Avorion: Building a Fleet to Conquer the Galaxy

Updated On: February 14, 2024 by   Ciaran Connolly   Ciaran Connolly  

Embarking on a quest to dominate the cosmos can be quite the daunting undertaking, yet it’s one that we approach with an unyielding spirit. In navigating the complex waters of managing a stellar fleet in Avorion, it’s easy to feel rather swamped by the sheer intricacy of the task at hand.

Nevertheless, fret not; as seasoned spacefarers who have journeyed across this celestial expanse ourselves, we’ve collated pearls of wisdom that will undoubtedly light your way to triumph.

Our guide is brimming with practical steps for assembling and captaining a multifaceted armada—a fleet poised to unfurl its banners of dominance throughout the galaxy. Read on for strategies so cunning they’ll propel your campaign for galactic ascendancy into hyperdrive—and all with a touch of human warmth and camaraderie that comes from shared adventures amid the stars.

Key Takeaways

  • Building a well – balanced fleet in Avorion is crucial for success, incorporating mining, combat, salvage, and cargo/market ships to handle different tasks effectively.
  • Players must manage their fleets tactically within sectors and across the galaxy map, making strategic decisions about ship deployment and resource allocation for optimal performance.
  • Crafting turrets and ships tailored to specific roles enhances a fleet’s capabilities while forming production chains ensures a steady supply of necessary resources.
  • Collaborative multiplayer gameplay allows players to team up with others for coordinated efforts in sector management, trading, and battling against powerful adversaries.
  • Adapting your strategy to meet new challenges as they arise in the game is vital; this means constantly upgrading your fleet’s equipment and being ready to change tactics.

What is Avorion?

Avorion is a sandbox game that allows players to build and customise their own fleet of spaceships to explore and conquer the galaxy. With open-world gameplay and player-driven economy, Avorion offers an immersive experience in space exploration and combat.

Overview and gameplay

In the heart of Avorion’s gameplay, we dive into an open-world space exploration where building and customising spaceships is at the core. We navigate through a sandbox universe filled with opportunities to mine for raw materials, engage in epic space combat, and establish powerful production chains.

The ultimate goal pushes us towards the galaxy centre, facing increasingly tough challenges along the way.

We control every aspect of our fleet management from constructing versatile warships equipped with heavy turrets to crafting nimble scouting vessels that chart unknown regions. Our fleets must be diverse to conquer different tasks efficiently; this means deploying mining ships to gather resources while combat ships protect our investments.

As we progress, maintaining a balance between ship construction costs and creating taskforces ready for galactic conquest becomes crucial for our success in Avorion’s sci-fi adventure.

Building a fleet

After understanding the overview and gameplay of Avorion, it’s time to dive into building a fleet. In Avorion, building a diverse and purpose-specific fleet is crucial for success.

Whether it’s mining ships for resource gathering, combat vessels for active income, or scout ships to map the galaxy, each plays a vital role. It’s essential to carefully manage the ship limit in Avorion while considering ship founding costs.

Additionally, players must outfit their fleet with production chains and craft turrets, ships, and stations strategically.

To conquer the galaxy in Avorion, strategic taskforce formation through collaborative multiplayer interaction is key. The game emphasises getting closer to the galaxy centre by efficiently utilising r-mining carriers and factories within a well-managed fleet composition – an important aspect across all difficulty settings in-game.

Fleet Management

When it comes to managing your fleet in Avorion, you’ll need to oversee their activities within sectors and control them through the galaxy map. This includes setting up mining operations, combat patrols, and salvage missions.

In-sector management

In Avorion, managing your fleet within a sector is crucial for success. Here are some key aspects to keep in mind:

  1. Assign specific tasks to each ship based on its strengths and abilities, such as mining, combat, salvage, or trading.
  2. Regularly check and upgrade your ships’ equipment and weapons to ensure they are optimised for their designated tasks.
  3. Monitor your fleet’s health and repair any damaged ships promptly to maintain operational efficiency.
  4. Keep an eye on your ships’ fuel levels and ensure they have enough resources to continue their tasks without interruption.
  5. Strategically position your fleet within a sector to maximise resource gathering or defensive capabilities.
  6. Constantly assess the effectiveness of each ship’s role within the fleet and make adjustments as needed to improve overall performance.
  7. Utilise the galaxy map to plan efficient travel routes and coordinate your fleet’s movements across different sectors.
  8. Stay vigilant against potential threats such as enemy factions or pirate raids, and be prepared to defend or relocate your fleet as necessary.
  9. Coordinate with other players if you are part of a multiplayer game, collaborating on sector management can greatly enhance overall efficiency and effectiveness of the fleet.

