Conan Unconquered: Defending Civilization Against the Barbaric Hordes

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Are you on the lookout for a truly epic strategy game brimming with unyielding action and demanding challenges? The quest is familiar, isn’t it? In pursuit of that perfect title to put our strategic prowess through its paces.

Enter Conan Unconquered – a survival RTS crafted by the talented team at Petroglyph. This gem throws you into fierce battles against relentless hordes of brutish adversaries in nail-biting combat situations.

Fear not, for our guide has every tip and trick up its sleeve to ensure your victory against the marauding forces. Steady yourself; the clarion call to battle resounds!

Key Takeaways

  • Conan Unconquered is a survival real – time strategy game where players must build and defend a stronghold against barbarian hordes.
  • Players can command legendary heroes like Conan with unique abilities to turn the tide in battles and explore the environment for resources and threats.
  • The game presents various challenges such as disease, fire and enemy attacks that require strategic resource management and quick decision-making for survival.
  • Multiplayer co – op mode allows players to team up, share tasks, strategise together, and face even more formidable enemies in defending their civilisation.
  • The latest update introduces tougher adversaries, new building options, additional legendary heroes, enhancing gameplay strategies and challenging players further.

The Gameplay of Conan Unconquered

Building a stronghold and assembling an army are key elements in Conan Unconquered, as players must defend their base against the barbaric hordes. Controlling legendary heroes adds another layer of strategy to the gameplay.

Building a stronghold

In Conan Unconquered, establishing a formidable stronghold forms the backbone of our survival strategy. We must design and fortify our base to withstand the relentless onslaught of enemy forces.

  • Choose a strategic location for our fortress, considering access to resources like wood and stone essential for construction and upgrades.
  • Construct defensive walls quickly; these are vital in keeping barbarian marauders and monstrous creatures at bay.
  • Erect towers equipped with archers or siege weapons to rain destruction upon any attackers daring to approach our defences.
  • We set up gates that can open to allow our own forces out but can be shut tight against intruders during blood and battle.
  • Develop resource – generating buildings inside the safety of our walls to ensure a steady supply chain for continued expansion and military might.
  • Train units skilled in combat – from foot soldiers to cavalry – ready to deploy at a moment’s notice for defending base perimeters or launching counterattacks.
  • Upgrade existing structures, adding layers of protection and advanced capabilities as we prepare for larger waves of adversaries threatening civilisation.
  • Implement traps and barriers around the perimeter, slowing down enemy advances and causing chaos among their ranks before they even reach our walls.
  • Safeguard against internal dangers such as disease by maintaining high cleanliness standards within living quarters and ensuring we have robust healthcare facilities.
  • Put legendary heroes at strategic points within the stronghold; their unique abilities can turn the tide during critical moments of resistance against monster attacks.

Assembling an army

In Conan Unconquered, players assemble an army to defend their stronghold and conquer enemy forces. They can recruit various units and legendary heroes to join their ranks. Here are the steps to assembling an army:

  1. Recruit Units: Players can recruit a variety of units including archers, infantry, and siege weapon specialists to form a diverse and formidable army.
  2. Command Legendary Heroes: Players have the ability to command powerful legendary heroes such as Conan himself, who possess unique skills and abilities that can turn the tide of battle.
  3. Train and Equip Troops: Players can train their troops in different combat styles and equip them with weapons and armour to enhance their effectiveness in battle.
  4. Coordinate Strategies: Players must strategise the composition of their army, utilising the strengths of each unit type to counter the enemy’s tactics effectively.
  5. Utilise Special Abilities: Each unit and hero has special abilities that players can deploy strategically during confrontations with waves of enemies.

Controlling legendary heroes

Transitioning from assembling an army to controlling legendary heroes, players in Conan Unconquered get the unique opportunity to command powerful and iconic figures from the Conan lore.

As a player, you take charge of these mighty heroes, such as Conan himself, and lead them into battle against the relentless onslaught of enemies. These legendary heroes possess exceptional abilities that can turn the tide of any battle in your favour.

By strategically utilising their special powers and combat skills, players can effectively defend their stronghold and push back the barbaric hordes with unmatched strength and prowess.

Players must carefully manage these legendary heroes in battles, leveraging their individual strengths to maximise their impact on the battlefield. With each hero offering distinct advantages, mastering how to control them is crucial for overcoming waves of enemies seeking to conquer your base.

Challenges in Conan Unconquered

Surviving in the barbaric world of Conan Unconquered presents a variety of challenges, including managing resources to keep your stronghold running and fending off dangers such as disease, fire, and death.

