Don’t Starve Together: Surviving the Wilderness with Friends

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   What is Esports? Team   What is Esports? Team  

Embarking on the perilous journey into the wilds of “Don’t Starve Together” alongside your mates can often seem a daunting endeavour. We’ve all faced our fair share of trials and tribulations, battling to prevail in the face of such unyielding conditions, only to find that unity is undoubtedly our strongest asset when it comes to surviving this relentless game.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll equip you with vital tactics for collective endurance, ensuring that your band remains steadfast through both prosperity and hardship. Prepare yourselves to tackle the untamed wilderness as one!

Key Takeaways

  • Teamwork is essential in Don’t Starve Together; players should divide tasks based on individual strengths, cooperate to gather resources, and support one another against in-game threats.
  • Organisation improves efficiency; using storage solutions such as chests to manage resources and crafting items strategically can enhance the chances of survival.
  • Specialised roles and spreading out across the map allow for more effective resource gathering and exploration but staying aware of hostile creatures is vital to team safety.
  • Preparing for changes in seasons, particularly winter, by stockpiling resources, building shelter, farming strategically, and managing food supplies ensures a stable base camp.
  • Embracing thrifty habits helps conserve valuable materials while prototyping new recipes leads to technological advancements that aid survival efforts.

Basic Survival Strategies for Don’t Starve Together

Team up with friends to share tasks and resources, specialise in different areas, spread out to cover more ground, utilise chests for storage, beware of enemies and befriend monsters for help.

And these strategies are crucial for surviving the wilderness in Don’t Starve Together.

Team up with friends

In “Don’t Starve Together,” sticking with pals turns the challenge of survival into a shared adventure. We pool our strengths and cover one another’s weaknesses, strategically dividing duties to make quick work of gathering resources, crafting necessary tools, and building a robust base.

Each friend brings unique skills to the table—maybe one’s great at foraging while another excels in combat—making our collective ability to endure the harsh wilderness that much stronger.

Cooperative gameplay is not just about division of labour; it’s an opportunity for laughter and memorable moments amidst the struggle against nature’s unforgiving elements. Reviving fallen comrades becomes possible as we rally together.

With friends by our side, tackling towering monsters or navigating treacherous terrain feels less daunting—and victory more rewarding. The game nudges us towards teamwork; after all, braving the wild solo is tough but with allies, even desert oases become attainable havens.

Specialise tasks

To survive in the wilderness of “Don’t Starve Together,” it’s essential to specialise tasks within your group. Assigning specific roles based on each player’s strengths and abilities can greatly improve your team’s efficiency.

For example, one player might focus on gathering resources like wood and food, while another could be responsible for crafting tools and structures. By dividing tasks, you can ensure that all aspects of survival are covered, allowing your group to thrive in the challenging wilderness.

Additionally, delegating responsibilities can also lead to a more balanced distribution of workload among players, preventing any individual from becoming overwhelmed or overburdened with tasks.

Spread out

To ensure efficient resource gathering and exploration, it’s vital for players to spread out across the map while playing Don’t Starve Together. This strategy allows us to cover more ground, discover new areas, and collect different types of resources simultaneously.

By splitting up tasks and searching in different directions, we can maximise our productivity and increase the chances of finding valuable items that will aid in our survival.

Furthermore, spreading out helps us gain a better understanding of the surroundings and locate potential base camp locations. It also provides opportunities to encounter various creatures, gather food from diverse sources, and find strategic spots for setting up additional camp sites or resource collection points.

Utilise chests

To store and organise valuable items, utilise chests in “Don’t Starve Together.” This helps in keeping the base camp tidy and easily accessible. With different types of chests available, such as ice boxes for food preservation and backpacks for mobile storage, players can efficiently manage their resources without cluttering the surroundings.

By placing chests strategically near work stations or areas with frequent activity, players can save time and effort while gathering and crafting necessary supplies.

A team should establish a designated chest area within the base camp to ensure everyone knows where to access essential items. Additionally, labelling or colour-coding chests can aid in quick identification of stored resources when venturing out into the wilderness or during emergencies.

Beware of enemies

When playing “Don’t Starve Together,” players need to be cautious of the various enemies that lurk in the wilderness. Hostile creatures such as spiders, hounds, and giants can pose a serious threat to survival.

It’s crucial to stay vigilant and prepare for potential encounters by crafting weapons, setting up defensive structures, and developing combat strategies. Additionally, working together with friends can significantly increase the chances of fending off enemy attacks and protecting the group from harm.

