Broforce: Explosive 80s Action Nostalgia

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Are you hankering for the sheer adrenaline and grandiose spectacle of classic 80s action films? We completely understand; there’s just something irresistibly captivating about those outlandish explosions and cheeky catchphrases that today’s games seldom seem to replicate.

Thankfully, ‘Broforce’ arrives as a breath of retro air, embodying all the side-scrolling bedlam we used to adore. It tips its hat graciously to a time when action heroes were the kings of Tinseltown.

Brace yourself for an uproarious escapade – this game is quite simply a riotous tribute to yesteryear!

Key Takeaways

  • Broforce rekindles the excitement of 80s and 90s action films, bringing over-the-top explosive gameplay and iconic characters to life in a side-scrolling adventure.
  • The game features a broad selection of ‘bros’, each mirroring famous action heroes with unique abilities, providing diverse playstyles through random character selection.
  • Dynamic battles filled with gunfire, explosions, and destructible environments create unpredictable and thrilling challenges that engage players continuously.
  • By including heroes from various backgrounds, Broforce contributes to ongoing discussions about cultural representation within video games.
  • With its combination of nostalgia, humour, and action – packed gameplay, Broforce has struck a chord with gamers looking for an experience reminiscent of classic action movies while addressing current conversations in gaming culture.

The 80s and 90s Action Movie Nostalgia in Broforce

Broforce captures the explosive gameplay and references to iconic action movies of the 80s and 90s, delivering a nostalgic experience that pays homage to the era while providing an entertaining gaming experience.

With its over-the-top style and tongue-in-cheek humour, Broforce immerses players in a world inspired by classic action flicks.

Explosive gameplay

We dive headfirst into a world where every corner of the screen is a potential fireworks show. With Broforce’s explosive gameplay, we’re talking about near-constant detonations that send enemies flying and terrain crumbling.

It’s akin to the most action-packed scenes from classic 80s blockbusters, except you’re in charge – squeezing the trigger and lobbing grenades with gleeful abandon. This isn’t just shooting; it’s demolishing levels with style.

Every bro brings their brand of chaos to this pixelated battlefield. Unleashing their unique special attacks feels like hitting an over-the-top climax in every fight—whether it’s calling in air-strikes or setting off screen-shaking bomb blasts that would make any action hero nod in approval.

The destruction isn’t just for show either; blasting through walls and floors can create new paths or bury your foes under rubble. Here, maximum freedom means crafting your explosive solutions on the fly while keeping the adrenaline pumping non-stop.

References to iconic action movies

The game “Broforce” references iconic action movies in a variety of ways:

  1. Players can embody characters such as Rambo, RoboCop, and the Terminator, paying homage to these classic action heroes.
  2. The levels in the game are designed to resemble scenes from popular action movies like Die Hard, Predator, and Terminator.
  3. Each character’s special attacks are inspired by the unique abilities and signature moves of famous action stars.
  4. The game captures the over-the-top action sequences found in 80s and 90s action movies, delivering an authentic nostalgic experience.
  5. The plot of “Broforce” draws inspiration from classic action movie storylines, immersing players in a world reminiscent of their favorite films.

The Variety of Characters in Broforce

With its random character selection feature, Broforce offers a diverse representation of iconic action movie heroes from the 80s and 90s. Each character brings their own unique abilities and playstyle to the table, adding an exciting element of unpredictability to the gameplay experience.

Random selection feature

The random selection feature in Broforce adds an element of surprise and excitement to the gameplay. Players are given a new character at the start of each level, allowing them to experience the game from different perspectives and with varying abilities.

This feature not only keeps the game fresh but also encourages players to adapt their strategies based on the character they receive, adding an unpredictable aspect to each playthrough.

The diverse range of characters in Broforce ensures that every player gets a chance to explore various playstyles and discover which character best suits their preferences. This feature contributes significantly to the replay value of the game, making it enjoyable for both casual players and those seeking a challenge.

Diverse representation of action movie heroes

The random selection feature in Broforce ensures that players encounter a diverse representation of action movie heroes. Each character, known as a “bro,” has their own unique special attacks and explosives, providing an eclectic mix of gaming experiences.

From iconic characters inspired by movies such as Rambo and Terminator to lesser-known heroes, the game celebrates the wide range of action movie stars from the 80s and 90s. This diversity adds depth to the gameplay and allows players to embody different personas while navigating through intense battles and explosive mayhem.