Exploring the environment also poses its own set of obstacles as you navigate through the treacherous landscape.

Resource management

Players need to carefully manage their resources in Conan Unconquered to ensure the survival of their base and armies. Gathering and allocating resources like wood, stone, food, and gold is essential for constructing buildings, recruiting units, and upgrading defenses.

Efficient resource management is crucial for maintaining a sustainable economy while defending against relentless waves of enemies. Without proper resource allocation, players may find themselves overwhelmed by the barbaric hordes and unable to sustain their base’s defenses.

Strategic planning is necessary for balancing production with consumption while expanding the stronghold’s capabilities. Additionally, players must also be prepared to adapt their resource management strategies as they encounter various environmental challenges such as droughts or wildfires that can directly impact available resources.

Surviving dangers such as disease, fire, and death

In Conan Unconquered, players must be prepared to face various dangers that threaten their base and survival. Here are the challenges they need to navigate:

  1. Disease: Players must manage the spread of diseases within their stronghold by providing adequate healthcare and sanitation facilities.
  2. Fire: Protecting the base from fire requires strategic placement of firebreaks and the use of fire-resistant materials in construction.
  3. Death: Managing casualties from battles and ensuring swift reinforcements is crucial for maintaining a strong defense.

Exploring the environment

The game world in Conan Unconquered is filled with dangers and resources waiting to be discovered. Players must strategically explore the environment to gather essential materials for building their stronghold and assembling their army.

As they venture into uncharted territories, they will encounter various obstacles such as disease, fire, and death that threaten their survival. Navigating through this harsh environment requires careful planning and resource management to ensure the success of their civilisation against the barbaric hordes.

In addition to gathering resources, players must scout the environment for potential threats and opportunities. By uncovering hidden areas and exploiting strategic locations, players can gain an advantage over their enemies.

Multiplayer Co-op Mode

In the multiplayer co-op mode, players team up to build strongholds and assemble armies together. This collaborative gameplay adds a new layer of strategy and teamwork as players work towards defending their base against the relentless waves of enemies.

With each player controlling different aspects of base defense and army management, coordination becomes vital for success in this intense survival challenge.

Players face an increased level of difficulty with wave after wave of enemies. The multiplayer co-op mode allows for shared responsibility in resource management, strategic planning, and combating the growing threats from barbarian hordes and monsters.

It offers an exhilarating experience as both novice and expert gamers band together to confront the ever-expanding challenges within Conan Unconquered’s unforgiving world.

The Latest Update for Conan Unconquered

The latest update for Conan Unconquered introduces new challenges and features that enhance the gameplay experience. Players can expect to face tougher adversaries, including more ferocious barbarian hordes and monstrous enemies, ramping up the intensity of defending their stronghold.

Additionally, the update includes new building options and legendary heroes to command, providing players with expanded strategies for survival in this brutal world.

As players engage with the latest update, they will find themselves testing their skills against an even more relentless onslaught of enemies while discovering fresh ways to fortify their stronghold and expand their armies.

The updated content enhances the overall immersion and challenge of Conan Unconquered, offering a thrilling experience for both seasoned strategists and newcomers alike.

Moving forward from these exciting updates, let’s delve into understanding how Conan Unconquered enthralls players through its dynamic multiplayer co-op mode.

Conclusion and Reviews of Conan Unconquered

Prepare for the ultimate challenge in Conan Unconquered. Defend your stronghold against relentless waves of enemies. Experience the fast-paced, intense survival strategy gameplay and fight to protect civilisation.

Join forces with friends in co-op multiplayer mode to build strongholds and assemble armies. Get ready to face the barbaric hordes and monsters – are you unconquerable?.


1. What is Conan Unconquered about?

Conan Unconquered has you building a stronghold to defend your civilisation against the attacks from barbarian hordes and monstrous enemies.

2. How do I keep my city safe in Conan Unconquered?

You must strategically command and control your forces, as well as reinforce your defences by constructing an impregnable stronghold to protect from the invading barbaric world.

3. Can I play Conan Unconquered with friends?

Yes, you can join forces with a friend to build a shared stronghold and fight off the barbarian onslaught together, adding another layer of strategy and fun.

4. Does building a stronger fortress help in Conan Unconquered?

Absolutely! Upgrading your stronghold is crucial for survival as it provides better defence mechanisms against increasingly powerful monster enemies trying to lay waste to your civilisation.

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