Players should also be aware of non-hostile creatures that can turn hostile if provoked or approached carelessly. For example, befriending pigs or beefalo can provide valuable resources and support but mishandling these interactions may result in unexpected aggression from these neutral entities.

Befriend monsters

In “Don’t Starve Together,” befriending monsters can be a game-changing strategy for survival. By giving certain creatures food or specific items, they can become allies and help in various ways, from defending the base to providing resources.

For example, Spiders can be given meat to produce loyal spider companions that will fight by your side. Befriending monsters adds an exciting layer of gameplay and assistance in tackling the challenges of surviving the wilderness.

The game’s unique mechanic allows players to turn enemies into allies, creating opportunities for teamwork and cooperation with unlikely creatures. The ability to befriend monsters offers a fresh perspective on survival strategy and opens up new possibilities for navigating the untamed environment together with friends.

Tips for a Stable Base Camp

Choosing the right location for your base camp is crucial for your survival. Utilise prototyping to unlock new crafting recipes and be mindful of resources to ensure a stable and sustainable base.

Location is key

Choosing the right location for your base camp is crucial in “Don’t Starve Together.” Proximity to essential resources, such as food, water, and materials, can significantly impact your survival.

Scout out areas with a mix of flora and fauna to ensure well-rounded sustenance. Additionally, consider a defensible position that’s not too far from vital spots but provides security against enemies.

When establishing your base camp, opt for terrains offering strategic advantages such as natural barriers like rocks or water bodies that can hinder enemy attacks. This careful selection ensures a safe haven where you can thrive while exploring the wilderness and facing its challenges head-on.

Utilise prototyping

To ensure a stable base camp and facilitate survival in the game, we recommend utilising prototyping. By experimenting with different combinations of resources at the science machine or alchemy engine, players can unlock new crafting recipes.

This allows for the creation of more advanced tools and structures which are essential for long-term survival. Moreover, prototyping enables players to discover innovative solutions and adaptations that will benefit their team’s progression in the wilderness.

By embracing prototyping as a fundamental gameplay mechanic, players can effectively expand their capabilities within the game, leading to greater efficiency in resource management and heightened chances of success when facing various challenges across Don’t Starve Together’s immersive world.

Be mindful of resources

To ensure our survival in the wilderness, it’s crucial to be mindful of resources. We must carefully manage our food, tools, and materials to sustain ourselves and thrive in this challenging environment.

Conserving resources and planning ahead will help us avoid shortages and keep our base camp running smoothly. Additionally, we need to communicate with our team to ensure everyone is aware of the available resources and their intended uses.

By working together efficiently, we can maximise the potential of each resource while minimising waste.

When exploring the wilderness, gathering essential items such as food, wood, and stone becomes a priority. These resources are vital for crafting tools, building shelter, and maintaining our health throughout our journey.

As we progress through the game’s challenges and adventures with friends by our side, being vigilant about managing these fundamental supplies will be key to thriving in this unforgiving landscape.

Keep track of days

One crucial aspect of survival in Don’t Starve Together is to keep track of the passing days. By monitoring the in-game calendar, players can anticipate events and weather changes, enabling them to prepare adequately for upcoming challenges.

Keeping a close eye on the days also helps in planning food supplies, resource gathering, and base defence strategies, ensuring that the team stays ahead of potential threats. Additionally, tracking time allows players to stay organised and prioritise essential tasks effectively.

By mastering this skill of monitoring time in the game, players can proactively manage their resources and increase their chances of long-term survival. With careful attention to the passage of days, teams can adapt to changing conditions and plan accordingly for future adventures in Don’t Starve Together.

Surviving the First Month

In the first month of Don’t Starve Together, it’s crucial to prioritise survival basics and be prepared for any challenges that may come your way. This includes gathering resources, establishing a stable base camp, and developing thrifty habits to ensure sustainability in the wilderness.

First things first

When beginning the game, it’s important to strategise and prioritise survival tasks. Setting up a base camp and gathering essential resources should be your first focus. It’s crucial to work together with your team from the start, assigning roles and sharing responsibilities for an efficient start in the wilderness mode.

Keeping track of days is vital for planning and preparing for upcoming challenges, while also being mindful of potential threats in the environment.

Implementing thrifty habits early on can set you up for success later in the game. Utilising chests to store supplies will help keep your inventory organised and prevent loss due to unforeseen circumstances.

Be prepared

Prepare for survival by equipping yourselves with essential tools and resources. Ensure that everyone in the team has a specific role or task to tackle, from gathering food and resources to constructing a base camp.

By strategising and delegating tasks accordingly, we can effectively utilise our strengths to thrive in the wilderness. Keep an eye out for potential dangers such as predators and hostile creatures; teamwork is crucial for fending off these threats and keeping each other safe.