Galactic-fleet control through the galaxy map

Navigating the galaxy map allows us to control our fleet’s movement and strategy with precision.

  1. Direct Fleet Movement: We can command our fleet to move to specific sectors on the galaxy map, enabling us to respond quickly to events or threats in different areas of the galaxy.
  2. Strategic Planning: By viewing the entire galaxy on the map, we can plan our fleet’s movements for efficient exploration, resource gathering, and engaging in combat or trading opportunities.
  3. Resource Management: The galaxy map helps us identify sectors rich in resources, allowing us to direct mining and salvage ships to those areas for optimal resource collection.
  4. Defending Territory: Through the galaxy map, we can monitor and protect sectors under our influence from potential threats or hostile forces.
  5. Coordinating Fleets: It enables us to coordinate multiple fleets across various sectors effectively, allowing for strategic collaboration and coordinated attacks or maneuvers.
  6. Discovering New Frontiers: Exploration becomes more manageable as we use the galaxy map to chart new sectors and expand our influence throughout the vast expanse of Avorion’s galaxy.

Types of Ships in a Fleet

From mining ships to combat vessels, each type of ship in your fleet serves a specific purpose. Consider the roles you need to fill and strategically outfit your fleet for success in Avorion.

Mining ships

Mining ships play a crucial role in Avorion, as they are designed to gather resources like ore and materials from asteroids. These ships contribute to the economic success of a player by providing a steady income.

In addition to their role in resource gathering, mining ships can also be outfitted with turrets for self-defence, making them versatile assets within a diverse fleet.

Effective use of mining ships is essential for progressing in the game, especially when aiming to build a strong economic foundation and support other types of specialised vessels.

Combat ships

As we transition from discussing mining ships to exploring combat ships, it’s essential to understand the importance of having a well-balanced fleet in Avorion. Combat ships play a crucial role in defending your resources and expanding your territory.

These specialised vessels are equipped with powerful weapons and defensive systems that make them formidable opponents in battles against pirates and other hostile forces. By integrating combat ships into your fleet, you can not only protect your assets but also engage in lucrative missions that offer substantial rewards.

Incorporating a variety of combat ships tailored for different tasks, such as intercepting enemy vessels or launching large-scale offensives, is key to maintaining dominance throughout the galaxy.

Salvage ships

Continuing our discussion on ship types, salvage ships play a crucial role in Avorion’s galactic conquest. These specialised vessels are equipped to efficiently dissect derelict ships, collecting valuable resources and materials for the player’s fleet.

Salvage ships ensure that no opportunity is missed when it comes to gathering essential components for crafting and trading. Their contribution is instrumental in sustaining a thriving economy within the game, making them an indispensable asset for both novice players seeking resources and expert gamers aiming to dominate the galaxy.

Salvage ships offer not only a means of acquiring vital resources but also serve as a strategic tool for enhancing the overall strength of your fleet. In Avorion, salvaging operations are key to maintaining a steady supply of materials necessary for building new ships or expanding existing ones.

Cargo/market ships

Cargo/market ships play a crucial role in Avorion, facilitating trade and boosting your economy. These ships are designed to transport goods between stations and ensure a steady flow of resources for your fleet.

Equipping them with the right upgrades and turrets can enhance their effectiveness in navigating through different sectors and defending against potential threats.

Utilising cargo/market ships is essential for establishing sustainable production chains, maximising profits from trading, and meeting the demands of various stations across the galaxy.

Outfitting your Fleet

Once you have your fleet, it’s time to outfit them with the best gear and equipment, and we’ll show you how to craft turrets, ships, and stations to enhance their capabilities. Ready to conquer the galaxy? Read more about building a powerful fleet in Avorion!

