MOBA genre.

Many players had invested time and resources into the game, making its shutdown particularly disheartening. Additionally, some expressed frustration with NCSoft’s decision-making process and hoped for a revival or continuation of MXM in some form.

The closure also sparked conversations among industry experts about the challenges faced by developers when entering a saturated market dominated by established giants like League of Legends and Dota 2.

Hopes for future revival

Players eagerly anticipate a potential revival for MXM. The game’s closure has sparked discussions about the possibility of a relaunch or reimagining, with many expressing optimism about its future.

Enthusiasts and industry experts alike are hopeful that NCSoft may reassess their strategies and make a comeback, leveraging the lessons learned from MXM’s initial run to create an improved gaming experience.

The community remains optimistic about the prospect of MXM returning in some capacity. This sentiment is driven by a desire to see the game reach its full potential and gain recognition in the competitive MOBA market.

Conclusion and Future Predictions

The closure of MXM by NCSoft highlights the cutthroat nature of the MOBA market. Despite its unique gameplay and diverse character roster, MXM struggled to compete with established giants like League of Legends and Dota 2.

This serves as a reminder of the gaming industry’s unpredictability, where even well-funded projects can falter. Looking ahead, future developers entering the MOBA arena will need to navigate fierce competition and find innovative ways to capture players’ interest.


1. What is MXM by NCSoft?

MXM, short for Master X Master, is NCSoft’s multiplayer online battle arena game that combines a free-to-play model with player versus player (PvP) action in a dynamic video game setting.

2. Can you play MXM against other players?

Yes, MXM focuses on the player versus player experience where gamers can challenge each other in thrilling matches within the MOBA format.

3. Why did NCSoft decide to shut down MXM?

NCSoft decided to shut down MXM due to various factors such as game development challenges and market competition from similar games created by companies like Riot Games.

4. Is it possible to still play MXM after it was shutdown?

Unfortunately, since NCSoft has shut down the servers for MXM, players are no longer able to access or play this multiplayer online battle arena game.

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