Let’s delve into basic survival strategies that will aid us in manoeuvring through the unforgiving terrain of “Don’t Starve Together” as a cohesive unit.

Strategies for the first few nights

As we begin our survival journey in Don’t Starve Together, it’s crucial to have a solid plan for the first few nights. Here are some essential strategies to help you navigate through the initial challenges:

  1. Gather resources such as twigs, grass, and flint to craft basic tools and a campfire for nighttime safety.
  2. Explore the surrounding area to familiarise yourself with your surroundings and locate valuable resources like food sources and potential base locations.
  3. Begin setting up a basic campsite, including a fire pit, science machine, and chests for storing items.
  4. Keep an eye on your hunger level and make sure to gather food sources like berries or carrots to keep yourself fed throughout the night.
  5. Be cautious of hostile creatures that emerge at night and avoid confrontations until you’re adequately prepared to defend yourself.
  6. Plan your activities wisely by balancing resource gathering, crafting essentials, and exploring the wilderness to maximise your productivity during the limited daylight hours.
  7. Coordinate tasks with your teammates to cover essential needs such as gathering food, building shelter, and scouting the area for potential threats.

Thrifty habits

To survive in the game, we should adopt thrifty habits. It’s essential to gather and utilise resources wisely to avoid running out of supplies. Keeping our base camp organised by using chests will help us manage items efficiently.

Additionally, utilising prototype machines helps conserve resources as they allow us to experiment with crafting without wasting valuable materials. When gathering food and other essentials, it’s crucial to be mindful of the surroundings so that we can make the most out of what nature has to offer.

By practising these thrifty habits, we can ensure that our team is well-prepared for any challenges that come our way in the wilderness. Furthermore, being resourceful allows us to thrive even with limited supplies and ensures a more sustainable survival experience for all players involved.

Preparing for Winter

Building shelter, gathering resources, basic farming, and using fodder are essential steps in preparing for the harsh winter months ahead. Read on to discover how to survive the wilderness with friends in Don’t Starve Together!

Building shelter

To survive in the harsh wilderness of Don’t Starve Together, building a shelter is crucial. We must ensure our safety and protection from the elements and enemies that lurk in the game.

A secure and well-constructed shelter provides us with a safe place to rest, regroup, and plan our next moves. By gathering resources such as wood, grass, and stone, we can construct walls, a roof, and other essential structures to create a sturdy base camp.

As we gather resources for our shelter, it’s important to consider its location carefully – finding an area close to vital resources while also being easily defendable is key. Moreover, as we progress through the game’s days and nights cycle relentlessly impacting gameplay dynamics — including temperature — creating shelters becomes pivotal for long-term survival.

Gathering resources

  1. Scout the area for basic resources like twigs, grass, and flint to create essential tools such as axes and pickaxes.
  2. Explore different biomes to gather specific resources such as rocks, gold nuggets, and nitre, which are vital for advanced crafting and base building.
  3. Utilise renewable resources like berry bushes, saplings, and grass tufts near the base camp for a steady supply of food and materials.
  4. Keep an eye out for rare resources like gears from clockwork monsters or blueprints hidden in ruins to unlock advanced technologies and structures.
  5. Utilise backpacks and chests to store excess resources efficiently, allowing for more productive resource gathering trips without inventory constraints.
  6. Use traps and hunting techniques to gather meat from animals like rabbits or birds to diversify the food sources available at the base camp.
  7. Work together with teammates to divide resource – gathering tasks effectively, ensuring a balanced distribution of efforts across different necessities.

Basic farming

After gathering resources, players can explore basic farming strategies to ensure a stable source of food and resources. Farming in “Don’t Starve Together” involves planting seeds, cultivating crops, and managing farm plots strategically.

It is essential for players to keep an eye on the seasons as certain crops thrive in specific weather conditions. Additionally, composting spoiled food into fertiliser can significantly improve crop yield and sustainability in the wilderness.

Incorporating farming into gameplay provides a renewable source of nourishment amidst the challenging environment. Players should also consider experimenting with different plant varieties and arrangements to maximise productivity and balance their survival efforts effectively.

Use fodder

When preparing for winter in Don’t Starve Together, utilising fodder is crucial for the survival of your team. Fodder can be used to feed and breed various farm animals, providing a sustainable source of food throughout the harsh winter months.

By planting crops such as grass, twigs, and berry bushes near your base camp, you can ensure a steady supply of fodder for both domesticating animals and sustaining your own hunger needs.