Building production chains

  1. Establish resource gathering: Start by setting up mining ships to collect raw materials, such as ore or crystals, from asteroids.
  2. Define refining processes: Build refining stations to process the raw materials into usable elements like metal alloys or advanced minerals.
  3. Construct manufacturing facilities: Create factories to turn refined resources into components, such as hull panels, weapons, or turrets for your ships.
  4. Organise logistics: Set up cargo ships to transport resources between your stations and manage their supply and demand effectively.
  5. Expand trade routes: Establish trading outposts at strategic locations in the galaxy to buy and sell goods, expanding your economic influence.
  6. Customise ship equipment: Utilise the production chain to craft specialised turrets and modules for outfitting your fleet with advanced technology.
  7. Monitor efficiency: Regularly assess the needs of your production chain and optimise its layout for maximum output and profitability.
  8. Adapt strategy: Adjust your production chain based on changing market conditions or new opportunities that arise during galactic exploration.

Crafting turrets, ships, and stations

Crafting turrets, ships, and stations is an essential aspect of building a successful fleet in Avorion. Here are some important points to consider when crafting these items:

  1. Customisable Turrets: Players can customise their turrets by fitting different types of ammunition, increasing the effectiveness and versatility of their fleet’s combat capabilities.
  2. Ship Building: Crafting new ships allows players to design vessels tailored to specific tasks such as mining, combat, or salvaging, providing flexibility and efficiency in fleet management.
  3. Station Construction: Building stations enables players to establish bases for resource collection, manufacturing, and trading, contributing to the expansion and sustainability of their fleet operations.
  4. Crafting Materials: Gather resources like iron, titanium, trinium, and xanion from asteroids or combat spoils to craft turrets, ships, and stations for your burgeoning fleet.
  5. Upgrading Equipment: Continuously upgrade your crafted items with better materials and technology to ensure your fleet remains competitive and well-equipped for conquering the galaxy.

Tips for Conquering the Galaxy

Utilise your fleets strategically, collaborate with other players, and adapt to new challenges to conquer the galaxy. Read more for expert tips on how to dominate in Avorion!

Using fleets strategically

To use fleets strategically in Avorion, assess the objectives and challenges ahead. Allocate specific ships for mining, combat, salvage, and trade.

Collaborating with other players

In Avorion, collaborating with other players can significantly enhance the gameplay experience. By forming alliances and coordinating fleet movements, players can overcome challenging obstacles and achieve greater success in conquering the galaxy.

Players can pool their resources to build larger fleets, leverage each other’s expertise to outfit ships more effectively, and strategically divide tasks to efficiently explore and exploit different sectors of the galaxy.

Engaging in trade agreements with other players allows for a mutually beneficial exchange of resources and goods, strengthening both individual fleets while contributing to the overall development of the player-driven economy within the game.

Adapting to new challenges

To conquer the galaxy in Avorion, adapting to new challenges is essential for success. Whether facing hostile factions or encountering resource shortages, flexibility and creativity are key when managing your fleet.

Relying on a diverse set of ships and being prepared to adjust tactics accordingly will enable you to navigate unforeseen obstacles effectively. Embracing innovation in outfitting your fleet with various ship types and weaponry can help you overcome unexpected hurdles as you strive to establish dominance across the galaxies.

In Avorion, players must be adaptable when confronting new challenges by leveraging their resources strategically and embracing unconventional solutions. By collaborating with other players and exploring different gameplay strategies, one can effectively surmount the ever-evolving obstacles presented throughout the game.


In conclusion, building a diverse and purpose-specific fleet is essential for success in Avorion. Players must carefully manage their fleet composition due to the ship limit in the game.

By strategically outfitting and managing their fleets, players can conquer the galaxy and thrive in this interstellar adventure.


1. What can I do in Avorion to conquer the galaxy?

In Avorion, you build and customise your fleet of spaceships, explore an interstellar galactic map, and engage in battles to dominate the galaxy.

2. How does spaceship customisation work in Avorion?

Spaceship customisation in Avorion allows you to design unique ships by choosing different parts and materials that can affect how your fleet performs during interstellar travel.

3. Can I trade with others whilst exploring space in Avorion?

Yes! You can participate in a player-driven economy, where you trade resources and components with other players as you journey across the galactic map.

4. Is travelling through space fast or slow in Avorion?

Travelling across the vastness of space is made faster through sophisticated technology that powers interstellar travel, allowing your fleet to move quickly on the galactic map.

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