Players are immersed in a dynamic world where they can take on various roles, each with its own strengths and abilities. The inclusion of these diverse action movie heroes not only enhances the gameplay experience but also pays homage to the rich tapestry of characters that have graced our screens in classic action movies.

The Gameplay Experience in Broforce

Players can expect dynamic and chaotic battles in Broforce, as they navigate through challenges and obstacles whilst enjoying an action-packed gaming experience. The gameplay is designed to keep players fully engaged and immersed in the explosive 80s action nostalgia.

Dynamic and chaotic battles

Broforce delivers dynamic and chaotic battles that keep players on the edge of their seats. The game offers intense, fast-paced action with nearly unlimited level destruction, featuring plenty of gunfire, explosions, and comic gore.

As players control a succession of characters across levels primarily set in south-east Asia, they experience the adrenaline rush of fighting terrorism while showcasing freedom fighters’ spirit.

The game’s explosive action and nostalgic style create an arcade shooter experience that is both thrilling and challenging.

With an extensive cast of characters known as “bros,” Broforce provides fantastic variety in gameplay. Each character comes with their unique special attacks and explosives, adding to the chaos and excitement of the battles.

Challenges and obstacles

  1. Negotiating treacherous terrain filled with enemy forces and explosives to reach each mission’s endpoint.
  2. Solving puzzle – like scenarios that require strategic thinking and quick reflexes to advance through levels.
  3. Navigating through destructible environments where collapsing structures and environmental hazards pose constant threats.
  4. Overcoming boss fights that demand precise timing and coordination to defeat formidable adversaries.
  5. Adaptation to changing level dynamics such as shifting landscapes, varied weather conditions, and unexpected events that keep the gameplay fresh and unpredictable.
  6. Exploring hidden paths and secret areas that offer valuable rewards while adding an element of discovery to the gameplay experience.
  7. Utilising various character abilities and unique weaponry effectively to overcome diverse challenges within each level.

The Cultural Impact of Broforce

Broforce reflects the current gaming scene by providing a nostalgic and action-packed experience for players. It also sparks important conversations about representation in video games, as it features a diverse cast of characters from iconic action movies.

Reflecting the current gaming scene

Reflecting the current gaming scene, “Broforce” has made a significant impact as a nostalgic and action-packed video game. With its homage to 80s and 90s schlock action movies, the game resonates with gamers who appreciate explosive gameplay and references to iconic action films.

The diverse representation of characters, coupled with their unique special attacks and random selection feature, reflects the cultural shift towards inclusivity in gaming. Moreover, the dynamic and chaotic battles in “Broforce” offer an experience that aligns with the demands of contemporary gamers for immersive and challenging gameplay.

The game’s popularity among fans of the action genre is evidence of its alignment with current gaming preferences. Through sparking conversations about video game representation, “Broforce” has established itself as a relevant player in today’s gaming landscape.

Sparking conversations about video game representation

Players of Broforce have praised the game for its diverse range of characters, which include action movie heroes from various cultural backgrounds. The representation in the game has sparked important discussions about the need for more inclusive and diverse characters in video games.

This has led to a growing awareness about the importance of accurate and respectful portrayal of different cultures within gaming, promoting a more positive and welcoming environment for all players.

The inclusion of characters from different backgrounds not only adds richness to the gameplay experience but also reflects the changing landscape of modern gaming. As players engage with these diverse characters, they are prompted to consider their significance within broader conversations about diversity and representation in popular media.

Conclusion: Broforce as a Nostalgic Ode to 80s Action Movies

Broforce captures the essence of 80s and 90s action movies with explosive gameplay. The diverse cast of characters adds depth and excitement to the gaming experience. Broforce’s dynamic battles and chaotic obstacles immerse players in an action-packed journey through nostalgia.

Reflecting the spirit of the current gaming scene, Broforce sparks conversations about video game representation while offering a thrilling terrorism fight experience.


1. What is Broforce all about?

Broforce brings explosive 80s action nostalgia to life, featuring an array of characters that fight terrorism in a thrilling action-packed game.

2. Why do people enjoy playing Broforce?

People love the thrill of reliving the excitement and variety of the 80s action experience, with its dynamic character line-up and engaging gameplay.

3. Can I play different characters in Broforce?

Absolutely! You get a diverse roster of heroes inspired by 80s figures to choose from, offering various styles and abilities for battling enemies.

4. Is there a lot of action in Broforce like in classic 80s movies?

Yes, indeed! The game captures the essence of 80s nostalgia with non-stop action reminiscent of iconic scenes from that era’s most memorable films.

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