Additionally, creating a dedicated area for farming will allow players to harvest and replant fodder efficiently.

Incorporating fodder into your base camp’s resources not only guarantees a stable source of sustenance but also contributes to the overall self-sufficiency of the team. Establishing effective farming methods may require some initial investment but ultimately serves as an essential component for long-term survival in the untamed wilderness while playing Don’t Starve Together.

Working Together to Survive

Dealing with the elements and coordinating tasks are essential for survival in Don’t Starve Together. Advancing to new levels and achieving success in the game requires teamwork and collaboration among players.

Dealing with the elements

When facing the elements in Don’t Starve Together, it’s crucial to adapt and prepare for diverse weather conditions. From scorching heat in the desert to freezing temperatures in the snow biome, players need to equip themselves with appropriate clothing and gear.

Ensuring access to shelter and crafting items like thermal stones or umbrellas becomes indispensable for survival.

Coordinating with teammates is essential for dividing tasks such as gathering resources or building structures, ensuring that everyone remains productive even when battling harsh weather conditions.

By working together effectively, players can strategise their approach to tackle the challenges posed by varying elements throughout their adventure.

Coordinating tasks

Coordinating tasks is essential in Don’t Starve Together. Each player should take on specific roles to ensure the group’s survival. Assigning responsibilities such as gathering resources, building shelter, and foraging for food helps to streamline efforts and keep everyone organized.

By dividing tasks based on each player’s strengths and expertise, the team can efficiently tackle challenges and thrive in the wilderness.

Players must communicate effectively when coordinating tasks. Clear communication about individual roles, resource needs, and potential threats fosters a cohesive approach to survival.

Advancing to new levels

To advance to new levels in Don’t Starve Together, players can explore undiscovered areas, expand their resources, and unlock new crafting recipes. This progression allows players to access more challenging environments and face tougher enemies.

By working together with friends, we can tackle these obstacles and discover hidden secrets within the game world. With strategic coordination of tasks and efficient resource management, we can progress through the adventure mode of the game.

As we advance to new levels in Don’t Starve Together, it’s essential for us to adapt our survival strategies and base-building techniques to meet the increasing demands of the wilderness.

Tips for success in Don’t Starve Together

  1. Coordinate tasks efficiently with your friends to ensure that everyone is contributing to the survival of the group.
  2. Utilise the unique abilities of different characters when selecting your team to enhance your chances of thriving in the wilderness.
  3. Establish a stable and strategically located base camp to serve as a safe haven for your team.
  4. Always be mindful of your resources and make sure to gather and store them effectively for future use.
  5. Work together to build advanced structures and technologies, such as farms and science machines, to aid in your survival efforts.
  6. Keep an eye on the game’s day – night cycle, as well as the changing seasons, and adjust your strategies accordingly.
  7. Develop thrifty habits by being mindful of resource management and avoiding unnecessary waste.
  8. Focus on establishing beneficial relationships with creatures in the game, such as befriending monsters, to gain allies in the wilderness.
  9. Explore the map thoroughly to uncover valuable resources, new potential base camp locations, and uncover hidden secrets that can aid in your survival journey.


In conclusion, surviving the wilderness in Don’t Starve Together requires teamwork and strategic thinking. Players must work together to gather resources, build a stable base camp, and prepare for the challenges that lie ahead.

By utilising their unique abilities and coordinating tasks effectively, players can thrive in this cooperative multiplayer survival game. With careful planning and cooperation, players can triumph over the wilderness and enjoy the adventure with friends by their side.


1. What is Don’t Starve Together: Surviving the Wilderness with Friends?

Don’t Starve Together: Surviving the Wilderness with Friends is a multiplayer game where players work together to survive in an open-world, crafting resources, managing supplies, and building bases.

2. How does playing with friends improve survival in Don’t Starve Together?

Playing with friends boosts chances of survival as you can share strategies and tactics for base-building, resource management, and exploring new areas within the game’s desert oasis and beyond.

3. Can you revive your character in this multiplayer wilderness survival game?

Yes! In this cooperative gameplay experience, teammates have methods to revive each other which helps you continue your adventure after defeat.

4. What tips would help beginners starting out in Don’t Starve Together?

Beginners should follow a progression checklist that includes learning basics of crafting, gathering resources quickly, understanding how to manage hunger levels effectively and staying safe from dangers lurking around every corner.

5. Are there any specific team survival strategies for progressing through Don’t Starve Together?

Effective team survival strategies include communicating well with your group during exploration and adventure sessions- assigning roles based on strengths for efficient strategy development when facing challenges within the harsh environment of Oasis Desert or elsewhere.

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